Mboi Tu'i

Araophis decimarala

Mboi Tu'i

“ This snake wyvern roams the rainforest in South America as the second creation made by Tau and Kerara. Warned with rattling scales and a beak that crushes wood and metal, wings can glide and fly, unlike the rest of the relatives. No stepping on the ground until this snake attacks you. ”


Scientific Taxonomy & Character Information

Domain: Eukaryota

Kingdom: Animalia

Phylum: Chordata

Class: Reptilia

Order: Squamata

Order: Ophiodraconia

Family: Araophidae

Genius: Araophis

Species: Araophis decimarala

Descendant: ???

Named by: Paolo Bahia

Year Published: 1904

Size: 13.4 m tall in height; 50.3 m in length; wingspan estimate to 56.64 in length; 450 kg in weight

Lifespan: 30+ years



Pantheon: Guarani

Time Period: Eocene - Holocene

Alignment: Bad

Threat Level: ★★★★★★★

Diet: Carnivorous 🥩🐟🥓🦀

Elements: Water

Inflicts: Watered, paralysis, deaf


Casualties: ???

Based On: itself

Conservation Status: Vulnerable (VU) – IUCN Red List

Mboi Tu'i (Araophis decimarala) is the one of the mythical creatures and a guardian, a Snake Wyvern that was introduced in Weather Dragons: The Second Gift and Worldcraft: Trio Origins of LGBT and Nine Realms.


Mbói Tu'i literally translates to "snake-parrot" which describes this creature's appearance.

Physical Appearance

A huge Snake Wyvern called Mboi Tu'i, which is a cross between a macaw and an anaconda, is typically seen in Latin America. Less faded dark brownish green rosettes and spots, fade filled lime green to rosette, hinged spines on shoulders, feather-like scales that are soundproof and waterproof, and a variety of hues, including vermilion, orange, dandelion, lime and green, on the crest, ankles, wings, shoulder pads, and even tail. These scales are regarded as rattling in the manner of maracas and rattlesnakes.


Like Luisõ, the Mboi Tu'i is capable of burrowing underground and attacking unsuspecting enemies or prey from below, and flies. Its fangs can deliver a potent paralyzing venom in order to subdue its opponents if they were to attempt escape from its circling trap attack, and peck at the enemy to suffocate.

The tail plates can be flung at enemies to create a deafening noise, and they can be made to shatter into many pieces through powerful vibrations generated by the plating around Mboi Tu'i body and roars mixed with monitor lizard and macaw's sounds.

These shards will always cause the temporary Stun and Deaf status, unless an appropriate armor skill grants protection against it.

During the near-death experience mode, Mboi Tu'i became so bad, gains a new attack where after roaring, it moves to the side before spinning rapidly, looking as if it has become a miniature tornado, and gains a new attack where it turns digging while leaping and swooping around the arena trying to confuse enemies that about its location. It will eventually reappear and perform a powerful backflip tail slam and leave the scales causing earthquakes and strong sound vibrations causing deaf.


The most significant threats to the survival of Mboi Tu'i include rats, dogs, wolves, weasels, and seals. This is due to the ease with which they can be transported as stowaways on boats and the fact that they frequently are the first alien species to sneakily arrive in new regions, such as Latin America.


Mboi Tu'i is incredibly defensive, stalking intruders and prey under the cover of night or day and picking them off with cunning aggressive strikes with venomous effects with soundproofing scales.

Mboi Tu'i was scared away from Dolores Madrigal, due to the polar opposite.

Distribution and Habitat

Mboi Tu'i was the endemic species to Brazil and nearby countries in South America, the only Snake Wyvern adapted to cold regions and despite the tropical inhabitant.

Mboi Tu'i was located elsewhere in Jejirique, a continent on Planet Reinachos, a part of Constellation Cygnus.


To get on Mboi Tu'i's back, you must wait for it to touch down. Providing Mboi Tu'i with some meat or fish meat will cause it to take off, but don't worry, you won't fall. Now look at the third person. After the initial feeding, wait a little period of time before feeding it once again.

Alternatively, to tame Mboi Tu'i, the survivors must steal their own egg. The snakelet born from these eggs must be given any kind of milk, which can be obtained from a variety of sources.


Mboi Tu'i is the true Snake Wyvern in the series Earth Responsibly universe. Many people, including the Guaranis left the conversation about this animal, it was a very controversial topic about Mboi Tu'i. Project Pashneia, a scientific project by the Terran branch of Deities to construct any animals, monsters, or humans in terms of their own, was used to create Mboi Tu'i at the request of the Guarani god Tau.

Unlike their "relatives" Luisõ and Ao Ao, the Mboi Tu'i hate the House of Braganza, but didn't attack the House of Bourbon and House of Grimaldi, due to the rumors that they are the descendants of Lancelot and Guinevere. The god Tau was in pain because his pet "son" didn't attack Bourbon and Grimaldi families as allies, hostile to Brazilians and not Portuguese people.

Mboi Tu'i was thw main role as antagonist against the odds, transgene ones and transgender with using soundproofing scales and venomous fangs. Unlike the snake wyvern, this animal was rivalling Luisõ and rest of the Brazilian guardians like Mapinguari and others, ran away from Caicai Vilu and later Dolores Madrigal.


Foreign Languages

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