
Pterophis mesopotamica


Kill the snake of doubt in your soul, crush the worms of fear in your heart and mountains will move out of your way. ”

Kate Seredy

Scientific Taxonomy & Character Information

EDomain: Eukaryota

Kingdom: Animalia

Phylum: Chordata

Class: Reptilia

Order: Squamata

Family: Pterophidae

Genius: Pterophis

Species: Pterophis mesopotamica

Descendant: ???

Named by: ???

Year Published: 1993

Size: large


Title: none

Other Name(s)/Alias(es): none


Time Period: Holocene

Alignment: Territorial

Threat Level: ★★★★★★★

Diet: Carnivorous

Elements: Rock, air, dark

Inflicts: Poison

Weaknesses: ???

Casualties: ???

Based On: itself

Conservation Status: Endangered (EN) – IUCN Red List

Bashmu, Basmu, Bašmu, or MUŠ.ŠÀ.TÙR (Pterophis mesopotamica; Akkadian: 𒈲𒊮𒉣𒇬) is one of the mythical creatures and a guardian introduced in Thalath Lakoduna, No Way to Seaway, Weather Dragons, Two Lights, Worldcraft, and Rescris.


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Physical Appearance

Bashmu is a large snake wyvern with six horns at the row of its ears, a long snout with hidden prehensile pits, a forked tongue, and green to lime-colored skin for camouflaging. Their wings are long and wide, open up to 34.5 meters in length, including the long prehensile tail, two legs, and blue-colored eyes with a red iris on the black pupil.


It had "six mouths, seven tongues, and seven... on its belly." Bašmu has powerful poisonous attacks, including from talons, winged fingers, and fangs. This animal was very dangerous, and it was an Elder Dragon-level threat.

This animal had versatile mobility due to triple locomotion between the land, air, and water. This animal was a very good swimmer, using its webbed feet and wiggling itself while swimming.

Weather Phenomenon

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This animal was very dangerous to all, but it was the first ever to be neutral and curious, like a snake, at some point.

Distribution and Habitat

With the exception of Cyprus and Turkiye, bashmu is indigenous to the Fertile Crescent regions. It can also be found in swamps, xeric shrubland, dryland desert, badlands, Mediterranean woods, and oceanic temperatures, as well as in abandoned human and non-human civilizations.


Even though they were the strongest beings in Fertile Crescent, the Bashmu were rendered asleep and tranquilized by gunfire. While they were asleep, they were given either raw or cooked meat and repeatedly overdosed on drugs. Because the survivor is always within 17 radii of the hatching egg, bashmu are quickly tamed when they hatch from an egg.


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Known Individuals


Main Theme Music

Foreign Languages

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