
Nivacaudulpes siberica


“ Couple of the snow foxes in Russia don't exist. ”


Scientific Taxonomy & Character Information

Domain: Eukaryota

Kingdom: Animalia

Phylum: Chordata

Clade: Synapsida

Class: Mammalia

Order: Carnivora

Family: Canidae

Genius: Nivacaudulpes

Species: Nivacaudulpes siberica

Descendant: red fox

Named by: Mikhail Andrei Kovalenko Soyuza

Year Published: 1997

Size: 1.3 meters tall in height; 300 cm in length; 300 kg in weight

Lifespan: 12+ years




Time Period: Pleistocene - Holocene

Alignment: Curious

Threat Level: ★★★★★★

Diet: Omnivorous

Elements: Ice, fae

Inflicts: Iceblight, freezed, slowness

Weaknesses: Fire, rock, metal, poison

Casualties: ???

Based On: itself

Conservation Status: Endangered (EN) – IUCN Red List

Albmansaypo (Nivacaudulpes siberica) is the fictional species of Kumiho introduced in Earth Responsibly. The male Albmansaypo named Morozko for light cyan fur with icicles on their own tail, while the female called Hulda for light blue fur with tailed tipped ice knives.

This species was forbidden by main known historical characters, except for Snegurochka, who predates the Pleistocene according to her.


Albmansaypo is the combination word from Northern Sami for "snowstorm's soap". Albmán' in singular term of first person in possessive word for "snowstorm", and sáippo in genitive word of sáibbo means "it's soap".

In male counterpart (Russian: Морозко) means "frosted" or "Jack Frost". In female counterpart, which is named after "Mother Hulda", not confused with huldra. In Sami language: "ulda" from Norwegian to Scandinavian countries for "secret" to the humankind with a weasel tail.

Physical Appearance

Albmansaypo is actually sexual dimorphism, with feather-like appendages resembles real feathers for detection of against predators and believe that was a descendant of long lost wandering Kumiho. The Morozko Fox have light cyan fur, baby blue eyes, cyan-bluish flame fur on their shoulders and nine tails. The Hulda Fox have light blue fur, silvery blue skin, blue flame fur, and blue tipped on their nine tails.


Albmansaypo is actually very intelligent, and is able to avoid pitfall traps. The Morozko's wind blast are both straight and forward; while the Hulda's wind blast are actually bombarded, and explodes larger than tnt.

Upon the killing of Hulda/Morozko, Hulda/Morozko will appear and roar in despair at the loss of its mate. Causing howling in midnight during full moon causing coating with ice made to act like armor and their tails encased in ice. Some of his/her attacks will become empowered by the Ice element to cause more damage to the hunters, Morozko/Hulda will eventually break the ice off with a howl sending small shards flying away in a spread shot.


Albmansaypos are omnivorous in nature, feeding mainly on fish and other small prey and even pine cones to fruits. These animals are capable predators, they must compete with other large predatory animals from the Korean peninsula to worldwide. As being the result of great longevity or the accumulation of energy, said to be foxes who have lived for hundreds of years (unlike their ancestors), and give them the power of fogging and release the bubbles for mysterious appearance, usually appearing in the form of courtship with tails like peafowls to attract their mate.

It is able to produce the icy bubbles by using special fluid secretions, produced from its own body along with water, and rubbing its hairs and tail in the secretions, it has special hook-like claws from the limbs that allow it to stop sliding quickly to face threats.

The Albmansaypo is almost always treated as a malignant figure who feasts on human flesh, fish liver, sheep’s heart, dog’s brain, dragon’s kidney, tiger’s kidney, pine cones, persimmons, roses, azaleas, any souls and more. Many ancient texts mention the benevolent kumiho assisting humans via negotiating with them.


Both species appear to be stronger than the Kumiho and their relatives. Albmansaypo can also be hunted on its own, this is the only time it separates from its partner. Morozko is male and often found accompanied by its female counterpart the Hulda for their better strategy and tactics in tundra to polar biomes. Unable to make tactics in such as temperate forest, tropical forest, Mediterranean forest, subtropical forest, desert, savanna, non-polar caves, and volcano. Interestingly, rarely strategic locations like the lunar biome actually sucks.

Distribution and Habitat

Albmansaypo's original location is Siberia. Many reports were found in Avalon, Agartha, and Jotunheim before the future. Before being found by Saint Nicholas, the original location was found in Scandinavia to reach the North Pole alongside a polar bear. Because the Albmansaypo depend on the ocean for both their food source and home, they spend the most of their life on the Arctic Ocean's sea ice. Albmansaypo can be found in treeless coastal regions from Scandinavia to Alaska. They have been seen going far out into pack ice in winter. They like tundra habitat, usually close to rocky shorelines.


Albamansaypos are very difficult to tame, instead if your ally was female or male based on the opposite gender side. Kumiho likes badgers, making a sacrificial alternative for Kumiho eaten alive if you have pet badgers of all species (except for badger-weasels and stink badgers, these are not real badgers). Alternatively, can feed the wild Albmansaypo pup by feeding them using fruits or meat.

Main Theme Music

Foreign Languages
