
Heliocococcus pyokai


“ Our microbiologists are finding proof of their exoplanet life—the life hidden in the graveyard stronghold. Life is pure and unpleasant in dishonesty, the microbial mat found by our science, but does it actually make a kind of zombie? ”

unknown author

Scientific Taxonomy & Character Information

Domain: Itciorotya

Kingdom: Itciobacteria

Phylum: incertae sedis

Class: incertae sedis

Order: incertae sedis

Family: Heliocococcidae

Genius: Heliocococcus

Species: Heliocococcus pyokai

Descendant: ???

Named by: ???

Year Published: 2708

Size: ???




Time Period: Holocene

Alignment: Passive

Threat Level: ★★★★★

Diet: ???

Elements: Dark

Inflicts: Bushiguium effect, voodoo effect, zombified

Weaknesses: Fire, water

Casualties: ???

Based On: fictional

Conservation Status: Not Evaluated (NE) – IUCN Red List

Bushiguium, or Bushigium (Heliocococcus pyokai), is one of the fictional species of bacteria introduced in Worldcraft: Dawdled. Bushiguium is the only fictional species of bacteria in the Earth Responsibly universe. Bushiguium is the only one of the extraterrestrial species native to Reinachos.


Bushiguium is derived from the Korean word 부식 (busig), which means "corrosion," causing the cells to corrode into a kind of zombified. Named by some Koreans rather than Catalans.

Physical Appearance

Bushiguium is the tiniest fictionalized bacteria in the Earth Responsibly universe for unknown reasons. Their bodies were only seen with a microscope. Their appearance cleared elongated, golden brownish translucency skin with three appendages as tails, their orange core inside a yellowish nucleus, always having bad bioenergy, causing it to be injected into a zombie. Additional small hairs act like sticks of their own to form a kind of miasmic cloud or microbial mat found in near decomposers.


Although bushiguium can form into clouds or miasmas that are thought to be aquatic or airborne, it cannot die outside of the Lighrupiresal continent. Unless it is reserved outside the continent using a specific container developed by Yautja and other native races in Reinachos, it transforms into addicted or zombieized forms over a longer time span from native species or foreign species that are infected.

One of the samples of Bushiguium was infiltrated by members of the Templar Order who subsequently studied at Seoul University; one of them was infected and easily killed. Additionally, the revived individuals lacked sentience and acted more like zombies, requiring the Bushiguium bacteria to command them. During the war between Distorters and Rotteeth on Northwest Lighrusepiral as the early 16th century, one of Rotteeth monk was trapped and its friends were located in the Philippines, with the Ityoselese artifact on the island of Cebu and the other artifact in the possession of Lapu-Lapu.


Any opportunity against this bacteria, including sacred water, alcoholic beverages, dishwashing liquid, fire, sunlight, and ice because of the unstable temperature, weakened Bushiguium.

Weather Phenomenon


Bushiguium can occasionally multiply so quickly that they crowd out host tissues and impair regular operation inside the unique biome. When frightened of fire or sunshine, they perish. Sometimes they actually kill tissues and cells. They occasionally produce poisons that have the power to paralyze, ruin cells' metabolic machinery, or set up a large immunological response that is poisonous in and of itself, turning sufferers into addicts.


Bushiguium can cause discomfort, fever, skin disease (hence the name), and enlarging lymph nodes, among other common symptoms. They may also produce additional symptoms, depending on where they occur in the body. Bushiguium infections are frequently treated with antibiotics.

Distribution and Habitat

On Planet Reinachos, Bushiguium resided in the unique ecosystem known as Graveyard Caverns. It is found in carcasses, decomposing tissue, organisms such as fungi and plants, and even acidic water.


This bacterium cannot tamed!


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Foreign Languages

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