
Boreospheniscus bichiakciui

Zoffali / Northern Penguin

“ Fly silly sea bird, no dreams can possess you, no voices can blame you for sun on your wings. ”

– Joni Mitchell

Scientific Taxonomy & Character Information

Domain: Eukaryota

Kingdom: Animalia

Phylum: Chordata

Class: Reptilia

Order: Sphenisciformes

Family: Spheniscidae

Genus: Boreospheniscus

Species: Boreospheniscus bichiakciui

Descendant: Spheniscus mendiculus

Named by: Jas Pontoppidan

Year Published: 1991

Size: 75–82 centimetres and the weight was 14–17 kilograms

Lifespan: 7+ years



Pantheon: Terran/Gaian

Time Period: Holocene

Alignment: Shy

Threat Level: ★★

Diet: Carnivorous

Elements: Water, ice

Inflicts: Waterblight, iceblight, vomitblight

Weaknesses: Electric, nature, ice, sound, earth, stunned

Casualties: n/a

Based On: 

Conservation Status: Least Concern (LC) – IUCN Red List

Zoffali or Northern Penguin (Boreospheniscus bichiakciui) is the fictional species of penguin found in Europe and Greenland, it was introduced in Historya Davvun, Thalath Lakoduna, Worldcraft, and Weather Dragons.


Zoffali is the unknown word, possibly the onomatopoeia origin as “sa-wa-li.”

Physical Appearance

The largest penguin currently known is the Zoffali, which is related to Galapagos penguins from before the Holocene but smaller than king penguins. Zoffali resembles the chinstrap penguin due to its short tail feathers with white margins, black back against the white, and narrow black band under its head, which gives the impression that it is wearing a black helmet. Their feet had pinkish pads and gray scales. The true size of Zoffali was 75–82 centimeters, and the weight was 14–17 kilograms.


Avoid approaching too closely, though, as the Zoffali spits a pungent oil mixed with ice at intruders from infancy through puberty.


Coming soon.


Northern penguins are more likely to be curious and confused. Remember to respect their space and keep away from their young ones.

Distribution and Habitat

The northern penguin, the only true penguin in the Northern Hemisphere that has evolved to survive competition with auks and puffins, was discovered in the cold North Atlantic coastal waters off the coasts of Norway, Greenland, Iceland, the Faroe Islands, Ireland, Great Britain, France, and the Iberian Peninsula. By migrating, penguins show with great auk once called Southern France, Italy, and other Mediterranean coasts in addition to East Asia and Oceania home. On Newfoundland's Grand Banks, it wasn't common.


Due to the fact that the survivor is always within 12 radii of the hatching egg, northern penguins are quickly domesticated as they emerge from an egg. The northern penguin can be educated using a whip, fish, rats, clams, or fish eggs if it hasn't already been.


Bereshit - 300,000–70,000 BCE

This animal was created by Phanes and Khione under Project Pashnea, a scientific initiative by the Terran branch of Aesirs to create any animals, monsters, or humans in terms of their own. 

Historya Davvun events 1700s–2000

In 1700s, when investigating islands in the North Atlantic, where they frequently congregated in great auk flocks, former biologist and assassin-turned-Templar Shay Cormac regularly came across them with great auks, razorbills, and other puffins. Some big penguins attacked him on rocky beaches and fled him into the water when alarmed. Shay decided to look for further precursor artifacts rather than go back to the colonies after reclaiming the item in 1776. In order to shield himself from the Templars, Shay surreptitiously used the second sundrop flower gem that he had discovered.

No Way to Seaway events 2010–2019

Shay remained a Templar due to his longevity and lack of treachery until Napoleon Bonaparte and a select few others carried the demigod's genes. Shay lived until the 2010s despite not adhering to his revived Templars. Shay constructed himself a realm after he was imprisoned in the Late Cretaceous and instructed to pet the northern penguins by recent Templars despite being a Templar and a former environmentalist. He also saw that the Templars' Grand Master, or commander, had been duped.

Known Individuals


Foreign Languages

Coming soon
