Reinachan Tiger

Panthera itioselotigris

Reinachan Tiger

An unusual kind of panther, eh, tiger, roams the wilds of Reinachos. They are sinners and the masters of stealth, having the ability to turn almost invisible when pursuing their prey from a distance. They move really quickly as well.

unknown author

Scientific Taxonomy & Character Information

Domain: Eukaryota

Kingdom: Animalia

Phylum: Chordata

Clade: Synapsida

Class: Mammalia

Order: Feliforma

Family: Felidae

Genius: Panthera

Species: Panthera itioselotigris

Descendant: Panthera tigris tigris

Named by: John Otso

Year Published: 1758

Size: 1.9 m tall in height; 600 kg in weight; 5.7 m in length

Lifespan: 50+ years



Pantheon: Reinachan/Ityoselese

Time Period: Holocene

Alignment: Neutral

Threat Level: ★★★★★★★★

Diet: Carnivorous

Elements: Dark, leaf

Inflicts: Sundered, impaled, bleeding

Weaknesses: Fire, air, earth, ice, fae, chaos, bleeding, bombed, poison, stunned

Casualties: ???

Based On: itself

Conservation Status: Endangered (EN) - IUCN Red List

Reinachan Tiger (Panthera itioselotigris), or Ityoselese Tiger, is fictional species of tiger introduced in Worldcraft: My Last Blessings.


The Middle English tigre and Old English tigras derive from Old French tigre, from Latin tigris. This was a borrowing of Classical Greek τίγρις 'tigris', a foreign borrowing of unknown origin meaning 'tiger' and the river Tigris. The origin may have been the Persian word tigra ('pointed or sharp') and the Avestan word tigrhi ('arrow'), perhaps referring to the speed of the tiger's leap, although these words are not known to have any meanings associated with tigers.

Physical Appearance

The Reinachan Tiger is larger than a normal tiger due to the lower pressure of the atmosphere in Reinachos. The black stripes above are visible, while those below and in the middle are less faded, which is used for countershading and camouflage. This tiger evolved from the Bengal and Siberian tiger as a hybrid, became an independent species due to hybrid speciation, and adapted to all biomes and rarely to seashore and urban areas.


The Reinachan tigers are also masters of stealth, as they are often capable of becoming nearly invisible when stalking prey from far away. These tigers are also extremely fast and can climb trees or cliffs. Despite being large, the tigers can fall as far as 20 stories, over 200 feet, and survive with little to no injuries. Unlike their relatives, their stripes below were nearly faded, giving it a countershading against grasses and snow. The eye vision was perfect for this species and better than that of an average tiger.


When not subject to human disturbance, the tiger is mainly diurnal. It does not often climb trees but cases have been recorded. It is a strong swimmer and often bathes in ponds, lakes and rivers, thus keeping cool in the heat of the day.

Tiger cubs stay with their mother for about two years, before they become independent and leave their mother's home range to establish their own. Wild tigers that have had no prior contact with humans actively avoid interactions with humans. In the wild, tigers mostly feed on large and medium-sized mammals, particularly ungulates weighing 60–250 kg (130–550 lb). The most significantly preferred species are sambar deer, wapiti, barasingha and wild boar. Tigers are capable of taking down larger prey like adult gaur and wild water buffalo but will also opportunistically eat much smaller prey, such as monkeys, peafowl and other ground-based birds, hares, porcupines, and fish. They also prey on other predators, including dogs, leopards, pythons, bears, and crocodiles. Tigers generally do not prey on fully grown adult Asian elephants and Indian rhinoceros but incidents have been reported. More often, it is the more vulnerable small calves that are taken. When in close proximity to humans, tigers will also sometimes prey on such domestic livestock as cattle, horses, and donkeys. Although almost exclusively carnivorous, tigers will occasionally eat vegetation for dietary fiber such as fruit of the slow match tree.

Tigers usually prefer to eat self-killed prey, but eat carrion in times of scarcity and also steal prey from other large carnivores. Although predators typically avoid one another, if a prize is under dispute or a serious competitor is encountered, displays of aggression are common. If these fail, the conflicts may turn violent; tigers may kill or even prey on competitors such as leopards, dholes, striped hyenas, wolves, bears, pythons, and mugger crocodiles on occasion. However, tigers cause more human deaths through direct attack than any other wild mammal, considered as man-eating tigers being an apex predator.


Like the majority of other predators, tigers usually only attack humans when they are hunting or feel threatened. A sleeping or feeding tiger, or a tigress with her cubs, may become aggressive if a human approaches them too closely. Some tigers lived in streaks, unlike their relatives. This tiger was mostly solidarity, but it lives in their pride or streak, comprised of 3 to 12 individuals in their group, unlike the lion.

Distribution and Habitat

The Guidonia and other continents were home to the Reinachan Tiger, which roamed through all biomes and even urban and rural areas. They are powerful, ferocious, and aggressive hunters that use their bites to take down large animals, unlike tigers. They view people as hostile beings and have the potential to attack us whether we are provoked or not.


The Reinachan Tiger can be tamed using meat or eggs if it isn't already trained.


In Two Lights, Tangled the Series, and Worldcraft, the Bengal tiger is last remaining subpopulation of tigers in the world and several attempts to de-extinction and resurrect the last big cat after lions recovered from extinction.

Many of the samples of DNA, as well as reserved skins or sleeping tigers from cryogenic sleep, are reserved by copyright of United Nations. Some of tigers are descendants of Shere Khan, but it was controversial about the legendary character was battled with Mowgli, the boy won the battle against the savage tiger.

Several tigers are continuously decrease humanity in share territory, as same as in 20th to 21st century ago. Tigers are continuously increasing the population in Berbania, Reinachos, and Delphia, while the Earth was very rare in all regions of Indian subcontinent, as well as Malaysia, Brunei, Indonesia, Singapore, Philippines, East Timor, and even Papua New Guinea, the only tiger and feline species lived with marsupials without any human interaction before and during Queen Arianna's existence.


Foreign Languages
