Hellbound Duggisilay

Dracoglirus purpyrus

Hellbound Duggisilay

Barbarous flying dormouse was not listed in ancient times, ratfolks told them the unknown prophecy was truly told. Starts to target single individual locked by their eyesight to shoot purple flame shape of bullet faster than before and is destructive.

unknown author


Domain: Eukaryota

Kingdom: Animalia

Phylum: Chordata

Clade: Synapsida

Class: Mammalia

Order: Rodentia

Family: Guivernogliridae

Genius: Dracoglirus

Species: Dracoglirus purpyrus

Descendant: dormouse

Named by: ???

Year Published: ???

Size: 7 meters in length; 5 meters tall in height; wingspan estimate to 15.5 meters length; 650 kilograms in weight

Lifespan: 10 – 13+ years



Pantheon: Sawintiran

Time Period: Eocene–Holocene

Alignment: Bad

Threat Level: ★★★★★★

Diet: Omnivorous 🌿🥩🧂

Elements: Fire, air

Inflicts: Fireblight (purple colored), bleeding, hyperkalemia, hypokalemia

Weaknesses: Water, electric, ice, sound, poison, chaos

Casualties: ???

Based On: n/a

Conservation Status: Endangered

Hellbound Duggisilay/Orshalorra, Purple Duggisilay, Violet-fire Duggisilay/Orshalorra, or Wisteria Duggisilay (Dracoglirus purpyrus) is the one of the fictional species of flying wyvern-like dormouse upcoming introduced in Weather Dragons.

In Sawintiran languages, this native name for this species was forbidden to called Fhodza-fvangal Orzhalorthë. 


Duggisilay is the combination word from Ibanag: tuggi silai means "fire lizard"; it would actually be a rat-like winged dormouse with a wyvern feature. Hellbound Duggisilay is a flying dormouse with a sniper rifle bullet of flame. From the first word, hellbound, for prophecies of being dragged to hell, having committed sin for Hell, or damned.

The Elvish word for "spraying spice" is Orzhalorthë, however there is no link between spices and capsaicin's illusion name, duggisilay, which can produce a considerably more intense burning or biting feeling.

Physical Appearance

Hellbound Duggisilay had purple-red and white underfur, purple-peach skin, a black eyepatch, a dark snout, and even magenta flame markings that released bioluminescence. One of the rare mammals with bioluminescence is this dormouse. Only mammals have violet eyes like theirs.


Hellbound Duggisilay, unlike their normal relative, is able to produce enigmatic purple flames known as "Purple Fire," created of potassium chloride on their unique sac (as opposed to their ancestor, the dormouse). Hellbound Duggisilay employs a variety of strikes using its hook-shaped, razor-sharp tail, including somersaulting while using the blades of the tail-tip to hit like a whip and inflicting blunt-force, bleeding, and burning wounds even if its tail is severed.

The saliva of a Hellbound Duggisilay fires a larger, bullet-shaped purple flame at a pace of 600–750 meters per second, comparable to a sniper round. To switch into a strength equivalent to a rocket launcher in their skull without recoil, enter the enraged state. is able to breathe forth substantial jets of fire resembling those from a potassium chloride flamethrower during airborne battle, in contrast to their regular Duggisilay. Hellbound Duggisilay flies around in the air and can focus on a single foe. It then begins to attack that foe nonstop while firing forecasted purple flames that cause explosions.

Take into account this dormouse, which is widely utilized as an anti-tank animal on Earth. Hellbound Duggisilay cannot produce a powder explosion like their normal one. The two were forced into a dive by Hellbound Duggisilay, which caused it and other organs to crash into the current survivor in a fiery explosion that caused more damage than TNT. Hypokalemia, which can lead to catastrophic medical issues like heart and kidney failure, had to be put under control by Hellbound Duggisilay. Anyone showing signs of either ailment ought to seek medical attention. If you are exposed to potassium chloride-based purple fire, tell your doctor if your condition worsens or if you get signs of low potassium in the blood.

Weather Phenomenon


The Hellbound Duggisilay is a cunning and territorial animal that attacks with relentless assault in airborne or terrestrial combat. It can perform attacks back to back, front to front, or even strike before another attack. Feared by humans and all creatures alike due to the mysterious contamination of flame-like elements Hellbound Duggisilay can attack Khastwim, Rudyosai, Fiervadagi, and Surtsaydum alike.


Hellbound Duggisilay is a crafty and aggressive beast that engages in aerial or ground battles with relentless assault. It may execute assaults from front to back, back to back, or even strike before another attack. Feared by both humans and other animals owing to a strange contamination of an element that looks like a flame In addition to Khastwim, Hellbound Duggisilay can also attack Rudyosai, Fiervadagi, and Surtsaydum.

Distribution and Habitat

Hellbound Duggisilay is the top predator in any realm like Earth, Sawintir, and Reinachos as unintentional migratory and invasive.


Hellbound Duggisilay is very difficult to tame; you can feed some blueberries or rampions while unconscious.


coming soon


coming soon

Chronological Appears


Two Lights

Equation the Series


Weather Dragons

No Way to Seaway

Independent Series

Main Theme Music

Foreign Languages