Purple Gypceros
“ A Gypceros species is distinguished by its unique purple hide, is immune to sound and electricity, and can be burned by fire. They are extremely resistant to poison and can spit copious amounts of highly green-colored venomous saliva. ”
– Maine Perbhurka
Scientific Taxonomy & Character Information
Domain: Eukaryota
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Reptilia
Clade: Dinosauria
Clade: Saurischia
Order: Aviopoda
Suborder: Avioguivernia
Superfamily: Aphticuculoviveridea
Family: Gypsolophidae
Genius: Gypsolophos
Species: Gypsolophos brontanthecticus
Subspecies: Gypsolophos brontanthecticus purpura
Descendant: theropods
Named by: ???
Year Published: ???
Size: 9.56 m tall in height; 7.34 m in length; wingspan to 25.3 in length; 130 kg in weight
Reptiles (Saurischians)
Bird Wyvern
Non-indigenous Species
Rubber Duck Wyvern
Time Period: Paleocene - Holocene
Alignment: Curious
Threat Level: ★★
Diet: Carnivorous
Elements: Dark, rock, leaf, combat
Inflicts: Poison (Purple, later Green), stun
Weaknesses: Fire
Casualties: ???
Based On: itself
Conservation Status: Least Concern (LC) – IUCN Red List
Purple Gypceros ® - This species is a registered trademark of Capcom Co., and it is used by Earth Responsibly and Rapunzel's Tangled Adventure spinoff as permission.
The Purple Gypceros (Gypsolophos brontanthecticus purpura) is the fictional species of saurischian bird wyvern introduced in Monster Hunter G.
Gypceros is a Greek word for “plaster horn”, γύψος (gypsos), "plaster". Because the quarries of the Montmartre district of Paris have long furnished burnt gypsum (calcined gypsum) used for various purposes and kéras (κέρας) meaning 'horn'.
Physical Appearance
Whilst the common Gypceros' colors are blue and pink, the Purple Gypceros' are a more vivid purple and green.
This Subspecies is notably more resiliant than its original counterpart, and can produce more powerful poison. Unlike their relatives, the Purple Gypceros was very resilient and didn't have violet-colored poison. Instead of having green poison, it was much more dangerous than normal purple poison. Double immune to electricity and ineffective blunts, the weight was massive enough to easily destroy the weight scale and some abodes.
Certain Gypceros have been observed to execute even more impressive ruses than the typical Gypceros, demonstrating their intellect through observation of how hunters employ status attack weapons. Its renowned "playing dead" performance is accompanied by appearances of being sleep deprived and immobilized. Beware, when a hunter breaks its crest and it tries to flash unsuccessfully, instead of the dizzying flash, it ignites a poison gas similar to the flaming gas that a Basarios uses to hunters.
Some individuals now enhance poison, which is more purple in color and depletes health at a faster rate than ordinary poison. In High-rank, it can immediately flash the hunter after a peck attack. In G-rank, it can spit a poison ball at the air and it lands on the ground many seconds later.
The likelihood of finding a Lightcrystal increases when the crystal is broken on the head. The Gypceros's flash attack is prevented from being used if this crystal is broken. Once the crystal is broken, Gypceros will make an ineffective attempt at flashing. When low on stamina it will fail to spit poison and will fall after charging.
'Middle ground' is occupied by Purple Gypceros on the food chain. It is omnivorous, mostly consuming mushrooms and insects for food. The frightening temnoceran Nerscylla is a significant predator of Purple Gypceros. It feeds on the bird wyverns and uses their own skin as rudimentary armor.
It can be stimulated by the Purple Gypceros to emit a flash that can blind predators as well as prey. It has a crest on its head. It has also evolved to use its internal venomous sac to poison its enemies. The Purple Gypceros, in contrast to most other creatures, has a thick, rubbery hide that makes electrical strikes and impacts useless. They also wield their beaked snouts as weapons. Its body is practically tubby and stocky, and its tail can reach surprisingly great lengths.
Purple Gypceros is known to use its flashing attack more frequently in battle, and will chain other attacks directly into it. Purple Gypceros is a relatively timid beast, but it has been known to 'play dead' in order to deceive an attacker. These bird wyverns are have a unique fascination with shiny objects which leads them to steal objects from hunters much to the displeasure of said hunters.
Distribution and Habitat
Purple Gypceros are usually found in swamps and marshlands, although can occasionally be seen in Jungle. Being omnivorous, they prefer warm and humid locations where insects and mushrooms are plentiful and water is abundant.
Gypceros was located in humid regions like Central Europe and Southeast Asia. Reported from ancient times in Fertile Crescent, one individual could blind foes with their glowing headdress like a torch.
Movement Pattern: Initially Migrant
Individual Type: Solo
Population Trend: Stable
Population: 450,000
Locomotion: Terrestrial
Habitat: Subtropical moist broadleaf forests; subtropical dry broadleaf forests; subtropical grasslands, savannas, and shrublands; salt plains; limestone forest; tropical coniferous forests; tropical moist broadleaf forests; tropical dry broadleaf forests; tropical grasslands; tropical savannas and shrublands; Mediterranean forests, woodlands, and scrub; mushroom forests; deserts and xeric shrublands; badlands; flooded grasslands and savannas; swamp; riparian
Earth: worldwide
Gypceros were tranquilized by bullets and made unconscious, feed it while unconscious and used narcotics to continuously overdose. Gypceros are immediately domesticated when they hatch from an egg because the survivor is always within 17 radii of the hatching egg. If Gypceros isn't already tamed, you can train it with a whip for whipped, or eating some eggs, or bugs.
Since the survivor is always within 16 radii of Gypceros's egg, Gypceros are automatically domesticated when they hatch from an egg.
Known Individuals
Foreign Languages
Japanese: ゲリョス亜種 (Geryosu Ashu), ゲリョス紫 (Geryosu Murasaki)
Maori: Kērioho Waiporoporo
Korean: 게료스 아종 (Geryoseu ajong), 게료스 보라 (Geryoseu bora)
Turkish: Morumsu Cipserosu
Northern Sami: Čipcerossa Sáhppat
Dine Bizaad: Tsédídééh Gipseroz