
Titaneunectes brasiliensis


“ A living cantankerous large serpent destroys the path against anyone who knows how to enter this territory without valuable reason, calling this animal Cobra Grande from Brazilians to avoid. ”


Scientific Taxonomy & Character Information

Domain: Eukaryota

Kingdom: Animalia

Phylum: Chordata

Class: Reptilia

Order: Squamata

Suborder: Serpentes

Family: Boidae

Genius: Titaneunectes

Species: Titaneunectes brasiliensis

Descendant: anaconda

Named by: Juan Pedro de Antonio

Year Published: 1878

Size: 45.5 meter length; 12.5 m tall in height; 6,666 kilograms in weight

Lifespan: 25+ years




Time Period: PleistoceneHolocene

Alignment: Bad

Threat Level: ★★★★★★★

Diet: Carnivorous 🥩🦀🐟🥓💩💀

Elements: Dark, Leaf, Light

Inflicts: Choked, lighted, gnashed

Weaknesses: Fae

Casualties: ???

Based On: 

Conservation Status: Critically Endangered (CR) – IUCN Red List

Boiuna (Titaneunectes brasiliensis; English IPA: bɔːˈjʊnə) is a mythical creatures and guardians, introduced in Worldcraft: Five Worlds from an Island.


Mboiaçu means "black snake" in Yanomami languages, both Hispanophone; Lusophone and Anglicized as Boiuna / Boiúna, without a diacritics in Anglicization.

Physical Appearance

The Boiuna is a large boa that resembles both pythons and anacondas, their color scheme as green anaconda except for two frills on each near the ears. The color pattern consists of an olive green background overlaid with black blotches along the length of the body. The head is narrow compared to the body, usually with distinctive orange-yellow striping on either side.


Boiuna crushes the enemies on their sight, because this snake is so cruel because another pain brought it back to boiuna. Hisses and shows their frills as a warning like a frilled lizard only from rattlesnake in an unorthodox manner. Tapetum lucidum is the main ability for animals including humans, but Boiuna mixed with bioluminescent to make it mistaken for coast guard in the river bank. Due to the extinction of the real-world titanoboa snake, boiuna brought their copy of the same ability as titanoboa to constrict you and suffocated. Besides from their scutes and scales, cleans up from negative effects if only from tropics, mediterranean forest, to subtropics for better.

Boiuna, despite the sizes and strong appearance that make more people make peels. Easier to devour humans and other medium size creatures, excluding guardians.

Boiuna sometimes shoots black energy that withers and disintegrates the enemies if very angry for bad reasons. Boiuna glows their eyes by their natural reflection and unknown kind of bioluminescent bacteria that gives a ghost light in the water formations, if Boiuna near the prey/enemy it was you are ate.



Boiuna was considered the top predator in their food chain in three realms (Zowhringe Island in Berbania; Jejirique in Reinachos and South America in Earth), despicable of their rival was now-extinct Titanoboa also fit in ecological balance and their ecological niche. Boiuna was over-appetizer, which means we cannot eat it when it comes to hibernation.

Boiuna is capable of constricting until it has suffocated the prey. Using their white colored spotlight-like ability like a flashlight to spot the enemy locked by Boiuna to easily stroke. In both habitats have been found to feed on large prey, usually ranging from 40 to 60% of its own mass, larger than green anaconda and dwarfed by Titanoboa’s size. Many local stories and legends report the anaconda as a man-eater, but little evidence supports any such activity. They employ constriction to subdue their prey. Cannibalism among them.


It is an aggressive ambush predator that will strike when prey is in reach at their mark. The Boiuna will also utilize the misty fog or sea fog in its environment to launch ambush attacks on unsuspecting hunters or prey either using mud or spotlight eyes.

Distribution and Habitat

Boiuna was found in Nova Barcelona, Zowhringe Island at Berbania, but also in Reinachos like Xaltos and New Tenochtitlan, and Oaxilantia regions, and even Planet Earth like Amazon river as their original home. They live in swamps, marshes, and slow-moving streams, mainly in the tropical rainforest of the three realms.


Boiuna was tranquilized when only shoot at near death, use the kibble from their capybaras, and crucified using sign of the cross in their holding that Boiuna was fear of religion, Protestant; Catholic Church; or Judaism were only make freight this snake, until now yours.


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