
Xenorhalapodraco berbanica

Guéañœ-roŧa / Gueanojae-rodha

The cradle of devastation is located beneath the remote continent of Hirawhassa, which is covered in rocks and massifs. Conquistadors nearly wiped out the last known true dragon-like extraterrestrial in Berbania hundreds of years ago. Using the trident on their own tail to kill a single enemy and lighting up their entire body to let the dead go.


Scientific Taxonomy & Character Information

Domain: Berbanuryota

Kingdom: Berbanozoota

Phylum: Hiravachordata

Subphylum: Palaeodecapodia

Infraphylum: Decapodia

Class: Scaphopennia

Order: Mysticopinnia

Family: Xenorhalapodraconidae

Genius: Xenorhalapodraco

Species: Xenorhalapodraco berbanica

Descendant: dragon-like alien

Named by: Ronaldo Jodhiheaddji

Year Published: 2681 AD

Size: 5.6 meters tall in height; 156.66 - 212.54 meters long in length on wingspan; 80 meters long in length; 5,000 kilograms in weight




Time Period: Eocene - Holocene (Bartonian–Meghalayan) - 40.69 MY BCE–present

Alignment: Bad

Threat Level: ★★★★★★★★★★

Diet: Omnivorous 🥩🌿🎆

Elements: Arcane, light, dark, sound, spirit, aether, chaos

Inflicts: Arcaneblight, aetherblight, chaosblight, horrified; lifebreak; sleep; stun; bleeding; sundered

Weaknesses: Fire, dark, light, fae, time, aether, chaos



TROQA (Queen Arianna Era)

Based On: Oltura from Monster Hunter Stories 2

Conservation Status: Critically Endangered (CR) – IUCN Red List

Gueanoya-rotha (Xenorhalapodraco berbanica) is the main antagonist and an ancient species of asexual extraterrestrial introduced in Worldcraft: Moon's Desire.


In the alien language of Tiqojarhan and Thirenhan languages was Guéañœ-roŧa, coming from Old Tiqojarhan Gæñoj-irroŧʰa means "Butterfly Emperor" by Spaniard and Sami scientist Ronaldo Jodhiheaddji during the conquistador invasion of Berbania planet against native extraterrestrial species from English-speaking people and United Nations for Aos Si.

Physical Appearance

Out of all the extant Berbanian or Hirawhassan extraterrestrials, Gueanoya-rotha is the only one with ten limbs, the others having just six or four. It has ten limbs and looks like a dragon. It possesses two whiskers that shed light on its prehensileness and bioluminescent patterns, as well as feather-like appendages on his cheeks and forehead near its four horns.


The Gueanoya-rotha has four wings on its hindwings, with the club-tipped wing producing patterns of bioluminescence. All four of his forelimbs had spikes on their elbows. These patterns, which range in color from purple to violet, are very lethal and are meant to deter both predators and prey. Gueanoya-rotha's carapace has bioluminescent markings that run from the neck to the tail.


Comparing Gueanoya-rotha to Valorstarx, another aboriginal protector on Berbania's Tiqojarha continent, the latter was larger. Gueanoya-rotha was designed with inspiration from Monster Hunter Stories 2's Oltura.


Anything that falls into a pit is never seen again, suggesting that it is likewise ready to consume anything during its undefinable condition. The extraterrestrials emerge in the sky and demonstrate their lethal ability during the rebirth, triggering earthquakes and landslides in the surrounding area.


A cult formed around it, and Gueanoya-rotha ate it whole, like enormous anacondas, as a result of the voice and light flashes' ability to impact all living things. Sadly, it's a species whose sheer existence throws the world's equilibrium off and brings about terrible catastrophe and devastation throughout life. The horn and brain cells of Gueanoya-rotha govern these two abilities, though it is unknown exactly how or if they are likely the unique elemental sacs.

Gueanoya-rotha possesses a new defense that has recently been found. When extremely agitated, Gueanoya-rotha would cover itself in explosive powder and start to launch far deadlier explosive assaults than ever before, paralyzing its opponents. Gueanoya-rotha may breathe a purplish-yellow-colored flame-like energy when these two ingredients are combined. They can also surround themselves in an arcane energy field with translucent energy of various colors while attacking an opponent. The greasy fluid from within the body that powers the flames and energy it exhales may easily severely stun, profusely bleeding, horrify, and clog blood veins in most opponents it encounters.


The Gueanoya-rotha have a prehensile tail with a trident on their own tail to grab or stab one of the enemies, much like both earwigs and capuchin monkeys. He can create an aura to protect itself from attacks capable of vaporizing projectiles in milliseconds, which can be broken should the markings on its wings or horns be targeted, and summon a solar eclipse from evocation. Gueanoya-rotha breathes both aether and chaos elements, leading to mass destruction. That's why the only sole survivor causing the Tiqojarhan Dairks and Dirthsan Dairks, even humans and others, wipe out the entire population because of overhunting.

Weather Phenomenon


Gueanoya-rotha was the only species that was an asexually reproducing organism, causing hatches asexual of their own kind into 10 eggs in a single month.


The baby Gueanoya-rotha was very passive and shy, while the adult Gueanoya-rotha was very aggressive towards everything.

Distribution and Habitat

Gueanoya-rotha originated from the Tiqojarha continent, a continent surrounded by mountains and hills, including the highest mountain in Berbania. This creature was very exclusive to Berbania at Ursa Major.


Gueanoya-rotha was very easily tamed if the baby only fed it any kind of meat. However, only grow this creature for three years for full growth. Unlike Berbanian extraterrestrials, this species was immortal.


Pre-DunBroch Arrival on Berbania - 2693 AD

Greg Constantino, a vampire descended from Vlad Dracula from Moldova, attacked Louis' team. The Valorstarx killed the vampire, but the Valorstarx died by draining the blood. But because Berbania's extremely nauseating ingredient list included magenta blood, he was hallucinating, and in an attempt to get away, Vifos's garlic-flavored pepper spray sprayed him. Greg was furious as the crimson moon under the solar eclipse began. The Sami people, UN peacekeepers, the Philippines, Japan, and Aotearoa all work together to kill this vampire far from the pair so that they won't ever be eliminated in accordance with Eostre's will.

The Spanish and French armies massacred the entire family, including the child, in Berbania over the course of the previous seven months because they believed they had a claim to a planet in Ursa Major. Djerria was pregnant at the time and gave birth to Jidhowang Gwachalor, the first-ever Berbanian-Comiean hybrid. The Tiqojarhan Dairks want to travel to Jackson's Islands to protect Jidhowang after he survived a gunshot wound. His renaming as Jidhawong to ward off Spaniards put him on the Berbania Spanish and Celtic Empire's most wanted list for Princess Isolde, as ancestors of the House of Bourbon, Anjou, and others.

Jidhawong vowed to exact revenge for this reason. When Jidhawong fights with his ancient sword made of Gueanojae-rodha, he kills all the native Dairks and Corachi of Jackson's Islands, as well as friendly demons, but the sniper guy tranquilizes him to move to New Santo Domingo, Dinojerulla Kingdom. Louis Bourbon exposed him as an extraterrestrial by claiming him once more, but he disregarded his whore assignment.

Jidhawong and Louis engage in sword combat until Jidhowang accidentally cuts his left eye and right hand. The princess named Jillian Bourbon as her opponent. The Berbanian subspecies of Titanios, along with the Shug Monkey and Gochdraig, attack Jidhawong, but both siblings are able to flee. However, Jidhawong encountered the genuine Gueanojae-rodha, who slaughtered him in his mouth along with Louis.

When Jillian starts crying, she runs across Wilbert Pangilinan, a commoner who is Ilocano-Spanish-French-Monegasque and wants to get married to her. Though cunning Spaniards and Scotsmen assist the Gueanojae-rodha in his killing of his enemies and calling an annual solar eclipse, the Gueanojae-rodha is ultimately executed in Berbania by the princess and the first governor-general.

Jidhowang was buried on Mount Hiwallorsh until the next generation. Jillian wants Wilbert as the new king and queen of Dinojerulla assigned after the last extraterrestrial royal dies, giving her the next descendants, the Jorelavo and Ahwaghor, who will both be cousins. Janice and her husband Raymond noticed that she told him about Hepsora and her daughters: Fharina, Waloria, Diniyah, and Wharineli are elemental ladies from Jackson's Islands to the Iphwangiry Conference Republic to investigate the divorce of the Heiliodrake and Selinala to avoid species hybridization by Jidhowang, who was dead. Now is Jidhokang the Death Lord; he was dead by rebellions and buried alive by Franciscans.

Once Upon a Time in Berbania, a governor-general named Wilbert Anderson Pangilinan and a princess named Jillian Marianne Bourbon of Monaco were married before being attacked by an unknown species of dragon-like extraterrestrial called Gueanojae-rodha. The Gueanojae-rodha was feared by both Solnatos, or now Heliondros, and Selinala. The Earthling Dragons of Sun and Moon defend the commoner and the royal for the balance of nature and wildlife, as well as the utopian life to everyone for Eostre and Hepsora. Hepsora of Molliagzang is a queen who became a goddess, and her husband became a god too. To prevent any vampire's population increase, our Eastern Orthodox church and Catholic church will be reinforced. The governments avoid the attack forms from Gueanojae-rodha, who is killed with Jidhawong's first weapon, and the couple wins, and where's the weapon?

Attack of Tiqojarha - 3016 AD

After the dinner, the BFNAA members take a rest in Valerie's home, a residential building, made roads of environmentally friendly vehicles with bow and arrows from the guards from Iphwa'ngiry Islands. Unexpected love, both Nicolette and Archie are in love with each other to keep secrets from Isabella.

Akshay and his friends using smoke grenades avoid battling the Elder Dragon. Valerie and Isabella found Akshay's smoke grenade clouds while fighting each other with a recently found. Nicolette and Archie hiding in the Abraham Chapel, a fictional Catholic cathedral where Nicolette married Archie but failed again. The RAGOB members are sleeping from Nicolette's true love's kiss and make the antagonists sleep, the Gueanojae-rodha snatches all RAGOB members and Gueanojae-rodha is blinded by Nicolette.

Meanwhile, Constantin is under Jidhawong as a new master while his ancient Gueanojae-rodha was not alive. Levitico was eaten by Ernesto as a scientist with Peach Lichen pills to heal wounds and kiss him. Wilson and Akshay worried about Constantin because of his heroism.

Nicolette and Archie are dating in a bistro in Nueva Kautokeino for their experience of old time. The baby Gueanojae-rodha found the couple and fed them some meat. She rechristened this animal to Maisa for good and temporary menagerie. Nicolette and Archie kissing each other in the moonlight. Isabella didn't sleep when Archie went outside.

Known Individuals

The Recollections of Queen Arianna


Foreign Languages
