
Canis lupus familiaris


My dog was born before Christmas; this is very ridiculous.


Scientific Taxonomy & Character Information

Domain: Eukaryota

Kingdom: Animalia

Phylum: Chordata

Clade: Synapsida

Class: Mammalia

Order: Carnivora

Family: Canidae

Genius: Canis

Species: Canis lupus

Subspecies: Canis lupus familiaris

Descendant: Canis mosbachensis

Named by: Carl Linnaeus

Year Published: 1758

Size: 2.5 meters tall in height; 7.89 meters in length; 160 kg in weight

Lifespan: 8 to 80+ years




Time Period: Pleistocene - Holocene

Alignment: Neutral

Threat Level: ★★★★

Diet: Omnivorous 🥩🌿

Elements: Dark

Inflicts: Darkblight, gnashed, tagged

Weaknesses: Fire, electric, arcane, sound, light


Based On: itself

Conservation Status: Least Concern (LC) – IUCN Red List (as dog)

Cerberus is one of the mythical creatures introduced in Worldcraft and Weather Dragons.


Some notes a similarity between Cerberus and the Norse mythological dog Garmr, relating both names to a Proto-Indo-European root *ger- "to growl" (perhaps with the suffixes -*m/*b and -*r). However, as Ogden observes, this analysis actually requires Kerberos and Garmr to be derived from two different Indo-European roots (*ker- and *gher- respectively), and so does not actually establish a relationship between the two names.

Physical Appearance

Cerberus is a giant canine variant species of dog like Orthrus; instead of being two-headed, it now has three-headed, but it has jet black skin for camouflaging, except for the serpent scale for its tail and muscular and different dog ears due to the different behavior of each head as personality.

The left side of Cerberus was a drop ear—the ear that hangs down over the side of the left head. The central head of Cerberus was a pointed ear that stood erect. The right side of Cerberus was the button ear, which is semi-erect with a tip that folds over.


Not too much in regards to Cerberus' powers. The traits of leaders in organized crime groups and nocturnal animals may have influenced this animal's instinct to safeguard its family.

Cerberus, an extremely powerful and feared creature, is very scary to foes thanks to its sharp fangs, which may blind and impair vision. For its nighttime prowess, Cerberus has claws, feet, a tail, and eyes. However, unlike Orthrus, Cerberus is extremely sensitive to daylight for reasons that are unknown. Cerberus's cloned versions of himself were his descendants and scrambled his sex organs into parthenogenesis, making the gender always male.


His offspring, Cerberus's cloned selves, perverted his sex organs into parthenogenesis, ensuring that the gender was always male. It is revealed that Cerberus is unusual and that it is a vagina rather than a penis, despite the fact that hyenas have pseudopenises. The original Cerberus is still alive, but his offspring aged less and lost their immortality in order to prolong the lives of stray dogs and other creatures. Cerberus's habits of grooming, scent marking, defecation, mating, ecology, and parenthood, on the other hand, are typical of other canids and hyenas.


Archie Buenaventura and his wife, Nicolette Morrison, encounter Cerberus, who is extremely hostile but also sensitive and submissive to Dymphna and other deities. Cerberus never eats again because of his close connection to the fae and light elements.

Cerberus' three heads each have a level of independent thought from the others and a unique personality, yet they are able to cooperate to further Cerberus's general objectives (especially in battle situations where they act as a single beast).

The central head of Cerberus (named Kentro, Greek: Κέντρο) was most dominant, sadistic, and arrogant as the leader of its body, while the right side (Dexia, Greek: Δεξιά) head was irritant and pragmatism for the mean and helping the central head. The left head of Cerberus (Aristeros, Greek: Αριστερά, Aristera) seems to be the least intelligent and least aggressive of the heads, and based on its facial expressions and being easily distracted and unfocused, the frustration and disappointment of the middle head, who has to forcibly get its companion back on task and looking, the souls either escape or enter the Underworld.

Although he was nominally a “hellhound,” Cerberus was not evil; he was a working dog. His job, once he was gifted to Hades, the god of the ancient Greek underworld, was to prevent any living being from entering the realm of the dead and to keep the dead from escaping.

Distribution and Habitat

Cerberus was an ancient Greek creature that guarded the underworld door and acted as its servant in order to prevent souls and demons from fleeing into hell and the underworld.


Dogs can be tamed by feeding the bones in non-alpha members.


Cerberus is primarily known for his capture by Heracles, the last of Heracles' twelve labours.


Foreign Languages
