Mesingw / Jersey Devil

Caprodemonus americanus

Mesingw / Jersey Devil

“ Regardless of whether it seeks retribution or not on the plot, Jane Leeds' unidentified Lenape demon, home of this last variety, gave rise to a legendary beast in New Jersey. ”


Scientific Taxonomy & Character Information

Domain: Eukaryota

Kingdom: Animalia

Phylum: Chordata

Class: Reptilia

Order: Squamata

Suborder: Eurodraconia

Family: Demonodraconidae

Genus: Caprodemonus

Species: Caprodemonus americanus

Descendant: Winged demons

Named by: Timothy de Pierre

Year Published: 1900

Size: 2 m tall in height, 5 meters in length, 250 m length per wingspan, 666 kilograms in weight





Time Period: Holocene

Alignment: Docile

Threat Level: ★★★

Diet: Omnivorous 🥩🌿

Elements: Dark, time

Inflicts: Fireblight, arcaneblight, darkblight, stunned

Weaknesses: Water, fae

Casualties: ???

Based On: itself

Conservation Status: Critically Endangered (CR) – IUCN Red List

Mesingw, or M'Sing (Caprodemonus americanus), also known as Jersey Devil, is the only dragon found in New Jersey, United States of America, as a national demon on Planet Earth. Debuted at Weather Dragons: Modern Disaster as a tertiary antagonist and now antihero that initiated the COVID-19 pandemic and the 2021 storming of the United States Capitol due to a large violent attack against the United States Congress in the U.S. Capitol on January 6.

Physical Appearance

Only the Mesingw has wings and a forked tail, much like the actual devil. On this tail, the main skin tone and even the skin color were tougher and smoother, ranging from mahogany to scarlet skin and a maroon hue. The Jersey Devil had four fingers on each hand and four on each foot; even its wings, which were bat-like and covered in claws, had goat-like hooves similar to those of a tahr.


Jersey Devil possesses this "fire"-like material that wasn't quenched on seas and was undesirable from Californianium to manganese magic elements, not a part of classical elements, as the Jersey Devil naturally manipulates wildfire as a natural, now antimatter and black element.


Weather Phenomenon

According to the statistics, "the worst year in terms of climate change and COVID-19" was in part due to major climate disasters worldwide, including major bushfires in Australia known as Black Summer and the western United States, as well as extreme tropical cyclone activity affecting large parts of North America, the death of Kobe Bryant, the eruption of Taal Volcano, the Yemeni civil war, earthquakes in Turkey and Greece, the deadliest shipwreck located in the Canary Islands in Senegal, the Koshebe massacre, changing the height limit of Mount Everest, the total solar eclipse in the South Pacific, which made more bad luck, and the Petrinja earthquake in Croatia. The event awakens Tren-tren Vilu and Caicai Vilu against the current characters after King Mihai of Romania's death.


This Jersey Devil is actually the protector of all animals in the forest, but is most strongly associated with deer, forest fire, medicine, healing, and anti-pagan. One of them, including the child of Jane Leeds, originally populated the Pine Barrens as an endemic species. Many people believe that the Jersey Devil hates either Lenape or whites, as evidenced by their blood-curdling screams, as the quote left out. To avoid contact with the Jersey Devil, Lenape said, "Go back and tell the others to stop holding meetings and attend to their crops." Along with stories about the Blue Hole and other alleged "blue holes" in the Pine Barrens, folklore about the Pine Barrens also includes the ghosts of the "Black Doctor," "Black Dog," and Captain Kidd.

The Pine Barrens inspired the legend of the Jersey Devil, who is said to have been born in 1735 to a local woman named Mrs. Jane Leeds at Leeds Point. He was said to be her 13th child, and the Lenape people cursed him for having such an unlucky number.

Emilio Carranza, a Mexican aviator and national hero, crashed and was killed by a Jersey Devil on July 12, 1928, near Tabernacle, New Jersey. In 1950, the United Nations and United Airlines announced that the Mesingw or Jersey Devil, an Elder Dragon, lived outside of the normal ecosystem, economy, politics, natural disasters, cataclysms, and living, breathing forces of the natural world. Unlike other dragons, the Jersey Devil always adopted Pine Barrens tree frog, bald eagle, timber rattlesnake, and other animals and it was considered a mutualism.

The District of Columbia was placed under curfew, and lawmakers were evacuated while rioters occupied and vandalized the building for several hours, all ethnic groups from Trump or Biden supporters (either mostly White Americans; some are black Americans, Asians, Jews, or Native Indians sometimes).

Against his life for his mother due to bad reasons. As noted by scientists and cryptozoologists, illegally, the devil can order from the United Nations, the United States Department of Justice, the CIA, and FBI agents to kill this demon for responding without being bad luck or bad omen, as the results of worsening years and other tragedies havoc whole states and worldwide in one shit. Despite being Elder Dragon-level monsters, they are considered Elder Dragons in this category.


A devil was the last survivor of this species away from the past, lost by Spaniards and Britons who killed all the Leeds family, preventing us and a royal family?!


The Jersey Devil is reputed to be fiercely protective of its territory and would use a display of wings to frighten off any intruders.

Distribution and Habitat

In the Southern New Jersey and Philadelphia folklore of the United States, the Jersey Devil inhabits the forest of Pine Barrens in South Jersey.


It cannot be tame.


Past and Present Incidents

Known Individuals

Past and Present Incidents - Individuals

The Recollections of Queen Arianna - Individuals



Main Theme Music

M'Sing doesn't have its own theme, unlike many other Elder Dragons.

Foreign Languages