
Solpapillion mosura


This gargantuan moth evokes the eclipse when under the eliminate of romance tragedy. Obliterates these sins for gone and enraged for her matriarchy as revenge of this home.


Scientific Taxonomy & Character Information

Domain: Eukaryota

Kingdom: Animalia

Phylum: Arthropoda

Class: Insecta

Order: Lepidoptera

Family: Solapapillidae

Genus: Solapapillo

Species: Solapapillo mosura

Descendant: Heteroneura?

Named by: Jacqui Pierre Durand

Year Published: 1910 AD

Size: 56.3 meters tall in height, and 124 meters in body length with a wingspan of 215 meters; 50,000 kilograms in weight (55.17 tonnes)




Time Period: Holocene

Alignment: Neutral

Diet: Nectarivore or Coprophagy 🌸💩

Elements: Light

Inflicts: Blindness, stunned, bleeding, sundered

Weaknesses: Darkness, time, air

Casualties: Roxana's Radachalog in 2998 CE; countless rebellions and terrorists in Horatio (pre-Morrison)

Based On: 

Conservation Status: Critically Endangered

Mothsol (Solapapillo mosura; IPA: mɔθˈsoːl) is one of the mythical creatures and a guardian upcoming introduced in Worldcraft: My Last Blessings.


Came from this portmanteau word or combination two words are for Mothra and sol is translated by Spanish and Latin means Sun, based on the Solar Eclipse. However this name was Mosura by Japanese people because of Inspired by the movie of the same name is Mothra.

Physical Appearance

Mothsol is designed by mostly like Legendary Pictures's design with the engraving design for Toho Heisei's Mothra. Unlikely these wings are just like wing design for Terraria's Mothron, its theme for this giant moth like Solar Eclipse but is combined usually. Additionally, the "third eye" because of absorb the light element from on it.

Mothsol's model also revealed narrower wings, a wider wingspan larger than any insects, long praying mantis-like forearms and legs as opposed to bird-like limbs and a body design that is more reminiscent of real-life moths, with a smaller body and head with third eye-like projection. Additionally of their wings are since the eye spots on her edges of the wings from peacock's eye tails to possess intricate patterns with the character's traditional orange, yellow, and black coloration, which can emit bioluminescent glows that shift in color. It also has deadly paralysis with a hidden abdominal stinger.


Mothsol is a real assassin and magical users in the sky. If used the two pairs of pincers for slicing even the dragon's scales. If the Mothsol manipulate the weather and daylight cycle, this is the only species that possession of magic by phenomenon. It was glowing during enraged. During the first phase, he/she can summons the "Solar Eclipse" during the battle.


Weather Phenomenon


Mothsol is in a lineage of giant, ancient moths in Pliocene to Holocene, who were worshiped as benevolent deities in the ancient past. She appears in ancient folklore and fairy tales from across the world like from humans, fairies, elves, angels, peris and others.

Mothsol is the highest in the food chain and can be preyed upon by some predators like Elder Dragons. The Mothsol can feed on small prey like rodents, beetles and others; but also feed on poops and nectars with their long proboscis.

Mothsol have possess of sharp stinger on the abdominal causing paralysis. Also possess furs on their body and wings for cold protection. Mothsol has four forelimbs, two on each side of her body, with one large pair and one smaller pair for walking. Their forelimbs are longer and more muscular than those of past designs, and end in large hooked claws for grappling or slashing enemies like dragon's scale.


Unlike all insects, the Mothsol's all stages possess several bioluminescent patches; when this one is calm and in her Benevolent, it emits a soft blue light. When it feels threatened and poised to attack in this Malevolent, it emits a red light and generates sunder aura.

Mothsol was suggesting that she was able to coexist peacefully with humanity, to worshipped as a goddess by ancient civilizations like early Indo-Europeans, elves, pixies, peris, angels, jinns, vanirs and fairies. The Weather Dragons Association and Reinachan-Berbanian Alliances of Treaty Defence and Force Administration that classifies Mothsol's behavior as that of a "protector." Attacking them with her webbing until the angels or fairies chanting their enchanted voice to calm.

Distribution and Habitat

Mothsol is considered as critically endangered species, cannot be found elsewhere worldwide because is too very long ago didn't encountered yet. According to the friars, the Mothsol sleep in underground caverns with thousand-century forest areas that are introduced by humans. The angels and/or fairies are commanded to be helped. Only in Reinachos was Ascunsia Caves in the Castle of Verdente (now House of Francisco) at Mount Francisco.


Besides from being a guardian and gigantic size, because it wasn't able to be tamed instantly it was difficult. Gave you from the fairies or friars the pouch to feed it to the magical pollens, even the angels like Sunny and/or Lumina to sing their the hymns to command you and now joins you in the war.



Chronological Appears


Weather Dragons

Main Theme Music

Foreign Languages

