Delphians / Thatrollwans

Homo delphicus

Delphians / Thatrollwans

“ The main heroes and allies hail from the Delphinus constellation, the protector of human-like and god-like beings. Descended from Aesirs are lesser gods and changed into dolphin-like spirits of unknown causes. ”


Scientific Taxonomy & Character Information

Domain: Eukaryota

Kingdom: Animalia

Phylum: Chordata

Clade: Synapsida

Class: Mammalia

Order: Primates

Suborder: Haplorhini

Infraorder: Simiiformes

Family: Hominidae

Subfamily: Homininae

Tribe: Hominini

Genius: Homo

Species: Homo delphicus

Descendant: Hominidae

Named by: Ion de Petrea

Year Published: 2767

Size: 1.8 - 1.9 m tall in height and length; 69 kg in weight




Time Period: Pleistocene - Holocene

Alignment: various


Diet: Omnivorous

Elements: various

Inflicts: various

Weaknesses: various

Casualties: ???

Based On: 

Conservation Status: 

Delphians of Thatrollwa planet (Darwin 20c) is now endangered - IUCN Red List

(Republic Act No. 9147) & (Endangered Species Act of 1973) - An Act providing for the conservation and protection of wildlife resources and their habitats, appropriating funds therefor and for other purposes.

Delphians or Blajini (Homo delphicus) are a humanoid race of extra-dimensional and near-immortal, semi-synthetic, god-like extraterrestrials that hail from Delphinus, we introduced in Rewritten Series, as part of Worldcraft.

Delphians can speak their own two languages: true native and Romanian-creole languages.


The etymology of the word blajin (adj.) is the Slavonian blažĕnŭ meaning kind, well-minding person. The another name of Blajin, Delphian is originally from Greek δελφίς (delphís), "dolphin", which was related to the Greek δελφύς (delphus), "womb"; after the name Delphi comes from the same root as δελφύς delphys, "womb" and may indicate archaic veneration of Gaea at the site.

Physical Appearance

Delphians are godlike hominids that resemble humans in appearance and who possess both highly advanced forms of technology and magic, except for Caucasian faces, and didn't have Asian or African faces due to adapted oceanic climates and a partially herbivorous diet on their exoplanet. Their civilization is based on the Aesirs, Vanirs, Frost Giants, Dairks, Corachus, Dermochlories, Dark Elves, Distorters, Rotteeth, Kimiatos, Comieos, and Humans; they are the most advanced intelligent races among others and the strongest of all races in the Nine Realms.


Stonehenge, Australian Aboriginal art, the Jomon era, Ancient Egypt, Hindu mythology, Greek civilization, Mesoamerican cultures, stories from Southeast Asia, and Brazilian cultures were among the things they were somewhat involved with. Over time, some of their conflicts with unidentified creatures from Ginnungagap would be warped and depicted in artwork as more recognizable figures, such "angels" or "knights" battling "dragons," "griffins," or other legendary creatures.

Unlike most organics, which would burst blood vessels and suffocate after only a few minutes in space, they can endure the vacuum of space without the need for breathing apparatus or protective gear. Since thatrollwans do not qualify as "life in existence," they are immune to spells and other events intended to kill living creatures because they are almost entirely non-biological, non-genetically modified, and non-transgenic species.

The only difference between Thatrollwans and humans, in terms of morphology and anatomy, is that Thatrollwans' cells have the capacity to absorb and metabolize yellow star radiation, which gives them amazing talents that they can use to accomplish amazing feats. Few animals on Earth Responsibly Universe (as a subset of Earth Responsibly Universe) possess the ability to change into a "pseudo-dolphin" or "real dolphin," a life form with characteristics and abilities similar to, but distinct from, those of genuinely supernatural creatures found in Greece, Romania, and Brazil.


The Delphinium is a rare exoplanet metal that diverged from its initial function and decreased the ability of Thatrollwans to mentally and physically dominate human thoughts, emotions, and behavior. Like their predecessor, the Aesirs, Thatrollwans constructed themselves a weapon, tool, armor, or anything made of Delphinium. Although this delphinium material is more durable than iron, less prone to damage from fire and lava, and more reflective than gold and silver, it is more suited for early modern railguns and lightsabers than for those made during the modern era.

Humanity has been so bewildered by the capabilities and abilities of the Thatrollwan materials throughout millennia that they have mistaken them for "magic" throughout the history of human space colonization.


All Terran animals, including Delphians and humans, are vulnerable to the mineral Aurorium, and weapons and tools made with the substance can damage them. An Aurorium missile launched by various organizations (Jedi Order and others) caused this species linked to neurotransmitter to fall unconscious for a few hours, leaving it with a wound that never healed until the effect worn off and soon to be healed.

Weather Phenomenon

Coming soon


Coming soon


Originating in Delphinus, the Delphian peoples are a brave and powerful warrior race that currently resides in Egypt, Brazil, Guyana, Macedonia, Albania, Cyprus, Turkey, Syria, Kenya, Lake Ontario, and even Colombia. As one of the most powerful races in the universe, they are both loved and feared by other races, and their love of adventure serves as their religion. Like their ancestors, the Aesirs, the Delphians were renowned for maintaining harmony in the Nine Realms.

Distribution and Habitat

Early Delphian communities relied on being close to water and, depending on their way of life, other natural resources including animal populations for hunting and fertile land for cultivating crops and housing animals. Nonetheless, modern Delphians are very capable of modifying their environments through the use of technology, irrigation, building, urban planning, deforestation, and desertification. These communities are nonetheless susceptible to natural catastrophes, particularly those that are built shoddily in dangerous locations or, depending on the source of the unknown, are destroyed by the fiercest enemies or monsters.

Delphians are extinct in northern Brazil and are described according to indigenous Brazilian lore as taking the form of a human or merman, also known as Boto cor-de-rosa ("Pink Boto" in Portuguese), and having the habit of seducing human women and impregnating them. One Delphian was murdered by Ezio Auditore, causing a fight between the Order of Assassins and the Hidden Saviors or the Monster Hunter in Italy.

Their extinction date for the Delphian race in South America is 1000 years before conquistadors arrived, except for Ezio Auditore and his allies, who killed the last Delphian people in 1500. This species is presumed to be extinct.

Most Delphians (61%) live in Delphia's Sotovia; the remainder live in the Khamorigdia (14%), Thyroa (14%), Nighath-ńoeal and Bahirghatang (11%), and Skylark Isles and Earth's Romania and Moldova (0.5%)


Delphians cannot be tamed.


See also: History of Thatrollwa 

Nasheretian Era

Vinerian Era

Cenozoic Era

Estrainian Era

British Occupation of Delphia - 2680-2890 AD

Eradication of Lifeform in Delphia and Faunal and People Removal for British Empire - 2790-2890 AD

Rebellion's Freedom Front - 2890-3008 AD

Formation of Skylark Tribes and Destruction of Delphia - 3009-3019 AD

Known Individuals


Foreign Languages
