
Sternuignosaurus ordinarius


Without hesitation, this ferocious beast will attack anything with fire on its snout. When provoked, the membrane along its tail fanned out, which is thought to be an act of intimidation or thermoregulation, as it has been observed to do when it breathes fire. Their lower jaws' huge spikes heat up, turning their breath into a whirl of flames.


Scientific Taxonomy & Character Information

Domain: Eukaryota

Kingdom: Animalia

Phylum: Chordata

Class: Reptilia

Clade: Dinosauria

Clade: Saurischia

Clade: Theropoda

Order: Nasopetosauria

Family: Sternuignosauridae

Genius: Sternuignosaurus

Species: Sternuignosaurus ordinarius

Descendant: Abiorugu's ancestor

Named by: ???

Year Published: 2027

Size: 10.m tall in height; 18.2 m in length; 145,32 kg in weight




Time Period: Holocene

Alignment: Neutral

Threat Level: ★★★★★

Diet: Carnivorous 🥩🥓

Elements: Fire

Inflicts: Fireblight

Weaknesses: Water, rock

Casualties: ???

Based On: itself

Conservation Status: Near Threatened (NT) – IUCN Red List

Anjanath ® - This species is a registered trademark of Capcom Co., and it is used by Earth Responsibly and Rapunzel's Tangled Adventure spinoff as permission.

Anjanath (Sternuignosaurus ordinarius) is the fictional species of theropod introduced in Monster Hunter World.

Physical Appearance

Anjanath resembles a Tyrannosaurus; it has black and gray fur on its back, which, when combined with its flesh-toned scales, gives it the appearance of a vulture. Its hide is mostly pink, with a dark pelt covering its back and ending in a ruff at the neck, leaving the head bald. The animal's lower jaw has large fangs that protrude, giving it the appearance of an underbite.

Anjanath's huge jaws are balanced by its hefty tail, the bottom of which is coated with quills. The monster's forearms are little in comparison to its formidable hind legs. A pair of dorsal sails are hidden behind the animal's coat and only flare out at certain times. Anjanath can also display a strong nasal crest, which it uses to mark its territory with mucus, sniff out prey, or signify heightened aggression. Once fueled, the flame sac in Anjanath's throat will flash a flaming crimson.


Anjanath has powerful jaws that allow it to lift up large creatures, throw them around, and even rip apart foes, along with a powerful nose used for smelling out prey. It also has the ability to breathe fire from its mouth, utilizing an organ in its throat. Anjanath are relentless predators that will chase down anything that dares attack them.

Once they've been provoked, Anjanath won't let an enemy get away easily. When enraged, Anjanath will breathe heavily and reveal his nostrils. It will also occasionally flash small fins from its back in an effort to threaten their target, making them seem larger in appearance. Anjanath's head and legs can be wounded, with the legs becoming more susceptible to damage when broken. Its tail can also be severed.

Weather Phenomenon


The highly territorial Anjanath is a powerful predator in both the Ancient Forest, where it calls home, and occasionally the Wildspire Waste, where it can also be spotted. It preys on Aptonoth (and Apceros when in the Waste) and can outmatch other monsters in its territory, such as the Great Jagras, Pukei-Pukei, Great Wroggi, Tetranadon, and Tobi-Kadachi, with ease. However, despite its prowess, it still needs to look out for powerful apex predators such as Rathalos, as well as ferocious nomadic monsters like Deviljho and Bazelgeuse. Elder dragons such as Kushala Daora, though rarely spotted in the Ancient Forest, can also be a problem.

The Anjanath is suited for deep forest living; its dark scales and furry pelt give it camouflage as it waits to ambush prey. It is able to extend two sails from its back, and these act like two giant thermal regulators. These sails are always extended to stop the beast from overheating when it uses its signature ability, its fire breath.

By igniting fragrant and flammable mucus, which it produces in its nose, using a flame sac in its body, the Anjanath can send out a gout of flames from its mouth. It also uses this mucus to mark its territory and fend off potential invaders. Conversely, the black fur acts as an effective insulator and is thought to help support the beast's utilization of and resistance to fire.

The anjanath has a loose fleshy appendage on the tip of its snout, which, when filled with blood, greatly enhances its sense of smell. The Anjanath uses this to sniff out prey, as well as using it along with its sails as an intimidation factor. Their great sense of smell compensates for their poor eyesight.


In the Ancient Forest, Anjanath is in the middle of the food chain. Anjanath has Turf Wars with every monster that is found exclusively in the Ancient Forest, but it has none for any monster that is found in the Wildspire Waste.

Once enraged, Anjanath will chase down any foe in its way. It will even chase hunters into other areas, following them without a second thought until they become very well hidden or are killed. This is also true for most large monsters in the game.

Distribution and Habitat

Anjanath is found patrolling the pathways of the Ancient Forest as well as the Wildspire Waste occasionally. It is worth noting that the majority of Anjanath sightings are made in the forest, and the Anjanath in the wastes may have been forced there by competition. Anjanath has also been found living in hot regions like the Sandy Plains and Lava Caverns. Other known locations that Anjanath thrives in are flooded forests and shrine ruins.

Anjanath was encountered in our world and was located in the Arabian desert, the Indian subcontinent, mainland Southeast Asia, and Japan, according to the United Nations and Agents of Shield.


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