
Insulorattus gigantus


The island's leader has some biological life, including birds. Between a rat and an island, there is a tiny island that is bigger than an ocean liner.



Domain: Eukaryota

Kingdom: Animalia

Phylum: Chordata

Clade: Synapsida

Class: Mammalia

Order: Rodentia

Order: Rodentia

Suborder: Myomorpha

Superfamily: Insulomuridea

Family: Insulomuridae

Genius: Insulorattus

Species: Insulorattus gigantus

Descendant: rats

Named by: ???

Year Published: ???

Size: 55.5 metres long in length; 7.85 meters tall in height; 150,000 – 350,000 kilograms in weight

Lifespan: 60+ years



Pantheon: Sawintiran

Time Period: Pliocene – Holocene

Alignment: Neutral

Threat Level: ★★★★★

Diet: Omnivorous 🌿🥩🐟🥓

Elements: Water, earth, nature

Inflicts: Splashed, bleeding, blunted

Weaknesses: Fire, ice, metal, time, aether, chaos

Casualties: ???

Based On: fictional

Conservation Status: Endangered

Surtsaydum (Insulorattus gigantus) is the one of the fictional species of large-sized semi-aquatic rodent upcoming introduced in Weather Dragons and Worldcraft: Chaebol's Revenge. Surtsaydum is the largest fictional species of rodent this in the world, originate from Avalon.


Surtsaydum's name was English word of portmanteau between "Surtsey", "sad", "-odon", and "doom".

Physical Appearance

Surtsaydum is the largest member of rodents, and a rat evolved into a plesiosaur-crazed rodent with hairlessness, gray smooth skin with pale yellowish white, clawed flippers like manatees, long necks, very small ears, an upper nostril near the eyes, a giant prehensile tail, fat and slender, and blue eyes. This main body is for floating on the surface of the water with blubber.

It holds on their back was a large oval-shaped rock as main balance and connected with pre-adult stage hairs (only reach the adult became hairless) to prevent falling to make a single island. This island was made of igneous rocks and sedimentary rocks from an underwater volcano. During their 'ceremory', the lava sticks to the back of adolescent Surtsaydum, causing adhered hair from sticky substances to stick to the permament island back.


Surtsaydum is the most dangerous animal so far. Can spray larger water, like from a rescue helicopter up to 55.82 meters long to be fired up. Their tail was stronger than many other strongest people; it could destroy the ocean liner in one slap. Surtsaydum's teeth are indestructible for biting and bleeding.

Weather Phenomenon


It feeds on animals that attack on their backs or underwater, such as seabirds and fish. Surtsaydums born of this lack a shell and will stay within their birth area at the shore before becoming fully aquatic, but actually semi-aquatic. As they grow older, when they go underwater, the Surtsaydum is only a rodent that swam very deep below in the ocean. Consider Cuvier's beaked whale, which has a length of 9,816 feet (2,992 m) and a duration of 222 minutes, respectively. Surtsaydum's record is unbeated—only 10,559 feet and 500 minutes to get an "island" from volcanic activity, accidentally creating the outer shell that adorns them. Hidden under its shell is a hair stick made from lava cooled into a rock.

Four long flippers that were powered by powerful muscles were the result of the evolution of their limbs, which were large bony plates made of the shoulder girdle and the pelvis. The flippers were made to fly through the water without a shell (only some individuals lack their island due to their same population). Their elongated tail is actually prehistoric and titanic in size. Surtsaydum can easily destroy any obstacles that stand in its way or in their "island", including forts and ships. Surtsaydum can fire large, highly pressurized jets of water at foes, easily destroying all obstacles. Surtsaydum has to come up for air every so often to fill their lungs with air and breathe underwater. Unlike rodents, they are usually viviparous, and like some sharks, the first of the offspring from an sperm cell to an egg cell hatches on their pouch at the stomach, like marsupials.

The predators of this creature are various huge animals, including Elder Dragons like Drakolossia (Y Ddraig Goch) and others.


Surtsaydum roars and commands any seabirds to peck at the survivors instead of attacking them directly. This animal is a gentle giant who doesn't mind most other animals. A rat will attack anything it perceives as a threat, despite the fact that smaller species have been observed to follow it and even make their homes on the shell that covers its back.

Distribution and Habitat

Surtsaydum was located in open oceans worldwide in Sawintir, Earth, and Reinachos. Cannot be landed on dry land if captured by any people who want to fight in dry land. Surtsaydum can be slammed with its own body-caused earthquake.


The passively domesticated animal that you must "feed" with a school of tiny carnivorous fish (usually present surrounding the plesiosaur-rat itself are tiny, glowing schools of turquoise fish that resemble drones)

The taming progress, which starts at 0% and steadily climbs to 100%, must be triggered by first walking into the school of fish to agitate it and cause the pop-up notice "You are being targeted by a School of Microbe."

To halt the taming process, any fish that spawn next to the plesiosaur-rat try to kill the school of fish. To knock anything out, strike it in the head or the belly with the club. The microbes fled from the psychotic and put any type of raw meat in inventory numbers 5–20. Have fun with your plesiosaur rat.


coming soon


Main Theme Music
