Winter Kukulkan

Avoserpentus finlandica

Winter Kukulkan

“ Ancient winged serpents beyond the north pole don't exist and have their own myths. The most brilliant amphibian in the world was cancerous-looking, spewing ice pollution. ”

– Eostre

Scientific Taxonomy & Character Information

Domain: Eukaryota

Kingdom: Animalia

Phylum: Chordata

Class: Reptilia

Order: Squamata

Suborder: Ornithophia

Family: Avoserpentidae

Genius: Avoserpentus

Species: Avoserpentus finlandica

Descendant: Feathered serpents

Named by: ???

Year Published: ???

Size: 37.5 m long in length; 10.6 m tall in height; 4,070 kg in weight




Time Period: Pliocene - Holocene

Alignment: Neutral

Threat Level: ★★★★★

Diet: Carnivorous

Elements: Air, ice, sound

Inflicts: Aired, iced, polluted, muted

Weaknesses: Fire, earth, electric, metal, sound, time

Casualties: ???

Based On: itself

Conservation Status: Endangered (EN) – IUCN Red List

Winter Kukulkan or Arwedogia Kukulkan (Avoserpentus finlandica) is the one of the mythical creature and a toxicoferan introduced in Worldcraft: Trio Origins and Weather Dragons: Ahtohallan's Last Hope.


Coming The Yucatec form of the name is formed from the word kuk "feather" with the adjectival suffix -ul, giving kukul "feathered", combined with kan "snake" (Tzotzil chon), giving a literal meaning of "feathered snake". From Northern Sami arvedávgi by Sami people means "rainbow" using their color mostly camouflage and unseen any enemies found.

Physical Appearance

Winter Kukulkan was the most colorful species of amphiptere, ranging from the usual mix: red, yellow, orange, purple, brown, violet, and sea green. Their complexions ranged from cyan to pale brownish blue. Their eye color is blue. Their claws are grayish-black and used for climbing or grappling. Their rattle scales are actually lavender.


Unlike their relatives, the Rainbow Kukulkan can shoot water or ice depending on the temperature and, in enrage, can switch to a polluted level. Their relatives can bite with paralysis, but the one can hallucinate.

Weather Phenomenon

Coming soon


Kukulkan was the most colorful until the Sami people rediscovered it in Lapland as Arvedávgi, which means rainbows use their color mostly for camouflage and unseen enemies. Although Kukulkan was mentioned as a historical person by Maya writers of the 16th century, the earlier 9th-century texts at Chichen Itza never identified him. Using cenote, cacao, temples, ghost cities, and fogs are the main strategies for Kukulkan for this purpose.

Like Elder Dragons, they reside outside of the standard ecosystem, regardless of whether they are out of their minds, even abduct young ladies or maids, or live in temples with gold and jewels. Using rattle scales hiding from their feathers similarly imitates rattlesnakes to warn prey or predators away. Kukulkan have the same features: serrated teeth with molars for eating almost everything, including krill, and thick, strong claws for climbing. They also use their tails as a lure for prey. Kukulkan is agile and excellent at slithering and flying around the forest and ancient buildings. The wings blow away and destroy human settlements and other habitats with tornadoes.

When injured or enraged, it secretes a wind aura from the special organ called the "Casket of Air". Many Aztecs and Mayans can trust the dragon to worship them. Kukulkan are either the sole top predators of Mexico or they compete with other predatory monsters in each realm.


Unlike their relatives, this serpent was lonely, stronger, and more aggressive than the other one.

Distribution and Habitat

Winter Kukulkan was located in 3 realms: Reinachos, Earth, and Jotunheim. The origin of this species was Finland, Sweden, Iceland, Orkney Island and Norway.


Among the Lacandon Maya of Chiapas, Kukulkan is an evil, monstrous snake that is required to mean Much like the taming methods of dragons, adults don't know it is tamed except for stealing the egg and hatching it in an incubator for the 10 weeks of incubation time. Feeding with a reindeer's kibble


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Main Theme Music

Foreign Languages

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