Teal Tirisuk

Cryoplesiodraco arctica

Teal Tirisuk

“ The regal and watchful animal in the Arctic Ocean is no better than a thing with dancing whiskers that are full of control, like the octopus. This animal survives very well, and nothing is going to be impossible. ”

– Eostre

Scientific Taxonomy & Character Information

Domain: Eukaryota

Kingdom: Animalia

Phylum: Chordata

Class: Reptilia

Order: Squamata

Family: Aquanodraconidae

Subfamily: Cryoplesiodraconidae

Genus: Cryoplesiodraco

Species: Cryoplesiodraco arctica

Descendant: water dragons

Named by: ???

Year Published: ???

Size: 18 - 44 meters in length, 6.4 m tall in height; 4,666 kilograms in weight



Pantheon: Inuit

Time Period: Pleistocene - Holocene

Alignment: Bad

Threat Level: ★★★★★★★★

Diet: Omnivorous

Elements: Water, ice

Inflicts: Freezed, frostbite, splashed

Weaknesses: Fire, electric, nature, earth, metal


Based on: itself

Conservation Status: Endangered (EN) - IUCN Red List

Teal Tirisuk (Cryoplesiodraco arctica) is the Elder Dragon introduced in Weather Dragons: Ahtohallan's Recollection.


Unknown name from Inuit origin.

Physical Appearance

Teal Tirisuk is the amphibious Elder Dragon, descended from the drakes (flightless/wingless dragons), with elongated grayish whiskers that are bioluminescent if the ice chucks installed are used as combat; shorter whiskers cannot. Their two horns, ears, sharp spines cutting through ice with bioluminescence, their fish-like tail, their limbs into webbed toes, cyan to blue-green skin with dark cyan stripes like a tiger. Their belly was bluish gray, and fins were present on the shoulders. The eye color for Teal Tirisuk was blue for females and sea green for males.


Teal Tirisuk spews elongated, high-pressure cold water when the water turns into ice on impact. Teal Tirisuk controls their whiskers as a third limb; their prehensile use is for combat or self-defense. In enraged mode, it flashes itself in their mouth and closes their eyes to avoid blinding itself and stuning enemies. Tirisuk wears the same as Velkhana and develops ice armor and ice chucks on its whiskers, used as a chained mace.

Weather Phenomenon


More than 5,000 non-hatchling Tirisuk are thought to be in existence overall. Because of its enormous populations, vast habitat, and successful management in Alaska, Canada, Greenland, and, to a lesser extent, Siberia (mostly Korea to Hokkaido), the Tirisuk has a secure world population as a whole. Due to strong protective measures, Tirisuk populations are developing in the ABC Islands, a rare region of Southeast Asia. Future management may call for incentives generated from sustainable use to combat growing public hostility due to the human-dragon conflict (HDC).


Tirisuk are actually aggressive species towards everything, including humans. Some Tirisuk cannot hunt everything, including predators, on their own.

Distribution and Habitat

A section of the Arctic Ocean was home to Tirisuk. The annual ice that covers the continental shelf and inter-island archipelagos that encircle the polar basin for Tirisuk is where these icebergs are most frequently found, though some do occur in the central Arctic basin's permanent, multi-year pack ice.


Coming soon.


Project Pashneia, a scientific project by the Terran branch of Deities to produce any animals, monsters, or humans in terms of their own, was responsible for creating the three species of Tirisuk.

Main Theme Music

Foreign Languages
