
Telosodraco xenonegrus


The most evil matriarchal of the three realms, these rashes are caused by purple energy. Because she despises all of us, she uses a malevolent energy source to control everything and bring about predestined disasters and dry seasons.


Scientific Taxonomy & Character Information

Domain: Eukaryota

Kingdom: Animalia

Phylum: Chordata

Class: Reptilia

Order: Squamata

Suborder: Eurodraconia

Family: Telosodraconidae

Genius: Telosodraco

Species: Telosodraco xenonegrus

Descendant: ???

Named by: ???

Year Published: 1999

Size: 50.5 meters tall in height, 79.666 meters in length, 120.9 meters in length per wingspan, 9,666 kilograms in weight




Time Period: Pleistocene–Holocene (Chibanian–Meghalayan) - 700,000 BCE–present (Great American InterchangeLancelot and Guinevere, revived in War on Terror)

Alignment: Bad

Threat Level: ★★★★★★★★★★

Diet: Carnivorous

Elements: Aether, chaos

Inflicts: Ender rashes, chaosblight, aetherblight, horrified, paralysis

Weaknesses: Poison, paralysis, bombed, rusted, fae, arcane, light, dark, aether, chaos




Based On: Ender Dragon from Minecraft

Conservation Status: 

Terran subpopulation of Planet Earth

Sawintiran and Agarthan subpopulation

Shoahiguan (from 1910 to present), or in its ancient name, Shagiachor (from the Roman Empire to 1909) (Telosodraco xenonegrus), is a semi-fictional creature as the main antagonist introduced in Weather Dragons: Horvath. The final boss and true secondary antagonist in the series and the crossover of their same name, and even the fanfiction, as Minecraft's Ender Dragon.


Shoahiguan is the portmanteau word between the Hebrew language: שׁוֹאָה‎ "Shoah" means calamity, another word for "The Holocaust" and the Taino language: iguana / iwana means lizard from Modern English is "iguana". In Hungarian, Söalyegván which means for this species.

Physical Appearance

The scales of a Shoahiguan are entirely jet black, with a gray gradient on the back, a dark gray belly that is only occasionally present, and purple bioluminescent round marks on the belly lines. While the thumb has only the non-wing membranes, just like bats, each fingertip has four wing membranes. The two horns are a manifestation of the devil. There are numerous, short, pale gray spines. Purple adorns Shoahiguan's eyes. Their claws appear gray. Purple glow marks in "cracked" patterns can be seen on each of Shoahiguan's wing membranes.

Shoahiguan had changed significantly to fit the Earth Responsibly Saga's plot. Unlike the Ender Dragon from Minecraft, this species has undergone a significant redesign and is now darker and more dismal than before. Their skin had changed to a jet black and gray color that could countershade darkness. In order to maintain flying and regulate any weather containing ender rash particles, the wings have been divided into four wing fingers. The tail was now adequate for an arrow-shaped tail; that's weaker than Gochdraig's weaponized spear-tipped tail. The jagged spines themselves were rising up. For minimal penetrating damage, the waist-mounted spine projections were incorporated. The ears were changed to be shaped like fins, and the horns have been updated to have spiny tips. The claws remained the same. The Shoahiguan glows purple on their markings.


Speaking of the devil, Shoahiguan's primary weapon is ender rashes, which have the ability to change the weather. Both the phenomenon and the weather pattern will soon shift. Ender rashes, which mix chaos and aether components, are the most uncommon non-classical elements. Shoahiguan is in charge of the weather, climate change, and even the unpredictable natural calamities that devastate the entire planet. The skin has darkened, the ender rashes have become stuck, or the blood cells have degenerated.


Their purple particles thought to be allergic to the majority of rashes, having aether, and chaotic elements combine into all other kinds of materials to produce a single unpredictable weather and may conduct electrical-like aether currents. Shoahiguan causes localized storm systems, as well as otherworldly tempests of thunder and purple lightning into the hypercane and space hurricane collectively, by heating the water vapor to extremely high levels.


If this animal is god-tier, the wings they possess can cause gusts, fogs, smogs, thunderstorms, snowstorms, blizzards, sleetstorms, hailstorms, firestorms, sandstorms, limnic eruptions, and even solar eruptions if lifeforms are distracted.



"Şoahiguan, hava mevcut olduğunda ve düşük seviyeden en yüksek seviyeye kadar zırhları ve kalkanları tek bir bok içinde yok ettiğinde bile, son ışını hepsini parçalamak için vurur. "

Weather Phenomenon

All weather or natural disasters are randomly summoned by Shoahiguan.


Shoahiguan didn't have its own and now lacks its ecological niche, but it is more than mere humans and animals, as their forces of nature; all citizens, races, creatures, including Elder Dragons, and others are afraid of Shoahiguan due to the strongest known Sawintiran/Agarthan fauna in this world.

All mortal weapons are ineffective against a shoahiguan except for those made of comiean, diamond, damascus steel, mythrium, obsidian, and other enchanted minerals, which instantly and painfully kill through the flesh and can be blessed by holy water. Even the wings and eyes are more durable and difficult to scratch. Even though it was airborne, it floated rather than flapped, using special organs similar to those of pit vipers to detect scent. These energies have nitrogen oxide in them, which is bad for the lungs and increases the risk of skin rashes, respiratory infections, and asthma attacks. You become sinful as a result of it.

It is rumored that this equipment may be alive, indicating that Shoahiguan may not actually be deceased. Other weapons created from Shoahiguan's materials also seem to indicate that Shoahiguan is still alive in a form known as an endoparasite, and telepathy in this awareness would use its telepathic abilities to hijack the weapons and tools to eat at the hands of the user, while other weapons, when held, have horrifying abyssal screams emanating from them. Even some weapons have a desire for blood.


Shoahiguan is highly territorial and resilient, being able to live in an extremely hostile environment across the three realms: Earth, Sawintir, and Agartha.

Distribution and Habitat

The Shoahiguan came from an unidentified place in an unidentified world, created by predecessors before being destroyed by Sawintirans and Agarthans, who chose to settle in Sawintir or Agartha. Although some people may not have found many manuscripts indicating the Shoahiguan migrated to all of the countries of Earth, Turkiye was their final haven.


Shoahiguan nevers tamed, she is a goddess.


Bereshit 30000-10000 BCE

Project Pashneia, a scientific project by the Terran branch of Deities to produce any creatures, including humans, animals, and monsters, was where Satan, Nergal, Marduk, and others created Shoahiguan, the ultimate weapon. Juno and Aita owned this creature. An outraged Juno used the beast to burn to cinders all the humans, animals, monsters, and plants nearby with blasts of ender energy until she was fatally stabbed by Hephaestus in the rear. Her father's human servants had revolted and slain Saturn when they were supposed to.


2014–2020 Version

2023 Version

Main Theme Music


Rebooted 2024

Foreign Languages