
Tarrasius problematicus

Tarrasius problematicus

“ Inside of every problem lies an opportunity. ”

– Robert Kiyosaki

Scientific Taxonomy & Character Information

Domain: Eukaryota

Kingdom: Animalia

Phylum: Chordata

Class: Actinopterygii

Subclass: Chondrostei

Order: Tarrasiiformes

Family: Tarrasiidae

Genius: Tarrasius

Species: Tarrasius problematicus

Descendant: ???

Named by: Ramsay H Traquair

Year Published: 1887

Size: small

Type: Bony Fishes

Title: n/a

Pantheon: Terran

Time Period: Carboniferous

Alignment: Good

Threat Level:

Diet: Omnivorous

Elements: Water

Inflicts: Watered

Weaknesses: Electric, leaf

Casualties: n/a

Based On: itself

Conservation Status: Extinct

Tarrasius problematius, was an extinct species of eel-like fish that lived in shallow bodies of water in what is now Scotland, in the Carboniferous period between 359 million and 318 million years ago.


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Physical Appearance

The appearance of tetrapod-like spinal organization in a ray-finned fish shatters the presumed relationship between complex vertebral anatomy and both walking and terrestriality. The eel-like Tarrasius possessed no hind fins and a long dorsal fin, indicating it used it's surprisingly intricate spinal column for swimming, not walking.


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And while Tarrasius lived several million years after the first tetrapods with hands and feet, the discovery of these spinal features in a fish species confirms that this anatomy can evolve separate from the evolution of walking behavior.


Tarrasius tends to swim in schools or solidarity.

Distribution and Habitat

During the Carboniferous epoch, which lasted between 359 million and 318 million years ago, Tarrasius lived in shallow bodies of water in what is now Scotland. It was once believed that Tarrasius had a simple vertebral column made up of body and tail segments, similar to many fish. The spine morphology of this fish is similar to that of humans and has been discovered in the fossilized aquatic eels.


Tarrasius can be 'tamed' using Fish Trapper. While they can level, they do eat from the feeder.


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Foreign Languages

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