
“ Atčhu' mutylep klerroly čios! ”

Rothbart Illicha

Scientific Taxonomy & Character Information

Domain: ???

Kingdom: ???

Phylum: ???

Class: ???

Order: ???

Family: ???

Genius: ???

Species: ???

Descendant: n/a

Named by: n/a

Year Published: n/a

Size: 10 feet tall in height; wingspan estimate to 56 m in length; 200 kg in weight




Time Period: HadeanHolocene

Alignment: Bad

Threat Level: ★★★★★★★★★★

Diet: Carnivorous

Elements: Dark, arcane, sound, chaos

Inflicts: Darkblight, arcaneblight, soundblight, chaosblight

Weaknesses: Fae, time, aether, chaos




Based On: itself

Conservation Status: Data Deficient (DD) – IUCN Red List

Mothman is a mythical creature and a cryptid reported in West Virginia, in the United States of America. Unidentified living angel or fairy, for that sake. The main antagonist introduced in Worldcraft: The Swan Princess's Story.


Some people are believed to have influenced the coinage of the name “Mothman” in the local newspapers between “moth” and "man.”.

Physical Appearance

Because both of the same avian hominid species underwent convergent development, the massive, 10-foot-tall alien species known as Mothman was mistaken for angels and fairies. It had digitgrade legs, deformed claws, moth wings, a long butterfly antenna with red bioluminescent markings, six packed abs, a slender build, red eyes, blue blood (similar to that of a horseshoe crab), and no teeth of its own, resembling the sharp esophagus of a leatherback turtle, which was sharper than a sword.


Mothman is the deadliest Elder Dragon-level threat; it manipulates wind and darkness altogether. Using their claws as a weapon and using dark magic from the bioenergy other organisms can possess, Moths can be disguised as other animals, including humans, because of their ability to shift shapes.

Weather Phenomenon

Coming soon


Like other prehistoric species, the mothman destroys everything in its path and lacks an ecological niche, opting instead for a more extreme ecological equilibrium. use their wings as a robe and mantle. As a terrible omen, the mothman glares his fiery eyes at every species in every world.

The next thirteen months would see sightings of this creature in Point Pleasant, with over 100 sightings reported throughout this time (however, these are unidentified accounts, and the actual number of reported sightings may be quite fewer). Some individuals think that the Mothman seeks to alert people about impending tragedies.

Using its wings to regulate the wind flow to the Silver Bridge, the Mothman created several free-roaming tornadoes and wind tunnels under multiple targets simultaneously, resulting in an expanded ability to cause storms and winds and killing 46 people.


Mothman is a strategist and aggressive towards everything.

Distribution and Habitat

Mothman was located in West Virginia as an invasive species. The origin of Mothman's homeworld was unknown because it was an unknown species in Ginnungagap.


Mothman cannot be tamed!


Pre-WC:SPS - 3000 AD

Rothbart Ilicha was a hybrid of Mothman via his own injection from Mothman's DNA in the past; Odile didn't accept her father as Mothman and Swan Maiden due to connections for Fairytale and Contemporary Era; and her former rival Odette Regina married Isabella Morrison.


Main Theme Music


Foreign Languages
