
Negrovermos rex rex


A gentle and masculine black wyrm that eradicated my life without the blue god's particles. This is very unreal because the myths and legends are real. Does it make more sense than real fairytales? They are called genocidal dragons by the ancient speech of elves of another world.


Scientific Taxonomy & Character Information

Domain: Eukaryota

Kingdom: Animalia

Phylum: Chordata

Class: Reptilia

Order: Squamata

Suborder: Eurodraco

Family: Palaeodraconidae

Genus: Negrovermos

Species: Negrovermos rex

Subspecies: Negrovermos rex rex

Descendant: Dragons

Generic Name: King black worm (in Latin)

Named by: Augusta Bernando Huit

Year Published: 2025 A.D

Size: 45.0 meters tall in height (1771.65 inches), 666,666 kilograms in weight, 89.666 meters in length to wingspan estimated to 453 meters, 35.5 meters length in wingspan




Time Period: Pleistocene–Holocene (Chibanian–Meghalayan) - 300,000 BCE–present

Alignment: Bad

Threat Level: ★★★★★★★★★

Diet: Carnivore

Elements: Fire, dark, chaos

Inflicts: Fireblight, darkblight, chaosblight, bombed, bleeding, atomblight

Weaknesses: Fae, aether, chaos




Based On: 

Conservation Status: Critically Endangered (CR) – IUCN Red List

Radachalog (Negrovermos rex; English IPA: /raːdətʃəlɔɡ/) is a fictional Elder Dragon introduced in Worldcraft Damnation: My Last Blessings and Weather Dragons Bagani: Agartha's Last Episode. Considering between as antagonist (by Roxana) and deuteragonist (by Isabella and Archie), that this only creature that have been two role-plays.


Radachalog because of this name was by Old Elvish: "rada" (Futuristic Version: "grakta") meaning "great", "tshal" (Futuristic Version: "ichak") meaning "black", "aralog" (Futuristic Version: "farallogh") meaning "vanisher" because it came from the Indo-European languages since ancient times before the extinction of Neanderthals by macrofamily languages named Borean languages.

Physical Appearance

Radachalog is a massive European dragon with horns similar to those of Nigrostra and wings that have grown to be taller than hills. Each scute on the shoulders, jaws, arms, and elbows produces a spike. Each spine on this back has been glowing as a result of sky blue fire being used to recharge its atomic containment powers. It is possible to remove the "Genocide Aura" from Radachalog's luminous chest, which is the dragon's main weakness, potentially killing it. It is bad luck to have red eyes.


Radachalog can shoot or breathe the blue "atomic" dragon element containing abyssal bluish Cherenkov radiation. When the "core" organ glows when activated, the "genocidal aura" makes all lifeforms weaken but decreases the special defense. Radachalog flapping their wings to make large twisters fire and damage the fiber of concrete houses, also exposed to Cherenkov radiation. Their tail is pure prehensile and destroyed by their grappling or peeling off; the forked tail is also sharper than a sword. The locomotion of Radachalog was quadrupedal while using the wings as six limbs functional as pterodactyls to wyverns. Aside from being greater in size, Radachalog crushes anything with their wings, belly, hands, and feet before stamping it.

Unlike the Elder Dragons, Radachalog consumes natural Cherenkov radiation inside the earth; even non-Cherenkov materials can be converted into Cherenkov radiation. In fact, before being enraged, he used normal fire and chaos before transforming into blue radiation. Radachalog, called by ancient times the Blue Plague of the World," unleashes some odor radiation. It is considered by some fans as Flying Godzilla.



Shooting it with the ballista, cannons, catapults, sonic weapons, or any other projectile when it is flying can cause it to fall. Poison is the main weakness of Radachalog, as is the lack of natural selection. The face or head is the weakest part of Radachalog, also shared with Fatalis from Monster Hunter.

Weather Phenomenon


The main prey for Radachalog, the top predator in these realms of Reinachos and Earth, is everything if they want to exact revenge. In their same ecological niche known as "Princess and Dragon," which is related to abduction by most elder dragons by biologists, Radachalog can abduct princesses, noblewomen, duchesses, and other beautiful women or young ladies. The Elder Dragon is a collection of distinct species that belong to the same class. While most species abduct princesses from the known tree of life, some Elder Dragon members hoard treasure.

If Radachalog, in its advanced stage, succeeds in wiping out everyone present at this location, it will be more potent and use pollution and atomic containment as their primary weapons. Due to a cause akin to a sonic boom, the sharp sound made when faster-than-sound movement occurs destroys all life and the environment. Cherenkov radiation is the only one used by the species known to exist.


The Radachalog is extremely hostile to all living things, including Eldritch terrors or deities. It threatens the very existence of not only the Earth, but the very world around it in all realms holds Cherenkov radiation. Should this be truthful from monks and druids, it would mean the Radachalog possesses both great intelligence and an unfathomable hatred of humankind and all.


Scary, monstrous, resourceful, intimidate, overpower, manipulative, murderous, blasphemous, fierce, foxy, gothic, perfectionist, genocidal, intelligent, gluttony, selfless, selfish, shadowy, overlooked, dangerous, persuasive, open-minded, powerful, vindictive, slothful, gentle, classy, protective, scandalous, abusive, wrathful, cruel, territorial, ruthless, deadly, wide-eyed

Distribution and Habitat

Radachalog was located in Reinachos' mountains, like Horatio to Northwest Pascua, which has the highest mountain levels, and even Planet Earth is located in the real highest level of mountains.


Adult Radachalog was never tamed; only baby Radachalog was tamed via hatching eggs. Feed with all meats and an atomic gas will be tamed, according to friars from Distorter/Yautjas.


Bereshit - 300,000-70,000 BCE

Project Pashnea, a project by the Terran branch of the Deities to scientifically create any creatures—animals, monsters, or humans—in terms of their own, was where Eostre developed Radachalog. The Isu developed a number of technologies to enforce their control over people, monsters, animals, and other entities. These technologies included the creation of the artifacts that mankind would later refer to as "Pieces of Eden" or "Terran Old Artifacts" and which Hephaestus and other Aesir-descended inventors called "Pieces of Eden." It is thought that some of these Terran Ancient Artifacts had the capacity to simultaneously access a network of Aurorium neurotransmitters deep within the brains of people or other creatures, ensuring complete obedience through the use of remote mind control via adamantium.

Buried deep within the human or animal brain, the Aurorium neurotransmitters were a network of receptors specifically designed to respond to certain adamantium-made Terran ancient artifacts or Pieces of Eden that controlled human emotions, thoughts, behavior, and adding or enhancing magic. Juno used Radachalog to kill a man and others who were about to attack her with her father's scythe. She then used tendrils of Cherenkov radiation to kill all the rebellious elves, demons, angels, and other creatures nearby.

She was so distraught that she claimed humans would destroy everything, including the gods and one another, and she made a vow to deal with people and animals by rescuing them from themselves. Hephaestus eventually killed Juno for betraying his mother and being duped by Aita, the Etruscan god of cheating. Hephaestus was joined by other gods who had survived the mass extinction at the end of the Pleistocene, including Eostre, Quetzalcoatl, Chang'e, Loki, Sigyn, Thor, Baldr, Angrboda, Yahweh, and others.

Before the Holocene, all contemporary and modified creatures were able to survive the Toba eruption, the first extinction event, and Eostre established all animals in their native environments. The use of magical abilities had little or no impact on many of these creatures. After the eruption, the gods left the Garden of Eden, under the guidance of the archangels Michael and Gabriel, who also oversaw the building of the angels. Cherenkov radiation is generated in large quantities, and Radachalog was first discovered in the Alps, a range of mountains in continental Europe.

5,000 BC

Despite their pantheon being Agarthan, this animal was Terran and native to planet Earth of Luxembourg origin; this dragon belonged until migrating to Russia as an invasive species and migratory species.

2023 AD

This animal caused Chernobyl radiation throughout Ukraine and Russia, as well as in Sawintir, the fictional country of Enchancia Kingdom, threatened by Cherenkov radiation-breathing dragons called the Avalonian elves. Both Sofia the First, known as Sofia Balthazar, and Cedric the Sorcerer are naturally immune to Cherenkov radiation, a curse caused by Radachalog that Prince Hugo was not immune to Cherenkov, along with her sister Amber.

Cruella de Vil and her son Carlos de Vil want to investigate the Enchancia Kingdom incident made by Lithuanian senator and priestess Aldona Rupūžė, the hybrid Earthling Agarthan descendants of the Agarthan wanderer sworn to revenge and renegade Enchancia, and now Lithuania is warned by Quetzalcoatl, Chang'e, Hades, Persephone, Olorun, Chione, and Baba Yaga.

That is about the last solution after Dian Bimbirys, the Lithuanian Latvian descendants of the unknown soldier that killed Radachalog in ancient times. Heloise Szekely, Joszef Horvath, and his allies and friends want to take down the senator and the dragon, causing a rampant repeat of the radiation process and climate change.

July 2024 AD

Radachalog's name is Gabriello the Lightbrighter, the dragon abandoned by his parents due to his connection with God. Until this animal was found by Constantin Sanatescu in Ukraine after World War II to 2024 AD. Sanatescu tells of this dragon against Agarthans and relations in Agartha for the Enchancia Kingdom, causing the incident in Sofia's homeland.

Cedric the Sorcerer and Sofia the First were the only survivors immune to Cherenkov radiation, while her love interest Prince Hugo and her sister Princess Amber weren't immune but got coughed up by exposure to radiation made by Infernal Radachalog, a subspecies of Radachalog that wasn't discovered long ago until Joszef Horvath and Heloise Szekely found Joszef Horvath and Heloise Szekely with new allies: her mother and son were Cruella de Vil and Carlos de Vil.

Gabriello was rivaled by Redscale, the Infernal Radachalog, causing both to hate each other due to racism, and was interbreed with Redscale's unnamed sister as a love interest as per the law of Radachalog and the forces of nature by Goddess Gaia. Causing the collapse of Sofia and Cedric, the Enchancian residents cried, and Gabriello swore the renegade and revenge against himself and his life. The God bestows him with the newest seraphim, which falls into the cleanest radiation against the red radiation.

Redscale represents Satanas and Gabriello represents Yeshua as noted by Nimue's old dossiers and until stopped by Old Radiation as the true godlike Elder Dragon named Duiva (Avalonian term for "God the First" or "Almighty Deity") to cease fighting each other and kill Aldona Rupūžė instead and Enchancia and Disney characters peaceful in harmony thanks for 21st century heroes like Joszef, Heloise, Bartal, Dorottya, Daniel, Generosity, and others like Lizardo and Pleasance and her friends and allies from Agarthan warfares from Disney villains' plans.

April 7, 2998

The giant moth glows her wings to illuminate the heavens because the citizens scarcely were a goddess to respond to all guardians to submit her. The black dragon hates those who were once blessed by a giant moth because of jealousy. The Chofrajo (Ascunsia) and Nueva Joaquin will join forces and find that her name is Mosura and was coded from Kaiju movies. Francisco, the prime minister of the Nueva Joaquin, renamed the Mosura species Mothsol, the name for moth, and Sol, the Latin and Spanish for sun. The black dragon is called Radachalog (ræ-da-tsha-log) in the scrolls of the elves who arrived from the Kingdom of Britain. This dragon hates all, including the royal family, and citizens are forced out there into the highlands. The dragon flies directly to Nueva Joaquin, where Siannie's mother called Artemis lived as a resident. The Earth's human species News Anchor and Reporter Jessy had no idea he reported that the crisis in the small country was over. Diana found Jessy to gladly take her to this country.

April 21, 2998

Queen Donna and King Samuel were the last known royal leaders of the Nueva Joaquin, who were attacked by Radachalog using a fireball of black atomic radiation (the color sky blue with an atomic compound) that hit the castle three times. Knights and archers may protect those under attack, but explosions destroy them, killing Commander Antonio, poachers, livestock, fauna, citizens, and administrations.

Diana will find her mom and dad were under attack by Radachalog, and she was snatched by Radachalog's hand. She struggled. Donna and Samuel were shocked. Diana was abducted by Radachalog. Artemis and Mothsol charged for the princess brought by Radachalog standing into Mount Francisco to roar the bow into the god. They awoke all Guardians: Momia'thurniqa, Coralback, Thunderbird, Cadborosaurus, etc., to wreak havoc worldwide. The Ascunsian Resistance (humans) with distorters and some Kiamatios make fortresses and armies to defend themselves from the largest dragon. Mothsol and Artemis were started by a menace of the Genocidal Dragon, Diana, in the Radachalog's left hand, holding her sharp obsidian shard to stab the left hand. The dragon felt it was nasty.

The fight was over between a moth and a dragon called Chaoskampf. The princess dropped off, Jessy caught Diana, but was made by Artemis' magic to make a trampoline. Diana and Jessy were protected by Artemis to flee the couple from harm, and she would fight. Donna and Samuel were killed by Radachalog's atomic breath; only a few lucky citizens survived the dragon's genocide activity. Professor Peterson hesitated, then a dragon from the danger of the second empire near Ascunsia summoned two behemoths that hadn't responded by the Genocidal Dragon, called Water Behemoth and Terrestrial Behemoth, roaring out to Radachalog to commit fights with Mothsol, diving into the sky with claws piercing through the sky. The dragon roaring and calling the meteor showers directly hit both Mothsol, Behemoths, and Peterson; Peterson was killed by Radachalog's radiation.

Artemis, mother of Siannie, combats the dragon with light magic because she descended from a light princess from the past. She blocked a powerful shield of light with her breath, and she pulled the atomic fire toward the dragon. Mothsol protects herself (Artemis) and the dragon both died by Artemis' Deadly Prism, a deadliest light element to self-destruct herself. The Nueva Joaquin was now doomed to ruin. Siannie, the Brilliant Witch, was shocked that the Nueva Joaquin was collapsed and completely destroyed by Radachalog. Her mother lapped her hands to the daughter, but the mother passed away. Siannie cried. Most citizens, livestock, endangered species, royal families, and lives were suffered from Dragon's Genocide Activity; no black dragon left a peaceful day. All lives were buried within the borders of two royal countries. Abirosa, Catalan and Korean, Farsigerdho, Shqipetra, and more donate more support, and in the Pride of the Genocide Graveyard, Siannie, Princess Diana of Nueva Joaquin, and Reporter Jessy, we're going to talk to each other.

April 23, 2998

The Ascunsian administration claims the ruined country is now an official province. The mountaineers jolted the three litorovagors, burned out by purple flames. In the investigation, the truth was made by a dragon again, and it was returned again until Isabella and Nicolette with Queen Arianna (mixed Scottish, French, Spanish, Catalan, Filipino, Indonesian, and German descent) and Archie and Alexandria (French, Spanish, Catalan, Portuguese, Israeli, Cornish, Navajo, English, Scottish, German, Ilocano, Ibanag, Indonesian, Kapampangan, Tagalog, and Javanese descent) arrived soon.

Known Individuals

Past and Present Incidents

The Recollections of Queen Arianna Individuals


" Y cynnydd drwg ddydd Gwener yw chwe chant chwe deg chwech. "

- Father Felipe Acosta, Priest of Ascunsia in 2997

" The Black Dragon appears to exist only in fairytale stories. He is the tallest and deadliest of all dragons, which was unexpected by scientists. There is no clue it is a shroud of mystery for this dragon in the Cyberspace Age; it is doubtful of vengeance against habitat destruction and societies that bring it destruction of not only humans but also all lifeforms, including humans, that leads to genocide for the new history. "

– Pedro Pierre and Princess Marguerite of Prairiville

Other Non-Subspecies Forms

Radiated Radachalog

See also: Radiated Radachalog

Radiated Radachalog is a simple form of Radachalog, with the exception of rampant Cherenkov radiation, which causes glowing abyssal moonlight radiation that combines qi energy and bioenergy into an amalgam state.


2019–2023 Colored Pencil Version

2020 Version

2021–2023 Version

Main Theme Music

In Reinachos

In Earth and Avalon

Foreign Languages
