Burach Bhadi

Scoticohirudo geimhlean

Burach Bhadi

“ The Murphy, North Carolina, home of the ferociously leech with eyes murks the bayous to marshes. Then can't pursue, with their vengeance of the blood navigation as a contact tracer against you. In the Tlanusi'yï, the home broke apart to the piece of jaws from head to tail. ”

– Eostre


Domain: Eukaryota

Kingdom: Animalia

Phylum: Annelida

Class: Clitellata

Order: Arhynchobdellida

Suborder: Hirudiniformes

Family: Hirudinidae

Genus: Scoticohirudo

Species: Scoticohirudo geimhlean

Descendant: leech

Named by: ???

Year: ???

Size: 5.9 meters tall in height, 700 kilograms in weight, 34.6 meters in length

Type: Segmented Worms (Leech), Mythical, Guardian

Title: Blood Restrainer

Pantheon: Scottish

Time Period: Pleistocene to Holocene

Alignment: Selfish

Threat Level: ★★★★★★★ (This threat of this animal or terrorist was selfish, so aware of that.)

Diet: Carnivorous and Hematophagy 🥩🥓🩸

Elements: Dark, water

Inflicts: Poison, bleeding, lifedrain, impaled

Weaknesses: Fire, electric

Casualties: ???

Based On: itself

Conservation Status: Endangered

Burach Bhadi (Scoticohirudo geimhlean; Ogham: ᚛ᚁᚒᚏᚐᚕᚃᚐᚇᚔ᚜) is the largest and longer version of leech considered as rivalry of Lambton Worm and Tlanusi, this monster was a minor antihero introduced in Weather Dragons: Liwayway.


Burach Bhadi (Scots Gaelic IPA: /puˈrˠaxk vaˈtʲi/) means "Wizard's Shackle" in Scottish Gaelic.

Physical Appearance

Burach Bhadi is a larger leech than Tlanusi, a similar leech from North Carolina in the United States; both have bioluminescent markings and feed on blood. Baby leeches are smaller, adolescents are about the same size as European medicine leeches, adults are bigger than St. Bernard dogs, and elder leeches are bigger still, making them the biggest and tallest structures (only elders need to mature).

Their skin is smooth, dark brown, and they have a pale yellow belly. They have nine red eyes. These bioluminescent markings are colored and illuminated in a yellow-green hue. Their blood is the color green like all segmented worms, and their jaws are identical to three pairs like leeches.


Burach Bhadi have powerful teeth that can pierce through armor and entangle their own body like an anaconda. Burach Bhadi exhales a green fog that impairs vision and produces a green poison.



In lochs, Burach Bhadi is in the middle of the food chain. Only consume salmon and char, but in the Pleistocene of Scotland, they also consumed rhinoceroses, mammoths, Irish elks, moose, brown bears, macaques, Neanderthals, wolves, aurochs, humans, antelopes, hippopotamuses, wisents, and more. Nowadays, they hunt in the sea like whales, dolphins, and even merrows.

In their native Scotland, Nessie, Cu-sith, Shug Monkey, Titanios, Cuthach, Lambton Worm, Sarkany, Peluda, Beithir, and Y Ddraig Goch are Burach Bhadi's predators. Even humans have participated in hunting expeditions about the Scottish lands' flooding in order to stop Burach Bhadi's attack because of that wizard.


Territorial in nature, the Burachi Bhadi guards this habitat or location. This hearing will essentially remain deaf to the presence of prey because it is unable to detect them. Any creatures, including reptiles, Elder Dragon-Level monsters, and princesses (or other members of the royal family or married survivors) will be retreated into the caverns or aquifers without being distributed. Little leeches are amusing creatures that suck on nectars until they suck blood.

Distribution and Habitat

There are either natural or artificial lochs in the western isles in Scotland, United Kingdom, where this leech is endemic and well-known worldwide. The Scottish people claim that this leech always consumes horses as food while also drinking their blood; both Tlanusi are hematophagous worms.

It lives in bodies of water near roadways, although there have been sightings of it in Badenoch, Loch Tummel, and some streams in Argyll.


Burach Bhadi are incapable of being tamed due to their extremely small brains and low IQ. Only hypnotized to command tamed instantly while they were close to death, and now tamed, is this artifact known as Beithir's Pearl.


Coming soon.


See also: ???

Main Theme Music

Foreign Languages