Highland Falaqalku

Volanosaurus tigraeros

Highland Falaqalku

The assassin flying terrorists of the sky were the first debuted animal on Sawintir. Often, the synapsid differs from the wyvern.

– Dominique Llorente

Scientific Taxonomy & Character Information

Domain: Eukaryota

Kingdom: Animalia

Phylum: Chordata

Clade: Synapsida

Class: Vesperosauria

Order: Chiropterosauria

Suborder: Volanosauriforma

Family: Volanosauridae

Subfamily: Volanosaurinae

Genus: Volanosaurus

Species: Volanosaurus tigraeros

Descendant: Varanopidae

Named by: Thomas Henryson y Sanchez

Year: 1980

Size: wingspan up to 4.1 meters long, 1.3 meters tall in height; 84.78 pounds in weight




Time Period: Post-Holocene

Alignment: Neutral

Threat Level: ★★★★★

Diet: Omnivorous

Elements: Air

Inflicts: Airblight

Weaknesses: Fire, ice, electric, sound, fae

Casualties: ???

Based On: n/a

Conservation Status: 

Highland Volianten (Volanosaurus tigraeros), or known in 1900s to 2000s as Highland Falaqalku, Tiger Falaqalku, Tabby Falaqalku, or Dull Stripped Falaqalku, is the one of the fictional species of synapsid introduced in Worldcraft: The Center.


Volianten is the word from Ascunsian: Volliante via Latin volatus, means flight. Falaqalku is the Anglicization word from Quechua: phalaq and allqu, which both words for "flying dog".

Physical Appearance

Highland Falaqalku is different from normal Falaqalku, except for grayish yellow fur. Ranging from dark stripes to pale yellowish white on wing membranes distancing in fur and green eye patches


Highland Falaqalku was more adapted than the normal one; they are also strong enough to pick up enemies and toss them straight off the cliffs around the area for an instant kill. During the quest, the quest immediately ends in failure.


Highland Falaqalku is the only one in the middle of the food chain and sits in as an omnivorous synapsid. The falaqalku's diet consists of fruits, fungi, mistletoes, turnips, blueberries, birds, feces, earthworms, leeches, foxes, and more; they even rarely hunt humans for any reason. The predators of this animal were from the Horatio continent. From the synapsids, Razorpin (the descendant of Deinonychus), and even dragons


Unlike the normal one, this animal was fierce and protective until it provoked.

Distribution and Habitat

Highland Volianten was an introduced species on Mount Descartes in Reinachos, an exoplanet. This species lives in the highlands and cloud forests of any biome in all regions of Sawintir, and it is uncommon during migration.




1640 BCE

The synapsids emerge from evolution and unique wildlife conservation except for the dinosaur species: Deinonychus. The voliantens are flying bat-like synapsids. Also looked up there are just studied by scientists in conversation and protected by Royal family members.

September 8, 2987


Known Individuals

Past and Present Incidents Individuals

The Recollections of Queen Arianna Individuals


Chronological Appears
