Gray Parroffin

Psittacogryphus mcarthuri

Gray Parroffin

“ Natural born immunity to time—what is that? ”

Derek of Courageux

Scientific Taxonomy & Character Information

Domain: Eukaryota

Kingdom: Animalia

Phylum: Chordata

Class: Reptilia

Order: Squamata

Suborder: Eurodraconia

Superfamily: Gryphidea

Family: Psittacogryphidea

Genius: Psittacogryphus

Species: Psittacogryphus mcarthuri

Descendant: parroffin

Named by: ???

Year Published: ???

Size: 7.4 m tall in height; 34.12 m in length; wingspan to 34.2 m in length; 500 kg in weight




Time Period: Holocene

Alignment: Curious

Threat Level: ★★★★★

Diet: Omnivorous

Elements: Air, time

Inflicts: Timeblight

Weaknesses: Air, electric, ice, sound, arcane

Casualties: ???

Based On: fictional

Conservation Status: Vulnerable (VU) – IUCN Red List

Gray Parroffin (Psittacogryphus mcarthuri) is the fictional species of griffin introduced in Worldcraft: Dawdled. One of the only species of Parroffin was immune to time due to the overdue energy.


Parroffin is the portmanteau of "parrot" and "griffin", which is recognized as a fictional species of griffin as a parrot instead of an eagle and is because of the resemblance of the parrot with the body of a griffin.

Physical Appearance

Gray parroffins are griffins that resemble parrots and take their coloring from the vasa parrots of the genus Coracopsis in Madagascar. They have gray limbs and scales that match the color of dark caves, clouds, or fog; gray or yellowish horns (removed from the 2023 version); beaks depending on whether dominant or recessive genes are present; and either green or gray eyes depending on the genes.


Gray Parroffin is the natural born immune to time pause and used time attacks, the fastest of all Parroffin and very elusive and born natural fighter. According to John Rolfe, this animal was the only Avalonian animal brought to Reinachos for rewilding before and after Rothbart's death by volcanic activity and Joringel Millerson.

The target is marked by a bright lime-gray energy that Gray Parroffin utilizes to draw it back to a predetermined point. Enemies who flee too far will be dragged back, take damage, and become stunned right away. The lime-colored energy is released forward by the Gray Parroffin, dealing sundered armor and life, slowing foes down, and decreasing their movement speed. This ability doesn't have a cooldown. The dense mass of energy in the form of a missile is fired by Gray Parroffin towards any opponents in its route.

The Gray Parroffin sprints in the chosen direction and defeats foes in a time tunnel. It will halt after it strikes a target, paralyze foes, then quickly charge and discharge a time-bearing energy. Along the journey, adversaries are slowed and receive light damage from this energy.


The only species that fighter jets like those from the US target is the Gray Parroffin. Air Force to the UN, even if it takes a nap on the ground or soars too high in the air. Due to the oxygen-rich blood of this species, a fighter plane, or homing laucher, is outfitted with heat-seeking missiles and unguided rockets.

Weather Phenomenon

Coming soon


Since they have been allowed to be hunted, the Huntington Guild and UN have known about Gray Parroffin for a considerable amount of time. However, because Gray Parroffins were so uncommon at the time, hunting was only sometimes done until their same rate of reproduction with humans made them a bigger issue.

Due to their endemic status and origin in the Enchancia Kingdom of Sawintir, these griffins can be regarded as an invasive species. According to the Assassin Brotherhood, Gray Parroffins are Time Warriors from Enchancia. The Gray Parroffin's greatest distinguishing trait is its gray pycnofibres, which resemble feathers and are coated in tough skin. This skin is incredibly tough, leaves no scratches behind, and uses claws to ward off other predatory attacks.

The most intelligent parroffin, gray parroffins, are strong, territorial, and vicious predators. The Gray Parroffins may quickly dispatch their hapless prey with their razor-sharp weapons by mentally freezing their foes to place them under the time spell. Wyverns frequently hunt on animals like cattle, sheep, birds of prey, weasels, rodents, and other creatures that inhabit the same environmental niches as keas in real life in Aotearoa, as well as some eagles in Nihon.

The griffins will devour one another to consume temporal energy from their adversary, the Gray Parroffins, according to reports like this one. Due to their flight in thunderstorms and their gray pycnofibres, some of these creatures have learned to nap-of-the-earth (NOE). Because of these ugly animals, military jets adopt a form of very low-altitude flying route called a NOE to escape enemy identification and attack in a high-threat situation. The ability of Gray Parroffin to stop or start time in four-radius zones is its most well-known ability. Depending on the locale, these abilities can quickly destroy entire regions or instantly freeze objects so they cannot move. Although it is unknown how, Gray Parroffin may freeze foes in their minds without dying.

Additionally, Gray Parroffins have been seen fighting Rathalos violently, and Rathian, Varactyl, and other characters are believed to be significant foes of them. Seregios competes with predators inside and outside the nesting sites.


Same behavior as cockatoos. This bird was as curious and elusive as the Gothic, but according to the legend left by the Monegasques and Ilocanos, it is the ghost of time. Due to their enormous amount of intelligence and creativity compared to typical winged dragons, paroffins are the most intelligent of their kind.

Distribution and Habitat

Gray Parroffin was native in Sawintir's Enchancia Kingdom at Tepuis and other rocky biomes but later introduced in Lighruperisal countries between Sseog-eun Gyegog and the Aphrodite Islands, where they better adapted and kept the time without hesitation. Due to their endemic status and origin in the Enchancia Kingdom of Sawintir, these griffins can be regarded as an invasive species. According to the Assassin Brotherhood, Gray Parroffins are "Timebreaker Warrior" from Enchancia.


Gray Parroffins were tranquilized by bullets, made unconscious, fed while unconscious, and used narcotics to continuously overdose. Alternatively, survivors must steal an egg in order to tame it. When these eggs hatch, the babies must be fed any type of meat or seed. Gray parroffins are domesticated when they hatch from an egg because the survivor is always within 17 radii of the hatching egg. If Gray Parroffin isn't already trained, you can train it with a whip, meat, eggs, seeds, or fish eggs.


Bereshit 300,000-70,000 BCE

Gray Parroffin was created by Phanes under Project Pashneia, a scientific initiative by the Terran branch of Deities to create any animals, monsters, or humans in terms of their own. The Ilumahk of Nablus (pre-Indo-European for light) was a caste of deity society. The only confirmed members of the caste were Juno and her husband, Aita, at 20,000 BCE in present-day Nablus, between Israel and Palestine.

However, Aita's pride made him disregard ethical scientific protocols, and when it was discovered that he had acted on a theory of his and conducted illegal genetic experimentation on humans and their DNA, Juno, along with Aita, has finally been charged with racketeering, homicide, habitat destruction, corruption, narcotics, and sexual assault against Aphrodite. Aita volunteered to participate in his wife's controversial attempt to save his wife by using Gray Parroffin to freeze deities, elves, and humans and was arrested by Ares and Marduk in present-day Tel-Aviv, Israel, at 12,000 BCE.

During 11,999 BCE, the district attorney cleared Aita and Juno of all charges due to a lack of evidence, essentially allowing the couple to walk away as free men and to continue their unlawful actions with the support of evil deities behind them.

Foreign Languages
