Bartal Juhasz

Bartal Juhasz

“ No else, my possession of a phenomenon ”

Background and Character Information

Full Name: 

Other Names: 

Born: June 6, 1989 (at Plovdiv, Bulgaria)

Race: Terran Human-Demigod (Homo sapiens × Homo deus)


Age: 29

Gender: Male



Language Spoken: 

Alignment: Good


Powers and Abilities: 




Likes: Documents, calligraphy, discipline, eyewitness, clairvoyant, Dorottya, alliance, duties, coconut, cockroaches, goldfishes, dancing, drawing, music, singing, whip, protector

Dislikes: Peanuts, pineapples, azaleas, bigamy, jealous, claustrophobic, accident, skinks, rivalry, unappreciated, dishonest, naughty, harass, spam, as a monster


Conservation Status: Alive

Bartal Juhasz or Bartolome Juhasz is a deuteragonist introduced in Weather Dragons.


Coming soon.

Physical Appearance

Bartal is the only foreign national of Joszef Horvath's best friend. Besides his nationality, Bulgarian than Hungarian. His original hair color was black, supplanted hazel hair color including eyebrows and eyelashes at 30s, the eye color is brown from his father, even his skin is white like Europeans than Turks. His father, Boris, reveals to his son the reason behind his previous life's beginnings and the fact that his ancestor Anastasia Romanov was alive, but he kept this information a secret from the public.


Bartal was a true descendant of the Russian Grand Duchess Anastasia Nikolaevna Romanov and her lover Dimitri MIkhailov, which is why he was born with magical abilities, including the ability to wield a whip.

Former graduate student Bartal possessed an extensive understanding of healing magic, silat and kali training, various special operations training, investigator and interrogator training, and criminal and law enforcement procedures. The owner had possession of this whip. A person in this state was susceptible to attack since they were momentarily rendered motionless and could see events from both the past and the future.

Bartal has a natural capacity to disguise his skin by using the electric currents coursing through it, refracting light in the mist and making his body invisible, according to Varian, one of Rapunzel and Eugene Fitzherbert's closest friends. If he gets hurt, his capacity to blend in is compromised. The Romanovs inherited the talent of Bartal, and their task was to use singing to pacify Chameleos, the Elder Dragon, in order to keep him from becoming hostile.

A considerable number of Chameleos, with the exception of the unique Romanovs, use their peculiar disposition to continuously attempt to pilfer objects and poison unfortunate hunters. After realizing that Anastasia's influence endures forever, Nilan Punzalan and Francis Muller employed the Chalom gadget to locate the Russian Monster Hunter from before Lyudmila Pavlichenko was born, during the Russian Revolution. The former Tsar Nicholas II and his family are being held in a house in Yekaterinburg when an unidentified hunter breaks into it on the night of July 16–17. Once inside, the hunter witnesses the execution of the family members by Templar and Assassin agents who have infiltrated the Red Army in search of the box and the Chameleos's documents.

Bartal Juhasz was poisoned to death by Juhani Otso Berg and the Sigma Team, but their efforts were unsuccessful since Bartal had a poison immunity, and the Romanovs also used poison immunity, which included the toxicity of the Chameleos. Bartal is known to be able to render himself and others unseen and unheard to whomever he wanted, due to the Romanovs able to do this. This effect could be achieved both through him creating the illusion of letting light waves pass through himself or as simply a trick of the mind, similar to hypnosis or hallucinations. 

Ghost Whip

The term "Ghost Whip Blade" refers to this weapon used by the ancient people, who found it in several Aos Si or Encantados manuscripts. The shattered hilt of this weapon was replaced with a fictitious tree that belonged to Douglas Fir descendants in Sawintir. Both the whip and the sword have the ability to be whipped in various directions and sliced. This weapon belonged to the abandoned ancestors of royal fairies and was used during the War for Elemental Gems for the Sawintiran Deity Wars in the Chibanian Crisis in the Sawintir realm.

During a protracted conflict between reptilian humanoids and Fomorians in the Jurassic era, the Ghost Whip was of Saurfolk provenance. It is an unbreakable weapon made of tungsten, titanium, adamantium, and other materials. The artist who created the weapon was older than Hephaestus. Many Russian royal families used the weapon, notably Nikolai Alexandrovich Romanov and Bartal Juhasz, his great-great-grandson.

Damage with this whip sword is more logical; it slashes through the dragon's scales and scutes and causes dismemberment, penetration, exsanguination, and sundering. The sword's ability to raise the dead and render them pain-insensitive seemed to be its only special quality; in truth, it was confined by moonstone opal.

Since Bartal was a natural-born Hidden Hunter for Russians, Bulgarians, Belarusians, Rusyns, and Ukrainians from Zmey Gorynych and Grigori Rasputin, his weaponry included not only weapons but also sticks with tip blades to the wall or obstacles to draw himself with another weapon.


Bartal is loyal friend of Joszef Horváth for his mission and the love interest of Dorottya, sister of Joszef Horváth and former girlfriend of Alberto Schwarzen, a German Hungarian descendant but rival of Joszef and his family until the Destruction of Hungary and Manhattan by the legendary dragon of Sawintir, Shoahiguan from creator by Uther Pendragon.

Bartal was only likable forward to his girlfriend for good, and the assistant manager of the Rabug tribe of Dragonoids by Empress Sisi, the empress from Austria that was trapped forever from Hellmouth into the Avalon dimension. This whip commands one of the pets and tamed animals even to summon the minions from, like functionality of Terraria game. 

In fourth story, Bartal also being careless from his bestfriend in Avalon, so he and his girlfriend call him from Avalon to Earth about battle with Taran and Eilonwy from Ellén Trechend, a three-headed avian dragon-like alien fought Joszef and newly girlfriend Heloise.

In the fifth story, Bartal was now hypnotized and depressed by his assignments about both Russian and Ukrainian. His friends are Fours nationalities: Pubjabis, Tamils, Ukrainians and Buryats due to his good favor and reputation in the history of Bulgaria, his birthplace. Bartal decided to go in 1903, Lyudmila Pavlichenko’s birth year in Ukraine using Drift Portal without any of his menageries noticing it to see what happened to Anya Romanov and her boyfriend Dimitri. After the character’s die by Grigori Rasputin and Koschei (both killed by Lord Shiva and Ded Moroz), Bartal cries and is reunited with Joszef, Dorottya, Guillermo, Heloise and Daniel about the bad incident between dragons and humans.


Friendly, kind, understandable, curious, loyal, wide-eyed, comical, chivalrous, articulative, patience, tantrum (formerly), empathy, fortunate, protective, comical, intelligent, self-esteem, arrogant (formerly)


Bartal was an achiever in his school after college. Bartal always saves his family and girlfriend, Dorottya Horvath from danger and this country from Shoahiguan, an extinct Elder Dragon long dead and killed by Nimue and Merlin for the peace of Mary Magdalene and the planet Earth.

Bartal was a wrongdoer and good-view person for the history, the lives and animals under what matters of the prodigy in Russian Revolution and Kievian Rus'.


