
Fotiasterosaurus senecanica

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“ The Seneca tribes are very worried about the unknown kind of upcoming Armageddon. This is a series of new dragons far away from Europe and Asia, likely this daughter's chieftain, and the other given the alias ‘Meteor Dragon’, by explorers to avoid crossing the Great Lakes of North America.” 


Scientific Taxonomy & Character Information

Domain: Eukaryota

Kingdom: Animalia

Phylum: Chordata

Class: Reptilia

Order: Squamata

Suborder: Eurodraconia

Family: Fotiasterosauridae

Genius: Fotiasterosaurus

Species: Fotiasterosaurus senecanica

Descendant: dragons

Named by: ???

Year Published: ???

Size: 17.9 meters tall in height, 35.6 meters in length, estimated to 453.21 meters in length wingspan, 66,666 kilograms in weight




Time Period: OligoceneHolocene

Alignment: Bad

Threat Level: ★★★★★★★★★★

Diet: Carnivorous

Elements: Fire, water, aether, chaos

Inflicts: Burn, scalded, blindness, suffocated, deaf

Weaknesses: Water, ice, earth, fae, time




Based On: itself

Conservation Status: Critically Endangered (CR) – IUCN Red List

Gaasyendietha (Fotiasterosaurus senecanica; IPA: /ɡɑːˈɑʃɛːndʒ(dj)əːθɑ/ | /ɡɑːˈɑsjɛːndjəːθɑ/) is the one of the Elder Dragon that appears in Weather Dragons and Worldcraft: Extinction.

Physical Appearance

Gaasyendietha was much more protective than other dragons for their appearance, except in their covering with meteorite, from grains of dust from meteorite to full-build meteorite, including red maroon scales in their bodies. Their pattern of "cracks" is lava and magma made by coatings themselves, coming during the adolescent stage when enraged.

The belly color is red, magenta, and brownish. Their eyes and other parts of the body are covered by fire lines; their eyes are yellow to red. Their neck is jagged with their horns on sports, with spikes in the back of the neck, shoulder, and waist down. The wing finger is absent, except for the wing membranes and the knife-shaped "wing fingers." The edges of the wing membranes are feathered, like a phoenix. The tail tip activated the fire when non-enraged; in flight mode, the bodies were surrounded by fire and gases because of wilding. The pair of wings are two; the fronts of these wings are fore-wings and quite big, and a hind-wing usually improves aid to flight.

Gaasyendietha is without armor made of meteoroids; their scales are maroon mahogany scutes and dark mahogany in color on the belly lines and resemble those of snakes. Their claws are grayish-black. In its juvenile state, Gaasyendietha resembles sea serpents that are not wyrms and have eight limbs, four short wings, and four stubby baby hands.


Gaasyendietha is the most dangerous known Elder Dragon. His name is Meteor Dragon. Why? Gaasyendietha spews fire, fireballs, and flamethrower breath and summons the meteor falling from the sky by murmuring and cursing. Gaasyendietha unleashes the fire in their entire body with gases, making them blind. Their tail was used as a weapon as a result of shooting a fireball in their tail indirectly. Gaasyendietha was flightless without fire; the fire covered the body, causing flight. If Gaasyendietha, during flight, turns into "meteor form" when the body is on fire, is now covered, flies ahead through the sky in their form, and hits the enemies by explosion,.

Like Sárkány and this Santorini variant, Gaasyendietha changes these elemental crack patterns depending on. Orange with lava was the fire element; blue with cooling lava was the water element if the sulfate and calcium were present; and less glowing the lavas were present if the lava was now into granite; pink stone like Mercury's surface was the ether element; and the tektite meteorite covers when the lava cracks are now harder than granite; was the chaos element. Warning: very high recommend the weakness of element depends on the weak.


Weather Phenomenon


Because Gaasyendietha was formed by herself, she was extremely hostile to habitats and, according to Eostre, the only known ecophagy on Earth.

Regretfully, Gaasyendietha was responsible for the destruction of the ecology, firestorms, and meteor showers. She utilized magic to conjure a meteor shower that struck the region by conjuring the cerebrum and hypothalamus. In addition, entire habitats and human settlements were completely destroyed by fire, and even with the elimination, the meteor shower burnt cities and towns as well as the protection of national parks.

In the juvenile state, Gaasyendietha hunts fish and other animals like frogs, salamanders, lampreys, and even mink. In some cases, the family's daughter has been sacrificed for unknown reasons, according to accounts from the Iroquois Confederacy and the Spanish Crown in the case of the British Empire

 During British possession and Spanish colonization, Iroquois people banned the daughter sacrifice until the one incident between Djieien and Gaasyendietha, in which Gaasyendietha used their flames against Djieien, who was in fact afraid of light sources. In adult form, Gaasyendietha hunts everything during random migration across the world, taking them from Slavic people as fiery serpents as bad luck, some Tagalog people and Indonesians as banaspati or santelmo, but the form of a meteor at the body of the dragon finds a princess.

Suddenly, it's not real magic, possessed by sweat glands and the special organs connecting the glands at the scales covered so the flames and the body didn't burn yet. Many scientists, meteorologists, chemists, as well as biologists, monks, and nuns believe that all known organisms, which are carbon-based in their biochemistry, cannot survive these extreme temperatures that Gaasyendietha, Firemander, Y Ddraig Goch, Cherufe, Letun, Minokawa, Rajah Sitan, Surtur, Kulshedra, Rathalos, Rathian, and other fire-element species can, as the heat would destroy their basic macromolecules like DNA and proteins, making them lethal. The only way that the Gaasyendietha could even exist is if it's not a carbon-based life form and therefore completely earthling to all known life, that government secures our lives and denizens prevent any further future harming of Gaasyendietha causes environmental destruction by the evocation of meteor shower.


Gaasyendietha is a very aggressive species towards everything on the site without provoking. In juvenile state, that never harms, that's docile and aggressive towards weasels, and introduced mongoose burns to pose a threat.

Distribution and Habitat

Gaasyendietha was found in any of the Great Lakes of North America between the United States of America and Canada; likely Lake Ontario was used as their habitat. According to the Iroquois Confederacy, this dragon was born in the deep lake when cooling off at depths. Ostara was visiting the Great Lakes to learn about this "sea serpent" by the Seneca people, but the appearance is too fake. The dragon in "meteor form" looks out to the sky from the lake.


Gaasyendietha was the most powerful ancient species ever seen before that could not be tamed because of this. Gaasyendietha is a god because of his standards for humanity and other lifeforms.

Only eggs will steal and hatch at hot springs or other hot temperatures like campfires and near lava for incubation. 69.666 hours of incubation time to get your pet; only roasted or cooked food is a special feed for Gaasyendietha.


Bereshit - 10000 BCE-1918 AD

Project Pashneia, a scientific project by the Terran branch of Deities to construct any animals, monsters, or humans in terms of their own, was prompted to create Gaasyendietha as a living meteor by Gaea, also called Eagentci from Seneca tribes.

Known Individuals

Past and Present Incidents - Individuals

The Recollections of Queen Arianna - Individuals


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