Worldcraft (Tagalog: Pandaigdigalingan) is the science-fantasy action, drama, and romance anthology series created by Ognidmo in 2002. This story of the far future with mostly modern-day countries continuously improves the mythologies that are awakened from the date almost done by Eostre to reopen the fantasy world to planet Earth.

The successor story of Two Lights and the alternative story of Equation as a shared universe of itself, now dominating and expanding a plethora of real-life, mythological, fictitious, and extinct species by Eostre, and several deities were made for Isabella, Archie, Joringel, Nicolette, Arnold, Alexandra, Stephanie, Rekoppy, Galadriel, and others.

Under the circumstances and peers from villains and Eldritch Terrors for destroying the world and continuing the expansion of each ethnic group's folklore, tradition, superstition, popular media, and even animals are involved in political life and natural disasters from Guardians and Elder Dragons.


This story was based on and inspired by historical events and characters. The animals, characters, plants, monsters in mythology, and others are fully fictional with less alternative historical settings. They are designed, worked on, developed, and produced by various works of some artists on social media, and the authors of Earth Responsibly, Disney’s Tangled and Frozen, Ubisoft’s Assassin’s Creed, and Capcom’s Monster Hunter are part of real-life-based alternative history. This is for the various beliefs, cultures, sexual orientations, and gender identities.

The series has also been criticized by historical societies, nationalities, and indigenous groups for what they view as a "misuse" of the term "Worldcraft" and misrepresentation of Philippine tribes such as myself as Ibanag descent. As in a teleserye and novel as being a Hero with magical powers in the future of Earth in 30th and 31st centuries. Respect the National Commission on Indigenous Peoples and United Nations, Ognimdo.


Worldcraft series have suffix -tion in each of the four series (except for Generations), with many independent stories of didn't own series. There are 36 main stories known to date.

Origination - Pinagmulan

Huge planet Berbania, also known as Hirawhassa by native extraterrestrials, was located in the neck of Ursa Major and was the setting for several intriguing tales. So, as you plan for next year, exercise caution. The term "origin" refers to the start of the narrative. The lone major series was character-focused and lacked an independent plot from any other main series. While Clarissa, Yosef, and Archie remained in the care of King William Auwharosh and Galadriel Hegrikultras in the Inorthia Kingdom to avoid being pursued by Catacalos, the ruthless brother of Thorimiyer, Jericho left Nicolette, Isabella, and Rapunzel.

Generations - Henerasyon/Salinlahi

The following journey of Berbania, from Zmey Gorynych's vengeance to Catacalos's retaliation, is led by Isabella, Nicolette, Rapunzel, Leonardo, Arleigh, Sierra, Jeremiah, Sebastian, Stephanie, and Archie. When the watch landed, it belonged to Archie Buenaventura, a former governor general who became a prince. In reality, Joan of Arc had owned the timepiece before. Generating something is the same as producing it, while engendered refers to producing something in large quantities. In some instances, those who were born and raised around the same period are referred to as Generation Z to Generation Alpha collectively. The Worldcraft episode title is the only one with the suffix -s.

Damnation - Kapahamakan

Reinachos or Ityosel by Distorters, is an exoplanet and the home of tragedies across the world. Sore enemies for being grieving but not perfect for the protagonist. Jotunheim is the only Norse cosmology in this series's main focus for Ling Tuazon's main topics and best for tourists in the hinterlands. The word damnation" reflects expressing anger or frustration, even condemnation to eternal punishment in hell for antagonists.

In the Worldcraft series, the Damnation series starts after Berbania's Last War ends. Unfortunately, Archie, Varian, Elsa, Ling, Isabella, Jafar, Gretel, Belle, and even Nicolette are now villains in what is now Reinachos in Constellation Cygnus. Reinachos is called the Damara Interstellar System (from the Latin word damnare, which means "judgement upon"). In common sense for the Modern English dialect, condemnation means very wrongful, for the guilt is probably not able to return to become aggressive. If you are friendliness like crocodiles or tarantulas, don't attempt to kill kids, and young adults don't either. Some animals are not forces of nature; there are antagonizing killing machines. For damnation to hell is what humanity deserves for its sins. Roman Catholic and Protestant denominations hold that human sin, as the main character falls in their life due to bad luck, leads to tragedy and romance, and now the pull into human extinction makes all organisms fall and drastically decrease.

Set up for the new antagonists, like Rothbart and his daughter Odile from Hybornia, Kim Hung-jin from Lighrupiresal, and Roxana Maldado from the Horatio continent.

Archie wants to flirt with Nicolette Jorelavo, her first girlfriend from Berbania, Jorinda Millerton of Hybornia, and Princess Belle from France via the Drift Portal to have her own child, making Isabella Morrison jealous. Rothbart was very afraid of rats like mole rats, including their descendants: Cannon Rats, from whom naked mole-rat scares to death because he is half Mothman. Kim Hung-jin, elder half-brother of Catalan national Fernando Kim, Eloisa's fiancé, destroyed everything, including Korean culture, and brought his own menagerie, the Eldritch Terror Akkorokamui of Ainu folklore and his zombie armies, until some zombies revolted against him for being a conquistador king, and he was eaten alive by Isabella's allies, the zombies for her new allies, and begging for their undeath revolution due to Moira Lee, descendant of Princess Bari of Joseon, and Eun Joon Hoon resembles Alvin Murphy.

Queen Arianna tells her daughter Isabella and son-in-law Archie about the legend of the first term of the Conservationist Hunters, who were hidden for many years along with the Assassin Order and the Templar Order from the Comiean alien invasion. Learn why he chooses to work in the dark and uncover the schemes of a new enemy, the descendants of Shaun Hasting, Rebecca Crane, Arno Dorian, Elise de la Serre, Connor Kenway, and Shay Cormac. Arianna and her children allied with Mongol-Persian from Qirodennu, Darius de Enebish, one of the members of Reinachan Hunters with emblem of a Rathalos.

Archie reveals that Hibawa itself, a prehistoric wristwatch, is linked to Joan of Arc, and he becomes "Worldcraft,"  hence he crafted it with his allies.

Florante and Laura from Pascua Delos Desierto, as well as Turkish national Father Damaso, were threatened by Jafar and Aldolfo due to Florante's great reputation and Laura's richest. He called Florante's allies' enemies for their downfall until Azhi-Seruvara arrived and destroyed all of them, including antagonists. Aldolfo's fiancée Ellen was killed by Jafar for being jealous, and he saw his vengeance against this Disney villain as an alien species.

Darius' father, Eusebius de Enebish, was present at the Battle of New Wales in Qirodennu in 2945 AD, where he witnessed the Pitchfork of Hades' full power to create scorched earth. At one point, he also fathered at least one son, Darius.

The Templar Knights and Order of Assassins supported the reign and conquests of the Neo-Achaemenid Shah Reiza and used the Greater Firemander for illegal biological warfare against rival Reinachan BioPlan De-Extinction companies and independent farmers. The Firemander is a genetically modified variety of their own (as their purebreed is already extinct), enhanced with DNA from the extinct species of the Sawintiran subpopulation and mixed with the Terran subpopulation.

Aldolfo was arrested by Arabs and Aboriginals for good under Queen Doruntina and Professor Martinez, Princess Laura's biological parents, both and herself immune to poison, as well as Firemander's poison coatings and even Regull Amoeba's curse, bringing their upliftment of shortcomings. Aldolfo calls his master an Eldritch Terror Ifrit, who scorches everything until Florante becomes his real alter ego. The drangua, or Albanian warrior-angels, and a defender from Nimue prevent Kulshedra. This multi-headed dragon-like gigantic amoeba allied itself after Aldolfo's lack of determination.

Ling Tuazon, a duke from his homeland, Jotunheim, hates his half-brother when he dares Chang'e and Quetzalcoatl, including LGBT people, until he protects and kills his enemies, who kill Yue, his former girlfriend. Both Isabella and Varian hate each other, and even Odette Regina and Clara Cygniaus destroy heritage, including Rothbart's heritage, for the wrong gone wild. Both are ruthless until Eostre calls them both for the punishment and makes a treaty. Gretel believes that Rothbart kills Hansel and Gretel's parents for being witchcraft. Gretel takes revenge with her fairies, and orcs join forces. Odile was hated by all, including her rival Odette, who was the most beautiful girl in Reinachos.

Nicolette and her Berbanian allies arrive for the first time; she rejects Alfonso Villaroel, believing him that she is on her body, an afterlife of a princess that was lost in Berbania. After Nicolette's birthday, she dressed like Elsa's dress from Ahtohallan; many elemental guardians, Y Ddraig Goch, Wuchowsen, Mothsol, Radachalog, Cadborosaurus, Behemoth, and Muertagallo, passed her powers to become the most beautiful princess in the world; easier exploits Archie for seduction and mating; Isabella is in enrage for being as bigamy as Archie until Archie and Belle are married; Belle learns her profanity unlike all of Disney characters due to Prince Adam's divorce; and she is declared an unofficial Disney princess because of Princess Aurora. Isabella destroys everything; she even kills anything else, including innocent people and most fauna, including Roxana's legacy. Everything is gone because of Nicolette's virginity, and some Comieos soldiers join them. Aphrodite and Quetzalcoatl enough for her damnation event as a peaceful treaty and made more comfortable, and Archie begs to be the most handsome governor-general in love with a princess.

Damnation ended when Roxana Maldado and her allies were defeated by Isabella, Archie, and Nicolette, and her friends ceased the damnation event and went back to the drastic increase in population trend for good. Nicolette and Alfonso are now officially married to prevent herself from becoming mistress and keep the world peaceful again in future generations of Reinachos to prevent any crisis or war.

Exactly, this is not sustainable for children under 16 and below. Even accidentally summoning demons.

Warning: Explicit/inappropriate content that contains profanity, only above 18 years old and not 18 below.

Extinction - Paglipol

Our home lives a plethora of lives with mythologies, legends, mysteries, and fictional characters connected with the kindness of our planet. At the Milky Way Galaxy, stories are ongoing. The last series' word is extinction: a person or a species, family, or other group of animals or plants becoming extinct or dying.



Terran Humans

Terran Agarthans

Terran Elves

Terran Fairies

Kumandran Dragons

Rainbow Rail-rhea

Terran Lolmischo

Terran Animal-like Deities

Terran Deities / Gods and Goddesses / Precursors

Terran Elder Dragons

Berbanian Humans

Berbanian Cyborgs and Machines

Berbanian Electric Fairies

Berbanian Elves

Berbanian Moon Elves

Demons and Devils in Berbania

Garudas of Berbania

Nagas of Berbania

Vodyanoi of Berbania

Leshy of Berbania

Woodfolks of Berbania

Mousefolks of Berbania



Tiqojarhan Dairks / Iljewar


Razorjets / Valorstarx

Deities of Berbania

Reinachan Humans

Fairies of Reinachos

Elves of Reinachos

Dokkaebis of Reinachos

Felynes of Reinachos






Delphian Humans


Antagonists in Worldcraft

Take Note: Since the Worldcraft, Equation, Regalia Students, Rescris and Two Lights all shared essentially the same universe and belief systems, Worldcraft articles should be combined under the Recollections of Queen Arianna and Jericho Morrison.


Foreign Languages