Weather Dragons:

Second Gift

For the boy who has a connection with them as an undisputed second miracle, for my nation?


Weather Dragons: Second Gift

🇵🇭 Panahon ng mga Naga: Pangalawang Regalo

🇭🇺 Időjárási Sárkányok: Második Ajándék

🇷🇺 Погодные драконы: Второй дар

🇮🇳 मौसम ड्रेगन: दूसरा उपहार

🇪🇸 Tiempo Dragones: Segundo Regalo

Written by: Ognimdo2002

Release Date: TBA

Based on: fictional

Genre: Science fantasy, dark fantasy, horror, war, romance, comedy, action, tragedy, adventure, mystery, drama, historical

Age Advisory: 16+

Weather Dragons: Second Gift is the upcoming historical fantasy story made by Ognimdo2002 as twenty-fifth release of Weather Dragons.


This story was based on and inspired by historical events and characters. The animals, characters, plants, monsters in mythology, and others are fully fictional, with fewer alternative historical settings. They are designed, worked on, developed, and produced by various works of some artists on social media, and the authors of Earth Responsibly, Disney's Tangled and Frozen, Ubisoft's Assassin’s Creed, and Capcom's Monster Hunter are part of real-life-based alternative history. This is for the various beliefs, cultures, sexual orientations, and gender identities.

The series has also been criticized by historical societies, events, geological formations, nationalities, and indigenous groups for what they view as a "misuse" of the term "Weather Dragons" and misrepresentation of various tribes and races, such as myself, of Ibanag descent. As in a teleserye and novel as being a hero with magical powers in the 2020s. Respect the National Commission on Indigenous Peoples and the United Nations.

Regards Ognimdo.


" This is a work of fiction. Any names or characters, businesses or places, events or incidents, are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. "


" Isa itong gawa ng kathang-isip. Anumang mga pangalan o tauhan, negosyo o lugar, kaganapan o insidente, ay kathang-isip lamang. Anumang pagkakahawig sa aktwal na tao, buhay o patay, o aktwal na mga pangyayari ay nagkataon lamang."


" Daytoy ket umiso ti piksion. Aniaman a nagan wenno karakter, negosioh wenno lugar, pasamak wenno insidente, ket parboh. Aniaman a panagpada kadagiti aktual a tao, sibibiag man wenno natay, wenno aktual a pasamak ket puroh a naiparna. "


" Ini adalah karya fiksi. Setiap nama atau karakter, bisnis atau tempat, peristiwa atau kejadian, adalah fiktif. Kemiripan dengan orang yang sebenarnya, hidup atau mati, atau peristiwa nyata adalah murni kebetulan."


" Ez egy fikció. Minden név vagy szereplő, üzlet vagy hely, esemény vagy incidens kitalált. Bármilyen hasonlóság élő vagy halott személyekkel vagy valós eseményekkel pusztán a véletlen műve. "


" Mae hwn yn waith ffuglen. Mae unrhyw enwau neu gymeriadau, busnesau neu leoedd, digwyddiadau neu ddigwyddiadau, yn ffuglen. Mae unrhyw debygrwydd i bersonau gwirioneddol, byw neu farw, neu ddigwyddiadau gwirioneddol yn gyd-ddigwyddiad yn unig."


" Ceci est une œuvre de fiction. Tous les noms ou personnages, entreprises ou lieux, événements ou incidents sont fictifs. Toute ressemblance avec des personnes réelles, vivantes ou décédées, ou avec des événements réels est purement fortuite. "


" Aceasta este o operă de ficțiune. Orice nume sau personaje, afaceri sau locuri, evenimente sau incidente sunt fictive. Orice asemănare cu persoane reale, vii sau morți, sau evenimente reale este pur întâmplătoare. "


" Esta es una obra de ficción. Cualquier nombre o personaje, empresa o lugar, evento o incidente es ficticio. Cualquier parecido con personas reales, vivas o muertas, o eventos reales es pura coincidencia. "

- Earth Responsibly

Story (2024)

Story by Kurtienne Szekely.

In 2024, but not too much. Antonio Madrigal is the only Madrigal family to have the second gift, and with Princess Chloe from the attacking Candle Dragon that is found in myths and legends in Colombia's trenches and lives in the fictional place of Hermosa Fisura and crisis, Antonio wants to save Cristina, Chloe of Norberg, his allies and friends, and his family from Madremonte and Viruñas. Colombia is now the epicenter between past animals, from La Violencia, all drug lords other than Pablo Escobar and Smilodons, to Hippopotamus, due to not being from Hector of Bogota but rather being from Agartha. Later, the 100-year-old Chameleos in Colombia, who survived the Russian Revolution to find their conspiracy descendants of Anastasia Romanov, were one of Joszef Horvath's best friends and brother-in-law.

Coming soon.




Support Characters

Minor Characters


Theme Song
