
The Actress and the Sky

You are feeling in the sky.


Worldcraft: The Actress and the Sky

Pandaigdigalingan: Ang Aktres at ang Langit

Written by: Ognimdo2002


Based On: fictional

Genre: Science fantasy, dark fantasy, speculative evolution, horror, war, romance, comedy, action, tragedy, adventure, mystery, drama, historical, epic

Age Advisory: 12+

The Actress and the Sky is the science fantasy drama adventure story made by Ognimdo2002. The fifteenth story and sixth Generations series of Worldcraft, followed by focusing on the sky to other mountainous peoples threatened by Crom Cruach.


This story was based on and inspired by historical events and characters. The animals, characters, plants, monsters in mythology, and others are fully fictional with less alternative historical settings. They are designed, worked on, developed, and produced by various works of some artists on social media, and the authors of Earth Responsibly, Disney’s Tangled and Frozen, Ubisoft’s Assassin’s Creed, and Capcom’s Monster Hunter are part of real-life-based alternative history. This is for the various beliefs, cultures, sexual orientations, and gender identities.

The series has also been criticized by historical societies, nationalities, and indigenous groups for what they view as a "misuse" of the term "Worldcraft" and misrepresentation of Philippine tribes such as myself as Ibanag descent. As in a teleserye and novel as being a Hero with magical powers in the future of Earth in 30th and 31st centuries. Respect the National Commission on Indigenous Peoples and United Nations, Ognimdo.


Before the Story

In the Saint Patrick's Year or Gallathorapsa Period was started from 2709-2843 AD. The actors and actresses were killed for the genocidal event and that means for the Death God. The Jaryenge or Razorjets (named by native extraterrestrials called Dairks means "jet plane") are freedom jet plane extraterrestrials attacks who cursed for the love. But is too late, the duke and his girlfriend, an actress were killed by a hunter for this salvage and this lies. One leader of the Jaryenges, the Valorstarx enraged their violence against the unexpected crime and fighting each other in the mesosphere until the monster fallen for the defeat, but bitten this right plane wing to destroyed and crashed the one of the hunter was ancestor of Anton Vilakor for this revenge of his wife's decisive and killed by conquistadors due to their her religion was pagan. This hunter worshipping to summon Crom Cruach, the sacrificial god from Ireland that killed by Saint Patrick and Cernunnos for good and restore against snakes and evil.

The peacekeepers attack their forgotten god but the another ancestor of Rocket the Valorstarx kills this God of Sacrifice. The princess and the actor will summon Phaya Naga, the legendary Thai dragon from Thailand illuminates and bursts to gone this god, by the way this deity died by an action of this love.

The United Nations peacekeepers will shall never Crom Cruach back from the crisis for Earth to Berbania. Another switch bodies confirmed according to the prediction between the Tibetan monk and the Cordilleran student by a curse of Valorstarx. Meanwhile, Francis Xipharodha and Lucas Xhantoria, a long gone aeronaut scientists for his last resolve the evidence against Crom Cruach and his servants, the atmospheric beasts rampaged boys in the air to the death. But there are missing and forced disappearance of this action. The president of Hiershofia, Guido Aldueza III, ancestor of current Alejandro Ferosa and the last ever known Querrozales or Kerozales, the tribes of Tiqojarhan humans that are wiped out by a hunter for this revenge. Sir Aldueza III married his girlfriend was an actress, Gina Languriaj an Rasitarolian.


The Berbania Forces of National Alliance Administration allied another new continent called Tiqojarha, surrounded by massifs and mountains, the center of the highest mountain in the world is Mount Hiwallorsh. After the following event from Snegurochka for peacefully in Kihangor. Polynomial the Sarkany found the unknown stray meteor found it north in this coordinate where found. Polynomial noticed that this meteor was a meteor showers hitted the ancient tower, but less damaged. Galadriel report to their her bestfriend Isabella Morrison about Polynomial's habitat in shooting incident coming from another sky demons or Jaryenges. The Berbanian aliens called this extraterrestrials as demon due to their called out the hell in the mesosphere.

Isabella and Archie called Sierra, Jeremiah, Leonardo, Arleigh, Sebastian, Stephanie, Davidson, Katherina, Clarissa, William, Ajibola, Lizannie, Carlos, Nicolette, Christina, Lucia, Miller, Andrew, Dorothy, Petrosinella, Goldilocks, Janella, Santino, Oliver, and Potiphar are going to the Tiqojarha via Airship Helicopter, a largest helicopter after the recalling from the schedule for the royal duties. During the Vagrancy Mode or Razorjets didn't hunt another jet planes and other aircrafts will able to fly due to their traditions, only hunts fish and mollusks. While the extraterrestrial friends like Ghinang, Ilowa, Fengqa, Keliar, Jydong, Oghari, Cherrah, Myfor and Verde travelling via private plane to Tiqojarha continent for the new welcome. But Draco the Y Ddraig Goch, San Louis the Alarikitesha, Starshooter the Dreadplasma, Khitaro the Nigrostra, and Polynomial the Sarkany are following the planes from their owners, Potiphar shocked with his binocular while this guardians flapping wings in the seas.

Meanwhile, Princess Merida of Scotland was considered as invasive characters or persons who travel from past or present to the from now via Drift Portals stay in the another castle front of the tallest mountain. Queen Beatrice Ahwaghor IV and King Thomas Dhorreza II of Wotharsia Kingdom are hugging Clarissa to Thomas and William to Beatrice; and Merida hugs Archie for the first time and blushing Isabella for seeing and hugged too. In the House of Dhorreza at Dhorreza Castle at New Edinburgh, Wotharsia where Merida was spotted and arrived and make Petrosinella and Dorothy are princesses.

Talking about Francisco's descendants where tracing from her journals, but Oliver Jorelavo loves blue cheese for dipping fried chicken and potato fries and laughs royal family about his favorite dipping sauce. Sierra and Jeremiah are considered confirm in the first-time meeting in their childhood in Tiqojarha before the incident and leaves. But in the castle's terrace Jeremiah marries Sierra for said. “ Do you marry me my Sierra? ” Jeremiah said, Sierra replied “ Yes, of course I love you ”. “ Finally, I like you Sierra, for the love win! Yes! ” Jeremiah shouted and the citizens loud and proud to their couple, but Davidson and Katherine agree for Sierra's marriage. “ Congrats to you cousin! ” Carlos cried to proud Jeremiah as future brother-in-law. “ He he, not bad for the new date is time to cheering. ” Isabella Morrison replied and sarcastic for Jeremiah's planning in Tiqojarha. “ Are you sure Isabella to thick have the anniversary to Jeremirra? ” Said Archie Buenaventura, “ Archie, don't waste it just have Jeremiah for his girl to have first anniversary ” Dorothy Gale replied. Draco never shoots fire breaths due to exposed to located Jaryenges due to the traditional ecological niche, “ Oops, I cannot breathe my fireballs because only jet planes attack for exposing. ” Draco softly voice. “ Hey, the king need to called us ” Merida said.

Thomas Dhorreza II: “ Everyone, I have to news, the actress named Belinda Nikanggop from Lakatharho Kingdom with Catarina Alringoza, a duchess also in Lakatharho was abducted by a Valorstarx decades ago for being as "the Princess and Dragon theme", not only just for Elder Dragons, only non-Elder Dragons but also some animals considered as guardians. ”

Miller: “ So I can quaking my magic ”

Thomas: “ No Miller, is illegal for used earthquake for disturbingly fauna in this place.  ”

Galadriel: “ Hmm about the questions, the Razorjets are actually in the groups. ”

Beatrice Ahwaghor IV: “ Hmm, only Razorjets have groups called Hunt of Razorjets because lived in the group hunting together in one group without leaving. Creates the same deadly signature move called "Deep Impact", like a movie's name because you tagged and targeted by the group and crashed into an ash. ”

Petrosinella: “ I want to love Carlos ”

Carlos: “ No, just said-… fine I fine to you but I love…- ”

Petrosinella: “ Finally announced that he was loving me by now! ”

Berbania Forces of National Alliance Administration members shocked and finally proudly to his Carlos' first love. He was shy for Petrosinella's flirting.

Charlie Dhalith: “ Hi, maayong kaayohan sa akon, my name is Charles Dhalith because I like to exams and now to join the Administration thing. For my long machine gun like pew pew pew, lol. ”

Zaragoza Nulima: “ Me, I was having hunting rifle to have blasted bullet. ”

Juneau Angdzhi: “ Am I monk because I want to grappling better with my stave. ”

Others like Chiwao, Valerie Alorha, Luther Alorha, Beatrice Alorha, Gyatso Kitsawer, Kelsang Bhiljavo, Dawah Jopalleth, Choedon Hinnalyre are actually joined.

Meanwhile, Belinda Nikanggop was arrive in San Jose Broadway Centrum in North Jones, Wotarsia to have blessed and hugged Beatrice Ahwaghor IV of Wotharsia Kingdom.

Belinda: “ Hello everyone, where's my love Alejandro Ferosa! ”

Sandro: “ Linda! ”

Belinda: “ Sandro, wait! ”

Sebastian and his mother Katherina in the snow skiing where found another red meteor that targets not himself, but directly to the actress is in the danger. Sebastian said “ Oh hell no my gosh, mom I want to go the stadium! ”, Katherine replied “ Okay honey, be careful about this red meteor. ”

Sebastian shout: “ Belinda and Alejandro watch out! ”

Belinda: “ Wait, oh no my dead body eggs! ”

Alejandro: “ Valorstarx! ”

All citizens: " *shouts* "

Dorothy Gale: “ What's going on! ”

Belinda Nikanggop was abducted by Fighter the Valorstarx, who's have birthday for his not lonely life. She was brought to Mount Hiwallorsh while holding hands of Fighter the Valorstarx. Merida fires her arrow with sulfur and fire to shoot with longbow to and short arrow with bamboo as supporter to shoot longer reach and Fighter was wounded by Merida's sulfur arrow.

Archie says to the most: “ Alright guys, is showtime! ”. The BFNAA members have planes from Alejandro's staffs and only have Summitmaw, a attitude relative of Snowmaw but two subspecies and tamed by Alejandro for gliding without any problem. The platform airship flied and driven by Alejandro and Dawah, he said: “ Please everyone, caitheamh an crios-suidheachain mas e do thoil e! Շնորհակալություն. ”. The airship flied and travelling from the airport to the mountain in the thermosphere, first ahead is troposphere where geese and vultures flied in the sky. In the next level is stratosphere, BFNAA members are breathing with special oxygen supplies except Jeremiah and Sierra are breathed extended from troposphere to exosphere, while Isabella, Archie, Miller, Galadriel, Oliver, Arleigh, Leonardo, and Nicolette are still breathing in stratosphere. The Atmospheric jellyfish or space jellyfish targets airship but Sierra shocks her powers to repelled jellyfishes away.

Afterwards, the BNFAA members took the space jellyfishes are follow from the dark magic. Sandro noticed that the atmospheric animals under their control from Crom Cruach. The razor-jets attacks Crom Cruach's minions under Rocket the Valorstarx. But San Louis and Starshooter join from the sky to take down these sky minions out of way. Jeromina Himmoe noticed that she wants to take down the airship with her jet plane but Zaragosa gets enraged to destroy her life with her melanistic razor-jet battle between the life and the mechanical. Petrosinella holds Archie until he enters the window successfully to save his life but he and her fought Wesley Injah, Anton's bestfriend with his guards want to destroy and abducts BFNAA members until Nicolette and Ajibola arrive and made paralysis with his paralysis grenade, but Nicolette and Archie immune from inflicts. Wesley was confronted from Isabella Morrison and Sierra Loniarabap, but he was knocked by Paschal Hyrphaz to made tied in the rope on a chair to talking about the actress seduction.

Paschal: "Answer me, Wesley! why you enter the airship without permission?"

Wesley: "Because I want to destroy your airship and all of you to sacrificing to our God!"

Isabella: "Who's your god?"

Wesley: "Crom Cruach wants to devour your life!"

Sierra: "Shut up!, no matter what you pay the life with the actress that's ill, no one you destroy a life."

Wesley: "Because my friend likes to destroy and de-solution the evidence, I sorry."

Isabella: "What sorry for..?"

Wesley: "Because of the closest life, we need to escape now, but you need Trixie?"

Sierra: "Guards! kept him safety from his life before he found by Anton"

Wesley: " Oh, I hate trapping me. "

But Wesley likes Sierra as a friend before he was closest friend of Jeremiah before switched to Anton instead. Wesley was knocked by Merida in unconscious. Anton was enraged when his bestfriend forced disappearance from hands of Isabella Morrison. Truly for Wesley was half-ethnic group of Sherpa and Scottish ancestry national because of his grandparents of Ilocano and Irish descend. He was also speaking Ilocano much like Scottish Gaelic by se/si like a Japanese language. Wesley was given apologize to Berbania Forces of National Alliance Administration as now permanent member for his engaged with Trixie Loniarabap, sister of Sierra Loniarabap in unorthodox manner. Archie noticed that Wesley was very develop it to Trixie for her assist. Belinda was cursed by the connection of Crom Cruach. Rocket was very angry towards both Anton and Crom Cruach from the decline of pagan by Spaniards, French people, Portuguese people, Romanians, Italians, Monegasques, Catalans, Basques, Scottish people, Irish people, Cornish people, Manx people, and Bretons under the Catholicism and the Spanish Colonial period for the pope and the extinction of Berbanian extraterrestrials, made Crom Cruach sealed his own soul into the highest mountain in the world at the heart of this continent by Irish priests under the Ilocanos and Japanese people until the Samjoko found.

Petrosinella and Wesley but Alejandro notices it the book dropped bit of falling, the historical records of Tiqojarha Chronicles by Peter Pan and Wendy Darling's descendant, Francisca O'Hara James (not mentioned) for duke Thomas of Tiqojarha. The story about the existence of Tiqojarha wildlife, the owning deities under the Tiqojarhan Dairks, body swap incident, and even the Crom Cruach's destruction against the actress, pilot, duchess, and coach. Thomas and Beatrice noted for its story actually goes find the main weaknesses of Crom Cruach under the Holt Trinity in the Catholic Church and the faith of Phaya Naga of Thailand under Eostre's faith. Most members want to sleep, but Wesley want to reveal that he was confirmed by Jeremiah to connection with Princess Trixie's electric fairy heritage. Sierra, Trixie, Jeremiah, and Wesley want to practice Wesley his new powers for training. Franco was arrived by his new skill when he is fire meteor mode that he can fly without his footwear because taboo to burn his footwear because it was given from Queen Celestina that book is only for fire element and teaches from his sacred book from Buddhist monks called (Martial Arts Culture of Natural Arsonist Fighting).

Though Jeremiah and Wesley want to tamed Highland Summitmaw for good but Draco scares extraterrestrial intimidate but thus extraterrestrial like Wesley because is a humble. Wesley was practiced with Jeremiah and Sierra ft Princess Merida and Petrosinella with bow and arrow, sword fighting, eskrima, arnis, and silat from various Buddhism to Anitism but Wesley was paralyzed by Phaya Naga and ills to beckon this Elder Dragon's voice. The Living balloons (balloon but squid-like extraterrestrials) are actually passives towards BNFAA members upon arriving at the top of the mountain, all members are cold because most wearing stockings due to oceanic climate.

Rocket was actually already tamed by Alejandro because of their freaking abducts Belinda in fact was brainwashed by Crom Cruach. Draco, San Louis, Khitaro, Starshooter, and Polynomial confront Rocket intimidate but Rocket lacks fear towards the BNFAA guardians. But Rocket's members are actually razor-jets commanded by himself as a majesty. Catarina was abducted by Anton and Jeromina under the protection of Crom Cruach before BNFAA arrives the Crawfordsville monster destroys everything on sight. Never their long live as well under the evil servant. The children of various ethnics and races because ferocious and heartless soldiers for lead humanity's demise by Cthulhu, Kur, Hades, Satan, Tiamat, and Typhon, but Vishnu to Yahweh warns the evil gods for the creation of Crom Cruach by Lilith's blood killed by Artemis for prevent the human sacrifice; Quetzalcoatl and Chang'e decline the human sacrifice under virtues and that's mortal sin. Crom Cruach was killed by Saint Patrick with Cernunnos' knife and wants to separate the religions in Ireland as peaceful world never have snakes.

One Crawfordsville monster as a spy by Crom Cruach detects where the BNFAA members upon arrive and he was weakened by Merida once hiding her rosary as prevention of the evil. The space jellyfishes' attacks but the guards and many summit-maws and faunas under Alejandro's possession attack in whole shit. Zaragoza and Wesley attack Jeromina but she was paralyzed by Trixie for chasing with her electricity hand. The punch-jets (flying bladeless relative of razor-jets) commanded by Rocket. Rocket was attacked by Fighter (Rocket's rival and Anton's pet) but Dawah and Choedon want to paralyzed it but both are stunned by a reflection of a sunlight due to their reflective silver keratin. Ajibola hits Fighter in process with dynamite arrows but Fighter breaths strong fuschia colored fire. Anton retreats and Jeromina was trapped by electric fairy siblings due to lying about her friend was a boyfriend. In this case, Jeromina talks Wesley about the existence of the Celtic gods.

In confrontation, Guido Aldueza's grandson, Gerald Aldueza was a new president of this country was attacked by Anton's allies for the ransom blood. In fact, Guido was knocked out by one of the members to have his marks that used for make Crom Cruach stronger via incantation. Hildegard (daughter of Guido) and Guido have an ouroburos hiding in his cabinet to never see Anton again. For the reason, Guido  aheads Gina Languriaj about the Phaya Naga was rested. The lucent dread-plasma was only owned by Gina for understanding by Rowena's witness. Queen Beatrice Ahwaghor IV and King Thomas Dhorreza II recalls Hanzo and Yumi, including Franco about the usual sacred text from Thailand under the incantation in fact, Gina and Hildegard have an ouroburos with dragon's pearl to bring Phaya Naga back to life.

The residents of Tiqojarha revocate with the Thai language and Laotian with Ilocano and Irish texts for summoning Phaya Naga and made Rocket as Callaghan / Callagh Valorstarx.

Ilocano, Irish, Thai, and Laotian

“ พญานาค พลังของเรานำความสงบสุขและชีวิตที่อุดมสมบูรณ์;

ກ່ອນອາດີດ, ນໍາທຸກສິ່ງທີ່ເຈົ້າເຫັນມາ, ແສງສະຫວ່າງແລະຄວາມມືດມີຄວາມສະເີພາບ;

Níl nathracha ann in Éirinn mar dhuine olc;

Datayo biag iti hadaan kas tao gapu ta uleg ket dakes kas ayat ayat ti. ”


“ Phỵānākh phlạng k̄hxng reā nả khwām s̄ngb s̄uk̄h læa chīwit thī̀ xudm s̄mbūrṇ̒;

kon adid noa thuksing thichao hen ma  aesngsavang lae khuaammud mikhuaam sa ei phab; ”

English translation

“ Phaya Naga, our powers bring peace and bountiful life;

Before the past, brought everything you see, the light and dark are equality;

Snakes doesn't exist in Ireland as a wicked;

Altogether life for our humanity away from snakes and evil for the love ones. ”

The Phaya Naga was summoned; even the dark clouds and drizzle spawned, the one power soul towards Phaya Naga to take Valorstarx became stronger.

Crom Cruach attacks whole Tiqojarha countries except Ifwangiwary Islands which are actually destroyed whole including one of the Anton's allies were killed by a single genocidal shit.

The normal aircarrion; razor-jets; valorstarx; and other airborne animals attack the god but it was too overpowered; the orange lightning hitted stronger than anvil. The air force and the Berbania Forces join forces lead the best atmosphere battle in single heaven. Phaya Naga and Rocket intimidate Crom Cruach before enraged. Isabella; Archie; Sebastian; Lizannie; Carlos; Arleigh; Leonardo; Sierra; Carlos; Jeremiah; Ajibola; and others shoots their magic but this god immune except for Isabella and Archie with their stronger magic because of their Celtic ancestry. Gusion flares up to the sky before the Igniobi dragons and other yarokiteshas and other Hirojafzan faunas under Arleigh and Leonardo's love embodiment.

Sandro and Wesley release both Catarina and Belinda inside the mountain, but Wesley protects Sandro from Anton's pistol and Catarina was shooted; but Anton loses his bullets and Sandro attacks him to drop Anton into the mountain; Fighter and Rocket attacks one on one; Rocket was wounded in their chest and Fighter kills until Rocket unconscious; Sandro raged, he used his grandfather's railgun kills Fighter with his courageous dharma intimidates Fighter to knocked out and falls into the cliff. Sandro was possessed by magic with fuschia colored fire and water; while Anton also has chaos element both are warlocks and pilots in the future era until Sandro punches him to unconscious.

Crom Cruach used their plasma ball knocked Phaya Naga into the high place; the soul towards Rocket that the princess was unconscious and the pilot's friend also sacrifice himself. Rocket enraged; blessed by Goddess of Mountain, Hepsora became Callagh (Scottish Gaelic word from Cebuano: kalag; means soul) with his blue flame; his wounds recover and aheads to the outer space. Rockets reckons his goddess under the incantation performs "Deep Impact" locked Crom Cruach on his incantation sight.

Sandro evokes and shouts "Airson saorsa!" to shoots his sniper rifle to Crom Cruach's eye with technology and incantation. Crom Cruach was blinded by strong blast and Valorstarx and the goddess turns into be blue comet kills in one stroke and he was soul turn into the Eldritch Terror. Crom Cruach became the evil god and Rocket and Sandro combined with blue flame and chaos element kills in one shot, Crom Cruach was gone. The Tiqojarhan peoples was celebrated, both Wesley and Catarina awake for see real Callagh Valorstarx in the holiness, both are recovered. The prime minister and the royal family, and the presidents congratulate Non-Tiqojarhan and Tiqojarhan heroes to become safer; the Tiqojarhan faunas and other faunas of Berbania back to their respective continents.

Belinda and Sandro are engaged and Rocket was officially Sandro's first menagerie. Isabella and Archie are kissed while Nicolette are pictured with her friends. The ecosystem was fixed and last known for this; from Jalessha Cave where Merida and Dorothy found, Lucas Xhantoria was alive and his friend die by starvation, because his dossiers restore about Rocket's forming became a new variant of this animal. Sebastian and Lizannie are going to Jackson's Islands which were find the another project for their date.

– The end

But is not over yet!

The unknown creature with dark hood, with death knight's armor with wields resembles Archie Buenaventura's Hibawa wristwatch sword to kill every single their own species, Tiqojarhan Dairks where the last known fourth races of Berbania, the Moon Dragon confirmed in the caverns.

— Coming soon

Rebooted (TBA)

Narrated by: Archie Buenaventura and Nicolette Morrison

The father of Isabella and Nicolette Morrison, Jericho Morrison, claims that the three of them—along with his future son-in-law, Archie Buenaventura—arrived on the planet Hirawhassa in 3001 AD. From 2709 to 2843 AD, the Gallathorapsa Period, also known as Saint Patrick's Year, began. The genocidal event—that is, the death god—caused the actors and actresses to be killed. The liberation jet plane extraterrestrials known as Jaryenge or Razorjets (dubbed Dairks by the native aliens, meaning "jet plane") target people who are cursed for love. However, it's too late; a hunter assassinated the duke and his actress girlfriend in exchange for this salvage and these falsehoods.

One of the Razorjets' leaders, the Valorstarx, became outraged by the unexpected crime and fought each other in the mesosphere until the monster collapsed in defeat but bitten this right plane wing, causing it to ruin and fall. One of the hunters was Anton Vilakor's ancestor, seeking revenge for his wife's decisive killing by conquistadors because her religion was heathen. This hunter worships Crom Cruach, the Irish sacrificial god who was slaughtered by Saint Patrick and Cernunnos in order to protect him from snakes and evil.

The deity of sacrifice is killed by ancestor of Rocket the Valorstarx, Rojo Estrella, who is attacking the peacekeepers for their forgotten deity. To illuminate and demolish this god, the actress and the princess will call forth Phaya Naga, the fabled Thai dragon from Thailand. By the way, this love's deed caused this divinity to pass away.

There is no way for the Assassin Order, the Templar Knights, the United Nations soldiers, or the Conservationist Hunters to escape the earthly crisis and return to Berbania. A curse of Valorstarx confirmed another switch body, as predicted by the Tibetan monk and the Cordilleran student. In the meantime, the evidence against Crom Cruach and his attendants was settled by Lucas Xhantoria and Francis Xipharodha, two long-deceased aeronautical scientists.

The youngsters were killed by the rampaging creatures in the atmosphere. However, this activity has resulted in forced disappearances and missing persons. A hunter exacts retribution on the last known Querrozales or Kerozales, the tribes of Tiqojarhan people, and the president of Hiershofia, Guido Aldueza III, the ancestor of contemporary Alejandro Ferosa. Rasitarolian actress Gina Languriaj was the girlfriend of Sir Aldueza III.

Coming soon.




Support Characters


Theme Songs

Notes & Trivia

Foreign Languages