Weather Dragons:

Modern Disaster of Caicai and Trentren Vilu

“  Save us before it is too late.


Weather Dragons: Modern Disasters of Caicai and Trentren Vilu

🇵🇭 Panahon ng Naga: Kasalukuyang Sakuna nila Caicai at Trentren Vilu

🇭🇺 Időjárási Sárkányok: Caicai és Trentren Vilu Modern Katasztrófái

🇨🇱 Antüdragoṉ: Weantüwelen

Written by: Ognimdo2002

Release Date: 

Based on: n/a

Genre: Science fantasy, dark fantasy, horror, war, romance, comedy, action, tragedy, adventure, mystery, drama, historical, epic

Age Advisory: 13+

Weather Dragons: Modern Disasters of Caicai and Trentren Vilu is the historical monster story made by Ognimdo 2002 as the third release of Weather Dragons. This story was about the Chilean mythology of American folkloric guardians.


This story was based on and inspired by historical events and characters. The animals, characters, plants, monsters in mythology, and others are fully fictional, with fewer alternative historical settings. They are designed, worked on, developed, and produced by various works of some artists on social media, and the authors of Earth Responsibly, Disney's Tangled and Frozen, Ubisoft's Assassin’s Creed, and Capcom's Monster Hunter are part of real-life-based alternative history. This is for the various beliefs, cultures, sexual orientations, and gender identities.

The series has also been criticized by historical societies, events, geological formations, nationalities, and indigenous groups for what they view as a "misuse" of the term "Weather Dragons" and misrepresentation of various tribes and races, such as myself, of Ibanag descent. As in a teleserye and novel as being a hero with magical powers in the 2020s. Respect the National Commission on Indigenous Peoples and the United Nations.

Regards Ognimdo.


" This is a work of fiction. Any names or characters, businesses or places, events or incidents, are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. "


" Isa itong gawa ng kathang-isip. Anumang mga pangalan o tauhan, negosyo o lugar, kaganapan o insidente, ay kathang-isip lamang. Anumang pagkakahawig sa aktwal na tao, buhay o patay, o aktwal na mga pangyayari ay nagkataon lamang."


" Daytoy ket umiso ti piksion. Aniaman a nagan wenno karakter, negosioh wenno lugar, pasamak wenno pasamak, ket parboh. Aniaman a panagpada kadagiti aktual a tao, sibibiag man wenno natay, wenno aktual a pasamak ket puroh a naiparna. "


" Ini adalah karya fiksi. Setiap nama atau karakter, bisnis atau tempat, peristiwa atau kejadian, adalah fiktif. Kemiripan dengan orang yang sebenarnya, hidup atau mati, atau peristiwa nyata adalah murni kebetulan."


" Dies ist eine fiktive Arbeit. Jegliche Namen oder Charaktere, Geschäfte oder Orte, Ereignisse oder Vorfälle sind fiktiv. Jede Ähnlichkeit mit tatsächlichen lebenden oder toten Personen oder tatsächlichen Ereignissen ist rein zufällig. "


" Ez egy fikció. Minden név vagy szereplő, üzlet vagy hely, esemény vagy incidens kitalált. Bármilyen hasonlóság élő vagy halott személyekkel vagy valós eseményekkel pusztán a véletlen műve. "


" Mae hwn yn waith ffuglen. Mae unrhyw enwau neu gymeriadau, busnesau neu leoedd, digwyddiadau neu ddigwyddiadau, yn ffuglen. Mae unrhyw debygrwydd i bersonau gwirioneddol, byw neu farw, neu ddigwyddiadau gwirioneddol yn gyd-ddigwyddiad yn unig."


" Is saothar ficsin é seo. Is bréige iad aon ainmneacha nó carachtair, gnólachtaí nó áiteanna, imeachtaí nó teagmhais. Is comhtharlaitheach amháin é aon chosúlacht le daoine iarbhír, beo nó marbh, nó imeachtaí iarbhír."


" Aceasta este o operă de ficțiune. Orice nume sau personaje, afaceri sau locuri, evenimente sau incidente sunt fictive. Orice asemănare cu persoane reale, vii sau morți, sau evenimente reale este pur întâmplătoare. "


" Kayqa qillqasqa llamkaymi. Ima sutikunapas utaq runapas, negusiukunapas utaq sitiokunapas, imapas pasasqanpas utaq imapas pasasqanpas, yanqallam. Imapas chiqap runakunaman rikchakuyqa, kawsaq utaq wañusqa, utaq chiqap susesukunapas, yanqallam. "

- Earth Responsibly

Story (2021)

Story by Joszef Horvath.

The one's fear and succeeding over adversity between these two snakes were originally the children of the Eldritch Terrors: Typhon and Tiamat's child, Jormungardr. The fallen stars were to be enemies, just as Antu and Peripillan were enemies too. Caicai was sent to live in deep fear of the sea to help care for it with the Ngen-ko, and other aquatic creatures moved to the Great Barrier Reef. Trentren was sent to live on earth to help care for the earth with the other Ngen and to help humanity; thus, these two snakes were used as an instrument through which the will of the ancient Mapuche spirits was fulfilled.


Unfortunately, Jormungandr will be slain by Thor, who will then take nine steps away before succumbing to his venom and both die instantly, but Jormungardr was immune to poison. Jormungardr destroys whole Scandinavian countries in one whole shit until the couple Loki and Sigyn perform this unknown energy from Eldritch Terror's blood into all elements, including the chaos element. Before she first meets Loki, he is head-over-heels in love with her. Loki and Sigyn's Extinction Beam kills Jormungardr in order to send Ngen-ko a message to Caicai Vilu with a swan song; the couple dies and is buried in the Faroe Islands, where a Filipino and Faroese couple was discovered in Hrimfaxi's habitat.


Due to the death of Jormungardr and the battle between two mythical snakes overcoming his deepest fears, Trentren wants Bakunawa until he is killed by Bathala and Haliya too late. Trentren is enraged at how the south of Chile came to have its accidental current geography. Currently, both are ancient inhuman, immortal, and world-destroying entities that became kryptonite of Gaian metals (alloys of Comiean, Aurorium, Adamantium, Diamond, Vibranium, Orichalcum, Asgardium, and Mythril) and instantly killed Eldritch Terrors.


In the 18th century, the first Jersey Devil was born to a Pine Barrens resident named Jane Leeds, known as "Mother Leeds." The legend states that Mother Leeds had twelve children and, after finding she was pregnant for the thirteenth time, cursed the child in frustration, crying that the child would be the "devil." Born as a normal child, the thirteenth child changed into a creature with hooves, a goat's head, bat wings, and a forked tail. Growling and screaming, the child beat everyone with its tail before flying up the chimney and heading into the pines due to the conquistadors hunting.


Many gossips made off the event the devil was born: Joseph Bonaparte, the elder brother of Napoleon, is also claimed to have seen the Jersey Devil while hunting on his Bordentown until unsuccessful; Napoleon in Saint Helena was pushed into the Drift Portal by a Jersey Devil in the 21st century; he was arrested by health protocols without his mask; the devil was also captured by the military without any reason of health protocols due to the coronavirus; both were infected until Napoleon, and this devil recovered due to Jesus Bloodline marks of Napoleon, while the devil recovered using his chaos element.


The plot revolves around Miss Pentamore Rossi of Italy; she was from Penta of the Chopped-Off Hands and was entered in the 21st century, while Wendy Darling and Peter Pan also arrive, and Eleanor of Aquitania was unknown at night before the 2021 US Capitol attack. Bartal drives his new Lamborghini with his lovely Ghost Whip Blade through the road, and he sees Thunderbird at the sea until he rings his phone about bad news. The Mapuches want to manage to hitchhike a ride, but very fast and walk to follow him in his tires by scents of track; these couples are machis.


Joszef and Dorottya wake up to some bad news: his wife Elisa has died. Joszef was enraged at this funeral and fought wildly until Glitter and Frost calmed down and Bartal arrived at his mental issue. He was drunk with orange juice instead of champagne because he was addicted until the lady ran away. He discovered Genny and Daniel wanted to deliver their food and about Elise. Joszef and his children, Katie and Julian, also want to be vaccinated against this virus. These Aos Si are immune from viruses due to the purification ability of a bacteria in their skin; this bacteria (Serenobacterium mediocris) is only for real fairies and peris (including hybrids). Joszef believes that Shoahiguan's taxidermy is in the Chicago National Museum, and the powers of Jean were drained by Joszef to prevent harm to this world. Bartal pranks asks for help from their neighbors who go to his house, but seeing that everything appears to be fine, Joszef buys a seaplane for driving instead of caring for his Sarkany left by Sisi of Austria for his menagerie. Bartal was only comforted by two bad neighbors before he was saved by Mapuches; they left him alone, advising him to rest. The letters slam the window from Mapuches, and Bartal shouts in Bulgarian, but his letter is only Mapudungun: Iaukan Kawin!.

Antinanco and Millaray: "Iaukan Kawin!"


Bartal goes outside and wears a face mask, but the window is broken by some Mapuche saviors. He notices that there are no Mapuche in the USA, and he rests again at 1 a.m. Joszef prays in his room, but the girl enters with her cable as Penta appears outside his home and tells him the invaders of the 21st century exist, her hand chopped off. Bartal's new friends Jerry Miles and Tzipporah Sanders in Casa Horvath, California,

The Mapuches, Antinanco Tolentino and Millaray Tolentino, are couples and permanent American Mapuches from Chile who tell the legends of Caicai Vilu and Trentren Vilu. Millaray tells Daniel and Genny as Ngens but compares them to them. The orphan boy from New Mexico was a Mestizo-Filipino-Irish. Manuelito Henderson was attracted to Mapuchean-Mestizo Francesca Tolentino, a Machi, through a friend she knew. Antinanco tells him to refuse any Mapuche names for his daughter for good in his life because he and his wife have a hacienda until destroyed by Trentren Vilu and leave permanently to the USA for good with some Mapuche and Chilean friends. He and his friends, including Antinanco and Millaray, ride his new Lamborghini feeling horny and go to Pine Barrens until he avoids hitting Eleanor of Aquitaine in his shouting Bulgarian profanity at the perfect time.

Eleanor: Hey, watch out for your driving.

Bartal: Какво по дяволите си ти! Kakvo po dyavolite si ti!

Antinanco: Nüniena!

Joszef: Who are we?

Eleanor: I saw you.

Joszef: Who?

Eleanor: You.

Bartal: Oh, okay, Eleanor, please let you ride with me.

Eleanor: I will sit with him.

Millaray: Juice, do you want Eleanor?

Eleanor: No thanks, girl; I burped.

Eleanor saw Joszef in her feelings until she rode.

Eleanor: What is that?

Bartal: Guys?

Antinanco: I think it is a small, crappy rally here.

Joszef: What do you mean, Antinanco?

Antinanco: Is this the beginning of a new war?

Dorottya: Oh no, darn.

On January 6, 2021, the United States Capitol in Washington, D.C., was violently attacked by a mob of supporters among current residents. Donald Trump sought to overturn his defeat in the 2020 presidential election by disrupting the joint session of Congress assembled to count electoral votes that would formalize President-elect Joe Biden's victory. Caused by Jersey Devils attacks, whole supporters were killed by the chaos element, and the Weather Dragons Association formed an attack defense under Joszef.

Joszef: Formation, everyone!

Eleanor: Are you sure, Joszef?

Jersey Devil: Well, well, well shit to you, the warriors of weather and disaster. I am the Jersey Devil who wants to fight against me.

Joszef: You are not to talk first; animals recently, no demons brought the chaos bitch hole!

Supporters: He's right, no demons brought bad luck!

Jersey Devil: I said enough!

Support and Police: Boo! (6x)

Napoleon Bonaparte: I hate this thing so much.

Dorottya: I think this demon has anger management.

Jersey Devil: I said, I hate you all!!

Jersey Devil covers his anger and enrage, kills the supporters and policemen in one shot, both Van Meter Visitor attacks Thetis Lake monster in the middle of the pandemic, attacks all cryptids and mythical creatures in whole America until the Kalku Hidalgo Huelen, the most wanted pure Mapuche, and a Kalku cause brought chaos to kill any people and creatures, until he was frozen by Arleigh and Leo, such as arriving from the future Berbania.

Antinanco: My home was destroyed by my rival Hidalgo, and I decided to exile in Chile and California for good.

Napoleon: You decide to leave with your friends, right?

Antinanco: Of course, because of his bad issue. Feychilaa doihuerangu.

Millaray: Iñchiñnienkülarkechenguy.

Penta: Seriously, how to take long travel to Chile?

Antinanco: Does it not take too long for the airport to reach you?

Millaray: honey!

Antinanco: Sorry, mi amor, my bad.

Francesca: Dad, how does the dragon follow us?

Antinanco: This is Frost, the sleeving dragon owned by Joszef.

Manuelito: I like this animal. I wish to have this animal for myself.

Joszef: Don't worry if you want to pet an animal on first encounter.

Dorottya: Elder dragons are very hard to tame because of their peanut-sized brains and higher intelligence.

Arleigh: Leonardo, very really to take first time in modern day, right?

Leonardo: Yeah, I think it is perfect to settle it down in the future instead of in recent times.

Napoleon: What era and year are you two?

Leonardo: 3020.

Napoleon: What, impossible!?

Arleigh: Both of me and I are from the future Earth because of drift portals.

This devil and Kalku retreat to Chile, where another town is destroyed by Antinanco's father, Guillermo. Antinanco and his mate Ambruza Geya return from Avalon, for his friend from Chile must go to your teams to Patagonia. They arrive soon at dawn, fly to Chile with dragons, and follow them on the airplane considered heroes. The Trauco, an elder goblin, accomplishes three tasks: get a sacred blue pearl from the Huenchula, capture the carbuncle animal, egg-cauls of Chonchon, venom from Peuchen, whiskers of Nguruvilu, crystal tears from Cherufe, horn of Camahueto, and pluck four sulfur guavas from the Ngen's tree, all from Joszef and Eleanor.

On the beach in Chinchorro, some Ngens and Merfolks battle during the middle of the pandemic while the police and soldiers fire them, but the Ngens use specialized shields from Eldritch Terror Trentren Vilu deflects bullets, and the Merfolks spin their waterpike deflects too.

Ngen leader Ermitano and his friend, a Skunk Ape Mills, tell about the preparation of a battle between the water and land over the millennium due to Eostre's treaty with Eostre. Arleigh, Leo, Peter, Wendy, and Napoleon are in Trentren Vilu's stronghold. Trauco gives them a magical slingshot that will kill any evil creature to Manuelito and a staff from Francesca as a heritage of Mapuches and Spaniards. The Kukulkan female from Trauco, Cielo, arrives on the news. The Caicai is in the caves in Mariana Trench. Imported Mòrags from Scotland to Chile via agreement between them from Aos Si use ride in the deep sea, the Berkakan spotted but follows lead to Caicai's den. Trauco prays that the travelers receive the Gilled Effect from Poseidon and Amphitrite to bless Mariana Trench to help them throughout their journey.

The Caicai is roaming at Great Barrier Reef with a small aspidochelone Moha-moha attack team, but Antinanco protects his team and wants to face one-on-one. The team is in Bramble Cay, where this rat is extinct from Caicai Vilu and the climate is called Bramble Cay Melomys. Both Berkakan and Morag faced Caicai. The team, including Francesca and Manuelito, accomplished the tasks and battled the Kalku and its minions with his friends, and additional forces of Mapuches and Latin Americans, including Filipinos and Chinese forces, attacked Caicai. The Gowrow was riding in the battleship and delivered a sleeping song. Penta enters to pierce her cable arrows through Caicai's osteoderms and slash with Comiean twirl blades made by blacksmiths from Japanese people in Brazil.

Hidalgo, mad, worshiped Guayota, the king of evil jinns and demons under Satan and Hades. Turns himself into a demon, and Caicai Vilu devours an evil pearl into Fucanglong, where a native Eldritch terror of China erupts and seeks to transform the Earth. Napoleon, Penta, Manuelito, and Francesca gave their faith and their souls to Fucanglong, increasing his power. Joszef feels his powers from Loki and Sigyn as a sign of heritage; his Irrokebally sword glows and flies upward to face Hidalgo; and both Daniel and Genny release their fairy's wings to fight.

Despite defeats, he was mad to turn into Furies. He calls Gaasyendietha, Snallygaster, Kukulkan, Piasa Bird, Boiuna, and Yacumama to enter a newly empowered state. The Nazi King of Avalon calls Sisi of Austria and Mihai I of Romania his dragon-state with Furies and defeats Hidalgo and Fucanglong. Thanks for helping Trentren Vilu, and he falls. Fucanglong reverts to Caicai Vilu. Frost and Chickenpox ride him safely. Gassyendietha, Caicai, Trentren and the other Guardians converge on Team Weather Dragons and bow to him, the disasters and weathers cease.

They defeat the Kalku and evil creatures; the Merfolks and Aos Si kill Kalku to prevent the end of the world. Napoleon, Penta, Manuelito, and Francesca are now conscious, and Team Weather Dragons and their menageries are celebrated as heroes of the modern world worldwide.

The end, but...

The deer stalks a new threat for him.

Story (2024)

Story by Shaun Hastings.

Coming soon.




Support Characters

Minor Characters


Theme Song
