Weather Dragons:

Siehnam vs Against the Odds

“  Once the life with collateral, not a number.


Weather Dragons: Siehnam vs Against the Odds

🇵🇭 Panahon ng mga Naga: Kakaibang Bilang Laban sa Siehnam

🇭🇺 Időjárási Sárkányok: A Siehnam kontra az Esélyek Ellen

🇪🇸 Tiempo Dragones: Número impar Contra el Siehnam

🇵🇹 Dragões do tempo: Siehnam contra Todas as Probabilidades

🇫🇷 Météo Dragons: Nombre impair contre le Siehnam

🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 Dreigiau Tywydd: Od Rhif Yn Erbyn y Siehnam

Written by: Ognimdo2002

Release Date: 

Based on: n/a

Genre: Science fantasy, dark fantasy, speculative evolution, horror, war, romance, comedy, action, tragedy, adventure, mystery, drama, historical, epic

Age Advisory: 16+

Weather Dragons: Siehnam vs. Against the Odds is a historical action-monster story made by Ognimdo 2002 as the fourth release of Weather Dragons. This story was about the dark origins of South American countries, which were independent from Spain and the Irish Republic from Britain; this is the origin of Ellen Trechend.


This story was based on and inspired by historical events and characters. The animals, characters, plants, monsters in mythology, and others are fully fictional, with fewer alternative historical settings. They are designed, worked on, developed, and produced by various works of some artists on social media, and the authors of Earth Responsibly, Disney's Tangled and Frozen, Ubisoft's Assassin’s Creed, and Capcom's Monster Hunter are part of real-life-based alternative history. This is for the various beliefs, cultures, sexual orientations, and gender identities.

The series has also been criticized by historical societies, events, geological formations, nationalities, and indigenous groups for what they view as a "misuse" of the term "Weather Dragons" and misrepresentation of various tribes and races, such as myself, of Ibanag descent. As in a teleserye and novel as being a hero with magical powers in the 2020s. Respect the National Commission on Indigenous Peoples and the United Nations.

Regards Ognimdo.


" This is a work of fiction. Any names or characters, businesses or places, events or incidents, are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. "


" Isa itong gawa ng kathang-isip. Anumang mga pangalan o tauhan, negosyo o lugar, kaganapan o insidente, ay kathang-isip lamang. Anumang pagkakahawig sa aktwal na tao, buhay o patay, o aktwal na mga pangyayari ay nagkataon lamang."


" Daytoy ket umiso ti piksion. Aniaman a nagan wenno karakter, negosioh wenno lugar, pasamak wenno pasamak, ket parboh. Aniaman a panagpada kadagiti aktual a tao, sibibiag man wenno natay, wenno aktual a pasamak ket puroh a naiparna. "


" Ini adalah karya fiksi. Setiap nama atau karakter, bisnis atau tempat, peristiwa atau kejadian, adalah fiktif. Kemiripan dengan orang yang sebenarnya, hidup atau mati, atau peristiwa nyata adalah murni kebetulan."


" Dies ist eine fiktive Arbeit. Jegliche Namen oder Charaktere, Geschäfte oder Orte, Ereignisse oder Vorfälle sind fiktiv. Jede Ähnlichkeit mit tatsächlichen lebenden oder toten Personen oder tatsächlichen Ereignissen ist rein zufällig. "


" Ez egy fikció. Minden név vagy szereplő, üzlet vagy hely, esemény vagy incidens kitalált. Bármilyen hasonlóság élő vagy halott személyekkel vagy valós eseményekkel pusztán a véletlen műve. "


" Mae hwn yn waith ffuglen. Mae unrhyw enwau neu gymeriadau, busnesau neu leoedd, digwyddiadau neu ddigwyddiadau, yn ffuglen. Mae unrhyw debygrwydd i bersonau gwirioneddol, byw neu farw, neu ddigwyddiadau gwirioneddol yn gyd-ddigwyddiad yn unig."


" Is saothar ficsin é seo. Is bréige iad aon ainmneacha nó carachtair, gnólachtaí nó áiteanna, imeachtaí nó teagmhais. Is comhtharlaitheach amháin é aon chosúlacht le daoine iarbhír, beo nó marbh, nó imeachtaí iarbhír."


" Aceasta este o operă de ficțiune. Orice nume sau personaje, afaceri sau locuri, evenimente sau incidente sunt fictive. Orice asemănare cu persoane reale, vii sau morți, sau evenimente reale este pur întâmplătoare. "

- Earth Responsibly

Story (2022)

Story by Shaun Hastings.

Both Taran of Llyr and Eilonwy of Llyr are trapped in Avalon as well, as are some visitors during early 2022 after the US Capitol attack. Joszef was very depressed because he lost his wife, and she's not dead. Eleanor of Aquitaine tells him about their relationship gone wrong. Napoleon Bonaparte and other historical characters embrace him warmly, but he disregards his feelings.

Some populations of Mapuches in California are celebrating with Hispanics and French peoples for the new beginning, but Joszef doubts that lying about his former girlfriend if she'll be alive, Anti and Milla said "kawiñ!". Guillermo Tolentino tells Dino Horvath, Joszef's father, about the past and says that Joszef was very sad. Joszef's hatred and grief for his two children are about Elise Anderson, who was a surrogate mother, and the dispute. Leonardo Thongameray and Arleigh Arriothos are married in Tijuana, Mexico, to celebrate with some Romanians called "sărbători." Constantin Sanatescu was stuck in the present day, wearing his black hood to protect people. Sanatescu was a scapegoat to others in his life for his life from fairies and lived and was sent to the present from World War Two.

Joszef left at 3 a.m., and he fell off into Avalon without Bartolome and Dorottya. Sanatescu found Joszef unconscious and in Wairéimshe, a country that lived with Irish people and Spaniards. Sanatescu met Joszef and Simon Bolivar; Manuela Saenz, Felipe Lautaro, Ines Suarez, Pedro de Valdivia, and Antonio Madrigal were trapped in Avalon in the same era. On Earth, Bartolome and Dorottya find her brother and the black hood left, and that portal is always open and attacked by the Alp-luachra, a vicious newt from Irish mythology. The Alp-luachra was repelled by Francesca with her machi drum, given to her by her father. Taran and Eilonwy are considered to be leaders in Wairéimshe. In present-day Wales, where Eilonwy and Taran were born, the Greco-Buddhist Roman Empire-horned King Arnoldius was resurrected from his abandoned graveyard from Biscay to Avalon to attempt to summon Ellen Trechend, the three-headed bird-like entity, and her daughters from Yamata no Orochi.

Taran likes Antonio Madrigal and Eilonwy, but Joszef tells Taran about his first girlfriend. Elga Jilot, Sanatescu's female best friend, was very kind and interacted with humans with her clairvoyance about Franz Joseph's soul being in Joszef's body. Taran and his team are under attack from the Chorote mythological creature called Siehnam, the descendants of pampas deer that became extinct according to Lautaro's documents and are now endangered since 2021. Antonio calms this deer member due to Ellen Trechend's influence and named Ignacio Shrubfoot. Peter Pan and Wendy Darling are in trouble about Joszef's life negligence toward Dorottya, but how Alp-luachra entered in the first place. Millaray Tolentino recruits the Imbunche from Chile, named Iggy, for helping Trauco open the Avalonian portal, which led to the Avalon without any timeline blessed by Antu. Frost the Sleetwing and Chickenpox the Damavykas are followed by Dorottya and Wendy Darling to enter the Alfheim. Dorottya's team is trapped by elves named Turgon of Urehdhras, the duke elf of Avalon, to invade, but he jokingly calls for the newly arrived and welcomes it. Turgon was called by his pet, the Ashen Anchavalio, a spiny-tailed wolf-like descendant of the antechinus owned by his mother.

Urehdialla of Urehdhras, the regent queen of Hierroteren, had the same strength as Joszef's sword. She was made for future queen Eilonwy to join the alliance for Avalon and Earth by Ellen Trechend. The Gwythaints, Horned King Arnoldius' pet and moribund endangered species that are owned for his wickedness to destroy another city of Santo Niño de Vizcaya, but Joszef's team are attacked by both Gwythaints and Rathalos until saved by Heloise Szekely, Joszef's real girlfriend from Saurischian Wyvern's fighting, he tells that Heloise are the real mother of Justin and Celine, Heloise's true inherited from Elise as a surrogate mother. Due to her teenage pregnancy, she kept her two egg cells to Elise as in vitro fertilization until the first event. Gwythaints snatched both Heloise and Joszef from the Horned King and put them to execution. Taran and Constantin Sanatescu lead towards the Gwythaints' tracks with Avalonian zebras.

The Third Gwythaint was attacked by Peter Pan; one of them hurt Antonio Madrigal and Wendy Darling with its claws. They capture Hen Wen and others and take her back to the Greco-Buddhism citadel. All of them are captured by many Gwythaints, except for Pedro de Valdivia, who swore his revenge against Arnoldus. He discovered Ignacio was very ill and was helped by Turgon and his allies to find Horned King's citadel, which prohibits Greco-Buddhism as a state religion. They are later seen celebrating the capture of Hen Wen and other historical characters, as well as Joszef and Heloise, along with Taran and Eilonwy and the other henchmen. One of the henchmen gives the Gwythaints a bone to eat, which they do until the Horned King arrives. Simon Bolivar and Manuela Saenz only survived the Gwythaints' attacks to train the triangle mentioned for the arsenal.

Pedro definitely became a knight with his titanium armor, while Simon Bolivar wields the shield spell tome and a quarterstaff made of Gwythaint's scales, and Manuela Saenz holds both a dagger and a musket imported during the Joseon dynasty via drift portals. Urehdialla and her son want to besiege the Horned King's citadel as a hidden surprise. Arnoldus' henchmen Domaso and his three witches, Orddu, Orwen, and Orgoch, are warding to the castle to outcast from the attacks but limited by dark magic during technology in Avalon. The Rathians found themselves under Urehdialla to fight off the resistance. Ignacio was very violent and angry against all, including the Horned King to death. Urehdialla and her allies ran away from Siehnam under this mental health. Mr. and Mrs. Tolentino call back from Avalon to Earth with advanced technology from Alfred Normstorm to receive the message, but are called by Urehdialla about the trouble in the Wairéimshe Republic.

The Horned King sent many terrorists from Afghanistan to take down and enslave people on Earth. In the night, Afghanistan terrorists commit genocide from Ignacio's rage in a single night. He beats Goayr Heddagh, the ghostly ibex of Manx mythology, in a turf war, and Ignacio wins with his wounds until Eostre heals him, and she disappears quickly. Ignacio was calling the Amaru dragon from Incan mythology to want to be allied, but Amaru wants to fight Kasai Rex. Ignacio travels to De Pierre Lava Lake with the powerful Kasai Rex, a cryptid in Sub-Saharan Africa, to take down and negotiate with him.

Horned King was shocked by the terrorists killed in a single night; his hatred was painful, and he sent two Gwythaints to Ignacio. Two Gwythaints are captured by ten Tatzelwurms under Ignacio, a new nobleman like Bambi.

Later, when Joszef, Heloise, Dorottya, Bartal, Eilonwy, and Taran try to escape, Creeper, the henchmen, and even the Gwythaints try (without being ordered) to give chase. The Gwythaints break free of their chains but pull out the bricks attached to the walls, causing them to fall down and forcing the henchmen to give up for a few seconds. Domaso and the henchmen capture all but Hen Wen, who escapes in a moat until Turgon of Urehdhras saves them. The henchmen are paralyzed by Simon Bolivar with the wrong spell given by monks. The large Gwythaint confronts them, but Frost kicks the large one with ice, causing the large Gwythaint to be weakened by the ice element and retreat, being that Frost was disrespectful. Joszef and Frost, including Heloise, hug two boys until the siege is ordered by Urehdialla.

The Gwythaints and witches are retreated by Rathian and Rathalos, caused by the bombardment of a barrage of fireballs to destroy the citadel and the undead armies. Antonio Madrigal was headed to the Rathalos and any Avalonian flying animals until he dropped and was saved by Eilonwy and Taran for life. Chickenpox and Ignacio use the best combination of Frost the Dark, fire, and ice attacks to take down all species of Gwythaints until they negotiate with Ignacio as a noble. The zombies, skeletons, and other undeads attack whole, but Heloise and Joszef combine rain, lightning, snow, firestorms, sandstorms, auroras, hail, and tornadoes to form the deadly combination and destroy the Horned King's armies in one shot. Simon Bolivar and Manuela Saenz cover with a magical shield to prevent Heloise and Joszef from massive debris after they combine; both Taran and Eilonwy are saved. Arnoldus was defeated and screamed with thousands of men's shouting. He evoked himself and sacrificed himself into the black cauldron of Greco-Buddhism to Thanatos, the Borean god of death, to unleash Ellen Trechend. Destroys Northeast Avalon.

Both Peter Pan and Wendy Darling are captured by Ellen Trechend under Horned King, the flare gun message taunted by Pedro de Valdivia as bait, and Ines Suarez cuts Ellen Trechend's feathers, and the Gwythaints and other Flying Wyverns attack Ellen Trechend. Frost the Sleetwing was very mad and made both Heloise and Joszef on board, with the contact of Empress Sisi and Franz Joseph of Austria for the new phenomenon. Taran shows his sword is now electrified due to his name, and Eilonwy has light energy like a flashbang to take down Ellen Trechend.

Ignacio walks on his dark pads in levitates, Urehdialla and Turgon, and Dorottya team on the airship with advanced technology and magic combined to enhance the Horvath couple's weather powers. Eleanor of Aquitaine holds the ballista, and Napoleon Bonaparte holds the cannon, while Daniel Peterson and Generosity Marigold found the under attack and the alert alarm that the Eldritch Terror entered the Avalon. Thanks for the Gardenia Kingdom's newest development from technology and magic: the fairies and elves, with humans and Sapfirans attacking Ellen Trechend mercilessly. Tolentino tells Penta of Rossi to watch conflict with Joszef and Heloise, with Frost and his following Gwythaints attack, and Frost switches to an electric element to stab into her heart. Taran and Eilonwy teleport, and then Taran stabs Ellen Trechend to get hit by powerful lightning from Stormhorn, the Avalonian dragon of lightning. Ellen Trechend was sent to the Ginnugagap to prevent any further damage to Avalon, and Joszef and Heloise won. Suddenly, the Horned King was stabbed into his heart by Buddha's sword statue as a sign of the prohibition of Greco-Buddhism.

Constantin Sanatescu: "Ah, rege rău al karmei!"

Antonio Madrigal and Peter Pan are healed by Heloise Szekely by her receiving the healing magic and weather-controlling powers. Heloise Szekely and Joszef Horvath kiss together, along with Bartal and Dorottya kissing in Avalon. Daniel Peterson, as a duke, received the award as knighted to Heloise and Joszef, along with his allies and elves, including the freed Gwythaints, to make the population increase, according to his mother, Queen Giselle Peterson. Napoleon Bonaparte and Penta Rossi are cheering with their grape champagne for the celebration.

Constantin Sanatescu said, “¡Să mergem la sărbătoare! ”.

All of us said, "Avisala ešma!"

Antonio Madrigal said for cheering, “¿Para mi? Celebremos con mis amigos y aliados como uno solo.”

Both Taran and Eilonwy replied that they are “¡Heb unrhyw sefyllfa, pan fyddo heddwch a mwynhewch y bywyd hwn! ”.

But Heloise and Joszef shouted in Wairéimshe, “Az ünnepre! ”. Ignacio and Antonio Madrigal are on board to leave Avalon for Earth. Napoleon, Eleanor, Bartal, Dorottya, Heloise, Joszef, Antonio, Pedro, Lautaro, Ines, Simon, Manuela, Taran, Eilonwy, Peter, and Wendy went back to Earth without any problems or sleep, but Penta shouted at 1 a.m., “¡Che cazzo succede qui! ”.

Napoleon: "Ah, sorry, Penta, heck, stop it!! "

Penta: "Napoleon, have you started this mess?!! "

Napoleon: "No, Penta, I do not blame this mess; that's Constantin, I swear."

Constantin: "Shut up, king, I sleep!"

Ignacio covered his ears from Penta's noise and slept.

Ignacio: "Shameless King and Handsome Lady." 

The End

But Bartok the Bat is telling the story about Lyudmila Pavlichenko's life.

Story (2024)

Story by Shaun Hastings.

During May to June 2022, Joszef Horvath and Heloise Szekely became the head leaders of the Hungarian Conservationist Hunters after defeating the Kalku. 53 migrants from Mexico, Honduras, Guatemala, and El Salvador were found dead in a tractor trailer because of a mysterious dark-imbued deer from Argentina, or it was connected with the Horned King, the evil Buddhist warrior of Wales during Silk Road.

Coming soon.




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