Weather Dragons:

Horvath and Sisi

“  The past meets the present, but the disaster comes.


Weather Dragons: Horvath and Sisi

🇵🇭 Panahon ng mga Naga: Horvath at Reyna Sisi

🇭🇺 Időjárás Sárkányok: Horváth család és Erzsébet Császárné

Written by: Ognimdo2002

Release Date: March 27, 2021

Based on: n/a

Genre: Science fantasy, dark fantasy, horror, war, romance, comedy, action, tragedy, adventure, mystery, drama, historical, epic

Age Advisory: 14+

Weather Dragons: Horvath and Sisi (Hungarian: Időjárás sárkányok: Horváth és Sisi Császárné), or simply Weather Dragons: Horvath, is the historical monster story made by Ognimdo 2002 as the first release of Weather Dragons.


This story was based on and inspired by historical events and characters. The animals, characters, plants, monsters in mythology, and others are fully fictional, with fewer alternative historical settings. They are designed, worked on, developed, and produced by various works of some artists on social media, and the authors of Earth Responsibly, Disney's Tangled and Frozen, Ubisoft's Assassin’s Creed, and Capcom's Monster Hunter are part of real-life-based alternative history. This is for the various beliefs, cultures, sexual orientations, and gender identities.

The series has also been criticized by historical societies, events, geological formations, nationalities, and indigenous groups for what they view as a "misuse" of the term "Weather Dragons" and misrepresentation of various tribes and races, such as myself, of Ibanag descent. As in a teleserye and novel as being a hero with magical powers in the 2020s. Respect the National Commission on Indigenous Peoples and the United Nations.

Regards Ognimdo.


" This is a work of fiction. Any names or characters, businesses or places, events or incidents, are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. "


" Isa itong gawa ng kathang-isip. Anumang mga pangalan o tauhan, negosyo o lugar, kaganapan o insidente, ay kathang-isip lamang. Anumang pagkakahawig sa aktwal na tao, buhay o patay, o aktwal na mga pangyayari ay nagkataon lamang."


" Daytoy ket umiso ti piksion. Aniaman a nagan wenno karakter, negosioh wenno lugar, pasamak wenno pasamak, ket parboh. Aniaman a panagpada kadagiti aktual a tao, sibibiag man wenno natay, wenno aktual a pasamak ket puroh a naiparna. "


" Ini adalah karya fiksi. Setiap nama atau karakter, bisnis atau tempat, peristiwa atau kejadian, adalah fiktif. Kemiripan dengan orang yang sebenarnya, hidup atau mati, atau peristiwa nyata adalah murni kebetulan."


" Dies ist eine fiktive Arbeit. Jegliche Namen oder Charaktere, Geschäfte oder Orte, Ereignisse oder Vorfälle sind fiktiv. Jede Ähnlichkeit mit tatsächlichen lebenden oder toten Personen oder tatsächlichen Ereignissen ist rein zufällig. "


" Ez egy fikció. Minden név vagy szereplő, üzlet vagy hely, esemény vagy incidens kitalált. Bármilyen hasonlóság élő vagy halott személyekkel vagy valós eseményekkel pusztán a véletlen műve. "

- Earth Responsibly

Story (2021)

Story by Joszef Horvath and Heloise Szekely.

Once upon a time, before the coronavirus outbreak in March 2020, The home of Hungarians and Germans, even overseas in Hungary, was their call home, but one family was a hybrid of foreign nationals known as "German-Hungarians." The Deutscher Wetterdienst and the Zentralanstalt für Meteorologie und Geodynamik are branches of meteorological organizations that have relevance between the weather and the people, including those that collaborated with some rivals as allies. Most Indigenous Australian seasons believe that the weather is more connected with Elder Dragons, who manipulate weather phenomena under the magic incantation.

Gloria, Princess of Thurn and Taxis, dreamed of the usual phenomenon between the blizzard and the raining altogether until the unknown animal saw her. The Managarmr calmed to touch the forehead, and the royal guards were disalarmed that the Managarmr summoned sleet, rain, and snow mixed weather, howling in her feelings as the new beginning until she fled to Hungary. Gloria was known to exist at this time.

In 2019, the Horvath siblings, Joszef Horvath and Dorottya Horvath, had the experience of the csardas dance. His or her best friends, Bartal Juhasz, Ammie Nagy, and Lis Kovácsné, were here during this dance. After the event, she was confronted by Alberto Schwaren, a former boyfriend who divorced her for being bullied in high school and being very close to a virgin. But Bartal took away Alberto at night for Dorottya, until Joszef called guards or some sort to make Alberto away, and Dorottya frustated with her feelings in the dilemma of Alberto or Bartal for misunderstanding and forcing marriage for Dorottya against the Horvath family. Meanwhile, at the Japan Meteorological Agency, Manuel Ichitsu calls his friend Alfred Normstorm and Michella Myuller in the Zentralanstalt für Meteorologie und Geodynamik to promote Joszef Horvath as a new meteorologist along with Elise Anderson; both are reincarnations of Empress Sissi and Franz Joseph I. Do you notice when Elise was loved by Joszef with his true feelings? Most members and some staff of FBI agents were missing somewhere during the unknown incident; they were probably snatched by a monster. Meaning, Joszef, Dorottya, Bartal, Alfred, Ichitsu, Michella, and some staff are going to this location where FBIs are missing at Mission San Miguel Arcángel, where most people are kidnapped except this woman.

However, the Minokawa, a dragon-bird of the Bagobo tribe, was migrated, and a foreign national has been a person of interest who talks naturally, named Allan. Most of Joszef and Bartal's rivals are Mike Fischer, Greg Wagner, and Sam Varga. Alberto arrives with bat sticks to make a brawl quarrel, but the unnatural tornado sucks whole people, including Minokawa, and Managarmr arrives. They are stuck, called this thing Hellmouth brought Earth with his sister Dorottya; his best friend Bartal and others; and later, the FBI agents and Budapest Meteorological Center group of Austrians are sucked by Hellmouth into the Otherworld; others are called Avalon of Arthurian Legend. Alberto's gangs will escape, while Josezf's gang will be captured by Rabug Tribes and tranquilized to sleep.

Joszef was awakened when his friends were in another room. That leader was not their dragon-ized person; a princess of Austria, Empress Sissi, saw him for the first time in the giant fir house. He said that she's dead; he did not imagine it was real from a hellmouth. Her mentor and assistant was a dragonian, Ambruza Geya.

Joszef: "Eh? You are pretty, and your name is ma'am?"

Sissi: "Do you know that I am Elisabeth Amalie Eugenie?"

Joszef: "I am Joszef Viktor Horvath. Majesty,  nice to meet you."

Sissi: "You are my husband, Frank Joseph!? "

Joszef: "Who's husband? I'm not your husband, please."

* Sissi kisses Joszef as she realizes*

Meanwhile, Ambru meets his friends, Jana; Hidalgo; and Sonny, who are from other tribes like Mayneri, Kasimar, Lokilyo, and Geya; Geya is Siss's own group to prevent a quarrel in Borikenano. Meanwhile, the dragons are Sleetwing of Serbia, Aitvaras of Lithuania, Waikirinu of Japan, Inkanyamba of Sunda, Ranginaga of Indonesia, Minokawa of the Philippines, and some individuals. Bartals tames Waikirinu, and Dorottya tames Ranginaga.

While Joszef was heading in the primeval forest alone, it was poked and attacked by Sleetwing, but Sissi defended him, holding a hand, and saw Sleetwing angry but coughing in a high temperature to be unconscious. In the fir tree house, the sleeve awakes, and Joszef becomes befriended by Sissi and named Frost for adoption as a pet.

Joszef: "You Frost, my mein Haustier."

Sissi: "You speak German?"

Joszef: "Yes, I am German-Hungarian, but I speak English and Hungarian too."

Sissi: "Yeah, but you mean polyglot."

Joszef: "Duh, I am not polyglot because I study meteorology in Germany at the Deutscher Wetterdienst."

Sissi: "That's perfect, because I will guide you through the weather phenomenon."

Frost grunts happily.

Joszef: "*laughs*, but I want to go outside."

Sissi: "Go it, and I care about this thing that I mom."

* Joszef is happier than Sissi *

Joszef: "I want to buy food."

In the Agueybana River, Elise waited for Joszef in a canoe while watching the Ria rivers near the villages or Mamoncillo Ria for dating.

Elise: "Do you know?"

Joszef: "What, no, no, it is so fascinating to speak to you."

Elise: "You love me; trust me."

Joszef: "Yeah, but..."

Elise: "I think, and..."

Joszef: "And..."


Elise kisses Joszef.

Frost sees Joszef and Elise kissing and flees.

Meaning, Elise wants kissing; they kissed together until Bartal called.

Joszef: "What do this mean, Elise?"

Bartal: "Guys, our masters called you immediately for something important!? "

Elise: "I'm coming!"

Joszef: "Wait for me!"

Bartal: "What happened to you with Elise? Are there any feelings?"

Joszef: "No, I just want to say nothing, Helm."

Sissi: "Joszef, do you think I'm pretty?"

Joszef: "Hmm, of course, Sissi, you are just pretty and..."

Bartal: "Guys!"

Mayneri: "Ladies and gentlemen, our discussions for today will be investigated."

Sissi: "Another team from Joszef's gang is separated to create their own, the Schwaren's gang, to have the artifacts for the resurrection of this animal, the Weather Dragon." 

Frost grunts, shocked.

Joszef: "Boi easy, *shh*"

Ambruza: "However, it's very doubtful to explore this place, right?"

Sissi: "That's right, Lizardman, and everyone who's joined me?"

Dorottya: "My brother wants it!"

Sissi: "You, Joseph, my assistant!"

Joszef: "Me?"

Sissi: "Yes, why not? I need my allies to get any artifacts against your enemies."

Joszef: "Okay, fine, I go in. Everyone listen to me!"

All civilian shocks and gossip

Alfred: "Listen to him!"

Ambruza: "Iššeda!"

Joszef: "Guten Abend, mindenki más beszélt jól, mert Alberto Schwaren, riválisom alatt kell megvédenünk magunkat a veszélyektől. At ngayon, ang aming diwa ay gagabay sa amin kailanman!"

Manuel: "Mo ta maatau tiima, mo to taatau koiora! Min'na!"

All: "Ašče Mačte Lešnumanger Avalon!, Famodar sìth a chumail tro Avalon! Rehav Jhosef agus Diwani Sissi!"

Earthquakes occur in all tribes, and now they need to hide and be covered with furniture. The dragons and other monsters flee, but Frost thumps his leg to stop them. Thanks to Frost for engulfing himself in the earthquake as he first encountered it.

Frost grunts, disappointed.


All: "Avisala Eshma!"

Joszef: "Alright, let's move on."

In the desert, Joszef's gangs are going to the New Balasir Desert, where they are encountered by the Azhdaha (a subterranean sand-swimming dragon of Iran), who attacks and kills five dragon-people of Sissi until they reach New Balasir Cave, where they are attacked by a pack of monsters called Djieien of the Seneca tribes. The Djieiens attack and inject seven members of the Rabugs Tribe to death, while Sissi and Elise are injected with paralyzing venom, but Frost breathes a sleet beam, and any Djieiens arrive and swarm them until they are slammed and crushed by rocks fallen from Azhdaha. Dorottya and Bartal: Manuel wakes up in a Djieien Lair, finding her team dead or infected with Djieien spawn, and escapes the lair by setting the pursuing monsters on fire from Aitvaras (named Chickenpox by herself). Above ground, she runs into the Sissi, and Joszef survives and Elise is paralyzed, and after fighting each other, they grudgingly agree to cooperate. Rabugs learns that the portals were created by Avria's Skyscraper, a structure located across the edge of the world. Alberto once climbed into this tower.

To reach the tower, Ambruza's father, before his death, reveals they will need to kill the Weather Dragon of Black in order to cross the desert safely to the prairie. Alfred and Michelle discovered that Joszef and Sissi learn how to fight using the Irrokebally (a weapon of Saint Roch and former owned by Saint Saul that possesses all weather when active during an event of weather), and Corbenic's Staff (a staff made of mithril that shoots plasma) are unique weapons that help him set a trap for the monster's bane to kill it with Djieien's venom. The attack is successful, with Rabugs delivering the finishing blow, but Joszef is badly wounded. Constructing a makeshift stretcher, Rabugs dutifully carries him across the desert, and Joszef was healed by Empress Sissi to recovery.

At the Schwaren tribe, a pair reaches an oasis populated with herbivorous creatures called Aurochs that are extinct after the Lazarus taxon in Avalon. Sam captures her phone when Aurochs are alive. When a Sarkany, a multi-elemental dragon of Hungary, flies by and causes the most herbivores nearby to stampede, Alberto holds his girlfriend Sam, with her friends including Mike, to the tree. Schwarens are rescued by a group led by Andros II, a descendant of Pirena. He explains that the Sky Tower was built by the first civilization to travel between worlds, using monsters to protect it. Schwarens, or Rabugs, agrees to help kill the mighty Black Dragon so she can return home.

In the ensuing battle between Schwaren's and Horvath's gangs, Alberto awakes his fellow and now most dangerous creature that was extinct and killed by Nimue and Merlin in the past, the Shoah Dragon of Arthurian Legend, Shoahiguan, that was summoned by Ichor and the hymn of Uther Pendragon. Alberto rechristened this dragon Jean or Jeannette, and she possesses the weather at all times. The black dragon confronts Frost in a faceoff. Alberto cries in front when Sam and his friends are killed by Jeannette.

All people and others, including a princess, fall through the portal, returning to her world in the same year as 2019, September 9, via Hellmouth. The portal does not close in time, and the Shoahigvan and some monsters of Avalon emerge and begin wreaking havoc.

Dorottya, with Chickenpox the Aitvaras, is able to shut down long enough for her boyfriend to slip through the portal and deliver the fatal shot with Chickenpox's fire feathers dropped off and repel small monsters. Though she has the chance to stay, Ammie decides to go back to the New World and remain with the Avalonians. Jeannette speaks like a human and realizes that Alberto and Joszef have dead parents. Almandine Horvath, the mother of Joszef, was killed using her tsunamis in the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami, while Alberto lost his niece Annie Schwaren, who was killed by an avalanche on Mount Everest.

It approaches her to breathe. R.A.M.A.P. (Revenge against Meteorologist and Princess) destroys Manhattan to Budapest and kills Romans, Africans, or nationalities in one shit. Just Empress Sissi whistled this thing before the appearance of another flying monster known as Turul, a mighty falcon warrior. He notes that as long as the portal remains open, there will always be a threat that monsters will pass through to Earth. Feeling guilty toward Joszef, Alberto now turns into the protagonist with Sissi against Jeannette's destruction. Frost calls Joszef, Droplet the Vishap calls Alberto, and Sarkany calls Sissi, reconciling to make a triple alliance. Alberto sacrifices himself from beam to death, not disintegrating. Sissi and Joszef with Frost are encased in ice breathed by Jeannette, but Sissi is dead.

Sisi: "Sorry, Joszef, I love you."

Joszef: "Sisi!!! "

Jean: "The empress is dead; now I shalt bow before me, pašneakaq!"

Joszef: "Damn you, Jean, you wish upon death, időjárás előrejelzés átok!"

Jean: "Hirerssia!, Mattokhas!"

Joszef: "Frost, me and Sisi, a felhők közé megyünk, a viharok közé tartoznak, a természeti katasztrófák, és az időjárás tizedébe!!! "

"Ahhhhhhh!!!! "

However, a meteorologist and a princess will connect with Sleetwing, cause the lightning strike and ice blast off, and enter a glowing, super-powered state under the name of this animal, "Managarmr," by engulfing all weather all want and howling with all monsters, who side with Frost as a new alpha. Combines Faith of the Natural Disaster and Weather Beam while all the Avalonian monsters repeatedly fire with all elements at the Pharrajimos (Pharrajimos Drakon), until Frost gulfs himself to fire a final massive blast of aether, kills Jeannette, and is defeated by Joszef.

Jean: "I pay for your curse!"

Joszef: " Sisi, are you okay? "

Sisi: "Thanks, Joszef, and I want to go back to the past right now."

Dorottya: "Brother, are you okay?"

Bartal: "Bestie, are you right?"

Joszef: "Yeah, and... I'm hungry for it. Hehehehehe?"

Alfred: "Good job everyone; you are heroes of Manhattan and Avalon for all denizens."

Joszef: "Denizens?"

"*cheering and roars*"

All people and monsters triumph in roar and celebrate as the new hero of Earth, and all monsters come back into their world and tribes in souvenirs brought. Sissi was recovered by Joszef's magic as a new knight. He brought back Empress Sissi as time went on in history in Drift and called it "Avisala Meiste.  Now, in December 2019, he has the babies of Joszef and Elise in the USA as permanent residents of  the USA, feeling secure that any life can defend it for the next generation. Afterward, the peris rose.

The End.

Story (2024)

Story by Nilan Punzalan.

In 2020, Queen Arianna decided to take her own life away from Rapunzel, Eugene, Varian, Wilhelmina, and Cassandra after Desmond Miles and Shay Cormac's deaths. Flash floods struck Jakarta, Indonesia, killing 66 people in the worst flooding in over a decade. The Taal Volcano in the Philippines has had its first major eruption since 2020. From Hungary to Arizona, Joszef Horvath and his future brother-in-law Bartal Juhasz, along with his family and friends, explore the mysterious Sawintir's history and his reincarnation, Franz Joseph I of Austria, from the sleet-summoning Sleetwing of Lithuania and the mysterious Shoahiguan.

Coming soon.




Support Characters

Minor Characters


Theme Song
