
Child of Duryodhana vs Child of Bash-Chelik

The war between the strongest individuals of the mythical progenies. ”


Worldcraft: Child of Duryodhana vs Child of Bash-Chelik

Pandaigdigalingan: Anak ni Duryodhana vs Anak ni Bash-Chelik

Written by: Ognimdo2002

Release: TBA

Based On: fictional

Genre: Science fantasy, dark fantasy, speculative evolution, horror, war, romance, comedy, action, tragedy, adventure, mystery, drama, historical, epic

Age Advisory: 12+

Worldcraft: Child of Duryodhana vs Child of Bash-Chelik is the science-fantasy thriller, ensemble, and action romance made by Ognimdo2002. The twelfth story and fourth Generations series of Worldcraft.


This story was based on and inspired by historical events and characters. The animals, characters, plants, monsters in mythology, and others are fully fictional with less alternative historical settings. They are designed, worked on, developed, and produced by various works of some artists on social media, and the authors of Earth Responsibly, Disney’s Tangled and Frozen, Ubisoft’s Assassin’s Creed, and Capcom’s Monster Hunter are part of real-life-based alternative history. This is for the various beliefs, cultures, sexual orientations, and gender identities.

The series has also been criticized by historical societies, nationalities, and indigenous groups for what they view as a "misuse" of the term "Worldcraft" and misrepresentation of Philippine tribes such as myself as Ibanag descent. As in a teleserye and novel as being a Hero with magical powers in the future of Earth in 30th and 31st centuries. Respect the National Commission on Indigenous Peoples and United Nations, Ognimdo.


2700s AD

The most intense and unique of the tragedy romance. During that same thing as a year unaccompanied, the Ilocanos got help from the Scottish people and Welshes to their appointment for the kingdom in their bitter and harsh place, the Drepesedio by a native alien to establish a settlement. Protects the native wildlife in their natural continent as pagans to avoid the overexploitation and very voluminous, the rise of several royal families including the oldest known royal family in Drepesedio, the Arriothos means "Mayflower" in Dermochlory language as gemination word mistaken for Spanish words. 

August 6, 2980 AD - Before Isabella Morrison

In the center of the Drepesedio, where the tragedy of Katherina Kithoapar died by hands of unwanted karma known as Eco-terrorist groups, a related to terrorist group and she's became a white lady to revenge her sins and even colonisation to her hometown, the Frojadghu Kingdom. The unnatural event, attacks her nation from their rules of terrorism, the Meridian and Frostlandian forces defend their central nation but is too overpower, didn't know that this dragon easily destroy even the plasma weapons when absorbs and shoot's "Against the Law of Divorce and Terrorism" to the United Nations of Drepesedian. From the Hirojafza republicans need to save a princess from harming, The sandstorm to place in the whole central Drepesedio, the Talos if controlled by her lost of her dead sister. Using the bronze arm sword and shield to attack in an epic battle at the Jellathos, a national capital city. Solnatos magnetize their whole body to the metal debris into an " Armor of God ''. A Quvdlugiarsuaq Moth arrives as well as Dobhar-chu; Ningen; Heat-horn; and her sister join forces against the control of a mastermind in retaliation. Daniello Xiwapot, grandfather of Ernesto Xiwapot and a sergeant major in eco-terrorist group against a House of Arriothos to manage complete the mission and their avengement.

Daniello was karma by Addiena by her dazzling beauty, he fell to death by explosion by accidentally clicking at his spotted area where he was dead. A son of the Solnatos dragon enough to a father that became indomitable, Bediones was an adopted son, realizing that Addiena notices from their behavioral ecology.

A single adult Solnatos dies by a sniper elite, but a sniper elite soldier dies by karma in convulsion. Addiena leaves faster and opens a gigantic mountain gateway to leave without harm, and she was unconscious but it was saved by a normal person. After one decade ago, the action of United Nations of Drepesedian Forces beheaded thousands of eco-terrorist groups against the overexploitation and threatened the royal family to presidential until concluded.

Luckily she was saved by pressure. She said " I'm so horrified, because I was attacked by a sun dragon who knows he is king, so very damn it. " Her real name was Addiena.

She encounters the alleged white lady at the top of the castle. That fact where she discovered a robot that was controlled by a ghost to use against the dragon, in this event Princess Addiena left using the Antarctic Gate Key to attempt escape permanently. She went away from the disaster, she was helped by an Inorthian scientist and went to hospital. The story is real in history.

Addiena have two children that birthed by her husband a normal person, Wilbert Arriothos, meet Arleigh Arriothos and Duncan Arriothos, are prince and princess of their same kingdom that avoid the tragedy by the hands of terrorism and the sun dragon at the history.

Current Year - 3016 AD

Birthday to Isabella and Archie in July, while Nicolette was still waiting. Both played basketball with Jeremiah, Sebastian, Leonardo, Andrew, Gino, Miller, Farhan, Ajibola, Potiphar, and even a new guest; Josh as a coordinator and Paschal joined as coach after Paschal was retired as his spokesperson. Team Twilight for the unnamed guest, and Team Dawn for Jeremiah's group at the Hyrwollat Arena Court, Shallothap, Eastern Dinojerulla.

Coach Donato Iherzath, the leader and coach of Team Dawn against the Team Twilight for their winning the representative of their country at Dirithjafzia Soccer and Football Association. Donato's team are Jeremiah; Archie; and Farhan join the game for goal play until now, the Team Twilight brawls Archie's team. But the Sport Coordinator banned Team Twilight for treason.

After that, Team Twilight was lost by discouragement, so Team Dawn won the game and took the first time to play Archie since he was child to play with his father before the siege.

The Twilight team ran away from the White Lady who roamed the sports arena after the game, the report glitched the screen and the only ghost existed on the screen.

The Dirthsan Forces ahead the radio and their radiologist: Guidon Hoffawh to call the Dirthsan Forces for the white lady in her message from her justice. Isabella notices their pictures of a white lady where she originates and how she died from the tragedy. Archie and Sierra make more information about the signal jamming until the signal is restored and white lady flees.

Carlos Ferasothar, the brother of Lizannie and nephew of twelve princesses like Sierra to Genevieve Loniarabap, arrived from Alharia Kingdom to apologize to her.

King Felipe sees Lizannie was lonely when her brother changed his mind to make sorry from the feud. Carlos arrives and apologizes, slapped him in the face and makes a true apology for her feeling sorry. Trixie and Rowena exist, her sisters hug Carlos and Sierra appears to hug also. Felipe and Patricio feel better to Carlos as their nephew for good from the unknown undiscovered species tragedy.

During the incident, Rowena was only sister in Alharia Kingdom to meet her nephew once she encounters. A big sapphire blue skinned and makes invisible as moonlight flashed, the only new species never been discover, the Lucent Dreadplasma a new Dreadplasma species that Rowena is only person of interest. She afraid to her secret revealed, Felipe talks her to her true in the event that she sees a normal Dreadplasma.

“ Brother, I scared because the happened between Lizannie and Carlos to make feud, because of Dreadplasma species that sapphire blue, and moonlight flashed upon conceal. ”, Rowena said. Felipe replies to her, “ Oh boy, I talk to my two children ”, Rowena was trigger to make the evidence was truth, “ I will, and I make sure I'm discovered a new species that kill my auntie right now. ”. Carlos and Lizannie shocked Rowena their truth, Liza was died at 69 years old ambushed and attacked to beheaded by Lucent Dreadplasma at midnight.

The Inorthian Natural Resources and Wildlife Conversation finds a new species about Rowena Loniarabap to her new cases. In the midnight that she said, their main attack was started to their ambush. The soldiers attacked Lucent Dreadplasma and tranquilized it to sleep, the new species was under observation.

Clarissa Rijheshoth, shocked that Rowena Loniarabap only discovered the new species, Clarissa scratched her head to confuse with her Normal Dreadplasma, didn't know what happened to her late best friend, Duchess Eliza Whellovang. Sharpshooter the Dreadplasma encountered this creature was his father after under their observation to investigate this Dreadplasma's powers, the energy was different compared to normal counterpart, except it is a white color and it's brighter than fluorescent light and tesla.

The Dirthsan Forces exist upon arrived to their want tamed to this creature, only Rowena and Carlos tamed using kibble to feed instead of executed by punishable death ordered by United Nations. Sharpshooter arrives to attack the new species, the Lucent Dreadplasma was low in their energy, and called up the Dirthsan Forces to investigate and want to travel in Drepesedio, where the white lady where she lives. Potiphar easily to want prepared for the expedition because of colder than Antarctica-like fictional place. Drakolossia is only one guardian to join the expedition in Drepesedio, Farhan warns to this dragon to make cold and make frostbite, Sierra makes confuse. In fact, Drakolossia uses the hot temperature to warm up as living campfire.

All members of Dirthsan Alliance Administration under Clarissa Rijheshoth and her family travel into Ithallovia Seaport at Ashailajia.

Isabella, Archie, Christina, Sierra, Rowena, Trixie, Genevieve, Whitley, Janet, Christie, Lindsey, Clarke, Queenie, Carlos, Lizannie, Daphne, Leonardo, Nicolette, Sebastian, Stephanie, Potiphar, Justin, Marion, Valencia, Rameses, Genesis, Asenath, Dinah, Andrew, Andrea, Miller, Galadriel, Geraldine, Peterson, Lucy, Farhan, Ajibola, Gino, Sephina, Franco, Kiko, Tara, Gusion, Jasper, Frederik, Felicia, Ghinang, Ilowa, Fengqa, Jydong, Kellar, Verde, Felipe, Patricio, William, Clarissa, Katherine, Rachelle, Draco the Drakolossia, and Paschal join to expedition in Drepesedio in their ship called San Pablo Vessel, traveler from Ithallovia to Ghorrak territory near Kampufora.

While San Louis the Alarikitesha leave to find his master, when Stephen the Roc; Aldo the Titanios; Polynomial the Sárkány; Blac the Boiuna; Boldiszar the Turul; Gowon the Mokele-mbembe; Jubilee the Bennu Bird; Nabilah the Lukwata; and Zika the Dingonek are staying in House of Auwharosh for guarding without the royal family. Ephraim was in charge of defending all who left the expedition.

Meanwhile at 11 pm, Clarissa Rijheshoth with Isabella saw Gray Rorquabird and Slate Rorquabird exist in their breaching. When Christina discovered the iceberg, but not a real iceberg is a Ningen from Antarctic mythology attacks San Pablo Vessel to  make disturbs, Isabella and Archie shock to repel Ningen, but the Ningen standing and sees Isabella as her beautiful appearance; the Ningen only never attack after the incident; Rowena uses harpoon but dis-alarm without attacking Ningen.

Ningen was very worried about the new change to Drepesedio. The Dobhar-chu, another monster from Irish mythology, exist to help Isabella and Archie from their missions. Miller and Galadriel encounter an Aurora Australis or Southern Lights exist in skies above the Drepesedio Ocean. Marion and Jydong discovered the new Moonskate if the souls of deceased persons lift up to the sky when Aurora Australis is active and send the souls into heaven after the limbo hours without disturbance.

The new mix of extraterrestrials and animals peaceful harmony, the Ningen; Dobhar-chu; and Rorquabirds navigate the Ghorrak territory ahead until we land in dry land of glaciers.

Jamie Lozagak, Ronaldo Pithay, and Ronny Dhowapaz are welcomed to their new leader in Ghorrak territory by Clarissa Rijheshoth. All members of BFNAA landed and settled down to make a mission, but Louis was cold and made frostbite effect; if Draco activated his fire element for warmer than campfire. First the story with Clarissa Rijheshoth as a mother, second is Carlos' yoyo tricks, third is Franco's fire dancing, if hit by accidentally and arson the wooden planks; but it was extinguished by the elves related to Galadriel.

Damon Kharezong, Nicholas Bhurtkos, Lloyd Meliodeu, and Nienne Dhoni are elves lived in Drepesedio for duty.

Damon was climber with his weapon, the ice pick; Nicholas was a sharpshooter of his railgun, a typical sniper rifle with energy blaster to piercer than guillotine; Lloyd is a lieutenant colonel of Frostlandian and he was lithobolos / stone slinger in his arms to shoot the stones or pebbles faster than bullet, the cousin of Galadriel by intentional; and finally was Nienne Dhony, the sergeant major of Meridia and she is a sassy girl, she uses bow and arrow, her arrows was a magical powers to explode the impact.

Galadriel was guilty of her secret revelation for her lost cousin, but never said to her that's jerk.

Arleigh is a young girl who uses arquebus with either normal explosion / typical bullets or classical elemental bullets.

Her brother, Duncan uses a Falx-headed whip weapon. It sounds weird, but it straightens a blade tip to the target as the main blade is called dance, stock whip weapon is called.

Meanwhile Arleigh was attacked by unknown extraterrestrials that have white fur, known as Snowmaw, Leonardo saw her for saving her from Snowmaw. He used the flare gun to call his friends.

Both Ardhel and Nienne saw Arleigh and Leonardo are attacking, Vicent kicks the snowmaw and arrive Isabella and Archie from threatened, the Alarikitesha soon arrive and makes attacks snowmaw.

Badly, Duncan was knocked by snowmaw, and Arleigh and Leonardo get bitten by snowmaw and Draco the Drakolossia slap his tail and make snowmaw retreat.

Both Arriothos and Leonardo arrive in hospital, then recover and Addiena and Wilbert hug their children caring about this event.

Clarissa doesn't care that William invites both Addiena and Wilbert to join them for a mission, but Wilbert agrees but his wife wants to promote her as secretary and their children are shocked.

However, the Arriothos family signed as new members for the new missions to save the Planet Berbania for Isabella Morrison and Archie Buenaventura from obliging the universe / "sansinukob" in Tagalog language.

All are called by William Auwharosh in his presentation: Vicente, Arleigh, Duncan, Duchess Addiena, Madame Kathy, Jamie, Wilbert, Ronaldo, Ronny, Lloyd, Nienne, and Ardhel. Emperor David Dioreshun talks about the ancient artifact known as "Crown of Ice", the fictional object from made of ice cores from Oligocene epoch before it gets whole frozen in Drepesedio. 

" The Dairks and Corachi arrived in 1885 AD to the ritual of creation of new own symbols of Drepesedio. 

The "Ice Hope of Diamond" the rarest type of diamonds found in Drepesedio before it was scarcity and not an abundance. Addiena knows what her ancient and prehistoric crown will be her became a queen soon. Crown of Ice is a dangerous for bad person if possess summon Cthulhu. 

Cthulhu is the legendary creature and he is a deity that killed in action by Borean languages gods and goddesses from North Africa, Eurasia, Southeast Asia, Oceania, and North America join forces against him to executed but the Cthulhu himself was killed by Indra; Vishnu; Cernunnos; Modi; Sif; and others. " 

Emperor David's story didn't mention yet because he got from these superstitious and until Empress Katherine pinched David's ears to pull and go back because of his superstition from his late mother.

And Clarissa latched onto David and Katherine Jorelavo, and Queen Celestina from Chiosathra kingdom by video call to bring the armies in Chiosathra and Luzhora regions ahead to western portion instead.

Ernesto and his girlfriend, Aila Hiwepshar, disappointed Addiena as her traitor. Because she remembers that she killed Addiena's sister: Grace because of jealousy to her boyfriend, Charles II of Frojadghu Kingdom before her tragic romance.

She got stabbed by Aila Hiwepshar in killed in action and not an assassination and she was eaten by snowmaws but never eat, and Aila hacked with her katana to the snowmaws as her murderous of the fauna. Aila got to the storyline, her family including her baby were invaded and killed by snowmaws as their vow of revenge from Jesus and Cernunnos. But the snowmaws retreat to no tracing again and Aila was arrested for parricide and matricide, including infanticide for treason and the murder of Grace Arriothos. And she was escaped by Ernesto, Quinta, and Santino. Aila used a magic rod with metal elements as her revenge.

After Addiena’s auntie (Grace) died, she reincarnated as Gracia Arriothos to marry Addiena and Wilbert.

Santino Shukheqach was a victim of peace and bullying by bystanders and his classmates either are old or new but he is ugliest. And he got cheated by his wife for a third-party girlfriend. Wilbert was a former friend of Santino as his vengeance for cutting her arms from his unknown former wife.

Wilbert stomps his feet to Santino for harassment and obstructing justice. But his late wife got stabbed by himself, and one of the former Santino's friends got called the police to arrest him because of murderer. Santino uses his arquebus and he hates both of them.

Quinta Emerikasol was half human / half elf and not from Ilocano people ancestry, the former friend of Ardhel and Nienne. She killed her mom and her horses and a wild leopard seal without permission and she got hunted by whalers as a person of interest. Quinta lost interest in Christmas and she eradicate whole life and stoned her friends including Nienne at the back when she hitted.

She was nearly killed by electricity when Queenie Loniarabap appeared, and Quinta got shocked and electrified by Queenie with the abandoned electric wires. She was brought to the hospital for recovery and she got comatose by paralysis. Queenie was not a primary suspect, she was innocent. And she is revived by Ernesto as revenge for his mission. Quinta uses her jade bladed balisong as her defense.

Their antagonists' stories are karma by Princess Addiena Arriothos because of her serious events than from the Ghesario siege. Meanwhile in the midnight, the aurora australis exist when Isabella; Archie; Nicolette; Sierra; Jeremiah; Stephanie; Andrew; Galadriel; Oliver; and Leonardo to their watching in breathtaking. But Leonardo was lonely without his lovelife, he wished in the first sighting of shooting star for wanting to wait for his new girlfriend. And that Leonardo fed the emperor penguin; rockhopper penguin; and other seabirds to feed him because of his honesty.

The kea bird stares but the emperor penguin threatens his pet kea bird, and Leonardo calls Ronny for his training out of the court.

Both Ronny, Ronaldo, and Leonardo call them and get follow up to the glaciers where these unexpected things are cocoons.

The first encounter of Quvdlugiarsuaq worm, but not the worm anymore when Leonardo and Ronny saw, but also the real metamorphosis of the moth, this moth was retreat when saw Leonardo's lance that is connection with Arleigh Arriothos and Leonardo was unconscious before brought to hospital. Gino and Sephina guarded to alarm, Quvdlugiarsuaq Moth was attacked by giant pinniped-like sentient, Ningen. But most guardians feud because of unknown reasons. Sierra Loniarabap shoots the bioenergy ball enough to fight instead. Talos; Dobhar-chu; Quvdlugiarsuaq; Heat-horn; and Ningen ceased fighting instead. When Arleigh; Leonardo; Archie; Nicolette; Isabella; and Jydong travel to the centre of Drepesedio to find the article to where the unusual account about the ice princess' crown. Leonardo promised Arleigh to become a reunited relationship before both Isa and Chee.

At the same time, only the oldest royal family was Arriothos to wear a crown of ice. The Solnatos arrive and Archie make avoid being noise. When Ernesto's army arrive to claim the center of Drepesedio from the west for their territory but the sandstorm protects. The BFNAA members also from the east to marked on. Only Leonardo and Arleigh going to the unknown location where the iceberg and glaciers will fissure and this fissure is a gateway called Ice Crown Keeper, is a sacred place that way using snowmobile. Aila and her allies are going to same location but the whole ice bridge are cracked because it was thin and melted, except her using hook.

Only choose Arleigh to go into the keep of Ice Crown. Leonardo stops his snowmobile and discovers snow-flutters are small lacewing-like extraterrestrials which are protectors for keep away from stealing and even guarded and armored polar dogs also exist. Aila used a grappling hook to get to the location but she hitted successfully and landed but unconscious from falling, but Snow-flutters attacked her.

Leonardo detected his cellphone to snow-flutter which detected through a bestiary that mentioned to him that extraterrestrials never tamed because of sapience and controlled by magic.

Nienne and Lloyd are commanded by Arleigh via Leonardo's phone to order their tamed pengulls. Namely: Gharrak; Idhassa; Wivapsa; Jholina; Sisyall; Finok; Adarha; Zona; Bhallas; Dierog; Miquel; to Colonel Lopes including some glow-wolves and snowmaws are arrive to distract polar dogs and snow-flutters.

Arleigh and Leonardo claim the artifact, Aila confronts couple from their Oligocene artifact but she was stunned by snow-flutter bites, fortunately Leonardo and Arleigh with their militia animals leave immediately including snow-flutters and polar dogs are leave also before Ice Crown Keeper are destroy and Aila grappling her to escaped.

Snow-flutters and guarded polar dogs are first time for leaving and now started to collaborate with Arleigh and Leonardo as allies of Princess Isabella Morrison, a leader of snow-flutter is Colonel Peres prompts Arleigh and Leonardo to want married in the location but both shocked that there proposed and even guard polar dogs to want Arleigh's marriage and an Ernesto's terrorists captured all and couple, but soon the Adzegulls and Frozen Crest (Cryolophosaurus) dragons join forces against terrorist group; both Arleigh and Leonardo side to side to protected by snowmaws. The civilian terrorists are surprised attack from all species of slidemaw penguins and the seabirds distract terrorists.

The couple escaped successfully, but Arleigh held the crown to Cordillera.

Bediones attacks both sides; Clarissa's allies and Ernesto's group are enemies too in the invasion. Bediones use "Sun's Jamming" skill to kill most of Ernesto's army and some of Clarissa's armies. Draco the Drakolossia and San Louis the Alarikitesha join forces with Ihkawrop the Talos; Akihimikau the Ningen; Roisin the Dobhar-chu; and Arnaaluk the Quvdlugiarsuaq allow to attack between more than merrier against one of cheating.

Ernesto wants to confront Vicent and he punches Ernesto. Ernesto chops Vicent's left arm but he is a cyborg and he runs away and stops while Bediones' absorb his energy.

Bediones use "Against the Law of Divorce and Terrorism" skill to disintegrated Ernesto's friends and his army including Quinta was burned to death by Bediones. Duncan and BFNAA members avoid disintegrating from the deadly solar beam, but Vicent arrives to attack him, saves Ronny and Nienne from.

Santino was attacked by Ronny using a plasma shotgun to scatter his energy bullets. Both are marksmen to fight each other. The White Lady comes to create a big beam to knock Bediones and explodes himself, Jamie cried and Bediones changed his mood into passive and Arleigh standing on top of mountain gates should be.

Arleigh wears a crown made of ancient ice cores from the Oligocene epoch to reign her. But Leonardo was now gained to be aphrodisiacal when he was connected with Arleigh. Ernesto shoots both couples with an assault rifle, but Bediones was wounded.

But Santino stuns Ernesto into a serious fighting scene, Ernesto and Santino gunned to each other when Bediones watched to be neutral.

All guardians including Draco and Louis never harm until Santino was shooted by Ernesto but wounded, but Potiphar and Ajibola attack Ernesto aside and run away. But the Drepesedian animals and extraterrestrials are under the control of Arleigh as Snow Princess of Drepesedio that all people believe that she is last known heiress and first human who wear it. Her hair was turned blond into ice blue, Ernesto was chased by all animals to arrest him.

Ajibola used ricochet arrows to explodes gas chambers whole facility. Potiphar dances with snow and ice particles to make ice spikes to Ernesto. Archie using Coronation Medallion into Slingshot-Crossbow bolt homes to Ernesto. Leonardo commanded by Arleigh to charges his lance weapon rushed and jumps and he stabs to shoot an unusual projectile, "Aphrodisiac" stab projectile creates and hits snowmobile to explode and Ernesto run away from Leonardo's Arleigh possessions. Bediones use "Against the Law of Divorce and Terrorism" skill again to targeted Ernesto run away and he jumped to the cold seawater but Gray Rorquabird exist to shoot sonic beam to knocked up and then Santino slaps Ernesto's face to traspired his best friend last two years ago, and Quinta got scorched by Bediones without trace. Ernesto arrested by United Nations, Aila was saved from destroying Ice Crown keeper as cultural heritage and she arrested brought to the Meridian Republic. Arleigh was became first queen of Drepesedio since without a reigned queen in many years ago since before Solnatos' siege.

Her family and brother, including her boyfriend, hugged as a result of victory. She want to Leonardo to marriage for good, and Leonardo have orichalcum and aquamarine wedding ring 💍 to give Arleigh as first girlfriend for his life. Nicolette and Santiago are proud of him for announcing a new engagement from the South Pole.

Isabella and Archie will hug and well for. Arleigh and Leonardo kiss after the incident, and Santino wants to promote his life to become a new BFNAA member by order of Queen Clarissa Rijheshoth. The pengulls and other civilian faunas are controlled by Arleigh as Snow Princess.

The Frojadghan Kingdom was now an elective monarchy under Arleigh Arriothos and Leonardo Thongamerai, now the whole country tundra again and prevent climate change until Ningen controls weather. Quvdlugiarsuaq manipulates blizzards and hailstorms to continue until summer. Talos will always be protected from harm. Dobhar-chu measures the population of seabirds including extraterrestrials as their warden, however they have their own family to keep them from poaching.

Bediones wants to join him and turns into human again and struck his dragon form from Usman Bingolok's powers. A dragon leaves on and joins them for good as new members of Berbania Forces of National Alliance Administration under Princess Isabella Morrison and Prince Archie Buenaventura.

The United Nations of Berbania under Paschal Hyrphaz as secretary to speech about new problem in North Kihangor to reconquer again for Russian: Снова завоюйте Северный Кихангор.

– The End

Rebooted (TBA)

Narrated by: Jericho Morrison and Emily Blair

The father of Isabella and Nicolette Morrison, Jericho Morrison, claims that the three of them—along with his future son-in-law, Archie Buenaventura—arrived on the planet Hirawhassa in 3001 AD. Including his bestfriends, Emily Blair, Yosef Buenaventura, and Clarissa Jasmine also landed.

The contentious story of the descendants of Duryodhana and Bash-Chelik originated in North and South Kihangor in 2859 AD, not in Ukraine nor Nepal. Idhant Hizhaeth Chowaliong was born on July 18, 2984, in the Mahadevania Province of Zhidhekia. He is of Punjabi lineage from Duryodhana, therefore even though we are his fighters from birth, there is a lot of goodness and generosity.

Therefore, Idhant's mother, Farzanah Chowaliong, and father, Dinajpur Chowaliong, were Conservationist Hunters (Monster Hunter) who taught Idhant how to fight and protect against the descendants of Bash-Chelik, Mahesh Uvorvykyshky, who was the father of Kamat Uvorvykyshky. Despite their two adversaries' blood enmity, Kamat and Idhant were secretly close buddies. Kamat unintentionally fell in love with Yumi Chowaliong, Idhant's sister, after they battled the two-headed mutant Indian python and threw the snake's corpse into a lake, extinguishing their campfire.

While traveling, Idhant and Kamat learn that Asra and Kateryna, Kamat's twin sisters, were wed to the Lord of Dragons on Mount Romanov in Dzhemoblash. The offspring of Duryodhana and Bash-Chelik, and Lord of Dragons, Thakurro Uther, turns unlawful and attempts to kill Thakurro; both fail and are rescued by their respective parents. And the reason it went viral in public in 2996 AD was that two best friends are forced into a family dispute by their parents, who are sworn foes from Duryodhana and Bash-Chelik…

Coming soon.




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Theme Songs


Notes & Trivia

Foreign Languages