Two Lights:

Shines to Illuminate at Night

“ Darks up, shines down. ”


Two Lights: Shines Illuminates to Night

Dalawang Tanglaw: Pananglaw Ngayong Gabi

Written by: Ognimdo2002

Release Date: February 1, 2023

Based on: itself

Genre: Science fantasy, horror, war, romance, comedy, action, tragedy, adventure, drama, historical, epic

Age Advisory: 13+

Two Lights: Shine Illuminates to Night is the science fantasy, action, ensemble, monster, coming-of-age, and drama story made by Ognimdo, as the first ever series of Earth Responsibly was the predecessor of the Worldcraft Series in the pre-Nicolette period.


This story was based on and inspired by historical events and characters. The animals, characters, plants, monsters in mythology, and others are fully fictional with less alternative historical settings. They are designed, worked on, developed, and produced by various works of some artists on social media, and the authors of Earth Responsibly, Disney’s Tangled and Frozen, Ubisoft’s Assassin’s Creed, and Capcom’s Monster Hunter are part of real-life-based alternative history. This is for the various beliefs, cultures, sexual orientations, and gender identities.

The series has also been criticized by historical societies, nationalities, and indigenous groups for what they view as a "misuse" of the term "Two Lights" and misrepresentation of Philippine tribes such as myself as Ibanag descent. As in a teleserye and novel as being a Hero with magical powers in the future of Earth in 30th and 31st centuries. Respect the National Commission on Indigenous Peoples and United Nations, Ognimdo.


Narrated by: Jericho Morrison and Arianna Solcorvauld ft. Jeremiah Dioreshun

Jeremiah: Hello, my name is Prince Jeremiah Thomason Jorelavo Dioreshun of the Kingdom of Ghesario, the middle child of King David and Queen Consort Katherine of Ghesario, and the brother of Sebastian and Stephanie. But I was the only family member who wasn't a marksman; I was carrying knives and other weapons in order to carry myself and never trigger, but only in the story from Isabella Morrison's diary. So, well, let's shall we? A ligean ar dul! (Irish: "a ligean ar dul!" for "let's go!")

Both Arianna and Jericho collide and kiss each other, and successful time of new beginning as new happens if Arianna has a chance to become wife of Jericho Morrison at November 17. Jochebed I tells two siblings about their two worlds of different sources from Jericho and Arianna on the lighthouse, because much like from the bible, Jochebed is said to say Tanglaw, which means "Light".

Jericho Morrison is the first child of Aaron and Jochebed II, along with his young brother Murugayan and has lived in Dublin, Ireland since March 18, 2975. The Sonne and Solvacorvauld family are most resistant and prestigious royal family are migrates to the future era of 2900s as prevent themselves from regicide, however, Teodorico and Aurelia Solvacorvauld, are King and Queen of Eosia, are Willow's parents until Aurelia was pregnant and she birth to new most beautiful girl that never seen before, Arianna.

Arianna is the most important and prettiest princess who knows, because Jochebed II felt and she smelled the scents of Arianna's aura and bioenergy that far away from Aurelia's birth was awakened. Arianna was born on March 10, 2980 at Dublin, Ireland as the only invasive character born in the future rather than in the same timeline. In 2989, Linnalyn Atsiara (Hellenized word from Pali: Achara from Buddha's words) was in love with Jericho, but he rejected looking for Arianna; he was a new partner for works for school projects and programs to avoid Greco-Buddhism. Linnalyn was mad because of Arianna's beauty in nature.

Both Ashley Papadopoulos and her boyfriend Risk Pantazis are helping Atsiara take down both Solvacorvauld and Morrison until Jericho's brother Murugayan calls his teacher about the exploitation and bullies the couple because of Linnalyn's fucking jealousy, and she attacks Arianna because of her royal status.

Jericho slaps Linnalyn the true and ceases the bullying, until Scarlett Jamester, a mysterious and warm-hearted teacher of Morrison siblings and Solvacorvauld about the identity, unleashes her dark element as her vengeance to use her pencil to attempt homicide against Solvacorvauld and Morrison, but it was saved by Scarlett's husband, Rudolfo Jamester, a Hispanic-born Irish teacher, and he has a wound as a bee.

Linnalyn cries and sacrificed herself to suicide for the vengeance and the Greco-Buddhism as a powerful religion. The pencil was shot by Arianna's straw with a small ball of paper to save her from self-harming and destroying school property. Because the news was very true, Ashley and Risk are now on Jericho's side to prevent Greco-Buddhism.

While the Commonwealth of Nations banned all religious items from Greco-Buddhism and Greek Gods idols are very evil as they are worshiped primarily from Buddha to all Greek gods except for Poseidon, Amphitrite, Persephone, Hades, and Aphrodite; the Greco-Buddhism exists today as a new flavor of Greeks against the Greek Orthodox Church and Ancient Greek religion because Buddhism in Greece dominates to avoid their religion in Greece was lacking in faith and became dangerous for citizens. One of them is Nyxsatio, a most famous wealthy family of Greek origin, considered a crime family due to favor of Greco-Buddhism.

Because of the fatal car accidents involving Linnalyn's parents, Jochebed II and Aaron are both unfortunate. Linnalyn sobs as Jericho loses his parents as a result of Linnalyn, and she attacks with her butter knife to exact revenge. Teodoro and Aurelia apprehend her upon her arrival and shield Jericho and Arianna from harm. Linnalyn is then taken by Garda Síochána policemen to the prison for the situation. Ashley was in the An Garda Síochána Headquarters as a minor and the Cumanh Adoption House where she stayed for all of her wickedness because Linnalyn betrayed her by ordering her to kill her kitten named Jamie delo Santos in an act of infanticide as a rebellious act and seduce people for her viral video out of hatred for Catholicism.

Arianna saw Jericho cry on the tree, she calmed him for her song beautifully and now both Murugayan and Jochebed I are going with Arianna's family to California, USA after the incident. Secretly follows Risk and his friends Clarissa Jasmine and her boyfriend Yosef Buenaventura to California for Arianna's unique life. Both are now as part of their anniversary date 12 years ago, because Arianna decided to Jericho as her husband.

In 2994 AD, Arianna and Jericho are dating and now become adults, but she was forcibly sent back to the past with her sister and her family to France in the 1830s using the Drift Portal. Arianna said farewell to Jericho and hugged instead of kissing, and Jericho cried after she separated and departed.

Not too long, Arianna met the prince in Corona Kingdom named Frederick of Corona with his mother Cecile, who are now met for the first time and now Frederick and Arianna on first date and now married in 1836 AD, in Paris, France after Cecile's father die by Protestants in Germany. Because Calvinism was very powerful as Arianna's notes for Greco-Buddhism in Jericho's world, she met her cousin once removed from Arendelle in Norway named Prince Agnarr. After the wedding, Agnarr and Frederick have a conversation with them about Iduna, Agnarr's wife and Arendelle to the contacts from Ever-realm. Both Frederick and Arianna are now rulers of Corona Kingdom, but Frederick is very stubborn about his reign, while Arianna isn't, she's very intelligent. Queen Arianna was called by her allies and two husbands to keep her name from Jericho.

During the events of Tangled but not too long, a drop of magical sunlight was Apollo, a Greek god of Sun that his eye drops falling from the sky during his riding with his winged horses and didn't notice from below, the sprouts a flower with healing powers. Mother Gothel, Cassandra's mother, hides the flower and uses it to stay young for centuries, until royal soldiers from the nearby kingdom of Corona find and uproot it to save their pregnant and ill Arianna. Arianna gives birth to a baby princess with long golden hair, but she had the golden hair too after the effects of this mystical flower until her golden hair reverted to brown.

While Frederick and Arianna are sleeping one evening, Gothel discovers the hair has the same powers as the flower but turns brown and becomes powerless when cut. She kidnaps the girl, named Rapunzel, and raises her in a hidden tower in the woods, using her hair to stay young. After one day to many weeks, both have many problems between them after Cecile's illness, which has now passed away. because of the serious troubles for their daughter, but Arianna is mad, and she wants to divorce him because of his stupidity, so she leaves. Because Willow abandoned her, Arianna cried and ran far away without following her husband.

In Jericho's world of 2996 AD, Jericho Morrison was married to a half-fae named Emily Blair, the young sister of Sarah Blair. Their relationship came at the perfect time, but Jericho was sad about his past relationship with Arianna. But Jericho, discovered by Sarah about the picture, was exposed, and she was married to another boyfriend named Gerald Hukorra, who was the elf, but Jericho was crying, and he went to the altar in San Jose, California. He stopped the wedding, but it was too late; both kissed and he shouted. He ran far away from his former wife.

Both Jericho and Arianna furiously ran away, and she saw the naturally created drift portal for 2996 AD to California, USA, and she arrived successfully. Both Jericho and Arianna kissed, and her golden hair initiated an earthquake and EMP jammer magic that struck the whole world after kissing. Both are unconscious, but both Jochebed and Murugayan found the couple for the first time in many years and became real legends. Jericho finally became conscious, and Arianna was asleep after using her Sundrop magic. She brought Arianna before she was awake with Clarissa, Yosef, and Risk to the apartment building in secret using the truck, but the truck is immune from Arianna's magic.

Upon arrival to put Arianna to the long table, she awakened and hugged Jericho for begging for many years. Jericho's family and allies cry about their two worlds different from stories. Arianna finally got her powers uncontrollable, and she cries until Jericho sings his Ilocano song to pacify her and she returns to normal. She decided to marry him as the only trusted boyfriend for his adventures, advocates, problems, activities and even more. In New Zealand, she talks to little penguins and humpback whales for the first time due to her ability to Sundrop, she practices to control her magic completely.

She met Marama Taylor, a Maori and Japanese mixed New Zealander in New Zealand, and Ichika Cooper, a Japanese people with Pakeha in Japan, for working on the missions in a new group called Tanglaw, the organization made by Yosef Buenaventura a long time ago for his subjects, and now in Cornwall, England, for training in behind the castle. It was a training camp to work for Arianna and Jericho, as well as her friends. After training and going back to California, the Tanglaw went back to eating and sleeping, but it was very hard work for the new house.

She hears a whisper thousands of miles from California and she goes to the subway to a mysterious bore hole that connects to the far away, the Galapagos Islands. She saw the glowing weapon stuck that connects to the above without any knowledge. Arianna forced the pulling out the stuck pistol sword that is different from normal pistol sword, she was drawn and now pulled up the mysterious pistol sword and the earthquake initiated, but Jericho and Arianna forced teleporting to California apartments, not realizing that Pillars of Evolution (formerly Arco de Darwin) eroded away. Marama and Ichika saw that her weapon was very mysterious as made by dwarves and gnomes a long time ago. She called this pistol sword Reflective Gunblade or in Maori-Japanese as "Kahukitanga-hinawajū", that Arianna is the only European and non-Mongoloid to hold this legendary weapon.

Reflective Gunblade was used by Asians and Pacific Islanders against evil and shows the greatness and opportunities for balance between them, even lifting the past for something like a past in 2022 AD. But it was considered forbidden to be used and no longer used and sealed by merfolks and Saurfolks, now hidden in Galapagos Islands, as an independent country from Ecuador.

Ichika: You are only European holds this legendary weapon.

Arianna: I will be practice this.

Jericho: You sure about that Ari?

Arianna: Of course dear.

Arianna and Jericho spar in various forms of sword fighting with silat, arnis, kenjutsu, mau rkau, jiu-jitsu, fencing, and others before resting and eating from Yosef's purchases. Because of the rule established by Jochebed I, a self-defense instructor who is associated with single knife fighting and defense systems in her California training facility. Arianna and Jericho fight each other every day with bladed or blunt weapons, but on weekends they use marksmen weapons with Yosef and Clarissa as mentors.

Arianna and Jericho are dating and now dancing and singing in English, Spanish, French, Catalan, Portuguese, Italian, Romanian, Monegasque, Hebrew, Tagalog, Indonesian, and Ilocano words as she feels between past, present and future eras. Arianna was recognized as a non-invasive character due to birth from her parents, who are the invasive. Arianna and Jericho say in Ilocano for "I love you" to "Ay-ayaten ka". All people and animals celebrate and enjoy the rest of them as Arianna becomes part of her life and as Jericho's true love. Her pets from all over the world hugged and licked between them as a sign of peaceful life to avoid the chaos.

Linnalyn kills any inmates who are furiously jealous after many years, and she wants to subdue both Arianna and Jericho without her taste of immature behavior. She escapes from the Garda Síochána Headquarters prison and sues many Irish and other foreign nationals because she clearly hates Catholicism and Lutheranism. She has been labeled a traitor by the Commonwealth of Nations and the United Nations for demoralizing the Irish and resulting the extinction of the Fomorians.

Her boyfriend, Risk Pantazis, which Linnalyn captures and enslaves him, she was called as the "Queen of Dark Tangent Foreshadow," demonizes the British Isles and Continental Europe for Greco-Buddhism. She unearthed decayed and raised from the dead Nigrostra, a black dragon brutally murdered by Garda Síochána policemen and brought back to life with her Sundrop magic, however it was corrupted, and this dragon connects her to the destruction of both Arianna and Jericho. Arianna senses and smells the negative force and aura that Linnalyn brings with her to California, but Linnalyn was starving and forgot to eat delicious food.

Linnalyn kidnapped Risk because she was upset about her dragon's bad behavior. Risk requires assistance, and Arianna desires to own a dragon. Yosef's phone connects him with a long-lost friend from Israel named Doron Nachman, an Arab-born Jew who is obsessed with researching dragons and their biology. Doron first met Jericho and Arianna, and he discovered that one of Malakhuwor was very trusted by Arianna because of her ability to communicate with her husband for talking animals, and she speaks straight English on a dossier written by Eostre, a goddess.

He adopted a Gypceros as a new light source to flashed enemies using their crest made of gypsum. Doron was gifted to Queen Arianna, as she revealed her royal status and she was married to descendants of the royal family like Jericho, he was of Filipino Eurasian descent. Doron cares for his farm to his family for Jericho and Yosef, he is called "Joseph" by his English speaking. Doron was learning to use sniper rifle and submachine pistol, but he saw this pistol sword of Arianna was very painful to connect with Sundrop magic as a ward in darkness.

Many people in Miami, Florida are enslaved and decayed by Linnalyn, many people are now influenced by dark magic, due to forgetting her religion was avoided. Emily finally met Jericho, but he felt guilty for her and he apologized and she accepted with her husband joined forces against Linnalyn. Along with Murugayan, Arianna, Joseph, Clarissa, Marama, Ichika, Emily, and Doron, as well as new allies Diane and Rafael Erickson, as well as his allies and animals, and his classmates, policemen from Ireland and among us, Jericho started the civil war in Miami to Orlando, which led to Arianna Solvacorvauld, the real Queen of Corona Kingdom, taking control of monsters and animals as a result of her true partner and ruler.

Many mind controlled people are held by Linnalyn under her dark magic, while many people and animals are under controlled by Arianna due to her Sundrop magic with her allies, soldiers and policemen from Miami to Garda Síochána. The Malakhuwor and a Gypceros attacked this decayed Nigrostra to distraction for Arianna and Linnalyn on one-on-one fight, Linnalyn used Dark Tangent Cane from one of cultists was epic weapon in Cork, Ireland, but it easily tear up by Arianna's pistol sword by swing.

Jericho, who was given an unbreakable claymore sword fashioned of vibranium and Zealandium by Doron, now joins forces with Linnalyn with courage and inspiration, but Linnalyn is no longer affected by her dragon, which suddenly became out of control. Linnalyn goes to her and apologizes, but Linnalyn didn't listen to him under her dark spell, but not too long. Linnalyn was abducted by undead Nigrostra to Orlando, Florida where this animal found the former habitat was dark forest with natural dark magic and dark side of the force under the incantation, it was Florida Marshlands by Native Indians in Florida by conquistadors and eradicated both people and creatures alike. In Jacksonville, Florida, are experiencing the three days of darkness because of this Elder Dragon abducted Linnalyn and as her slavery is found in fairytale story.

Yosef Buenaventura: What is that?

Ashley Papadopoulos: I think, it is black villain? 

Clarissa Jasmine: This monster... Shit! An Elder Dragon?!

Yosef Buenaventura: No way, love, let's go to Jeri and Ari!

Yosef and Clarissa: Pashnea!

Originally phrases: This dragon nearly kills Linnalyn by stabbing on their own tail, in fact known for Yosef about this species was a subspecies of common Nigrostra called Dreadknife Nigrostra, an former normal dragon who became the Elder Dragon that killed by Sir Jester O'Hara, the retired police captain in Garda Síochána Headquarters for his former lover was a princess who daring to this Elder Dragon. This story was considered true and loses one of his rivals and she is shocked and cries, but Queen Arianna laughs and gives the decayed living Elder Dragon a mercy to die by collateral of her Reflective Gunblade like a sniper rifle after slashing and hacking on the blade, and she said "I give you mercy".

Alternatively phrases: (A subspecies of Nigrostra known as Dreadknife Nigrostra, an Elder Dragon, was killed by Sir Jester O'Hara, a retired police captain, in the Garda Síochána headquarters for his former lover, a princess who dared to this Elder Dragon. This dragon almost killed Linnalyn by stabbing on its own tail. The queen laughs and grants the decayed living Elder Dragon mercy to die by collateral damage from her Reflective Gunblade like a sniper rifle after slashing and hacking on the blade, saying, "I give you mercy." This story was believed to be true and she loses one of his rivals. She is shocked and sobs.)

Linnalyn: Jericho! *shocked and stabbed*

Arianna: No!! *shouted*

Linnalyn: I'm sorry for my fault-...

Jericho: No Lina, don't say that. *cries*

Linnalyn: I'm karma...!

Jericho: No!! *cries and shouted*

Arianna: No, Linnalyn! *cries and shouted*

Risk: Lina, Lina! *sobs*

Dreadknife: *roars in anger*

Yosef: Susmaryosep! What is this??

Doron: Something dark... With a spear tip on its tail, it no longer corrupts.

Clarissa: That black dragon was brought back to life using dark magic; it is currently full of gloom, badly hurt, and indignation.

Yosef: The Nigrostra subspecies that Jester O'Hara killed was... My grandparents encountered a Dreadknife Nigrostra while on an expedition in Berbania!

Ashley used assault rife: Para iti pagiliak! (For my country! in Ilocano) *rifle fires*

Jericho: Die bastard, bangsit uki, taik goblok, connard, joder! Taste of my rage!!

Yosef: No way kabayan, he was very serious about attacking the dragon with Arianna's kiss?

Arianna: Jericho stop!

Jericho: Ari, what are dong here!

Arianna: Stay back Jericho, I will faced the Elder Dragon for Corona Kingdom and my daughter. For my boyfriend, for my family who are abandoned me, for my former rival, joder! I swore you for the end of life Dreadknife Elder Dragon. I give you mercy!

Jericho: Fire!!!

Arianna: Lastogka! *shoots her pistol sword, initiated Sundrop hair, and bangs loudly* (Ilocano for "you bastard!")

Dreadknife: *pains and roars*

After the darkness skies faded by Arianna's incantation spell and sings in various French love songs, due to her native languages being Spanish and French. All people applaud her for her faith. Linnalyn was healed by Arianna for healed and she gives a great true apology and sorry for Jericho and herself about her past. Linnalyn hugged Arianna and Jericho as sign of peace, all people in Miami celebrates the new heroes in Miami, but Linnalyn was arrested for treason, blasphemy and terrorism; she was granted pardoned and end of her penance by Jane Katherina of England, who is known by O'Hara and she reunited for the first time. Arianna and Jericho kiss and healed all over the world instead of EMP jammer magic, now living denizens and netizens dancing and enjoying the new celebration.

Arianna of Corona: Era demasiado buena para mi consejo, mi vieja enemiga. Louez-moi pour ma prière paisible, ma musique apporte la vie. *sings and hums*

Linnalyn Atsiara: I'm so sorry Ari and Jeri! Thank you for saving my life Ari and I'm very sorry for yours.

People: *applauded and cheered*

FBI and UN: You are arrest Ms. Atsiara.

People: *shocked*

Linnalyn Atsiara: Hey, I not traitor please, stop!

Jane Katherina: Hey stop! Not only for her, but also because she was very badly influenced by a black dragon. So who blame this mess, her or the Elder Dragon.

Jericho Morrison: She is correct; I made a big mistake by forcing Ari to be my love. While my new friend Linnalyn is like a small star, Arianna is a big star that conceals her true self. Dark Force or Dark Magic is not intended to be used for evil purposes.

Arianna of Corona: He is correct; it appears that this occurred in the past, as religions in Greece are now isolated and not associated with one another. Because of me, Linnalyn harbored a bitter hatred for Jericho. I was born into this world; I was not a part of the intrusive character. I adore him for saying one or more things that helped the storms grow. Un mot, encore des mots. Una luz se oscurece mientras dos luces brillan. *cries and hugs to Jericho*

Jester O'Hara : Both are true; everyone else is mistaken. Always feeling like it's a Man vs. Self struggle, Arianna and Jericho feel like they need to shield Linnalyn from negative influences. Do not insult her because she feels bad for Risk and Jericho; in my opinion, neither couple deserves it. All over the world, there are exceptional and prestigious beings for both humans and animals. 

People: I'm so very big sorry!

Christian Sartzetakis: No pain and thrust to all, but it was just no negatives for Jericho and Arianna, but all of us.

People: *cheered and applauded*

Animals: *victorious yelled*

Greco-Buddhism and under the influence of Theravada were banned and the new president in Greece under the Commonwealth of Nations was Christian Sartzetakis to revert to Greek Orthodox as a rule. Risk gives Linnalyn a hug and kiss for her apology, but she refuses him and instead falls in love with Marama Taylor. On October 5, 2996, during World Teachers' Day, both Queen Arianna Solvacorvauld and Jericho Morrison both said in Ilocano word "Ay-ayaten Ka" for "I Love You"; married successfully in Paoay, Ilocos Norte, Republic of the Philippines and were announced as now Lady and Lord of Ireland instead, while King Frederick cried after Arianna out for future world instead, now celebration all people all over the world. Arianna was now called Arianna Solvacorvauld Morrison, a true princess born in pre-Worldcraft series only story as a natural born invasive character married the original.

Ronald Thomas: Kablaaw amin nga kakabsat!

People: *applauded*

Arianna of Corona: After the battle, my powers were still hidden, so for me, there was neither beginning or end. Best wishes from two worlds with two distinct lights, the past and the future.

Jericho Morrison: One light was born in one place, but both have different difficult lives. Without a doubt, two sword-wielding leaders of the light and the dark.

Ronald Thomas: Lots of love today and beyond! Were are kiss the bride!

Arianna and Jericho: Ay-ayaten ka!

People and animals: *victorious cheered*

Doron Nachman: You are my bet! *applauded*

Yosef Buenaventura: I like you life Jerrie! Oh, you kissed me Clarissa.

Clarissa Jasmine: Oh, you got me, and I love you.

Frederick: Why love, why! *cries in pain*

Arianna and others are eat lots of arepas and now purple yam-flavored foods for her and Jericho, and her family without her true family to taste of fairy connected cultures, but not too long to separate his friends. Jericho and his favorite friends Yosef and Clarissa take him with Arianna for his own journey all over the world as his bucket list as Jericho wished and dreamed about his traveling with Ari on both Berbania and Reinachos as his future expedition to Earth.

Doron: I brought some food for everyone!

Risk: Oh, it's that lots of food, awoo-

Marama: Hey, stop it!

Risk: Oh sorry.

Jericho: Oh, thanks Doron!

Yosef: Wow, fried chickens! I love it.

Clarissa: Hey, easy love.

Murugayan: Don't worry your highness, he's fine for his essential feeds.

Arianna: Grandma, where's Linnalyn?

Jochebed I: Oh sorry dear. She might be leaving without a permit since I didn't see her.

Jericho: Give her a more space for find the new face of life for her parents.

Arianna: Oh, I'm sure she's doing great. What if we have children?

Jericho: No way Arianna, are you serious.

Arianna: Yes, but we also need to locate adopted kids around the globe.

Jericho: Actually...

Linnalyn Atsiara: Goodbye friend, I leave for my own path for new beginning, Lina.

– The End / Ang Wakas




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