
Curse of Bungoyra

The plot revolves around the woman and a youngster as they solve the mysteries of the legendary mountainous demon while facing off against legendary creatures from Tiqojarha. ”


Worldcraft: Curse of Bungoyra

Pandaigdigalingan: Ang Sumpa ni Bungoyra

Written by: Ognimdo2002

Release: TBA

Based On: fictional

Genre: Science fantasy, dark fantasy, speculative evolution, horror, war, romance, comedy, action, tragedy, adventure, mystery, drama, historical, epic

Age Advisory: 12+

Worldcraft: Curse of Bungoyra is the science fantasy drama adventure story made by Ognimdo2002. The sixteenth story and seventh Generations series of Worldcraft.


This story was based on and inspired by historical events and characters. The animals, characters, plants, monsters in mythology, and others are fully fictional with less alternative historical settings. They are designed, worked on, developed, and produced by various works of some artists on social media, and the authors of Earth Responsibly, Disney’s Tangled and Frozen, Ubisoft’s Assassin’s Creed, and Capcom’s Monster Hunter are part of real-life-based alternative history. This is for the various beliefs, cultures, sexual orientations, and gender identities.

The series has also been criticized by historical societies, nationalities, and indigenous groups for what they view as a "misuse" of the term "Worldcraft" and misrepresentation of Philippine tribes such as myself as Ibanag descent. As in a teleserye and novel as being a Hero with magical powers in the future of Earth in 30th and 31st centuries. Respect the National Commission on Indigenous Peoples and United Nations, Ognimdo.


Narrated by: Archie Buenaventura and Nicolette Morrison

The father of Isabella and Nicolette Morrison, Jericho Morrison, claims that the three of them—along with his future son-in-law, Archie Buenaventura—arrived on the planet Hirawhassa in 3001 AD. Jonamkas Bungoyra was a terrorist leader from extraterrestrial life origin and a human hater who belonged to the Tiqojarhan Resistance in 2799 AD. Someone has likened him to Nazism in the past. The Iljewars, Dairk's nearest relative, are the principal adversaries of the Comanches, Yanomamis, Spaniards, French, Ilocanos, and even the Monegasque royal line; therefore, not a single Bungoyra on his squad is weak.

In actuality, during Bungoyra's rule, the human president Wilbert Clark was killed by Bungoyra's allies for stating that it was forbidden for Iljewar, Dairk, and Corachu women to be in a relationship and that any Iljewar who "marries a non-Iljewar woman," "befriends a non-Iljewar woman," or "employs a non-Iljewar woman as a secretary or a concubine" was considered a traitor to the Iljewar race. Aakesh de la Pereira, a human hunter in Tiqojarha, saw Jennifer Gonzales die, and it was decided that Joseph de Pierre was seducing the Templars in Hirawhassa because he had no idea where the evidence was buried.

In February 2017, Aakesh, Joseph, and his Iljewar friend Honnas Makronalath traveled to New Edinburgh in the Kataqira Republic with Guernica Daquioag to gather information from an abandoned Templar facility in a skyscraper with Barindra Psonassa and other Hunters. While at the facility, they were attacked by Bungoyra's warriors. While the assassins and Templars were already massacred, he and his allies managed to escape through the window and reunite with Berbanian/Hirawhassan Gochdraig.

As Bungoyra's reputation becomes bad, a ball is hosted in his palace by an unnamed enchantress disguised as a beggar woman, who offers him an enchanted gem in exchange for shelter from a storm. When he rebuffs her, she reveals her true form, which was in fact Hepsora, the oldest known enchantress, and transforms him into a six-armed beast and his servants into Hirawhassan alien plants before erasing them from the memories of their loved ones and hibernating themselves forever.

In order to break the curse, Bungoyra needs to develop anger management skills until he is finally killed by Aakesh, Joseph, Honnas, and Barindra. Bungoyra's heart was struck by the bow and arrow of Aakesh, the prehistoric deity, which destroyed and crushed the Tiqojarhan Resistance movement, and the genocide against non-Iljewars and Terran settlers was stopped by the Conservationist Hunters' defeat of the government. The final Borgia, Mike Berg, was descended from Juhani Otso Berg. Having escaped Queen Arianna's wrath, he was able to discern the truth in what other people said and even bring Bungoyra back to life before being taken into custody for treason…

Coming soon.




Support Characters


Theme Songs

Notes & Trivia

Foreign Languages