Online resources related to Human Enhancement & Machine Consciousnes and the Technologies, the Law and the Ethics related




Farmacia, medicamentos y otros productos sanitarios

Delitos contra la Salud Pública

Testamento vital, Instrucciones previas y Anticipo de Voluntades


General note

As you know, the issues we try to cover here are so much intermingled that the following classification is merely tentative, as many of the listed sites cover issues and provide info that could have been classified under different epigraphs.

Besides, in the main pages of the corresponding subject, listed above, you may also find some other useful resources not listed here.

On Identity and Consciousness

Association for the Scientific Study of Consciousness (CalTech)

JCS Journal of Consciousness Studies

Counsciousness: blog and resources (David Chalmers webpage) - Online papers on consciousness (compiled by D Chalmers) - Centre for Consciousness (Australian NatinalUverity)

Center for Consciousness studies (University ofArizona)

PSYCHE. Journal of research on consciousness (Australian)

Science and Consciousness Review (SCR) (under construction, sept 2009)

Journal of Mind Theory (UPM) - 

On Machine Consciousness

Machine consciousness org

Conscious Robots - In Facebook - Notes

International Journal of Machine Consciousness (IJMC)

International Journal of Humanoid Robotics (IJHR)

International Journal of Social Robotics

The Open Cognition project


On Human Enhancement

The Human Ebhancement ethics group

Daniel F Moore Blog

Enhancement Technologies Group



World Transhumanist Association (en español) - son los de h+

The Future of Humanity Institute

The Future Human Evolution website

Super Human Revolution of the Species (Australia) - turns the spotlight on collaborations between artists and scientists and the impact these investigations have on what it means to be human, now and into the future

The Human Interface Technology Laboratory New Zealand (HIT Lab NZ)

Human Enhancement and Biopolitics

Poptranshumanism - Personal blog on bioethics of human enhancement from a pop view.

On Singularity

The Singularity Institute

The Singularity Summit  - 2009-Program

Ben Goertzel

On Science and Technology

Archives, Search engines, Magazines and some other Entities (Cornell University Library) - Excellent resource for free scientific and technological papers - is a not–for–profit service that helps discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive of +1.000 academic journals and other scholarly content.

ISI Web of knowledge - A platform for access to objective content and powerful tools that let you search, track, measure and collaborate in the sciences, social sciences, arts, and humanities. With ISI Web of Knowledge you choose the resources that you need - there's no need to subscribe to unnecessary or extraneous databases. Combine renowned multidisciplinary databases with content-specific selections and tools for analysis and measurement to create the ISI Web of Knowledge that turns raw data into the powerful knowledge you need. - Cómo buscar en el ISI Web of Science todos los artículos publicados por españoles

Singularity Hub: is a blog and news network covering the latest in robots, genetics, longevity, artificial intelligence, aging, stem cells, and more.

Google Scholar - Google Académico

Science Daily

New Scientist

Foresight Institute


Francis (the) E Mule Science News (Spanish and English mixed)

2020 Science

BIONETHICS - Buscador especializado en bioética

COST - European cooperation in Science and Technology

Journal of Evolution & Technology

On AI & Robotics

Artificial General Intelligence Research Institute

UPM Autonomous Systems Laboratory 

On Cyber Scurity

AGA - Alert Grid Alliance's Blog

On Nanotechnologies

Nanotechnology Glossary

The Nanoethics Group

Nanotechnology Now

2009 Summit: Environmentally Responsible Development of Nanotechnology

pen - The Project of Emerging nanotechnologies

Ethical Issues in nanotechnology

Nano Risk framework

On Augmnented reality


On Biology and Biotechnologies - One of his members and chairman (as of Oct 2009) is Leon Kass wiki info and his CV (Olin)- Full list of members (as of Oct 2009)

UNESCO - HUMAN AND SOCIAL SCIENCES - UNESCO - The International Bioethics Committee (IBC) - UNESCO - Intergovernmental Bioethics Committee (IGBC)


EU Bioethics

Neuroethics & Law Blog

Initiative on Neuroscience and Law

Papers on Neuroscience and the Law

Sheffield Institute of Biotechnological Law and Ethics

SENS - Human Regenarative Engineering

The Institute on Biotechnology & the Human Future

Center for Bioethics - Univerity of Minnesota

Wake Forest Institute for Regenerative Medicine

NC Biotechnology Center

Dana Foundation - Reliable info on the Brain

HUGO - The Human Genome Organisation 

Ethics in Biobanking

Mary Anne Liebert Biotechnology Law Report - Paying journal with partial free access (USA)

CRG - Council for Responsible Genetics - GeneWatch (USA)

Megalaw - Biotechnology & Genetics Law section (USA)

HumGen International  (Canada)

Derecho y Genética (Peru)

The Human Genetics Advisory Committee  (Australia)

BWbLaw - Biotechnology Law section  (Australia)

Centre for Law and Genetics (Australia)

UK Human Genetics Commission (UK)

Consejo Asesor de Bioética de Valencia

Bioètica & Debat

Institut Borja de Bioética 

Biotecnología, ética y sociedad

Genética y Bioética

SIBI - Sociedad Internacional de Bioética 

Observatorio de Bioética y Derecho  (Universidad de Barcelona)

Desde el exilio (blog de españoles en Alemania sobre Biotecnología y otras cosas)

Instituto Roche

On Health

The Research Triangle Environmental Health Collaborative

Medical Humanities blog

Journal of Medical Ethics. Analysis and discussion of developments in the medical ethics field - Blog