Machine Consciousness

Machine consciousness

Artificial consciousness in Wikipedia

Online papaers on AI Philosophy (compiled by David Chalmers)

Gelernter, Kurzweil debate machine consciousness By Rodney Brooks, Ray Kurzweil, and David Gelernter (at MIT on Nov, 30, 2006): Are we limited to building super-intelligent robotic "zombies" or will it be possible and desirable for us to build conscious, creative, volitional, perhaps even "spiritual" machines?

Ray Kurzweil Q&A with Darwin Magazine By Ray Kurzweil Machine consciousness is the subject of this dialog

Are We Spiritual Machines? By Jay W. Richards, Michael Denton, Thomas Ray, William A. Dembski, John Searle, George Gilder, and Ray Kurzweil Will Computers ever become conscious? Critics of strong artificial intelligence (the view that computers will go fully conscious) square off with one of A.I.'s leading proponents, Ray Kurzweil.

Live Moderated Chat: Are We Spiritual Machines? By Ray Kurzweil, Jay W. Richards, and William A. Dembski Online chat with Ray Kurzweil, Jay Richards, and William Dembski, three of the co-authors of the new book, Are We Spiritual Machines? Ray Kurzweil vs. the Critics of Strong A.I. The discussion focused on the nature of consciousness, free will vs. determinism, complexity, and implications of the eroding boundary between humans and intelligent machines.

How Can We Possibly Tell If It's Conscious? By Ray Kurzweil - How Can We Possibly Tell If It's Conscious? By Ray Kurzweil

Live Forever--Uploading The Human Brain...Closer Than You Think By Ray Kurzweil ponders the issues of identity and consciousness in an age when we can make digital copies of ourselves.

Soul of a New Machine Business 2.0 editor James Daly interviews Raymond Kurzweil on what happens when machines become conscious

The Web Within Us: Minds and Machines Become One. By Ray Kurzweil His vision for the 21st century and beyond includes reverse-engineering the human brain and non-biological intelligences.

The Coming Merging of Mind and Machine By Ray Kurzweil Predicts a future with direct brain-to-computer access and conscious machines (Scientific American, Feb 2001)

The Virtual Thomas Edison By Ray Kurzweil As machines exceed human intelligence, will they threaten humanity? How will inventors keep up? (in Time Magazine)

Can Machines be conscious? (Christof Koch, Giulio Tononi /IEE Spectrum, June 2008)

Fearing the birth of Machine Consciousness (AGA, 6 dec 2010)

Machine Consciousness: Embodiment and Imagination (Robert Clowes, Steve Torrance & Ron Chrisley, JCS Vol.14, No.7)

Machine Consciousness (Owen Holland, JCS Vol.10, No.4-5)

The Borg or Borges? (William Irwin Thompson JCS Vol.10, No.4-5)

Essential Phenomenology for Conscious Machines: A Note on Franklin, Baars and Ramamurthy: A Phenomenally Conscious Robot (Igor Aleksander)

A bedtime story about The Chinese room (by the consciousentities bunch)

Computadores y sentido común

Researchers Probe Computer 'Commonsense Knowledge' (Science Daily, oct, 2009)

El Test de Turing

Dicen que el 7 de junio de 2014 Un ordenador consigue superar por primera vez el test de Turing

A Turing Test for Computer Game Bots (Technology Review, Sept. 10, 2009)

A Wager on the Turing Test: The Rules (Mitch Kapor y Ray Kurzweil) - Reglas que regirán el test de Turing que se usará para determinar el ganador de la apuesta entre Kurzweil y Kapor sobre si en 2029 se habrá alcanzado la AI: Why Kurzweil thinks he is going tol Win (2002) - Ray Kurzweil response to Mitchell Kapor's "Why I Think I Will Win" (2002) 

Why We Can Be Confident of Turing Test Capability Within a Quarter Century (Ray Kurzweil): la llegada de la IA fuerte (superior a la inteligencia humana) es la transformación más importante que verá el siglo XXI y ocurrirá en los próximos 25 años (Kurzweil escribe en 2006).

A bedtime story on the Turing Test (the consciousentities bunch) - Kurzweil lo recomienda aunque discrepa absolutamente de las objeciones que plantea.

El Test de Truing (Carlo Frabetti, 2011)

La Caja China

La Caja China (Carlo Frabetti, 2011)

El Test del Espejo

El test del espejo no está específicamente dirigido como prueba general de consciencia, sino como una prueba específica de la autoconsciencia y, más exactamente, del autorreconocimiento. Normalmente se aplica a niños y algunos mamíferos superiores. El test pretende determinar si el sujeto puede reconocer su propio reflejo en un espejo. Hasta ahora, solo sujetos de las siguientes especies han superado la prueba: humanos (a partir de los 2 años), grandes simios (bonobos, chimpancés, orangutanes y gorilas), monos rhesus, elefantes, delfines, ratas y pulpos.

Can a robot pass the mirror test? (Raúl Arrabales Moreno , 8 January 2008 )

La ConsScale

ConsScale es una herramienta para evaluar el nivel funcional de conciencia de una criatura. Ha sido específicamente diseñado para la evaluación de las implementaciones de Máquinas Conscientes.

Machine Morality

Moral Machines (Blog)

The Challenge of Moral Machines (Wendell Wallach, Philosophy now, Jul/Aug, 2009)

Ethics and consciousness in artificial agents (Steve Torrance, AI & Society, 2008)

The Ethical Status of Artificial Agents – With and Without Consciousness (Steve Torrance)