Talk to an online therapist via Skype

Talk to an online therapist via Skype

See a therapist online for anxiety and depression

Speak with a Therapist Online over Skype for highly effective online treatment for Anxiety and Depression, Panic Attacks, Social Anxiety and Agoraphobia, Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) and Intrusive Thoughts, Addictions, and other forms of emotional stress, including Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).

Online therapy is very effective providing you use Skype so that you can see each other during your therapy sessions together with your therapist.

Email me to learn more about this online therapy service and schedule a Skype session with me. Inquiries always welcome!

Everyone that I have helped over the years really enjoys the mindfulness approach that I teach for healing emotional suffering…

"I changed more after 2 weeks of online counseling than after 2 years of talking therapy. My anxiety used to affect every part of my life. Now I feel alive again and enjoy life so much more. I thoroughly recommend this mindfulness therapy to anyone looking for treatment for anxiety or depression."


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Looking for a Skype Therapist?

Welcome. My name is Peter Strong and I'm a professional online therapist. If you'd like to see an online therapist over Skype then please go to my website and learn more about this online psychotherapy service and feel free to contact me via e-mail to ask any questions you have about seeing a therapist online as opposed to seeing a therapist in an office. 

From my experience there's no difference in the effectiveness of online therapy when compared to conventional in-person psychotherapy. What's much more important is the style of psychotherapy and the confidence that you feel about the therapist that you're working with. 

So, as long as you can see each other, which of course is possible with Skype or other video platform, then I think the quality of communication is really no different whether it's online or in person. 

So if you would like to see a therapist online do please consider online Mindfulness Therapy, which is what I specialize in. This approach is particularly effective for anxiety disorders, including agoraphobia, obsessive-compulsive disorder, panic attacks, driving anxiety. other kinds of phobias, and also for depression, as well, and addiction that is associated with depression. 

I see many many people for anxiety and also quite a few people like the greater privacy offered by online therapy as compared to clients who see a therapist in person. It's very important that you feel comfortable with your therapy sessions and I think the online format makes the sessions much more comfortable for you. 

It is much less clinical in nature and of course the function of of online psychotherapy, like any other form of psychotherapy, should be to teach you how to work with your emotions so that you can overcome patterns of emotional suffering so that you can become more comfortable in your life. 

If you would like to learn more about working with a Skype therapist and if you would like to schedule a Skype Therapy session with me, then do please go to my website and use the contact form and send me an email. You can ask any questions you like about Skype Therapy. 

When you feel ready, we can schedule a Skype Therapy session at a time that is convenient for you. All you need is a good internet connection and Skype and PayPal to make secure online payments for your sessions and then we can get started. It's very easy and the mindfulness approach that I teach works extremely well online, and most people really enjoy this approach. 

It's quite different than conventional talk therapy or counseling. It's very practical and is focused on giving you the tools that you need to overcome longstanding patterns of anxiety or depression. So please contact me and let's get started. Thank you. 

Welcome! My name is Peter Strong. I'm a professional online therapist specializing in teaching Mindfulness Therapy for anxiety and depression and addictions and also for PTSD. If you're looking for online help for overcoming anxiety or depression or any other form of emotional suffering then please go to my website and learn more about this online therapy service and then contact me if you have any questions and to schedule a Skype Therapy session. 

So Mindfulness Therapy provides one of the best approaches for working with the mind, with thoughts, with difficult emotional reactions, with painful and traumatic memories and compulsive patterns of thinking and behaving. 

So Mindfulness Therapy is particularly good for working with OCD and other anxiety disorders. It teaches you how to break free from the psychological habits whereby you become reactively identified with your thoughts and emotions and beliefs. This is the biggest problem that we encounter, that we call "reactive identification.” 

So thoughts for example may get triggered in the mind, and then we simply become completely consumed by those thoughts. They overwhelm us and they cause more thoughts in reaction to those first thoughts. So there's this proliferation of uncontrolled reactive thinking, and that feeds anxiety and depression and emotional trauma, and, of course, the compulsive behaviors that accompany OCD and addictions. So learning how to work with thoughts and emotions is extremely important. 

The way we do this is by actually developing skills at meditating on those emotions and those intrusive thoughts, as well as meditating on traumatic memories. We have to overcome the natural reactive tendency to avoid and distract ourselves away from painful emotions. This simply leaves them unresolved and then they will continue to return and proliferate. 

So we have to reverse avoidance and instead develop more conscious awareness around these painful emotions, and that is the first part of the training in mindfulness therapy. We learn to meditate on these emotions, which means we learn how to establish balance and overcome this pattern of reactive identification and further reactivity that feeds the underlying emotional pain and prevents it from healing. When you can sit with your anxiety without becoming anxious then things begin to change very quickly indeed. 

So that's the first part of our training in Mindfulness Therapy and the second part of our mindfulness therapy training is learning how to actually help painful emotions heal, how to change the internal imagery that creates those emotions in the first place. 

We look at the emotional imagery the way that we see anxiety or depression or trauma in the mind. 

This imagery is what causes our emotional suffering and the imagery is habitual by nature and it simply operates in a conditioned manner as a psychological habit. 

So when we bring mindfulness to this, we begin to uncover this imagery and we begin to explore ways of changing that imagery so that the emotion subsides, so you can learn how to resolve the emotional suffering around a traumatic event, for example, or you can learn to reduce and neutralize the imagery of anxiety or depression or any other form of emotional suffering. 

So it's all about learning how to overcome these conditioned reactive habits. That's the real cause of our emotional suffering and Mindfulness Therapy provides the tools for doing this. If you would like to get started with Mindfulness Therapy with me then simply send me an email and let schedule a therapy session over Skype so that you can begin to learn these mindfulness techniques. 

Most people see quite remarkable changes after just the first three or four sessions. It's because you're learning how to work directly with your emotions. Talking about your emotions is seldom sufficient to overcome significant chronic emotional suffering. Medications will do nothing to change the underlying cause of your emotional suffering. But actually bringing conscious awareness to the mechanism that causes our suffering is by far the most effective way of healing. 

So if you like to get started with me to please contact me and let schedule a therapy session of the Skype. Thank you. 


Skype Psychotherapist for Anxiety & Depression

Welcome! My name is Peter Strong and I am a professional psychotherapist based in Boulder, Colorado, but I offer online therapy via Skype worldwide. I see people throughout the USA but also in the UK and Western Europe and as far away as Australia. 

People come to me because they're looking for a different way of working with anxiety or depression. A different approach that doesn't involve using medications or endless sessions of just talking about your emotions and your family history, and so on. 

The conventional approaches that are what is most widely available for treating anxiety and depression don't seem to work particularly well for most people. Medications may produce short relief from symptoms, but medications will never change the underlying psychological process that's causing your anxiety or depression. And the same for conventional counseling or talk therapy. 

Generally just talking about your emotions is not sufficient to change these underlying powerful habits that create your anxiety or depression. You need more than just talking about them. You need to explore the mechanism of how your mind works, how it actually creates anxiety or depression and that's the approach that we take in Mindfulness Therapy, which is what I specialize in and have worked on over many years now and find to be most effective. 

My clients really enjoy the mindfulness approach for healing because it gives you practical and very effective tools for overcoming anxiety and depression, for healing anxiety and depression, not just coping with it. If you're interested in learning more about Mindfulness Therapy, then go to my website and read more pages and watch more videos there. And of course, email me anytime with any questions you may have about the mindfulness therapy approach. 

So I offer online therapy via Skype. I really enjoy working with people over Skype because it's basically just as good as working in person if you can see each other, but it means that I can work with people all over the world. All you need is a good Internet connection. So I find that very appealing, myself. 

It's also of course, very convenient for you to work with an online therapist over Skype. Being able to see a Skype therapist means you don't have to leave home, and if you're suffering from anxiety or depression or addiction, often it's difficult to leave home and it's often difficult to go and meet a therapist in their offices; it is too intimidating. So they added convenience and comfort of being able to talk to a therapist like myself from your own home is a very important factor, and it actually improves the effectiveness of your psychotherapy sessions. 

It is really important. You should not really depend on treatment-based therapies, whatever they are, certainly not medications. But treatment-based approaches are not really empowering you; they are reinforcing the sense of being a victim that has to go to someone else to get their problems solved. And that's not my approach. I don't believe in that approach. 

What I believe in is giving you the tools to work on your emotions yourself so that you can heal inside you can heal past trauma, which is often the starting place for anxiety and depression. It's about empowering you. That's the whole focus of mindfulness therapy. 

We work on our emotions by bringing mindfulness to them. We learn how to form a different kind of relationship with our painful emotions that is not based on fear, that is not based on avoidance, that is not based on hatred, but is based on compassion. It's about learning how to develop a compassionate and conscious relationship with your anxiety or depression or any other emotion. This is central to Mindfulness Therapy. It's what really makes the difference. 

Just talking about your emotions is not the same as developing a conscious and compassionate relationship. Typically, that is more of a process of being silent in relationship, the same way that you would comfort a child that was in pain. You don't just talk to the child endlessly about their emotions and trying to convince them not to feel afraid, if they're feeling fear, or not to be angry, if they are feeling anger. Talking like that is not really very effective. 

And it's the same with our emotions. Just talking at them or trying to talk yourself out of feeling those emotions is not really a very effective approach. What is a pro effective is to learn to embrace those feelings with a great deal of compassion and acceptance, in addition to the other important quality of mindfulness, which is investigation, which means curiosity. How does it work? 

In the case of emotions the emotions are fed by reactive thoughts. The first part of Mindfulness Therapy is learning to see all these reactive thoughts. That's part of the underlying habitual process that causes your anxiety and depression and that is not touched by medications. We get to see these thoughts in great detail and then as we become more conscious we can begin to change our relationship to those thoughts so that we gain more power and we can begin to reverse the habit of becoming identified with those thoughts and becoming imprisoned by the thoughts and beliefs that feed our anxiety or depression. That's really very important. 

So, the first part of Mindfulness Therapy is learning how to relate to thoughts. When you can change that then you stop feeding the emotions that are in pain. 

And then the second part is bringing this compassionate relationship to the emotion itself and exploring how you can comfort that emotion; seeing it very much as if it was an inner child or a small animal or, any case, something that you can relate to that's in pain. How would you comfort it? You already know how to do that. That's part of your true nature, your True Self. You know how to be compassionate and how to care for a child or an animal that is in pain. We need to apply this to our own emotions and this is very much of a focus in Mindfulness Therapy. 

So if you'd like to get started with me. If You like the idea of working with a Skype therapist, then please contact me and let's schedule a Skype Therapy session at a time that works for you and we can begin to explore how to apply mindfulness to produce effective and fast healing of your anxiety or depression or your addiction. Addiction is what we call a behavioral reaction to an unresolved emotion, generally some form of depression. That's the most common core emotion behind addiction. So if you want to get started with some online therapy sessions with me, then please contact me now. Thank you. 


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Talk to an online therapist via Skype