Looking for Skype Therapy for Anxiety & Depression?  

Looking for Skype Therapy for Anxiety & Depression?

Talk to a Psychotherapist Online over Skype for Online Mindfulness Therapy for overcoming  Anxiety & Panic Attacks, Depression, Social Anxiety Disorder and Agoraphobia, OCD, Addiction, including eating disorders, PTSD recovery and Stress Management


Skype Therapy

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Skype Therapy with Dr. Peter Strong

Everyone that I have worked with really likes the mindfulness approach that I teach for healing emotional suffering…

"Sessions with Peter are enjoyable – he is kind and patient and gentle. I love that the understandings I’m gaining in the sessions not only help me to heal my emotions but also contribute so much to my spiritual path."


Welcome. My name is Peter Strong and I'm a professional online therapist and I provide online therapy throughout the world, and many of my clients come from the UK. I'm from the UK originally, now living in Colorado, and the time difference actually makes it very convenient for you because it means you can schedule a session in the evening for you. If you'd like to learn more about working with with me and the online therapy approach that I teach, do please go to my website and e-mail me with any questions you may have. 

So why do people choose to work with an Online Therapist? Well, there are many reasons, but certainly availability is a major factor. Many people just do not have access to the right kind of therapist in their immediate area. And also there's a growing number of people who are looking for a more effective alternative to traditional psychology and counseling that is more commonly available. A growing number of people are more interested in learning strategies for helping themselves work out difficult emotions such as anxiety and depression. 

There are other approaches than treatment-based approaches available. So people are turning to the internet to find online therapists who specialize in non-treatment-based approaches, but rather approaches that are designed to give you the methods, the tools and the understanding of how to work with your emotions yourself. And that's my mission as an Online Therapist. I have developed a number of very practical and effective methods of working with anxiety and depression based on mindfulness therapy. 

This approach that I developed over 20 years ago now, is really based on helping you change the way that you relate to your emotions and thoughts. Most of the time we simply get lost in patterns of habitual reactivity when anxiety or depression is stimulated in the mind. We simply become totally overwhelmed by it and identified with these emotions and the thoughts that accompany them. It is this process of reactive identification that is the real problem and mindfulness therapy is one of the most effective ways of breaking this cycle of reactive identification, so that you do not continue to become overwhelmed by thoughts and emotions. 

As I say if you would like to learn more, go to my website and email me to schedule a session or to learn more about the mindfulness approach to working with anxiety and depression. 

So I see probably at least 20 to 30 percent of clients in the UK, and others as far away as Australia or even Japan. All you need for for online therapy is a good internet connection and Skype and also PayPal to make your payments for online therapy sessions. So if you'd like to learn more about the online therapy, do please go to my website and email me to schedule a trial therapy session. 


Skype therapy - Psychological Counseling Online via Skype

Skype Therapy with a Skype Therapist - How to Overcome Anxiety & Depression without Medications

Discover how mindfulness therapy can help you overcome anxiety or depression. Get help from a Psychotherapist Online via Skype for highly effective online treatment for Anxiety, Panic Attacks and Depression, Social Anxiety Disorder and Agoraphobia, OCD, Addictions, PTSD or any other forms of emotional stress that do not require treatment by a medical professional. Email me to learn more about this online psychotherapy service and to organize a online Skype therapy session with me.

Welcome! My name is Peter Strong and I am a professional online therapist and I offer Skype therapy for the treatment of anxiety and depression.

Now, Skype therapy is a way of really by-passing the medical approach to treating anxiety or depression or other emotional difficulties that you may be experiencing. Skype therapy does not involve the use of medications and it not a treatment based approach at all. In fact, the whole purpose of Skype therapy is really focusing on teaching you specific practical methods for overcoming the underlying process that causes your anxiety or depression.

Anxiety and depression are, at the end of the day, psychological processes, and you need psychological means to change these habitual processes. Prescription medications may alleviate symptoms but they will not treat the underlying process that creates the anxiety or depression.

So, the Skype therapy that I have developed is based on Mindfulness Therapy, which is a very effective way of working with anxiety and depression without the need for medications.

We look at the underlying process itself, and this involves primarily, changing your relationship to your emotions. This is the central most important factor in successful recovery from chronic anxiety disorders or chronic depression.

You have to change the way that you relate to your emotions. The habitual way we relate to emotions is typically that we become overwhelmed by them. We become identified, blindly, with our emotions and our thoughts and our beliefs. This is what really sustains anxiety and depression.

We have to change this habit of identification, and this is what we learn how to do during mindfulness therapy sessions.

So, if you would like to learn more about how to work with your anxiety or depression without using medications, and you are interested in working with a Skype therapist like myself, do please go to my website and email me to schedule a Skype therapy session. Thank you! 


Skype Therapy – The New Psychotherapy for Anxiety & Depression

Skype Therapy with a Therapist Online

Learn how to better manage anxiety and depression. See a Psychotherapist Online through Skype for highly effective online mindfulness-based therapy for Anxiety, Panic Attacks and Depression, Social Anxiety Disorder and Agoraphobia, Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD), Addictions, including eating disorders, PTSD or any other forms of emotional stress that do not require medical treatment. 

Contact me to learn more about this online therapy service and to book a Skype therapy session with me.

Skype Therapy with a Therapist Online. 

Traditional counseling can be helpful, but often it does not transform the underlying structure that creates your anxiety and depression.

This also applies to the use of medications - the prescription medications may provide a temporary relief from symptoms for awhile, but medications  will not transform the underlying psychological process that causes your emotional suffering.

The kind of psychotherapy I provide is called Mindfulness Therapy, which can be very successful for managing chronic anxiety as well as for treating depression and other mental difficulties caused by habitual negative thinking.

Skype Therapy - Talk to a Psychotherapist via Skype

Welcome! My name is Peter Strong and I am a professional Skype therapist. I offer Skype therapy for the treatment of anxiety and depression, and also I offer addiction counseling online through Skype. If you are interested in learning more about Skype therapy, please email me and then we can discuss whether Skype therapy is a good choice for you or not. It is for most people. Really, Skype therapy is a way of getting access to someone like myself, who teaches ways of working with difficult emotions such as anxiety, depression or addiction. I also work with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) as well.

People contact me for my services throughout the USA, abroad in Europe and the UK and basically my services are available world-wide, wherever you have a need and where you may have a good internet connection and access to Skype and also PayPal for making your online payments after completion of each session.

About payments for Skype Therapy. My policy is that you pay on a satisfaction basis, that is you pay after the completion of each session based with your satisfaction with that Skype therapy session. 


Skype Therapy – Online Psychotherapy by Skype

Welcome. My name is Peter Strong. I'm a professional psychotherapist based in Colorado, USA and I offer Skype Therapy online for the treatment of anxiety and depression for people who are looking for an alternative to medications or traditional talk therapy. 

Most people who come to me have already tried medications and they're trying to get off medications because of side-effects or because they simply don't seem to work, which is quite a common complaint. Medications may provide a short term usefulness for treating symptoms, for reducing the severity of anxiety or depression, but as a long-term strategy medications are really not adequate. They are not sufficient because they can't change the underlying psychological process that is causing your anxiety or depression. 

So anxiety and depression are produced by underlying psychological reactions, conditioned psychological habits that feed that anxiety and depression and keep it from healing, particularly reactive thinking, that's one of the most common processes that feeds anxiety and depression.

So if you want to really break free from the cycle of anxiety or depression, you have to work on changing these underlying psychological habits. These habits operate subconsciously and therefore, we're not really consciously aware of what's happening in the mind. We are aware of feeling anxious or feeling depressed, but we're not really aware of the process that's producing those feelings.

So I have developed a system for working with these underlying psychological habits that's called Mindfulness Therapy. And it's very effective. It's a very effective way of working with your emotions to stop these underlying reactive habits and to promote healing of the emotion itself. 

So you can learn more on my website. But if you're interested in trying to very different approach than conventional talk therapy or medications, then please contact me and ask any questions you may have about Mindfulness Therapy. 

But really, Mindfulness Therapy is about developing a very conscious and mindful relationship with your emotions, with your anxiety or depression or any other emotion that's causing problems for you. 

The biggest issue that I encounter is that people do not have a conscious relationship with their emotions. They react to their emotions with avoidance or aversion or trying to escape the emotional pain through alcohol or other addictive process. There is this tendency to react and try to get away from pain, which is understandable, but which has the undesired effect of preventing healing.

So conscious awareness or mindfulness is required for healing those psychological habits. 

So in Mindfulness Therapy, we don't talk about our emotions so much. Instead, we focus mindful awareness on those emotions. In effect, we learn how to meditate on how our emotions to develop this inner consciousness that is essential for healing. 

So we learn to meditate on our emotions, and that is the primary process of mindfulness meditation as I teach it. Meditating on the mind in order to bring about healing in the mind. This is essential, otherwise you become a prisoner of those reactive habits. 

So. I will teach you how to meditate on your emotions during our Skype Therapy sessions together, if you choose to work with me. The approach is very effective, and unlike medications, it gives you tools that you can apply yourself, including mindfulness meditation, so you can start to work on your emotions between sessions and develop the skills necessary to promote healing and well-being. 

This approach is very effective and most of my clients see tremendous improvements after the first three or four sessions.

The key is learning how to apply mindfulness to work with your mind effectively. 

So if you would like to schedule Skype Therapy with me, then please reach out to me. Go to the Contact Page and send me an email. Tell me more about yourself and how I can help you. Tell me what you've tried so far. And tell me what times work for you so we can work on scheduling a Skype Therapy session. 

Skype Therapy is a wonderful alternative, it's so much more convenient and more comfortable for people who are looking for psychological help with anxiety and depression or addictions, too.

So please contact me if this interests you, and I'll be happy to help you learn how to heal emotional suffering using the methods of Mindfulness Therapy. Thank you. 


Looking for Skype Therapy for Anxiety & Depression?

Looking for Skype Therapy for Anxiety & Depression?