Online Mindfulness Therapy Massachusetts

Online Mindfulness Therapy Massachusetts

Online Mindfulness Therapy for Anxiety, Depression, OCD, PTSD & Stress Management and Addiction Recovery is available via Skype for Massachusetts, including: Boston, Worcester, Springfield, Cambridge, Lowell, New Bedford, Quincy

Online Mindfulness Therapy Massachusetts

Online Mindfulness Therapy

Skype Therapy - Buddhist Counseling via Skype

The primary focus of Mindfulness Therapy is to treat the root psychological cause of your anxiety, depression, OCD, addiction, stress, PTSD and emotional trauma and other forms of psychological pain rather than just trying to manage symptoms through medication.

Mindfulness Therapy is a form of Buddhist Psychotherapy based on the teachings of Buddhist Psychology, which focuses on teaching you how to change the relationship that you have with your mind, your thoughts, beliefs, memories, and especially your emotions. The primary goal is to cultivate freedom in relationship to your mind instead of trying to control and "fix" the mind.

Mindfulness is a special form of consciousness, characterized by direct awareness and non-reactivity (equanimity, upekkha), love (metta), compassion (karuna) and joy (mudita). Mindfulness Therapy focuses on applying these qualities to promote healing of emotional suffering (dukha) and to enhance wellbeing and happiness within and without, in your mind and in your personal and societal relationships.

Everyone can benefit from developing greater kindness and compassion toward the mind and the inner emotional pain that causes suffering. When that inner relationship is right, then it purifies our outer relationships, too. Happiness within = happiness without.

I offer Mindfulness Therapy online via Skype or Zoom to make these extraordinary teachings available to anyone, anywhere.

Almost everyone who seeks my help has already tried standard "talk therapy". This may be excellent for treating acute emotional problems, but most people tell me that it is seldom sufficient to overcome chronic anxiety or depression. Most of my clients have tried prescription medications and are looking for an alternative approach, a more holistic approach that focuses on healing rather than just managing symptoms.

Mindfulness Therapy (Skype Therapy) focuses on teaching you how to work with your mind, giving you practical tools that you can apply yourself to promote healing and wellbeing. In this way it is quite different from the treatment-based approaches of clinical psychotherapy.

Everyone I have worked with really likes the Mindfulness Therapy approach that I teach for healing emotional suffering…

"Before my sessions with Dr Peter Strong, I suffered from depression. No matter what I tried, I got nowhere. It was like running around in a circle, I felt trapped.

In the first session, I found out my main problem; resisting and avoiding emotions. A few sessions later, I clearly noticed the difference in me. By mindfully accepting negative feelings, they are released and eventually replaced by positive ones.

I am a happier person now and have achieved much more in life. Enjoying life to the fullest!

Thank you Peter…"


Welcome. My name is Peter Strong and I'm a professional online therapist and I provide online therapy throughout the world, and many of my clients come from the UK. I'm from the UK originally, now living in Colorado, and the time difference actually makes it very convenient for you because it means you can schedule a session in the evening for you. If you'd like to learn more about working with with me and the online therapy approach that I teach, do please go to my website and e-mail me with any questions you may have.

So why do people choose to work with an Online Therapist? Well, there are many reasons, but certainly availability is a major factor. Many people just do not have access to the right kind of therapist in their immediate area. And also there's a growing number of people who are looking for a more effective alternative to traditional psychology and counseling that is more commonly available. A growing number of people are more interested in learning strategies for helping themselves work out difficult emotions such as anxiety and depression.

There are other approaches than treatment-based approaches available. So people are turning to the internet to find online therapists who specialize in non-treatment-based approaches, but rather approaches that are designed to give you the methods, the tools and the understanding of how to work with your emotions yourself. And that's my mission as an Online Therapist. I have developed a number of very practical and effective methods of working with anxiety and depression based on mindfulness therapy.

This approach that I developed over 20 years ago now, is really based on helping you change the way that you relate to your emotions and thoughts. Most of the time we simply get lost in patterns of habitual reactivity when anxiety or depression is stimulated in the mind. We simply become totally overwhelmed by it and identified with these emotions and the thoughts that accompany them. It is this process of reactive identification that is the real problem and mindfulness therapy is one of the most effective ways of breaking this cycle of reactive identification, so that you do not continue to become overwhelmed by thoughts and emotions.

As I say if you would like to learn more, go to my website and email me to schedule a session or to learn more about the mindfulness approach to working with anxiety and depression.

So I see probably at least 20 to 30 percent of clients in the UK, and others as far away as Australia or even Japan. All you need for for online therapy is a good internet connection and Skype and also PayPal to make your payments for online therapy sessions. So if you'd like to learn more about the online therapy, do please go to my website and email me to schedule a trial therapy session.


Online Help for Anxiety - Talk to an Online Therapist

Welcome. My name is Peter Strong and I provide an anxiety chat online help service through Skype where you can get the help that you might be looking for for managing anxiety, panic attacks, OCD and other forms of emotional suffering, including depression.

So during this chat therapy service I will be teaching you mindfulness-based methods for working with your anxiety. The challenge is to prevent the habit of becoming overwhelmed and automatically identified with anxiety reactions and thought reactions that get triggered in the mind. This is by far the central problem that we address during mindfulness training.

We tend to become overwhelmed. We tend to become caught up in anxiety based thinking, and it happens automatically in a conditioned way without our choice or without any sense of control. During mindfulness training we gain control by actually focusing conscious awareness on those emotional and thought habits themselves.

The more you see them, the freer you become from their grip the less they become habitual and when they break that compulsive blind quality of habitual reactivity then the emotions and thought patterns begin to dissolve by themselves. This is a very effective and well-tested method of working with anxiety. You focus your conscious attention on the anxiety but learning not to react to the anxiety.

It is like learning to maintain balance. Say on the edge of the river, in order to maintain and strengthen your balance so you don't fall into the river, you have to actually practice walking on the bank of the river.

And this is the way it is for any form of learning, you have to actually engage with the challenges that cause you to go off balance. Same applies to developing strength through going into a gym, where you need to strengthen the muscle groups in order to be able to run the marathon or whatever you might want to do.

You have to work specifically on strengthening those muscles that are habitually weak. It's the same with anxiety. Anxiety is simply a learned habits and the habit can be overcome by purposefully facing your anxiety. Not arguing with it, not trying to suppress the anxiety, not trying to convince yourself that you don't need to feel anxiety. Those approaches are very, very limited in their effectiveness.

The real effective way to overcome anxiety, as I say, is to learn to stand your ground in the face of anxiety, to learn to maintain your independence in the face of your anxiety, to learn how to maintain freedom in relationship to your anxiety and the reactive thoughts that feed that anxiety.

So during mindfulness teaching we actually purposefully find the thoughts that create the anxiety, we purposefully find the anxiety itself and we focus mindful attention on those mental objects until you have complete freedom and balance.

So if you're interested in scheduling a chat therapy session with me for help with your anxiety or depression of help with panic attacks as well, then please simply go to my website, learn more about the mindfulness therapy approach and about online chat therapy in general and let's schedule a Skype therapy session at a time that works for you. Thank you.


Talk to a psychotherapist online for help with depression

Online Mindfulness Therapy via Skype is a convenient and very popular world-wide service provided by US psychotherapist, Dr Peter Strong. Today, working with an online therapist is becoming the first choice for learning how to overcome anxiety, panic attacks, depression and stress. In this introduction we learn how Mindfulness Therapy online works for healing Anxiety and anxiety disorders.

Mindfulness Therapy is becoming one of the most respected methods for treating anxiety and for managing anxiety symptoms. This gentle yet extremely powerful therapy is also very suitable for online therapy, especially when we use Skype, which allows the client to have a face-to-face session with an online therapist. Convenience and comfort are two of the most common reasons why people choose online therapy, but many really like the approach of Mindfulness Therapy, which tends to focus on changing the underlying causes of your anxiety, rather than just treating the symptoms. many people see big changes after only a few sessions of mindfulness-based online therapy.

If you are contemplating online counseling therapy to help you better cope with your anxiety, please visit my website and email me.

The Boulder Center for Mindfulness Therapy Online with Dr. Peter Strong.

Skype-Based Online Mindfulness-based CBT Psychotherapy for Anxiety & Depression, Traumatic Stress and PTSD, Addictions, Emotional Abuse Recovery and other Emotional Problems: A convenient and effective Online Counseling Service that you can access from home.


Online cognitive behavioral therapy for OCD

Online Mindfulness Therapy via Skype for Overcoming Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) and Intrusive Overthinking without relying on medications.

Mindfulness Therapy provides a very good treatment plan for overcoming obsessive-intrusive thoughts and behaviors by teaching you how to work with your OCD thoughts and impulses using mindfulness training and the methods of Mindfulness Therapy.

To overcome OCD and obsessive-intrusive thoughts you MUST learn how to neutralize the underlying emotion, usually fear, that fuels obsessive thoughts and compulsive behaviors.

This is the primary focus of Mindfulness-based Exposure Therapy for recovery from Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder and is what I will be teaching you during our Skype Therapy sessions together.


Mindfulness Psychotherapy for Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

Welcome! My name is Peter Strong. I am a professional psychotherapist specializing in Mindfulness Therapy, which I offer online via Skype, for the treatment of anxiety, for help with depression and also for helping in the process of recovery from PTSD and processing traumatic memories whether they are due to that traumatic events like an accident, a car accident, or of course, the traumatic events that may occur during war, or other violent assault, or even the traumatic events simply of witnessing a traumatic a violent assault. Many police officers and first responders struggle with processing traumatic memories that they encounter in their line of work.

So there are many different approaches of course to working with PTSD, but I find the mindfulness approach to be particularly effective. And the reason is because it focuses on the exact mechanism that is going on in your mind that creates that emotional trauma.

And there are two basic processes that we work on here. The first is learning how to change our relationship to how traumatic memories so that we do not become consumed by emotional or cognitive reactivity. We have to learn to witness those traumatic memories without becoming overwhelmed. So that's a very important part of Mindfulness Therapy, learning how to do that. And I will teach you how to do that in our online therapy sessions together.

Another very important part of processing traumatic memories is to change the imagery of the memory, how you see that memory in the mind is what actually re-traumatizes you. That imagery, the structure of the imagery, is what encodes the emotional pain. So during Mindfulness Therapy we explore the imagery of the emotion and we explore changing that imagery. When you change the imagery of an emotion you change the emotion.

A simple example of that is how large the image is that you see when you recall the traumatic event and how close that image is in your mind's eye. Typically intense traumatic images are very large and very close. So that feature of the imagery, being very large and that quality of being very close, is what actually creates the emotional trauma.

Now normally for most people we are constantly processing our memory images and changing that imagery quite naturally and unconsciously. Typically images start off large and close and vivid and over time they become small and distant and faded. That's a natural process that the mind uses to digest experiences, especially emotionally charged experiences.

However when the emotional charge is too high as in the case of a traumatic memory, then that normal processing doesn't happen and the imagery becomes stuck, frozen in time. And this is what lies behind flashbacks and intrusive memories that keep coming back and re-traumatizing us. It's simply that the imagery has not changed, it becomes stuck.

So during Mindfulness Therapy we work a great deal on exploring that imagery and then changing it to help it resolve and heal. It is really quite an effective method. It's something I call mindfulness-based image reprocessing and it can produce quite dramatic changes in a very short time. Once you see the imagery and start exploring how to change that imagery to allow that memory to try to digest, essentially, so that it no longer causes emotional pain.

So those are two of the aspects of Mindfulness Therapy that we explore. The first is learning how to witness the memory without reacting and without feeding that emotional pain through reactivity, and the second part is reprocessing the memory imagery itself. When you combine both of these approaches you can produce remarkably consistent changes and promote recovery in a relatively short time, within a few weeks.

So if you would like to learn more about mindfulness-based psychotherapy for recovery from PTSD or for working with the associated emotions around PTSD that often form as reactive emotions to that initial trauma; emotions like guilt shame, anger, and so on. These can all be worked on very effectively using the well-tested methods of Mindfulness Therapy that I use and have developed and refined over the last ten years.


Online Mindfulness Therapy for Stress Management

Online Mindfulness Therapy for Stress Reduction provides an extremely effective tool for managing stress. During these online mindfulness therapy sessions I will teach you specific ways of working with the habitual patterns of reactive thinking that contribute so much to emotional stress, worrying, anxiety and depression.

This approach is very effective because it works on changing the underlying process that causes stress, and most people see dramatic improvements and significant reduction in their stress levels after 3-4 online sessions.

The first step in mindfulness training is to train ourselves to become aware of reactive thoughts the moment they arise. Of course our habit is one of unawareness, which results in becoming lost in our thoughts. The thoughts proliferate and overpower the mind causing emotional stress and anxiety.

When the mind becomes crowded with thoughts it become less able to make decisions and skillful actions and more prone to error, which causes more stress-based thinking.

Reactive thinking creates a vicious cycle that leads to more stress and more reactive thinking. If we do not gain control of this reactive process it can lead to depression and chronic anxiety. Chronic stress can also lead to health problems and can seriously affect our relationships, too.

When we are over-stressed we tend to become more irritable and angry. Our family life suffers and we often become more withdrawn and disconnected from life. Chronic stress can also lead to addiction, and is one of the major contributing factors for alcoholism and substance abuse.

Welcome! My name is Peter Strong, and I am a professional online therapist. I offer online therapy via Skype for anxiety, depression and for stress.

I teach Mindfulness Therapy for stress reduction. This approach is very effective for helping you change the underlying process that causes emotional stress. Now, what is that underlying process?

Well, if you look closely you will see that the majority of stress that we experience is produced by uncontrolled reactive thinking. We may find some stimulus that generates an anxiety or concern and then immediately we start proliferating thoughts; thoughts around "What if...?" or anticipation of some kind of catastrophe.

So, this kind of catastrophic thinking, rumination, or just general proliferation of thought from the single stimulus is what generates most of our emotional reactivity.

The purpose of online mindfulness therapy for reducing stress is to teach you how to prevent this process of reactive proliferation of thinking.

Mindfulness is a very sophisticated tool of awareness that allows you to see what is happening when it is happening so you can catch these reactive thinking processes earl on, before they start to gain momentum and cause emotional stress.

So that is, in brief, what we focus on during these sessions of online mindfulness therapy for emotional stress reduction. If you would like to learn more, please read my website and then please contact me and we can schedule a Skype therapy session to help you work on reducing your stress levels through mindfulness therapy.


See an online psychotherapist for help with addiction

Welcome. My name is Peter Strong and I'm a professional online psychotherapist specializing in mindfulness therapy for the treatment of anxiety, depression and also addictions. If you'd like to see an online therapist for help with addiction please do consider going to my website and learn more about the online therapy options for treating addiction.

I specialize in mindfulness therapy, as I say, which is perhaps one of the most effective ways of helping you overcome the underlying emotional problems that are causing your addiction in the first place. Whether that's depression or extreme stress or low self-esteem or whatever it might be, every addiction is fueled by an underlying core emotion of some form and in order to fully recover from addiction you have to address these underlying core emotions. Mindfulness Therapy is just very, very effective at doing this and most of my clients see quite dramatic changes within three to four sessions of mindfulness therapy online.

So the mindfulness approach is one of teaching you how to change the relationship that you have with your emotions and with your compulsions. It basically allows you to break free from those emotions so that you are not so easily sucked into the emotion and overwhelmed by it. Mindfulness Therapy teaches you very practical ways of working with addiction and emotions in general, that you can apply yourself between sessions and this is why people get faster results with mindfulness therapy than is perhaps typical for traditional talk therapy.

So if you like to learn more about seeing an online therapist for help with addiction, including alcohol addiction, please go to my website and send me an email and we can schedule a therapy session via Skype and you will see for yourself just how effective this mindfulness approach can be.


Skype Therapy - Home-based Mindfulness-based Psychotherapy Service

Skype Therapy with a Skype Therapist - How to Overcome Anxiety & Depression without Medications.

Discover how mindfulness therapy can help you overcome anxiety or depression. Get help from a Psychotherapist Online via Skype for highly effective online treatment for Anxiety, Panic Attacks and Depression, Social Anxiety Disorder and Agoraphobia, OCD, Addictions, PTSD or any other forms of emotional stress that do not require treatment by a medical professional. Email me to learn more about this online psychotherapy service and to organize a online Skype therapy session with me.

Welcome! My name is Peter Strong and I am a professional online therapist and I offer Skype therapy for the treatment of anxiety and depression.

Now, Skype therapy is a way of really by-passing the medical approach to treating anxiety or depression or other emotional difficulties that you may be experiencing. Skype therapy does not involve the use of medications and it not a treatment based approach at all. In fact, the whole purpose of Skype therapy is really focusing on teaching you specific practical methods for overcoming the underlying process that causes your anxiety or depression.

Anxiety and depression are, at the end of the day, psychological processes, and you need psychological means to change these habitual processes. Prescription medications may alleviate symptoms but they will not treat the underlying process that creates the anxiety or depression.

So, the Skype therapy that I have developed is based on Mindfulness Therapy, which is a very effective way of working with anxiety and depression without the need for medications.

We look at the underlying process itself, and this involves primarily, changing your relationship to your emotions. This is the central most important factor in successful recovery from chronic anxiety disorders or chronic depression.

You have to change the way that you relate to your emotions. The habitual way we relate to emotions is typically that we become overwhelmed by them. We become identified, blindly, with our emotions and our thoughts and our beliefs. This is what really sustains anxiety and depression.

We have to change this habit of identification, and this is what we learn how to do during mindfulness therapy sessions.

So, if you would like to learn more about how to work with your anxiety or depression without using medications, and you are interested in working with a Skype therapist like myself, do please go to my website and email me to schedule a Skype therapy session. Thank you! 


Skype Therapy - Psychotherapy by Skype for Anxiety & Depression

Discover how mindfulness therapy can help you eliminate anxiety or depression. Speak to a Therapist Online over Skype for highly effective online mindfulness-based therapy for Anxiety, Panic Attacks and Depression, Social Anxiety Disorder and Agoraphobia, OCD and intrusive thoughts, Addictions, including eating disorders, PTSD and Traumatic Stress or any psychological problems that do not require treatment by a medical professional. Email me to learn more about this online counseling service and to arrange for a Skype session with me.

Welcome! My name is Peter Strong and I am a mindfulness-based therapist, living in Boulder, Colorado, and I provide Skype Therapy.

Therapy via Skype is a very convenient and very effective way of getting the help that you need to overcome anxiety or depression or addiction or any other emotional suffering that you may be experiencing.

The mindfulness techniques that I teach during these online therapy sessions are very well designed to help you break free from the habit of emotional reactivity, that process by which you become identified with and overwhelmed by emotional reactions and reactive thinking.

When we develop mindfulness skills we are actually learning how to become an observer, how to witness thoughts and emotions without becoming identified with them, without becoming reactive and without becoming overwhelmed by those habitual patterns.

This is the essential fist step in any kind of transformation process, you have to learn to see what is there without reacting to it. This is what we call awakening. You learn to awaken to the contents of mind instead of reacting to the contents of mind.

When you can see emotions and thoughts and the habitual processes that produce those emotions and thoughts clearly, when you can see them clearly, then choice arises. You begin to develop a sense of not being the same as your mind, not being the same as the content of your mind, but actually being the witness, the observer that is separate from the contents of mind, and can therefore begin to develop choice based on wisdom, based on what feels better and what leads to healing and well-being.

If you would like to learn more about Skype therapy and the mindfulness approach that I specialize in, please go to my website and then CONTACT ME via email, and I will be happy to answer your questions about therapy via Skype and we can schedule a session at a time that works for you.

I see clients throughout North America, I see clients in South America, I see many clients in the UK and Europe, and further afield as well. As long as you have an internet connection then it is possible to have Skype therapy.

So, please go to my website and EMAIL ME to schedule a Skype therapy session with me. Thanks you!


Skype therapy - Psychological Counseling Online via Skype

Let me answer your questions about psychotherapy via Skype, and when you feel ready, you can schedule a Skype therapy session with me.

Learn how to overcome anxiety or depression. Speak with a Psychotherapist Online through Skype for effective online counseling for Anxiety, Panic Attacks and Depression, Social Anxiety Disorder and Agoraphobia, Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD), Addictions, including eating disorders, Post-traumatic stress or any other forms of emotional stress that do not require medical treatment. Contact me to discover more about this online counseling therapy service and to arrange for a Skype session with me.

Skype Therapy Online

Traditional talk therapy can be helpful, but often it does not change the the underlying process that creates your depression or anxiety.

This also applies to the use of medications - the antidepressant may provide a temporary relief from symptoms for awhile, but medications are not going to heal the underlying psychological process that causes your anxiety or depression.

The kind of psychotherapy I provide is known as Mindfulness Therapy, which is very successful for controlling chronic anxiety and for treating depression and other emotional issues where there exists an inherent habit of reactive thinking.

Welcome. I offer Skype therapy online as an alternative to conventional counseling or talk therapy, where you the client wants to take more charge of your recovery process. I prefer, personally, non-treatment-based approaches but rather a form of psychotherapy that teaches clients how to manage their anxiety or depression themselves, using the techniques of mindfulness therapy, that I provide online through Skype.

During these Skype therapy sessions, you will learn very practical techniques for managing anxiety and depression, of learning how to not become overwhelmed by these habitual emotional reactions, and how to bring about their transformation and healing through developing a non-reactive relationship based on consciousness and compassion with your emotions.

This is a very, very effective way of transforming anxiety and depression.

If you would like to learn more, simply go to my website and EMAIL ME. Schedule a trial Skype therapy session and see how it works for you.

Most people see quite significant changes even after the very first session with me. You will be given techniques that you can apply yourself between sessions and develop the skills you need for managing your anxiety and depression. So, I look forward to hearing from you. Thank you.


Online Mindfulness Therapy Massachusetts

Skype Therapy

Online Mindfulness Therapy

Online Mindfulness Therapy Massachusetts

Online Mindfulness Therapy Massachusetts