Skype Therapy for depression Denver Colorado

Skype Therapy for depression for Denver Colorado

Online Mindfulness Therapy for depression in Colorado

Serving: Denver, Boulder, Aurora, Fort Collins, Loveland, Longmont, Greeley, Lakewood, Thornton, Westminster, Arvada, Pueblo, Colorado Springs

Online Therapy Denver

Skype Therapy Colorado

Skype Therapy

Online Mindfulness Therapy for Depression

Online Mindfulness Psychotherapy through Skype for Overcoming Anxiety and Depression without using drugs

Talk to a Psychotherapist Online over Skype for effective online psychotherapy for Anxiety and Depression, Panic Attacks, Social Anxiety and Agoraphobia, Addictions, and other emotional problems, including Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).

To effectively recover from chronic depression you need to heal the underlying emotional reactions that constitute depression. Depression is never just one emotion, but a cluster of emotions such as anxiety, sadness, emotional trauma, feelings of helplessness, guilt, shame, anger and fear. Often we do not see all of these component emotions, but healing requires that each is addressed consciously.

This is a very central process in Mindfulness Therapy, as in many other forms of psychotherapy, but in Mindfulness Therapy the focus is on the seeing itself, on sustaining and cultivating non-reactive consciousness towards our emotions, rather than just talking about our feelings. Talking can actually interrupt the conscious connection with our emotions, which can have the adverse effect of inhibiting healing. It is the conscious, mindful connection itself that promotes deep healing. Many people come to me for help after years of talking about their feelings and often talking is just not enough to promote healing, but when they start developing that conscious mindful relationship with their trauma, fear or anger then healing begins, and often quite quickly.

The inner mindful relationship with your feelings is essential for healing and this is the focus of Mindfulness Therapy.

Email me to discover more about this online therapy service and arrange for a therapy session with me. Inquiries welcome!

"I found Peter’s website serendipitously and I can honestly say that I have had excellent results in six sessions utilizing Peter’s approach which, while based in the teachings of the Buddha, are fully compatible with any religion or philosophy."


Overcome Depression without Drugs - Online Mindfulness Therapy

Welcome! My name is Peter Strong, and I am a professional online therapist. I provide online therapy for depression, anxiety, stress, addictions and other emotional problems.

Now, online treatment for depression is a very good choice, especially if you live in a rural area where you might find it difficult to find a local therapist to work with. For most people, the online depression treatment option is a good choice and especially if you are suffering from the more conventional forms of depression that we face in society. Of course, if you are suffering from a clinical form of depression then you should consult your doctor for appropriate treatment.

But, for most people, what constitutes good treatment for depression is to learn better strategies for working with the underlying causes of that depression: Things like reactive thinking and unresolved emotional issues that fuel the depression. And for this, there are many successful forms of psychotherapies that will help you.

The style of therapy that I offer for the treatment of depression is called Mindfulness Therapy, and this is a very good way of resolving those underlying core emotions as well as neutralizing those habitual patterns of reactive thinking that sustain and feed depression.

So, if you are interested in online treatment for your depression, please contact me through my website. Let's discuss whether this a good option for you. The we can schedule a Skype session of depression treatment online. So, please visit my website and contact me.


Online Mindfulness Psychotherapy via Skype for Stopping Anxiety and Depression without using antidepressants

It is important to check that there are no underlying medical conditions that might be causing your depression, but for most people depression is best described as a psychological habit that is caused when we become overwhelmed by habitual reactive thinking called rumination. During online mindfulness therapy sessions we learn how to transform this habit and resolve the depression.

So the best way to fight depression without drugs and without the use of prescription medications is to work on changing the underlying psychological habits that creates your depression.

Perhaps the most common underlying psychological habit is that of rumination. This describes patterns of habitual reactive thinking that tend to proliferate in the minds and that feeds the underlying depression. So thoughts do not cause depression but they do feed that depression. One of the best ways to control rumination is by learning some form of mindfulness meditation practice, particularly where we practice on meditating on the mind itself.

Meditating on breathing is a common mindfulness practice that is a very good relaxation exercise, but what really makes the difference is when you start meditating on the mind. This allows you to start developing more conscious awareness of these patterns of habitual reactive thinking that feed your depression. When you become more aware of them you can begin to break free from the rumination.

We practice many different mindfulness techniques to help you with this during the online therapy sessions that I teach for managing depression and also anxiety. One of the most effective approaches is called the "Placement Technique" and this is where you learn to greet your thoughts consciously and also in a friendly manner and then move those thoughts to a lower level such as placing them on the floor. This is an interesting exercise to try. Most people have never thought to do this but the position of your thoughts in the mind, the way you see them, is a very important factor in creating the depression.

Usually the thoughts are too close and too high. That's how we see them, and it's that closeness that becomes menacing, if you like, like a swarm of bees. If you space those thoughts out and create more space around them by moving them, that takes away that menacing quality, the crowding effect of too little space, and that can have a dramatic effect on decreasing the intensity of emotional stress produced by those ruminating thoughts. So you might try practicing this yourself.

If you'd like to learn more in more detail how to apply this technique, the placement technique, and other mindfulness methods for managing rumination then simply go to my website and email me and let's set up a trial Skype therapy session to help you overcome your depression.

It's not always necessary to take medications, and in fact medications generally can only relieve symptoms, unless there is an underlying medical condition. But for most people that's not the case. It's simply that they have developed habitual patterns of rumination that feeds the depression.

So go to my website learn more about us mindfulness therapy for depression and anxiety, and if you'd like to schedule a session simply e-mail me and we can arrange a time that works for you and for me. Thank you.

This online counseling service is available world-wide, including the USA, UK and Europe. All you need is a good internet connection and you are ready to start online psychotherapy.

Overcoming Anxiety & Depression using Mindfulness Therapy

It is very important that you simply learn how to, essentially, meditate on your anxiety and depression. You've got to from a non-reactive relationship with your emotions. The majority of us, needless to say, react to our anxiety, depression or other unpleasant emotions with avoidance or some kind of resistance to those disagreeable emotions.

We do not want these unpleasant emotions and we strive to eradicate them. That is actually the worst thing you can possibly do, because this kind of reactivity makes the anxiety or depression develop and become stronger. Any type of reactivity strengthens strengthening the anxiety or depression.

What I have found, and numerous others in the field of Mindfulness Therapy have found, is that what really accelerates change and transformation is when we train ourselves to hold the emotion in our conscious awareness without reacting to our painful emotions with avoidance and aversion.

When you do this you're learning the best way to actually be with that emotion without becoming reactive and without becoming overwhelmed by it. This teaches the mind a totally different manner of processing that emotion, and also this allows the emotion to change, to resolve and to transform itself.


Online Mindfulness Therapy for anxiety and depression in Colorado

Serving: Denver, Boulder, Aurora, Fort Collins, Loveland, Longmont, Greeley, Lakewood, Thornton, Westminster, Arvada, Pueblo, Colorado Springs

Skype Therapy Colorado

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Online Mindfulness Therapy for Depression

Skype Therapy for depression Denver Colorado

Skype Therapy for depression Denver Colorado