Online Mindfulness Therapy for Anxiety Iowa

Online Mindfulness Therapy for Anxiety Iowa (IA)

Online Mindfulness Therapy for Anxiety and panic attacks, including agoraphobia and other phobias is available via Skype for Iowa, including Des Moines, Cedar Rapids, Davenport

Online Mindfulness Therapy Iowa

Online Therapy for Anxiety

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Online Mindfulness Therapy for Anxiety

Skype Therapy

Treat the underlying cause of your anxiety or panic attacks through Mindfulness Therapy rather than just treating symptoms

Online Mindfulness Therapy for Anxiety

Please feel free to email me if you would like to find out more about Online Mindfulness-based psychotherapy with me.

Everyone that I have worked with really benefits from the mindfulness approach that I teach for healing emotional suffering…

"I found Peter’s website serendipitously and I can honestly say that I have had excellent results in six sessions utilizing Peter’s approach which, while based in the teachings of the Buddha, are fully compatible with any religion or philosophy."

During these sessions I will teach you how to use mindfulness for recovering from all forms of anxiety disorders, including Generalized Anxiety Disorder and Social Anxiety Disorder, OCD, chronic depression, and addiction recovery and other forms of emotional suffering, by applying the very practical teachings of Mindfulness-based Psychotherapy.

This approach is particularly effective and you can expect to notice tangible reduction in the intensity of your anxiety or depression after the first few online sessions with me.

Online Mindfulness Therapy is very effective for controlling anxiety and depression without using drugs. Treat the underlying cause of your anxiety or depression rather than just treating symptoms.

Mindfulness Therapy for Driving Anxiety & Phobia

A very popular request is for help overcoming a fear of driving. Driving phobias are quite common and are usually resistant to standard "talk therapy." I have developed an approach called Mindfulness-based Exposure Therapy, where I will work with you via Skype, while in your car. People really respond well to this and most see dramatic improvements after the first few sessions.


Online Treatment Therapy for Anxiety, including Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) through Skype

Please feel free to contact me if you would like to learn more about Online Therapy with me.

Do you need an online therapist for anxiety? Would you like to talk to a therapist online to get help with your anxiety? Then please go to my website and learn more about this online therapy service that I offer via Skype.

So I specialize in mindfulness therapy for the treatment of all kinds of anxiety disorders, ranging from generalized anxiety disorder to social anxiety disorder including agoraphobia. I work a lot with obsessive compulsive disorder and in general the mindfulness approach is particularly effective for producing changes in quite a short time and typically people see substantial improvements after the first two to three sessions with me.

And this is because we focus on really changing the underlying process that causes your anxiety. This is quite different than conventional talk therapy or counseling. And it's certainly different than medical approaches that advocate the use of medications. I do not recommend medications for the treatment of anxiety disorders because medications do not treat the underlying condition. They do not change the underlying process that creates anxiety. Mindfulness Therapy does. It helps you change that underlying habitual process that produces anxiety and that underlying process is psychological in nature. It is basically a psychological habit.

So anxiety is primarily a habit. We learn anxiety, we are not born with anxiety. It is not developed out of nothing. It is a habit that is learned. We learn these habits quite naturally when we are exposed to emotional trauma, particularly in childhood that we're unable to process. When that's emotional trauma becomes stuck in the mind of suppressed then it becomes the seed that leads to the development of anxiety disorders.

However you don't have to go back to childhood to try and change emotional trauma in order to recover from anxiety disorders that you might be experiencing now. Whatever the cause of that habit, however it got established the place to change the habit is right now as it manifests itself in your present situation.

So Mindfulness Therapy allows you to change anxiety habits. And them the most important way that we go about changing the anxiety habit is by changing the quality of relationship that we have with our anxiety and other emotions.

So classically, the anxiety habit is sustained by levels of habitual reactivity to that anxiety. The habitual reactivity simply feeds the anxiety. And what is the main kind of reactivity that we encounter? It is primarily the reactive habit of avoidance and the reactive habit of aversion or hatred towards that anxiety.

If you react to your anxiety with either avoidance or aversion then you basically feed that anxiety and you prevent it from changing. So reactivity stops anxiety changing and it prevents that anxiety habit from changing.

So in mindfulness therapy we overcome this habit of reactivity to our anxiety or other painful emotional habits. We learn to develop a conscious and friendly relationship to our anxiety. This is the key method that produces change and allows the anxiety habit to resolve itself and become replaced by more positive emotional habits. So if you don't react to your fear or anxiety you don't feed it. So we learn to hold the anxiety in conscious mindful awareness without reacting to it. We put the emotion in neutral, in effect.

So we do this by meditating on our anxiety, or any other emotion for that matter. We hold it in awareness deliberately and learn how to sit with with that anxiety without becoming reactive, without becoming identified with it.

When we can do this then we effectively neutralize the anxiety. It takes a little bit of training, but not very much. It is quite surprising how quickly you can overcome the anxiety habit like any other habit when you start applying consciousness, when you start really sitting with your emotions without reacting to them. When you can do that then the habit starts to lose strength and begins to burn itself out.

So if you would like to get started with me with online therapy for anxiety and you like the idea of working with an online therapist like myself who specializes in mindfulness therapy, then please contact me and lets schedule an online therapy session.


See an Online Psychotherapist via Skype for Help with Anxiety

Do please contact me if you'd like help with anxiety. If you'd like to see an online therapist for help with anxiety then go to my website and learn about the online therapy for anxiety service that I offer via Skype.

So working with an online therapist is obviously very convenient and all the studies show that online therapy is just as effective as therapy in a face to face situation in a therapist's office. There's no difference, especially if you use Skype or other video platform, so you can see each other. That's the most important thing.

So Skype Therapy is much more effective than email therapy or some form of chat format. Because when you can see each other the efficiency of communication is greatly increased and that's quite important for working with the concepts of psychotherapy that can help you overcome your anxiety.

So I teach Mindfulness Therapy, which, over the years, has proved to be immensely effective for overcoming all kinds of anxiety, whether that's a generalized anxiety disorder, whether it's obsessive compulsive disorder, social anxiety disorder, agoraphobia, or whether it might be fear of driving, or any other kind of anxiety that you might be struggling with.

Mindfulness Therapy really is excellent at helping you control those patterns of habitual reactive thinking that feeds your anxiety. It is probably the best approach available.

CBT, cognitive behavioral therapy is often recommended for working with anxiety and it's quite good, but I believe Mindfulness Therapy is the next step up from CBT.

It works much more directly with thoughts and with emotions. It works on changing your relationship to thoughts and emotions rather than focusing on trying to get you to change your thoughts by some form of rational intervention.

Often that's just not so effective because your thoughts are very much emotionally charged by anxiety to begin with and it's very difficult to just try and convince yourself that your thoughts are irrational and somehow stop those thoughts from bothering you.

Mindfulness Therapy doesn't try to change thoughts by some sort of rational argument but rather it works on actually neutralizing the emotional charge of those thoughts directly by working with the emotions that fuel the anxiety thoughts.

You will see for yourself just how effective this approach is. It only takes, really, three to four sessions with me to learn how to apply mindfulness for working with your anxiety, and I will guide you in how to do this and teach you in great detail how to apply mindfulness so that you can practice by yourself working with your thoughts and with your emotions between sessions. And after three or four weeks working with me you will see tremendous changes.

So please contact me if you would like to learn more. Thank you.


Online Treatment for Anxiety via Skype

How to overcome anxiety using mindfulness - Mindfulness Meditation Therapy

Welcome. My name is Peter Strong and I specialize in online mindfulness therapy for anxiety and depression. If you'd like to learn how to use mindfulness to overcome anxiety or depression do please go to my website and learn more about the mindfulness therapy for anxiety and depression approach that I teach.

Please email me if you'd like to schedule a Skype therapy session for using mindfulness to manage anxiety.

I will teach you how to apply mindfulness to overcome anxiety. This approach is very very effective. It's designed to teach you mindfulness-based methods for working with reactive thoughts and with your emotions themselves. We have to learn how to control habitual reactive thinking because that's one of the main factors that fuels anxiety.

So that's very important, but we also use mindfulness to work on the emotions themselves. You learn to meditate on your anxiety. This is the most effective way to heal the anxiety. We don't want to just put up with it. We don't want to indulge it. We want to heal it and there's no better method than learning how to meditate on your anxiety. So I'll teach you how to do that during these online therapy sessions.

So if you would like to learn how to use mindfulness to overcome anxiety and you'd like to learn about mindfulness meditation for anxiety, please go to my website and email me to schedule a session. Thank you.


How to overcome an anxiety disorder through Mindfulness Therapy via Skype

Welcome. My name is Peter Strong and I provide online mindfulness therapy for the treatment of anxiety and depression and addictions. But mostly people come to me for help with anxiety disorders. This is by far the most common problem that most people struggle with. So if you're interested in mindfulness therapy for overcoming an anxiety disorder do please reach out to me by e-mail. Go to my website, learn more about Mindfulness Therapy and how it can help you overcome your anxiety disorder.

So anxiety disorders, generally, describe problems that are persistent, that are chronic in nature. It's not the short term anxiety that we might experience for example giving a presentation or something like that. We are concerned with persistent recurrent anxiety. So generalized anxiety disorder is one kind of very common anxiety that is characterized by chronic worrying, just catastrophizing, just basically a form of anxiety that is characterized by the proliferation of anxiety based thoughts that just keep feeding that anxiety in a vicious circle. Social anxiety disorder as another anxiety disorder that I work with is also based on a whole network of habitual reactive thoughts and beliefs that feeds a basic underlying insecurity in social situations.

And it is very important to work with your anxiety disorder and not let it grow and gain strength, because it tends to continue to grow if not checked. It's like a weed. And if you don't take care of it it will start to limit you more and more. Because one of the key problems that people experience when they're suffering from an anxiety disorder is they start to get into patterns of avoidance and aversion, that is trying to run away from the anxiety. They try to limit their exposure to anxiety producing situations. They try to avoid the source.

The only effective method to overcome an anxiety disorder like generalized anxiety disorder or social anxiety disorder or obsessive compulsive disorder as well is by actually not avoiding it but actually facing it very directly, very head on. But in a strategic way. Not just allowing yourself to become overwhelmed by the anxiety.

Then we choose to meditate on each of those thoughts. So this is developing non-avoidance. This is developing that conscious relationship. We learn to see the anxiety producing thought as an object in the mind, which is what it is, what it always was to begin with. We see it as an object that gets triggered in the mind and it arises in the mind. And our job is to see it clearly without identifying with it, without trying to push it away.

So we develop a conscious relationship with it, as if we hold that thought in a space and we embrace it in that space but without feeding it through reactivity. That is what produces change. And it can be very quick as well in producing changes and basically undoing that habit of reactive thinking that feeds the anxiety.

So we deliberately meditate on our anxiety thoughts, we don't avoid them. The second part of mindfulness therapy involves looking at the structure of those thoughts. Besides the proliferation of reactive thinking around the anxiety we also look at the actual structure, the internal structure of the anxiety itself, and that structure is in the form of imagery.

So all emotions are based around imagery, that is what holds them together in the mind, gives them structure and investigating that imagery is a very, very effective way of neutralizing the anxiety habit, the anxiety reactions, to begin with.

So to learn more simply e-mail me and to schedule a session simply tell me what times and days work for you and we can then go ahead and schedule the first therapy session. Most people see quite dramatic changes after that very first session and certainly within three or four sessions you can expect to see major improvements and a major reduction in the level of anxiety that's affecting you. So please reach out to me by email and let's schedule an online mindfulness therapy session for your anxiety. Thank you.


Online Mindfulness Therapy Iowa

Anxiety Therapy Online

Online Mindfulness Therapy for Anxiety Iowa

Online Mindfulness Therapy for Anxiety Iowa