Online Mindfulness Therapy for OCD

Online Mindfulness Therapy for OCD

Learn how to manage the obsessive reactive thinking and compulsive behaviors of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder through Mindfulness Therapy for OCD available via Skype

OCD Therapy Online 

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Online Therapist for Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) via Skype

Online Mindfulness Therapy for OCD

Overcome OCD with Online Therapy

Online Mindfulness Therapist through Skype for Managing Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) and Intrusive Overthinking without relying on medications.

Mindfulness Therapy provides an extremely effective treatment for gaining freedom from obsessive-intrusive thoughts and compulsive behaviors by teaching you how to work with your OCD thoughts and impulses using mindfulness training and the techniques of Mindfulness Therapy.

To overcome OCD and obsessive-intrusive thoughts you MUST learn how to neutralize the underlying emotion, usually fear, that fuels obsessive thoughts and compulsive behaviors.

This is the primary focus of Mindfulness-based Exposure Therapy for recovery from OCD and is what I will be teaching you during our sessions together.

Everyone that I have worked with really enjoys the mindfulness approach that I teach for healing emotional suffering…

"I can’t write enough how grateful I am that I had a chance to learn how to take control of my overwhelming OCD symptoms under the guidance of Peter."


See an OCD therapist online

Welcome. My name is Peter Strong and I provide online therapy via Skype for anxiety disorders, including obsessive compulsive disorder or OCD. Now, OCD is a very common anxiety disorder, and it's estimated that as many as 1 in 40 people in the US suffer from some form of OCD. It's also quite common in young children and children often experience an episode of OCD, but usually it doesn't last very long and most children completely overcome their OCD. When OCD occurs in adults, it can often last a lot longer and is harder to overcome, mainly because as adults, we tend to get more lost in thinking, and reactive thinking is one of the main mechanisms that feeds the underlying anxiety that is fueling your obsessive compulsive disorder. 

There are various medications prescribed for treating OCD as an anxiety disorder. But they're often not very effective and sometimes those medications create additional problems. 

Types of OCD

Obsessive Checking

There are certain main categories of OCD that we can describe. The first is obsessive checking. For example, checking if you turned off all the lights or if you locked all the doors before going to bed.

There is this incessant impulse to recheck that is based on a reactive belief that things are not completed in some way, and that's based on the emotion of fear. So the fear motivates that belief that things need to be checked again, which then leads to the compulsive behavior or sometimes ritual of rechecking over and over again. Ritualized rechecking means checking things is a specific order. 

Fear of Contamination

Another very common kind of OCD has to do with fear of germs and the fear of infection, which leads to compulsive and sometimes ritualized handwashing, where you have to wash your hands in a certain way to try to eliminate the fear that you haven't washed your hands completely. The fear of infection or contamination is often accompanied by other emotional reactions that also feed that underlying fear, fear of infecting family members, guilt, and so on. 

Needing things to be arranged exactly

A third kind of OCD has to do with symmetry. And this is quite common with children, but also adults as well and it's that sense of having to put everything in the right place, with the right alignment and organized in the right way. For example, arranging all of the pens and pencils on your desk in a certain way, facing a certain direction and so on. That fear of things not being in the right position, in the right order is what feeds the obsessive compulsive behavior of arranging things in a specific way. 

Fear of Aggresion

Another kind of OCD that is quite common in adults is the fear of doing harm to yourself or others. For example, the fear of suddenly driving your car off the road; the fear of throwing a cup of water at someone; the fear of hurting an animal. It can take many different forms and it's very distressing if you are plagued by such aggressive thoughts. And again, this gform of OCD is often exacerbated by a great deal of secondary emotional reactivity, guilt and shame, and so on. Now, it's very rare that people with OCD-based fear of doing harm actually act out that impulse, but it's very distressing. 

Obsessive Beliefs about self or other

Another common form of OCD is based around obsessive beliefs. For example, the belief that I am going insane, or that I will be punished if I do something wrong. This obsessive belief can show itself in a religious context where I feel like I will be punished if I stopped praying or if I stop going to church. We become obsessed with a particular belief and that can lead to ritualized behaviors to counter that fear. 

This can also show itself has an obsession around physical appearance.For example, having an obsessive belief that your nose is too big or that you are ugly. This can convert into compulsive behaviors such as constantly checking yourself, constantly putting on makeup or some other action to try and alleviate the underlying fear.

Of course, all these compulsive behaviors and rituals do not actually release the underlying fear. It doesn't actually heal the underlying emotion. 

What is the most effective treatment for OCD?

So how do we go about treating OCD? Well, the most common treatment involves medications and antidepressants. But as I have said, these typically are not very effective for the long term management of obsessive compulsive disorder. 

A very popular form of psychotherapy is called Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, or CBT. And this is a good choice because this approach starts to make you more aware of the reactive thoughts that are feeding your anxiety and lead to compulsive behaviors. And it is generally highly recommended that you look for a therapist who specializes in CBT or Mindfulness Therapy, which is what I teach. 

These practical psychological approaches provide the best long term solutions for the treatment of OCD. If you would like to learn more about mindfulness-based cognitive therapy, Mindfulness Therapy, then do please contact me and we can schedule a therapy session through Skype. 

Online Therapist for overcoming OCD

Welcome! My name is Peter Strong, and I am a professional On line Therapist. I specialize in Mindfulness Therapy for treating a range of conditions, including anxiety, depression, stress, addictions and also for the online treatment of OCD, Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder.

So, how does Mindfulness Therapy work? Well, briefly, Mindfulness Therapy teaches you how to control the reactive thoughts that cause reactive-compulsive behaviors. 

We learn how to establish what is called a Mindfulness-based Relationship with our compulsive thoughts, so that we can hold those thoughts in our awareness without becoming overwhelmed by them. When we can do this, then we can start to examine the underlying emotion that duels the obsessive thoughts - and this is essential for the treatment of OCD.

Working with that underlying emotion using mindfulness allows us to change the structure of how that emotion operates in the mind. So, once you can change the underlying emotions, then you take the fuel away from the obsessive thinking and this then stops that obsessive thinking converting into compulsive behaviors.

So, if you would like to learn more about Mindfulness Therapy for OCD, please contact me through my website. Send me an email and then we can discuss if Online Therapy for OCD is a good choice for you, and I will explain more detail about how this works, and then we can schedule a Skype Therapy Session for your OCD. So, please, if you are interested in Online Mindfulness Therapy for Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, contact me now.


Online Therapist for help with Intrusive Thoughts

Treatment for OCD without medication - Online Mindfulness Therapist for Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and intrusive thoughts.

Welcome! My name is Peter Strong. I'm a professional psychotherapist and I offer online therapy for anxiety and depression, addictions and also for the treatment of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and intrusive thoughts. 

So obsessive-compulsive disorder really describes a problem of reactive intrusive thoughts; thoughts that just keep appearing in the mind and that trigger compulsive behaviors. 

Now how do we manage these intrusive thoughts? Well there are certain things we must understand. The first is that you cannot remove intrusive thoughts by willpower. If you try to stop those intrusive thoughts you will actually end up making them stronger.

So we must take a different approach, and the approach that I teach involves mindfulness training. So mindfulness therapy teaches you how to change your relationship to those intrusive thoughts from one of fear and anger, which is also fear-based, to one of equanimity, of allowing the thought to be there without reacting to it. 

And also friendliness. This is an essential part of mindfulness training. You learn to make friends with those intrusive thoughts, even if they are negative thoughts or painful thoughts. 

The most important thing is to develop a non-reactive relationship with those thoughts and that will involve developing a friendliness-based relationship with the thoughts. Friendliness is non-reactive and it is not fear-based. So this will essentially take away the fuel that feeds those intrusive thoughts. 

Intrusive thoughts become intrusive because of the emotional charge that they have. It's not the thought itself that's the problem, it's the emotional charge that the thought has, and this is what keeps it coming back. 

We need to find a way to defuse that emotional charge, and the first way is not to feed the emotion. So that's the reason why we focus on developing a friendly non-reactive relationship with those intrusive thoughts and memories also. 

And one of the best ways to do this is to look at the imagery of these thoughts and then change that imagery. This imagery is what keeps that emotional charge alive and that's what keeps the thoughts in an intrusive and repetitive manner in the mind. 

But when you bring mindfulness to it you see the imagery clearly and then you can begin to help it change. So this is really helping the thought resolve itself. And when it changes his imagery it loses that emotional charge and then it will disappear. 

From my experience with working with people who suffer from obsessive-compulsive disorder and intrusive memories; thoughts including traumatic memories, I find that this Mindfulness Therapy approach to be the best approach that I have ever explored with people. It Is very, very effective. 

So if you'd like to learn more about the mindfulness approach for overcoming OCD and intrusive thoughts, then please email me. 

So medications are often prescribed for OCD to reduce the intensity of the anxiety. But I think you'll understand that's just treating the symptoms and not treating the underlying process that creates those intrusive thoughts.

So if you would like to learn more about how to treat OCD without using medications, but through through this mindfulness-based approach, do please contact me. 

Most people see quite dramatic changes within a matter of a few weeks once you start applying these mindfulness methods. And this will include meditation, but a different kind of meditation than you may be familiar with. 

Because, when I talk about mindfulness meditation I'm talking about meditating on the mind. 

So in this case we would actually learn to meditate on those intrusive thoughts. We would deliberately bring them into the mind and start building this non-reactive relationship and start exploring how to change the imagery of those thoughts. 

So this is training, active focused training, to help those thoughts resolve themselves and lose their emotional charge so they no longer become a problem. 

Generally, when you can do that with thoughts then the compulsive behaviors will also subside because there is nothing that is connected to the behaviors. There's nothing that can feed the compulsive behaviors. 

So if you would like to learn more and you would like to schedule some online therapy sessions with me, then please contact me.


Online Psychotherapy for overcoming OCD

Talk to an online therapist viaover Skype for the treatment of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD).

During our Skype therapy sessions I will teach you how to neutralize intrusive thoughts and emotions using the techniques of Mindfulness Therapy.

Welcome! My name is Peter Strong. I'm a professional psychotherapist and I offer online Mindfulness Therapy via Skype for the treatment of anxiety, depression addictions and particularly for help with obsessive-compulsive disorder. 

So this is very common. It's a very common problem. It's very distressing for many people. And this is something that responds very well to the techniques of Mindfulness Therapy. If you're interested in seeing an online therapist for OCD then please reach out to me. Contact me and schedule a therapy session via Skype for your OCD. 

So the principle of Mindfulness Therapy is learning how to work with these intrusive thoughts and compulsive impulses. Mindfulness is a way of changing the relationship that you have to intrusive thoughts and emotions in general. It overcomes this habit of becoming reactively identified with thoughts and emotions. This is the primary problem with OCD. 

The thoughts get triggered and they appear in the mind. And then we simply become completely overwhelmed by them. We become identified with and become become consumed by the thought. And then it tends to propagate and produce even more thoughts, and that feeds the underlying anxiety that fuels the obsessive thoughts. 

Working with intrusive OCD thoughts using Mindfulness Meditation

So the first step in Mindfulness Therapy is learning and retraining yourself to sit with a thought consciously, but without becoming identified with it and without becoming reactive. The process for doing this is meditation. 

You learn to meditate on those thoughts. People think that meditation is about escaping from the mind and thoughts, and it's not. That is not the kind of meditation that I teach. 

So mindfulness meditation is about learning to establish balance in the mind so that you can be free from emotional suffering no matter what thoughts arise in the mind. That's the primary focus for mindfulness meditation: freedom. 

So that's the first part of the training and I will teach you how to do this and you will learn how to meditate on your intrusive thoughts and how to re-establish this balance so that they do not overwhelm you.

You need to learn to develop a compassionate and friendly relationship with your intrusive thoughts. If you try to avoid your thoughts or suppress them or run away from them or even distract yourself from them this will have the effect of reinforcing those thoughts, and more importantly, reinforcing the fear underneath those thoughts. 

In mindfulness work we develop this inner fearlessness. This is what we call your True Self and the True Self is really nothing more than the observer within you that we train to sit with that thought or series of thoughts or to sit with the fear and not react to it. 

So the emotion of fear, like any other emotion, is based around imagery. You can explore changing the imagery so that the fear resolves itself. This is a very important part of Mindfulness Therapy that we call mindfulness-based imagery reprocessing. 

It Is the same process that we use when we're working with PTSD and recovering from very distressing, traumatic memories. Same process exactly. You look at the imagery itself, how it works and then we explore changing that imagery into a form that no longer triggers emotional trauma. 

Contact me for help with OCD and intrusive thoughts.

If you'd like to get started with me and schedule some online therapy sessions via Skype, then please contact me and let's set up a session. The mindfulness approach is really effective for working with intrusive and distressing thoughts and OCD. 

So most people who I work with see quite remarkable changes within three or four sessions. Once you start learning how to apply mindfulness yourself to work with your fear and with the thoughts you'll rapidly see progress, and that's the focus of Mindfulness Therapy. 

I will teach you how to work with your emotions and thoughts more effectively, to give you the tools to overcome OCD and anxiety. 

Please contact me if you'd like to get started and you would like to overcome your OCD using Mindfulness Therapy.


Online Psychotherapy for help with OCD

Welcome! My name is Peter Strong. I'm a professional mindfulness-based therapist, based in Colorado, USA and I offer online therapy for anxiety disorders, depression, addictions, and particularly for the treatment of OCD. 

I get a lot of requests for help with obsessive-compulsive disorder and particularly with intrusive thoughts. Many people suffer quite severely from intrusive repetitive thoughts that just basically obsess the mind and cause a lot of suffering and lead to a lot of unwanted behaviors to try and avoid and get away from these intrusive thoughts. 

So if you're looking for an online therapist for OCD and you would like help in working with intrusive thoughts then please go to my website and learn more about the online therapy service that I offer for treating OCD and anxiety disorders in general. And please send me an email if you have any questions. 

Most people really enjoy the mindfulness approach because it's very practical. It teaches you how to neutralize those intrusive obsessive thoughts. 

Trying to approach the problem of obsessive and intrusive thoughts by some sort of rational thinking approach is just not going to work. In fact you already know that these intrusive thoughts are not rational and not likely to occur, but it doesn't stop them. 

This is because the intrusive thoughts have a very strong emotional charge and it's that emotional charge that causes them to stay in the mind and to repeat over and over again. It is the emotional charge that we have to work with and that's the primary focus in Mindfulness Therapy. 

It doesn't matter whether the thought is rational or irrational. That's not the point. The point is that you have to neutralize that emotional charge to allow that thought to subside and heal. 

If you really want to stop intrusive thoughts you must neutralize the emotional charge of those thoughts. So the way we do this in Mindfulness Therapy is by actually meditating on those intrusive thoughts. 

We don't try to run away from them, we don't try to avoid them. We actually meditate on them, which means we hold them as a primary object in our meditation. We look at the thoughts and we start to change our relationship to them. That's the first and most important thing. 

So typically, what happens with a highly charged emotional intrusive thoughts is that when ever they arise in the mind we become completely consumed by them, we become overwhelmed by the thoughts, we become identified with them. 

So the first step in mindfulness training is learning to literally sit with those thoughts without becoming reactive, without reacting with fear, which is the primary energy in intrusive thoughts, or aversion, some form of hatred or resistance. We have to learn to sit with it and not react. 

That is the first training and the only way to do that is to consciously and actively focus on that thought; on training in that way, to sit with the thought. You can't do it by some other indirect method. You must work directly with those intrusive thoughts. 

The second part of our mindfulness work is becomes possible once you stop reacting or identifying with those obsessive thoughts. Then we work on neutralizing the emotional charge, and that really is mostly about working with the imagery of the thought, because emotions work through imagery and very highly emotional thoughts or images, for that matter, or memories or other intrusive type imagery. 

The thing that makes imagery emotionally powerful is the properties of that imagery itself, how you see it and the mind is what creates the emotion itself. So we look at this imagery and then we start to change it, because when you have a non-reactive conscious, mindful relationship with the intrusive or obsessive thought, then you can begin to explore changing it, changing its properties. For example making it a lot smaller. 

So an obsessive or compulsive thought, by its nature will be very large. The imagery is probably also going to be very close. And that is what creates the intense emotional charge of the thought: it's position, its size, and color. All of these details of the imagery are what actually cause the emotion. 

So if you'd like to learn practical ways of working with your OCD and intrusive thoughts, then please reach out to me and schedule a Skype Therapy session. 


OCD Therapy Online 

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Online Therapist for Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) via Skype

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Online Mindfulness Therapy for OCD