Online Mindfulness Therapy Indiana

Online Mindfulness Therapy Indiana

Online Mindfulness Therapy for Anxiety, including Agoraphobia, Depression, OCD, PTSD & Stress Management and Addiction Recovery is available via Skype for Indiana, including Indianopolis, Fort Wayne, Evansville

Online Mindfulness Therapy Indiana

Online Mindfulness Therapy

Treat the underlying cause of your anxiety or depression through Mindfulness Therapy rather than just treating symptoms.

How to start Mindfulness Therapy

The primary focus of Mindfulness Therapy is to treat the root psychological cause of your anxiety, depression, OCD, addiction, stress, PTSD and emotional trauma and other forms of psychological pain rather than just trying to manage symptoms through medication.

Mindfulness Therapy is a form of Buddhist Psychotherapy based on the teachings of Buddhist Psychology, which focuses on teaching you how to change the relationship that you have with your mind, your thoughts, beliefs, memories, and especially your emotions. The primary goal is to cultivate freedom in relationship to your mind instead of trying to control and "fix" the mind.

Mindfulness is a special form of consciousness, characterized by direct awareness and non-reactivity (equanimity, upekkha), love (metta), compassion (karuna) and joy (mudita). Mindfulness Therapy focuses on applying these qualities to promote healing of emotional suffering (dukha) and to enhance wellbeing and happiness within and without, in your mind and in your personal and societal relationships.

Everyone can benefit from developing greater kindness and compassion toward the mind and the inner emotional pain that causes suffering. When that inner relationship is right, then it purifies our outer relationships, too. Happiness within = happiness without.

I offer Mindfulness Therapy online via Skype or Zoom to make these extraordinary teachings available to anyone, anywhere.

Almost everyone who seeks my help has already tried standard "talk therapy". This may be excellent for treating acute emotional problems, but most people tell me that it is seldom sufficient to overcome chronic anxiety or depression. Most of my clients have tried prescription medications and are looking for an alternative approach, a more holistic approach that focuses on healing rather than just treating symptoms.

Mindfulness Therapy (Skype Therapy) focuses on teaching you how to work with your mind, giving you practical tools that you can apply yourself to promote healing and wellbeing. In this way it is quite different from the treatment-based approaches of clinical psychotherapy.

Everyone I have worked with really likes the Mindfulness Therapy approach that I teach for healing emotional suffering…

"I will be always grateful that I found out about Peter Strong and Mindful Meditation and will recommend his therapy to everyone who is going through tough times."


How to start Skype Therapy for Help with Anxiety & Depression

Contact me via email to schedule a Skype therapy session.

Welcome. My name is Peter Strong and I'm a professional psychotherapist specializing in Mindfulness Therapy which I offer online over Skype.

So if you would like to learn how to start Skype Therapy to help you overcome your anxiety or depression or other emotional problems then please reach out to me by e-mail. Tell me more about yourself and how I can help you and I'll be happy to answer any questions you have about Skype Therapy.

People like online therapy in general because it's so much more convenient. It means you can organize your sessions from home. You don't have to leave home to go to a therapist's office, and this can be very beneficial.

So I see lots of people who suffer from agoraphobia, and I also see quite a few people who suffer from driving phobia and difficulty with driving in general. But I also have quite a few clients such as stay at home mums or the elderly or people who generally find it difficult to leave home for whatever reason.

So online therapy has a lot of great advantages. And as long as you use Skype or similar video format then the Skype Therapy sessions are really no different than talking with a therapist in person. It's really important that you can see each other. That makes the communication more effective and equivalent to meeting in person.

Another reason why people like Skype Therapy is because it feels more comfortable in general. It is far less intimidating than going to a clinic or a therapist's office.

It's also more private too and that's another feature that many people like. When you're dealing with difficult emotional problems, or maybe an addiction, it's often difficult to talk about this in public. It's easier for you to talk in private, and of course talking to to me through Skype offers you that degree of privacy.

So if you would like to learn more about Skype Therapy and the Mindfulness Therapy approach that I specialize in, do please email me.

All you need to start Skype Therapy is a laptop, tablet or even an iPhone, which has her Skype installed on it, and you need a reasonably good internet connection, which is usually not a problem these days. And you need a quiet place in which to conduct your therapy sessions.

So during the Skype Therapy sessions I will teach you how to work with your emotions using mindfulness. Now you may have heard about mindfulness. It's a very very interesting area. It's been around many hundreds of years, of course, and traces back to the teachings of the Buddha. But now we are discovering how to apply mindfulness in overcoming emotional suffering. And it works extremely well when working with anxiety or depression or for managing the painful and compulsive emotions that are associated with an addiction.

I have also developed a number of mindfulness-based techniques for working with PTSD that are proving very successful indeed. These include techniques like mindfulness-based imagery reprocessing, where you can effectively decrease the intensity of a flashback memory by changing the way that you see that scene in the mind.

So working with imagery is actually a very important part of working with emotions in general. Even anxiety and depression has associated internal imagery and this is why we often feel overwhelmed when we are struggling with chronic anxiety or depression. Literally, that's because the emotion is very large and we see it above us in our internal imagery. That's why we use that term, "feeling overwhelmed.".

Another part of Mindfulness Therapy has to do with trying to change your relationship to your emotions and thoughts as well. This is very important because our habit is to become completely lost in our emotions or thoughts. We become identified with them and when you become identified with them then this leads to emotional suffering.

So if you'd like to learn more please email me and schedule a Skype Therapy session. Thank you.


Online therapy for anxiety - Anxiety attack treatment without using medication

Please feel free to email me to schedule Online Psychotherapy sessions via Skype with me.

Everyone that I have worked with really benefits from the mindfulness approach that I teach for healing emotional suffering…

"I really don’t want to continue taking medications to treat my anxiety. I hate the side-effects. I feel that this online counseling has given me the tools I needed to stop my panic attacks. Mindfulness therapy has been very effective treatment for me – and enjoyable too!"

During these online therapy sessions I will teach you how to apply mindfulness for working with all forms of anxiety disorders, including Generalized Anxiety Disorder and Social Anxiety Disorder, Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, depression, and addiction recovery and other emotional problems, by applying the very practical teachings of Mindfulness Meditation Therapy.

This approach is very effective and most people experience noticeable improvements after the first 2-3 online sessions with me.

Online Mindfulness Therapy is highly effective for controlling anxiety and depression without the need for anti-anxiety medications and antidepressants. It is far better to treat the underlying cause of your emotional pain rather than just managing symptoms.

Mindfulness Therapy for Driving Anxiety & Phobia

A very popular request is for help overcoming a fear of driving. Driving phobias are quite common and are usually resistant to standard "talk therapy." I have developed an approach called Mindfulness-based Exposure Therapy, where I will work with you via Skype, while in your car. People really respond well to this and most see dramatic improvements after the first few sessions.


Online Mindfulness Psychotherapist via Skype for Managing Depression without relying on antidepressants

See a Therapist Online over Skype for highly effective online counseling for Anxiety and Depression, Panic Attacks, Social Anxiety Disorder and Agoraphobia, Addictions, and other psychological and emotional problems, including PTSD.

To overcome depression you must develop a conscious and mindful relationship with your emotional pain, whatever form that takes. The main problem that prevents recovery from depression is automatic and habitual reactive thinking and rumination, where we become lost in negative thinking and negative beliefs. This reactivity feeds depression and prevents depression from healing. The more we can break free from reactive thinking the faster we will recover.

The main factor that supports reactive thinking is the lack of conscious awareness. We become controlled by the habitual thoughts that we do not see. Mindfulness Therapy provides an extremely effective way to restore consciousness allowing us to regain freedom and choice in relation to our thoughts making them less reactive. Thoughts themselves are not the problem, it is the lack of consciousness that is the real problem. Re-establishing a conscious relationship with our thoughts and emotional reactions is the most important step in the recovery from depression and most other forms of emotional suffering.

Antidepressants may have a limited value in the short-term management of symptoms of depression, but medications are not a substitute for the psychological work of re-establishing inner conscious awareness. This is the primary focus of Mindfulness Therapy, and it is very effective for most people.

Online Mindfulness Therapy, available via Skype, offers a very effective way to manage and to overcome chronic depression by teaching you how to manage rumination and reactive thinking which feed depression as well as teaching you how to develop a non-reactive and compassionate relationship with the underlying emotions such as fear, feelings of helplessness and hopelessness, emotional trauma, profound loss, guilt and shame and overwhelming emotional stress. These core emotions need to heal inorder to fully recover from chronic depression and Mindfulness Therapy provides an extremely good approach for doing just this.

Email me to find out more about this online therapy service and organize a online therapy session with me. Inquiries welcome!


OCD therapy online over Skype or Zoom

Treatment for OCD without medication - Online Mindfulness Therapist for Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and intrusive thoughts.

Welcome! My name is Peter Strong. I'm a professional psychotherapist and I offer online therapy for anxiety and depression, addictions and also for the treatment of OCD and intrusive thoughts.

So obsessive-compulsive disorder really describes a problem of reactive intrusive thoughts; thoughts that just keep appearing in the mind and that trigger compulsive behaviors.

Now how do we manage these intrusive thoughts? Well there are certain things we must understand. The first is that you cannot remove intrusive thoughts by willpower. If you try to stop those intrusive thoughts you will actually end up making them stronger.

So we must take a different approach, and the approach that I teach involves mindfulness training. So mindfulness therapy teaches you how to change your relationship to those intrusive thoughts from one of fear and anger, which is also fear-based, to one of equanimity, of allowing the thought to be there without reacting to it.

And also friendliness. This is an essential part of mindfulness training. You learn to make friends with those intrusive thoughts, even if they are negative thoughts or painful thoughts.

The most important thing is to develop a non-reactive relationship with those thoughts and that will involve developing a friendliness-based relationship with the thoughts. Friendliness is non-reactive and it is not fear-based. So this will essentially take away the fuel that feeds those intrusive thoughts.

Intrusive thoughts become intrusive because of the emotional charge that they have. It's not the thought itself that's the problem, it's the emotional charge that the thought has, and this is what keeps it coming back.

We need to find a way to defuse that emotional charge, and the first way is not to feed the emotion. So that's the reason why we focus on developing a friendly non-reactive relationship with those intrusive thoughts and memories also.

And one of the best ways to do this is to look at the imagery of these thoughts and then change that imagery. This imagery is what keeps that emotional charge alive and that's what keeps the thoughts in an intrusive and repetitive manner in the mind.

But when you bring mindfulness to it you see the imagery clearly and then you can begin to help it change. So this is really helping the thought resolve itself. And when it changes his imagery it loses that emotional charge and then it will disappear.

From my experience with working with people who suffer from obsessive-compulsive disorder and intrusive memories; thoughts including traumatic memories, I find that this Mindfulness Therapy approach to be the best approach that I have ever explored with people. It Is very, very effective.

So if you'd like to learn more about the mindfulness approach for overcoming OCD and intrusive thoughts, then please email me.

So medications are often prescribed for OCD to reduce the intensity of the anxiety. But I think you'll understand that's just treating the symptoms and not treating the underlying process that creates those intrusive thoughts.

So if you would like to learn more about how to treat OCD without using medications, but through through this mindfulness-based approach, do please contact me.

Most people see quite dramatic changes within a matter of a few weeks once you start applying these mindfulness methods. And this will include meditation, but a different kind of meditation than you may be familiar with.

Because, when I talk about mindfulness meditation I'm talking about meditating on the mind.

So in this case we would actually learn to meditate on those intrusive thoughts. We would deliberately bring them into the mind and start building this non-reactive relationship and start exploring how to change the imagery of those thoughts.

So this is training, active focused training, to help those thoughts resolve themselves and lose their emotional charge so they no longer become a problem.

Generally, when you can do that with thoughts then the compulsive behaviors will also subside because there is nothing that is connected to the behaviors. There's nothing that can feed the compulsive behaviors.

So if you would like to learn more and you would like to schedule some online therapy sessions with me, then please contact me.


Online Mindfulness Psychotherapy via Skype for Overcoming PTSD and Trauma

Speak with a Therapist Online through Skype for effective online mindfulness-based therapy for treating Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).

Email me to find out more about this online psychotherapy service and arrange for a online Skype counseling session with me. Inquiries welcome!

Mindfulness-based Psychotherapy is very effective because it works on transforming the root cause of your anxiety or depression rather than just treating symptoms. The focus is on teaching you practical tools and techniques that you can apply yourself between sessions. This is why most people see results very much faster than the more conventional talking therapy.

Contact me via email to learn more about Online Psychotherapy sessions via Skype with me.

Everyone that I have worked with really benefits from the mindfulness approach that I teach for healing emotional suffering…

"I really don’t want to continue taking medications to treat my anxiety. I hate the side-effects. I feel that this online counseling has given me the tools I needed to stop my panic attacks. Mindfulness therapy has been very effective treatment for me – and enjoyable too!"


Online Mindfulness Therapy for Stress Management

Online Mindfulness Therapy for Stress Reduction provides an extremely effective tool for managing stress. During these online mindfulness therapy sessions I will teach you specific ways of working with the habitual patterns of reactive thinking that contribute so much to emotional stress, worrying, anxiety and depression.

This approach is very effective because it works on changing the underlying process that causes stress, and most people see dramatic improvements and significant reduction in their stress levels after 3-4 online sessions.

The first step in mindfulness training is to train ourselves to become aware of reactive thoughts the moment they arise. Of course our habit is one of unawareness, which results in becoming lost in our thoughts. The thoughts proliferate and overpower the mind causing emotional stress and anxiety.

When the mind becomes crowded with thoughts it become less able to make decisions and skillful actions and more prone to error, which causes more stress-based thinking.

Reactive thinking creates a vicious cycle that leads to more stress and more reactive thinking. If we do not gain control of this reactive process it can lead to depression and chronic anxiety. Chronic stress can also lead to health problems and can seriously affect our relationships, too.

When we are over-stressed we tend to become more irritable and angry. Our family life suffers and we often become more withdrawn and disconnected from life. Chronic stress can also lead to addiction, and is one of the major contributing factors for alcoholism and substance abuse.

Welcome! My name is Peter Strong, and I am a professional online therapist. I offer online therapy via Skype for anxiety, depression and for stress.

I teach Mindfulness Therapy for stress reduction. This approach is very effective for helping you change the underlying process that causes emotional stress. Now, what is that underlying process?

Well, if you look closely you will see that the majority of stress that we experience is produced by uncontrolled reactive thinking. We may find some stimulus that generates an anxiety or concern and then immediately we start proliferating thoughts; thoughts around "What if...?" or anticipation of some kind of catastrophe.

So, this kind of catastrophic thinking, rumination, or just general proliferation of thought from the single stimulus is what generates most of our emotional reactivity.

The purpose of online mindfulness therapy for reducing stress is to teach you how to prevent this process of reactive proliferation of thinking.

Mindfulness is a very sophisticated tool of awareness that allows you to see what is happening when it is happening so you can catch these reactive thinking processes earl on, before they start to gain momentum and cause emotional stress.

So that is, in brief, what we focus on during these sessions of online mindfulness therapy for emotional stress reduction. If you would like to learn more, please read my website and then please contact me and we can schedule a Skype therapy session to help you work on reducing your stress levels through mindfulness therapy.


Addiction Counseling Online - Online Therapist for Addiction via Skype

In order to fully recover from alcohol addiction or any other addiction you will need to heal the emotions that drive the addiction. During these online therapy sessions we will focus on the two classes of emotions that need to change: the addictive compulsions and the underlying core emotions such as anxiety, depression or low self-esteem, that fuel the addictive cravings.

Welcome! My name is Peter Strong and I am a professional online therapist. I offer online counseling via Skype for help with a range of emotional problems, anxiety, depression and emotional stress, and also for addictions.

The method that I use is called Mindfulness therapy, which is particularly effective for working with the difficult and powerful emotions that underlie most addictions. During these online therapy sessions, we focus on the two kinds of emotions that dominate most addictions, and especially alcohol addiction, and that is the compulsive-craving emotions themselves, and the underlying core emotions that fuel those addictive cravings. We must address both of these kind of classes of emotions if you are to fully recover and to prevent relapse.

So, mindfulness is very good for this purpose. It allows you to essentially form a stable relationship with your emotions in which you can learn how to experience the compulsion or the underlying core emotions without becoming overwhelmed.

The biggest problem we find is this habitual tendency to identify with our emotions. When we identify with them we become entrap by those emotions and then we become reactive and more or less lose control. So, mindfulness teaches us how to maintain balance in the face of these very emotions. When you learn how to do that then you begin to gain greater freedom from the emotions themselves, and if you can prevent yourself from becoming reactive towards these emotions or becoming identified with them, then that allows the emotions to begin to begin to change, to begin to transform and heal, and this is of course necessary for the recovery from addiction.

If you would like to learn more about Mindfulness Therapy for your addiction, or for your recovery from your alcohol addiction, please contact me and we can schedule a Skype therapy session.


Therapy through Skype - Skype Therapy Service 

Skype Therapy with a Skype Therapist - How to Overcome Anxiety & Depression without Medications.

Discover how mindfulness therapy can help you overcome anxiety or depression. Get help from a Psychotherapist Online via Skype for highly effective online treatment for Anxiety, Panic Attacks and Depression, Social Anxiety Disorder and Agoraphobia, OCD, Addictions, PTSD or any other forms of emotional stress that do not require treatment by a medical professional. Email me to learn more about this online psychotherapy service and to organize a online Skype therapy session with me.

Welcome! My name is Peter Strong and I am a professional online therapist and I offer Skype therapy for the treatment of anxiety and depression.

Now, Skype therapy is a way of really by-passing the medical approach to treating anxiety or depression or other emotional difficulties that you may be experiencing. Skype therapy does not involve the use of medications and it not a treatment based approach at all. In fact, the whole purpose of Skype therapy is really focusing on teaching you specific practical methods for overcoming the underlying process that causes your anxiety or depression.

Anxiety and depression are, at the end of the day, psychological processes, and you need psychological means to change these habitual processes. Prescription medications may alleviate symptoms but they will not treat the underlying process that creates the anxiety or depression.

So, the Skype therapy that I have developed is based on Mindfulness Therapy, which is a very effective way of working with anxiety and depression without the need for medications.

We look at the underlying process itself, and this involves primarily, changing your relationship to your emotions. This is the central most important factor in successful recovery from chronic anxiety disorders or chronic depression.

You have to change the way that you relate to your emotions. The habitual way we relate to emotions is typically that we become overwhelmed by them. We become identified, blindly, with our emotions and our thoughts and our beliefs. This is what really sustains anxiety and depression.

We have to change this habit of identification, and this is what we learn how to do during mindfulness therapy sessions.

So, if you would like to learn more about how to work with your anxiety or depression without using medications, and you are interested in working with a Skype therapist like myself, do please go to my website and email me to schedule a Skype therapy session. Thank you! 


Buddhist-based psychotherapy via Skype

I will be very happy to answer your questions about this Buddhist-based psychotherapy via Skype, and when you are ready, you can schedule a Skype therapy session with me.

If you wish to talk with a psychotherapist online, then visit my online therapy website to learn about Online Psychological counseling over Skype for eliminating anxiety and depression, addictions, OCD, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, Emotional Trauma and other varieties of emotional suffering not requiring medical treatment.

Standard counseling can be helpful, but often it does not transform the underlying structure that is the real cause of your depression or anxiety.

The same can be said for medications - the medication may relieve symptoms for a while, but medications will not are not effective for transforming the underlying cause that produces the emotional suffering.

The type of psychotherapy that I provide is known as Mindfulness Therapy, which can be extremely powerful for handling chronic anxiety as well as for treating depression and other common psychological difficulties resulting from habitual reactive thinking. Most of my clients notice quite significant changes after the first couple of sessions of Mindfulness Therapy.


Skype Therapy - Home-based Psychotherapy Service

Welcome. My name is Peter Strong. I'm a professional psychotherapist based in Colorado, USA and I offer Skype Therapy online for the treatment of anxiety and depression for people who are looking for an alternative to medications or traditional talk therapy.

Most people who come to me have already tried medications and they're trying to get off medications because of side-effects or because they simply don't seem to work, which is quite a common complaint. Medications may provide a short term usefulness for treating symptoms, for reducing the severity of anxiety or depression, but as a long-term strategy medications are really not adequate. They are not sufficient because they can't change the underlying psychological process that is causing your anxiety or depression.

So anxiety and depression are produced by underlying psychological reactions, conditioned psychological habits that feed that anxiety and depression and keep it from healing, particularly reactive thinking, that's one of the most common processes that feeds anxiety and depression.

So if you want to really break free from the cycle of anxiety or depression, you have to work on changing these underlying psychological habits. These habits operate subconsciously and therefore, we're not really consciously aware of what's happening in the mind. We are aware of feeling anxious or feeling depressed, but we're not really aware of the process that's producing those feelings.

So I have developed a system for working with these underlying psychological habits that's called Mindfulness Therapy. And it's very effective. It's a very effective way of working with your emotions to stop these underlying reactive habits and to promote healing of the emotion itself.

So you can learn more on my website. But if you're interested in trying to very different approach than conventional talk therapy or medications, then please contact me and ask any questions you may have about Mindfulness Therapy.

But really, Mindfulness Therapy is about developing a very conscious and mindful relationship with your emotions, with your anxiety or depression or any other emotion that's causing problems for you.

The biggest issue that I encounter is that people do not have a conscious relationship with their emotions. They react to their emotions with avoidance or aversion or trying to escape the emotional pain through alcohol or other addictive process. There is this tendency to react and try to get away from pain, which is understandable, but which has the undesired effect of preventing healing.

So conscious awareness or mindfulness is required for healing those psychological habits.

So in Mindfulness Therapy, we don't talk about our emotions so much. Instead, we focus mindful awareness on those emotions. In effect, we learn how to meditate on how our emotions to develop this inner consciousness that is essential for healing.

So we learn to meditate on our emotions, and that is the primary process of mindfulness meditation as I teach it. Meditating on the mind in order to bring about healing in the mind. This is essential, otherwise you become a prisoner of those reactive habits.

So. I will teach you how to meditate on your emotions during our Skype Therapy sessions together, if you choose to work with me. The approach is very effective, and unlike medications, it gives you tools that you can apply yourself, including mindfulness meditation, so you can start to work on your emotions between sessions and develop the skills necessary to promote healing and well-being.

This approach is very effective and most of my clients see tremendous improvements after the first three or four sessions.

The key is learning how to apply mindfulness to work with your mind effectively.

So if you would like to schedule Skype Therapy with me, then please reach out to me. Go to the Contact Page and send me an email. Tell me more about yourself and how I can help you. Tell me what you've tried so far. And tell me what times work for you so we can work on scheduling a Skype Therapy session.

Skype Therapy is a wonderful alternative, it's so much more convenient and more comfortable for people who are looking for psychological help with anxiety and depression or addictions, too.

So please contact me if this interests you, and I'll be happy to help you learn how to heal emotional suffering using the methods of Mindfulness Therapy. Thank you.


Online Mindfulness Therapy Indiana

Skype Therapy

Online Mindfulness Therapy

Online Mindfulness Therapy Indiana

Online Mindfulness Therapy Indiana