Online Skype Therapy for addiction

Online Skype Therapy for addiction recovery

To fully recover from an addiction you must heal the underlying emotional suffering that feeds your addiction

This is the focus of Online Mindfulness Therapy for Addiction Recovery via Skype

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See an Online Therapist for Overcoming Addiction and Depression through Mindfulness Therapy using Skype

Online Psychotherapist - Talk to a Therapist online over Skype for highly effective online psychotherapy for promoting recovery from addictions, and other forms of emotional stress, including Depression, PTSD and Traumatic Stress Anger issues and other underlying emotions that are causing  your addiction. 

Online Mindfulness Therapy via Skype is a very convenient and highly effective way of healing the underlying core emotions that fuel your addiction. I work with substance addictions, alcohol addiction, food addictions and bulimia, and all other forms of obsessive compulsive disorders and I have had great success with this Online Counseling Service for Addictions.

Many people do not like the 12-Step approach to addiction recovery and would prefer a different approach that focuses on changing the underlying emotions that fuel the addiction. 

Also, many people are not comfortable with a group therapy approach. There is often shame around addiction and people prefer an individualized approach where they can work one-on-one with a therapist. The choice of Online Therapy for Addictions can be far less intimidating and will likely be a very good addition to your progress with addiction recovery.

There has been a lot of interest in CBT and mindfulness-based therapy because these approaches focus on helping you change the underlying psychological process that causes your addiction.

Mindfulness Therapy is really effective at helping you work in a positive way with your emotions so that you can gain more control and balance in your life. 

Mindfulness teaches you how to work with the compulsive impulses of an addiction so that they don't get the upper hand and, most importantly, Mindfulness Therapy helps you heal the underlying depression and emotional suffering that feeds the addiction. This is a central focus in Online Mindfulness Therapy for Addiction. 

It is important to understand that in order to fully recover from an addiction, you must also treat the underlying depression, guilt, stress or low self-esteem that lies at the core of your addiction. 

Many people feel a great sense of emptiness at the core of their being that they are trying to fill through the addictive high. But, of course, this temporary fix does nothing to heal the underlying emotional pain. During Online Treatment for Addictions, we use mindfulness to transform and heal these core emotions.


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Addiction Therapy Online

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Online Mindfulness Therapy for Addictions

Talk to a psychotherapist online for help with addiction

Welcome. My name is Peter Strong and I am a professional psychotherapist specializing in mindfulness therapy, which is particularly effective for treating addictions. If you would like to talk to a psychotherapist online for help with addiction, then please go to my website and learn more about mindfulness therapy and how it can help you. Please e-mail me and ask any questions you may have about the mindfulness approach. It is very effective and most people see it's quite substantial improvements after the first three or four sessions. 

Mindfulness therapy is very effective because it works directly on helping you change those habitual emotions that fuel addiction, whether it's depression or stress or anxiety or or any other emotion. The primary problem is that that emotional energy feeds the compulsive impulses of the addiction. You have to change those underlying emotions in order to overcome addiction effectively. 

Mindfulness is extremely good at doing this because it teaches you how to build a conscious relationship with your emotions. The real problem is that we fall into patterns of avoidance and aversion. We don't like painful emotions, we try to get away from them. But in so doing you inadvertently feed those emotions and you prevent them from healing. It's essential to develop a conscious and also friendly relationship with your emotions if they are to heal. They require others and that's what we specialize in, and I will teach you join these online therapy sessions that I authored via Skype exactly how to do this. It is not that difficult. 

I will teach you how to essentially meditate on your emotions: on the anxiety, the depression, the stress, whatever it might be. I will teach you how to develop and cultivate this mindfulness relationship with your emotions that will promote healing. You can practice this between sessions yourself. This is a life skill that I teach and it is, as I have said, very effective and probably the most direct approach there is to healing emotional suffering and for recovering from the various forms of behavioral reactivity such as addictions. So. please contact me to learn more about mindfulness therapy for addictions and talk to a therapist online for help with your addictions. Thank you. 


Talk to an Online Psychotherapist for the treatment of Addiction & Depression through Mindfulness Therapy via Skype

To recover fully from an addiction you must heal the underlying core emotions that fuel your addiction.

If you'd like to talk to an online therapist for addiction or any other form of emotional problems that are affecting the quality of your life then I invite you to go to my website and learn more about this online therapy service that I offer via Skype. 

Many people like the online therapy option for working with addictions because there's a greater sense of privacy for you. It's you can have your therapy sessions at home rather than traveling to a therapist office. So it's very convenient but also less intimidating than going to see a therapist in their office. And I consider this to be very important. It is very important that you feel very comfortable with your therapy process and the therapist that you're working with. You don't want anything to get in the way of developing more sense of empowerment to manage the emotional reactivity that is causing your addiction. 

So during these online therapy sessions I will teach you specifically, mindfulness-based methods for working with addictions, for working with the underlying emotions that are fueling the addiction. That is typically some form of depression or some form of self-hatred or low self-esteem. It could be in many, many different forms of emotion that are responsible for your addiction, but you can be quite certain that underneath your addiction there are core emotions that are fueling it. And that's what we work on with mindfulness therapy. This is very different than traditional counseling or talk therapy. It is very much about learning tools to change the relationship you have with those core emotions, because that is central. 

You have to learn how to really develop a conscious and actually a friendly relationship with your inner emotions in order to help them change and help them heal. And this is a central theme and in mindfulness therapy - learning to make friends with your own emotional pain. Quite frankly unless you do that you will never get over your addiction because no amount of going to rehab or willpower or some program that tries to persuade you not to drink, that tries to teach you how to avoid alcohol or the other substances that you may be addicted to. Those kind of approaches really don't work because they leave you vulnerable to those underlying core emotions. 

So if you'd like to work with me on freeing yourself from the underlying emotional pain that is causing your substance abuse or other addiction, do please go to my website and then simply e-mail me and we can schedule a Skype Therapy session at a time That was for you. Thank you. 


Addiction Recovery through Mindfulness Therapy via Skype

Welcome! My name is Peter Strong. I am a professional psychotherapist specializing in mindfulness therapy, which I teach over Skype for working with emotional problems and also addictions. So if you're interested in online therapy to help you overcome your addiction and to recover from addiction, then please go to my website and learn more about the Mindfulness Therapy approach that I have developed and schedule a session with me over Skype. 

So for most people suffering from substance abuse and particularly alcohol addiction, which is what I mostly work with, there are always underlying emotions that are fueling that addiction. There is inner psychological pain that is the root cause of the addiction. People use alcohol to try and escape their addiction. This is the most common situation that I find. There is underlying depression, low self-esteem, sometimes tremendous stress and very often some form of emotional trauma that is fueling the addiction. So to recover fully, you have to heal that underlying emotional suffering and that is the focus of Mindfulness Therapy. It's a way of working with your emotions very directly, quite different than just talking about your feelings. 

So I will teach you how to do this in our sessions together. It takes a little training, but once you start taking this direct approach to healing your addiction, you will see results much faster than just talking about your feelings or trying to avoid them or suppress them or other escape behaviors, that simply is not going to work. You have to work directly on healing the problem underneath. 

So if you'd like to schedule some sessions with me, then please contact me via my website. Send me an email. Tell me about your specific needs and we can schedule a session. 

Let me help you treat and heal the underlying emotional and psychological cause of your addiction through Online Mindfulness Therapy.


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Addiction Therapy Online

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Online Mindfulness Therapy for Addictions

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Online Mindfulness Therapy for Addiction

Online Skype Therapy for addiction

Online Skype Therapy for addiction