Online Counseling via Skype for recovering from depression

Online Counseling via Skype for recovering from depression

If you need help recovering from depression and anxiety you might want to look into online counseling via Skype. It is both convenient and very effective for most people who are looking for an alternative to medications.

Skype Counseling Therapy Service - Online Therapy for Depression and Anxiety

Online Psychotherapist - See a Therapist Online over Skype for effective online counseling for Anxiety and Depression, Panic Attacks, Social Anxiety and Agoraphobia, Addictions, and other forms of emotional stress, including PTSD. Email me to discover more about this online counseling service and book a Skype therapy session with me. Inquiries welcome!

During these Skype sessions I will teach you how to apply mindfulness, including mindfulness meditation for healing all forms of anxiety disorders, including Generalized Anxiety Disorder and Social Anxiety Disorder, OCD, depression, and for help with and other forms of emotional suffering, by applying the very practical techniques of Mindfulness-based Psychotherapy.

This approach is particularly effective and you can expect to notice tangible improvements after the first few sessions with me.

Online Mindfulness-based Skype Therapy is highly effective for managing anxiety and depression without relying on medications. It is better to treat the psychological cause of your emotional pain as opposed to just managing symptoms.

The main healing factors cultivated during Mindfulness Therapy are Consciousness, which is necessary for neutralizing the psychological habits that cause anxiety and depression, and Inner Compassion, which is what promotes healing and resolution of anxiety and depression.

Everyone that I have worked with really enjoys the mindfulness approach that I teach for healing emotional suffering…

"I came across Dr. Peter Strong’s website when I was doing some research on the benefits of mindfulness for anxiety. I am so happy I took the next step and contacted him. I always looked forward to each session, he made my day lighter, made me feel stronger and happier."


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Skype Counseling Therapy Sessions for managing Anxiety & Depression without relying on medications

Learn How to Overcome Anxiety & Depression without medication

I will be happy to answer your questions about seeing an online therapist via Skype, and when you feel ready, you can schedule a counseling session over Skype with me.

Online Counseling sessions by Skype

Welcome! My name is Peter Strong and I am a professional Skype therapist. I specialize in Online Mindfulness Psychotherapy for the treatment of anxiety, depression and addictions and this service is available via Skype.

Now, online Skype counseling therapy is becoming highly popular for many reasons. Increased convenience is certainly one of those reasons, but another reason is, of course, because of the condition itself - anxiety.

People experiencing anxiety often find it very difficult to go to a therapist in his or her office, in-person. So the online Skype therapist option is a very attractive alternative for the treatment of anxiety and also for other anxiety disorders such as agoraphobia and social phobia. If you suffer from agoraphobia then Skype therapy sessions will be the best way to get help.

Whatever the style of psychotherapy that you like, you need to transform the underlying structure of the anxiety or depression itself, which is exactly what I focus on during the online Skype therapy sessions.

Conventional Talk Therapy can be helpful, but often it does not look at the underlying structure, the underlying process that creates your depression or anxiety.

The same can be said for medications - drugs may provide a temporary relief from symptoms for awhile, but medications are not going to change the underlying psychological process that causes your anxiety or depression.

So, it is recommended that you find what we might call a process-centered therapy that focuses on changing the underlying process that creates the anxiety or depression. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, is an example of a process-oriented therapy.

Mindfulness Therapy, which is a form of psychotherapy that I developed in the 1980's incorporates CBT methods with the addition of mindfulness, and this is another extremely popular process-oriented therapy and it works extremely well for anxiety and emotional suffering produced by uncontrolled reactive thinking.

How to get started with Skype Counseling

This online psychotherapy service and counseling via Skype is available world-wide, including the USA, UK and Europe. Learn more about how to use Skype for therapy sessions. Web-based distance therapy is suitable for non-medical conditions and please note that Skype therapy is not covered by insurance.


Skype Counseling Therapy - Online Psychotherapy without relying on anti-anxiety medications or antidepressants

Welcome! My name is Peter Strong. I'm a professional psychotherapist. I specialize in Mindfulness Therapy and I offer Skype counseling and therapy online. This is a very effective way of getting access to professional help and learning very effective mindfulness-based ways of working with your emotions, with your anxiety or depression or addiction or emotional trauma or obsessive compulsive disorder and intrusive thoughts. Those are some of the areas that I work with online and find very good results using

Mindfulness Therapy, which is what I specialize in and have been teaching online for the last several years now.

Of course, I work a lot with people who are suffering from agoraphobia, who find it extremely difficult to leave home. The online therapy option is an excellent choice here if you're suffering from agoraphobia or if you are living abroad and can't find the right kind of therapist to work with where you're living or if you're living in a rural area where the choices are limited.

There are many reasons why online therapy is a good choice for you to look at. Another thing that's really important, besides the convenience and the access to psychotherapy, is that it's much more comfortable for most people to be able to work online. It's less overwhelming, less intimidating, because I certainly do not ascribe to a clinical approach to treating anxiety or depression. I see these as being psychological, emotional problems that respond very well to mindfulness-based techniques, ways of working with your emotions more effectively.

So the approach that I take is less clinical in nature and much more friendly basically and less intimidating for most people. This is very important. If you're working with difficult emotions, you want to feel very comfortable during your sessions so that you're able to really actively work with your emotions.

So during Mindfulness Therapy, which is what I would be teaching you during these online sessions, we work very directly with our emotions. We spend much less time talking about our emotions and much more time looking at them to see how they work, to uncover the mechanism that's creating the anxiety or depression or trauma.

We look at the patterns of reactivity that feeds that emotional suffering.

This is extremely important. Reactivity is the real issue in the vast majority of cases; that blind habitual reactivity in the form of reactive thoughts that proliferate, and layers of emotional reactivity such as avoidance and aversion. These all have the effect of preventing healing.

So learning to overcome the blind reactivity is a central theme in Mindfulness Therapy, and I will teach you exactly how to do all this, how to work with your emotions using mindfulness.

I will teach you how to apply mindfulness meditation, for example, to work directly with the mind to promote healing and well-being and freedom.

Mindfulness Therapy is a great choice and it works extremely well online. If you'd like to learn more, please reach out to me by email.

Go to the contact page on my website. Send me an email. Feel free to ask any questions you have and let's schedule a Skype therapy session if you are interested in learning how to apply mindfulness to overcome your anxiety or depression or other form of emotional suffering.


Skype Counseling Therapy Online without becoming dependent on drugs

Welcome! My name is Peter Strong. I provide Skype counseling therapy for anxiety and also for the treatment of depression and many other emotional problems that really benefit from the techniques of Mindfulness Therapy which is what I teach online.

So many people like the freedom offered by online therapy via Skype. You need to use Skype or face time or similar video platforms so that you can see each other. That's really quite important. If you can see each other then in my experience there's no difference in the effectiveness of online therapy and online counseling relative to meeting in person.

So the focus of Mindfulness Therapy is to teach you how to use mindfulness to work with your anxiety or depression or any other form of emotional suffering to facilitate it’s healing. So most people that I see suffer from anxiety.

This is a very common condition that affects many, many people. And really it's not that difficult to transform anxiety and to break free from anxiety when you learn how to work with your emotions consciously using mindfulness.

So the most essential thing to do when you're working with anxiety is to learn how to change the anxiety thoughts, those thoughts that feed your anxiety. How to change them into mental objects that you can witness, that you can see consciously, but as an observer.

This is the key part of the mindfulness training, is to learn to see thoughts as objects rather than blindly believing them, blindly identifying with those thoughts and beliefs and becoming overwhelmed by them.

So the greatest problem is this unconscious process that we call "reactive identification." Thoughts in themselves to not cause anxiety. That's a common misconception. Thoughts in themselves have no power whatsoever until you identify with them, until you take them to be truth, until you believe them in this blind unconscious manner. That's when the thoughts and beliefs take on power and will create anxiety.

So learning to dis-identify with thoughts is very important and that's a central focus. This does not mean trying to get rid of the thoughts or trying to avoid the thoughts in any way. If you try to get rid of thoughts or you try to not think about those thoughts then that will of course, cultivate more fear in the mind, which will feed the thoughts.

But when you can embrace the thoughts like objects and not identify with them. When you can embrace them completely, then that is a process that does not involve fear and will not feed those anxiety-producing thoughts. If you do not feed the anxiety then it will begin to change and heal. It will start a process of resolution as we call this in Mindfulness Therapy.

So a typical exercise would be to identify a thought and then move it and place it at a lower level. If you place it on the ground at a lower level it will have much less power than if it is operating at the level of the mind. If it's crowded into your head then that gives it power. But if you move it and put it on the floor that takes away its power. And generally if you create more and more space around the thoughts that takes away the power of those thoughts to create anxiety.

So working with imagery is a very powerful and very direct way of working with anxiety. I will teach you how to do this during our Skype counseling therapy sessions together.

If you would like to learn more about the mindful approach to working with anxiety and you liked the idea of a therapy via Skype then do please reach out to me and ask any questions you have and tell me more about your particular struggles, and I will be happy to explain to you more about how we can help you heal your anxiety using mindfulness.

This approach is really effective. In my opinion it is more effective than conventional talk therapy and it's certainly much more effective than medications, which do nothing to change the underlying psychology of anxiety - the relationship that you have with your thoughts and with the emotion itself.

This is much more important and this is what will lead to the healing of anxiety. Anxiety cannot heal if you do not change the way you relate to your emotions and thoughts. Medications simply interrupt that process of learning how to relate to your mind more effectively.

So if you would like to learn more about how to overcome your anxiety using Skype counseling and therapy based on mindfulness, then please email me and lets schedule a Skype therapy session.

Online Counseling via Skype for recovering from depression


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Online Counseling via Skype for recovering from depression

Online Counseling via Skype for recovering from depression