Skype with a Psychotherapist online for anxiety and depression

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Talk to a psychotherapist via Skype

Therapy via Skype for anxiety and depression.

Mindfulness Therapy is very effective because it works on transforming the root cause of your anxiety or depression rather than just treating symptoms. The focus is on teaching you practical tools and methods between sessions. This is why most people experience significant improvements very much quicker than is reported for the more conventional Talk-based therapy.

Reach out to me by email if you would like to learn more about Skype therapy sessions with me.

Everyone that I have worked with really likes the mindfulness approach that I teach for healing emotional suffering…

"Sessions with Peter are enjoyable – he is kind and patient and gentle. I love that the understandings I’m gaining in the sessions not only help me to heal my emotions but also contribute so much to my spiritual path."

You can read more testimonials on my Testimonials Page.


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Skype Therapy

Main site: Skype Therapist for Anxiety & Depression

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Skype Therapist offers Mindfulness Therapy

Learn how to better manage anxiety and depression. Get help from a Psychotherapist Online via Skype for effective online mindfulness therapy for Anxiety, Panic Attacks and Depression, Social Anxiety Disorder and Agoraphobia, OCD, Addictions, Post Traumatic Disorder (PTSD) and emotional trauma or any psychological problems that do not require treatment by a medical professional.

Email me to find out more about this online therapy service and to book a Skype session with me.

Welcome. My name is Peter Strong and I am a professional online therapist. I provide therapy over Skype for anxiety, for the treatment of depression and also I provide addiction counseling online.

If you would like to talk to a Skype therapist, do please go to my website and read more about Skype therapy and Mindfulness Therapy, which is what I offer online and contact me with any questions that you may have and let's schedule a trial Skype therapy session.

Most of my clients who are seeking Skype therapy are looking for an alternative to the conventional counseling or psychotherapy that you may be used to. They are also looking for an alternative to prescription medications. In my experience, the conventional form of counseling or talk therapy, and medications, may produce temporary benefits in reducing symptoms, but they do nothing to change the underlying cause.

That underlying cause of anxiety or depression is psychological in nature, whatever the trigger. Whether that trigger is internal, in the form of thoughts or memories; whether it is external in events, loss, success or failure, all the ups and downs of life. These events themselves are not the cause of anxiety or depression; they are simply triggers.

The cause is internal in the form of a psychological habit. That habit is triggered by internal or external events. But, the psychological habit is what we need to change if you are to overcome anxiety or depression in any significant way.

Mindfulness Therapy works on doing just this, on helping you transform that underlying habit.

Now for most people, if not all people, you will find that the basic structure of a habit, a psychological habit, is in the form of imagery. Anxiety or depression is produced by internal imagery that gets triggered by those external or internal events. So we need to change this internal imagery.

Most people will see quite dramatic changes after relatively few sessions, and the reason is quite clear, because we are working on changing the underlying cause of your anxiety, depression or any other emotional state that you may be struggling with.

Work on changing that psychological habit, work on changing the imagery of that psychological habit and you will soon see beneficial results.

So, if you would like to talk to me in more detail and schedule a therapy session over Skype, please go to my website and email me and then we can schedule a session that works for you. And, you can see for yourself the incredible benefits you can get through this kind of approach to working with anxiety or depression or other forms of emotional suffering.

I will be most happy to answer any questions you may have about seeing an online therapist, and when you are ready, you can schedule an online therapy session with me.

Learn practical mindfulness methods to help you better manage anxiety or depression. Speak with a Psychotherapist Online via Skype for highly effective online therapy for Anxiety, Panic Attacks and Depression, Social Anxiety Disorder and Agoraphobia, OCD, Addictions, Post Traumatic Disorder (PTSD) and emotional trauma or any other forms of emotional stress that do not require medical treatment.

Email me to find out more about this online therapy service and to arrange for a Skype therapy session with me.


Looking for a Skype Therapist?

Welcome. My name is Peter Strong and I offer Skype Therapy for the treatment of anxiety and depression. So if you're looking for Skype Therapy to help you overcome anxiety or depression, then I invite you to take a look at my website and then e-mail me through my contact form with any questions you may have about Skype Therapy and how it can help you.

So, Skype Therapy is a great choice if you are looking for an alternative to medical-based treatments for anxiety or depression. Many people are looking for something other than medications. Many of my clients have already tried medications, and the general consensus is that anti-depressants and anti-anxiety medications really don't seem to address the underlying problem. They seem to provide a short term solution, perhaps reducing symptoms, but they do nothing to change the underlying cause of your anxiety or depression.

So during the Skype Therapy sessions that I teach, I will be showing you how to work at the core level of your anxiety or depression using the techniques of Mindfulness Therapy. This is a very effective way of changing the underlying conditioned habitual processes that cause your anxiety and depression.

And these are psychological in nature. They must be changed by a psychological intervention of which psychotherapy is the right approach, but you have to approach it in the right way, using the right kind of psychotherapy.

So again, talk therapy is generally not that effective because it's not really getting into the root cause of your anxiety or depression.

So in Mindfulness Therapy, we try to change things at a fundamental level and we do that not by talking about your emotions so much, not by trying to uncover family history and and the like, but really by simply focusing conscious, mindful awareness on exactly how that anxiety or depression is manifesting right now.

So we can look at the underlying process that is generating that anxiety or depression or other emotional problems. If you really want to change something, you have to change it in the present. You can't change history, but you can change the way that you relate to your memories.

So we learn essentially how to meditate on our emotions. This is the primary vehicle for change and for promoting healing and recovery.

And conditioned habitual reactivity, by its nature operates subconsciously and we are not really consciously aware of what's happening. We simply suffer the consequences of these underlying habitual patterns of reactivity.

So the central focus in Mindfulness Therapy is to uncover these habits, the habits that cause anxiety and the habits that cause depression. We want to see those habits very clearly. When you bring conscious awareness to them that allows you to break free from that automatic blind quality of the habit.

So we learn to meditate on our emotions. Meditation is the primary vehicle for seeing what's going on in the mind. We then practice and train to stay present with our emotions without becoming reactive, without becoming identified with them, without becoming sucked in to those patterns of reactive thinking and rumination that feeds anxiety and depression.

So the more you see, the freer you become. And then from that place of freedom, you are better able to respond skillfully in a way that helps the anxiety or depression heal.

And it is very much about developing internal compassion towards your emotional pain. That's what it really needs for healing, and that's what's usually missing when the mind becomes reactive.

So there are many aspects of Mindfulness Therapy I'd be happy to teach you and explain to you in more detail. If you would like to really get to the bottom of your anxiety or depression and really promote a lasting recovery and healing, then I advise you to consider Mindfulness Therapy.

Now, people like online therapy because it's convenient. And as long as you use Skype, then it is just as effective as meeting in-person with a therapist. You don't need to be in the same room as a therapist, but you do need to see each other.

So if you'd like to learn more about online Mindfulness Therapy via Skype, then please contact me and schedule a Skype Therapy session.

Most people see tremendous improvements in a relatively short time, often in the first three or four weeks, once you start applying the mindfulness techniques that I'll be teaching you during these Skype therapy sessions.

So please contact me if this interests you. Thank you.

Best Online Therapy via Skype - Talk to a Therapist Online

Welcome! My name is Peter Strong, and I offer therapy via Skype as an alternative to conventional in-person therapy sessions. Online therapy provides an excellent way to get effective help for managing anxiety, for overcoming depression or for help with recovery from an addiction.

There is really no difference in the quality of service, whether therapy is online or in-person. In both situations you are able to see each other and talk to each other in real time, and that's the main factor. Now, of course, there are some styles of psychotherapy that require a much more intimate connection between the psychotherapist and the client. But most forms of psychotherapy are really concerned with teaching you better ways of managing your emotions. That's an educational process and that can work very well online as we are indeed seeing with higher education, which is now very commonly offered online as well as in the classroom.

So, during the online therapy sessions that I offer via Skype I will be teaching you Mindfulness Therapy, which is a particular way of working with emotions that helps you really change the underlying cause of your anxiety or depression, rather than just treating the symptoms. This is quite a different approach than traditional talk therapy.

Mindfulness Therapy is similar to Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy, or CBT, in that it works at the mechanistic level, the actual mechanism that causes your emotional suffering. With cognitive therapy you are, of course, working on changing recurrent thought patterns that are negative and dysfunctional into positive thought patterns that are life-enhancing and lead to a better sense of well-being. And that's fine, that's a very good approach.

However, in my experience, many clients come to me, having tried CBT and complain that although they have been working hard to change their thoughts, it doesn't actually change the way they feel. They still suffer from the same anxiety or depression, and this is because the thoughts are actually the byproduct of something else, and that is the underlying core emotions. The thoughts are the byproduct of emotion.

You have to work directly with the anxiety and depression or addiction, looking into the structure of how that emotion works. When you can change the emotion the thoughts will change themselves. They will simply adapt to the new state of emotion that has developed.

So, really the key to lasting change and well-being is to change things at the emotional level. In Mindfulness Therapy we do just this, we essentially focus mindfulness, which is a form of conscious awareness, directly on our emotions.

So, in Mindfulness Therapy you focus directly on changing your emotions, on helping them heal, and we do this in a number of different ways, which you can read about on my website and by watching some of the videos on my website.

If you would like to learn more about Mindfulness Therapy via Skype, do please CONTACT ME and then we can schedule a trial Skype therapy session. There is no upfront payment required for a trial session. It is your opportunity to see if this approach is going to work for you. If it is effective for you and notice changes within that first session and you would like to continue online therapy with me, then you pay for that trial session and we would set up a follow-on session. Typically I see people on a weekly basis until they have learned the skills that they need and achieved the results that they are looking to achieve in reducing anxiety or depression or overcoming an addiction.

Most people can expect to see results quite quickly with Mindfulness Therapy because it is so directly focused on changing that underlying habitual process that creates the emotions.

So, if you would like to schedule a therapy session with me please send me an email. Ask any questions you may have and then, when you feel ready, we can schedule a Skype therapy session. Thank you.

Learn more about Online Mindfulness Therapy via Skype for the treatment of Anxiety and Depression, Stress and PTSD, and for Addiction Counseling Online. Please EMAIL ME!


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