Online Therapist Los Angeles

Online Therapist for anxiety & depression via Skype - Los Angeles, California

Online Mindfulness Therapy for Anxiety, Depression, OCD, PTSD & Stress Management and Addiction Recovery is available via Skype in California, including:

Los Angeles, San Diego, San Jose, San Francisco, Fresno, Sacremento, Long Beach, Oakland, Bay Area, Santa Monica, Santa Barbara, Santa Cruz, Santa Clara

Online Mindfulness Therapy California

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Online Mindfulness Therapy

Skype Therapy

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Please feel free to email me if you would like to schedule Online Psychotherapy sessions via Skype with me.

During these Skype therapy sessions I will teach you how to apply mindfulness, including mindfulness meditation for facilitating recovery from all forms of anxiety disorders, including Generalized Anxiety Disorder and Social Anxiety Disorder, Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, depression, and addiction, including alcohol addiction and other forms of emotional suffering, by applying the very successful teachings of Mindfulness Meditation Therapy.

Mindfulness Therapy is particularly effective and most people experience tangible recovery after the first 2-3 Skype sessions with me.

Online Mindfulness Therapy is very effective for controlling anxiety and depression without the need for drugs. Treat the cause of your anxiety or depression as opposed to just suppressing symptoms.

The principle healing factors cultivated during Mindfulness Therapy are Conscious Awareness, which is necessary for neutralizing the reactive psychological habits that cause psychological suffering, and Inner Compassion, which is what accelerates healing and resolution of emotional pain.

"I realized that anxiety disorders and depression were not a disease that I needed to attack. I needed to change the way I reacted to my thoughts and emotions and view life in a different way."


Online Therapy For recovery from Anxiety & Depression

Welcome. My name is Peter Strong and I am a mindfulness therapist based in Boulder Colorado, and I offer online Mindfulness Therapy via Skype for the treatment of anxiety and depression, for OCD, for addictions and also for PTSD, which is something I'm particularly interested in.

So people ask me all the time does online therapy work? Is online therapy an effective way of getting professional help to manage anxiety and depression? And my answer is that yes, online therapy is very effective. Online therapy does work.

But you have to look at a couple of factors. The first is that online therapy works best if it also includes some form of video interface like Skype.

Being able to see each other is very important for effective communication and for effective psychotherapy. You have to be able to see each other as well as speak to each other in real time. So if you can use Skype to talk to your therapist then that therapy is going to be, practically, just as effective as meeting in person with a therapist.

Some forms of psychotherapy may be focused around developing a very close relationship or perhaps some form of Hands-On intervention like Body-centered therapies may not be effective when delivered online. But for most of the forms of talking therapy, certainly, therapy via Skype is just as effective as meeting in person.

You have to also remember that you can't get a prescription medications through online therapy sessions, but that's fine. From my point of view I don't advocates medications for the treatment of anxiety or depression because they don't really address the underlying cause of your emotional suffering.

So in the online therapy sessions that I offer, we look very closely at the underlying psychological process that is causing your anxiety or depression. You look at the process that has become habitual, that has becomes stuck and that continues to generate your emotional suffering.

Mindfulness Therapy is extremely effective for doing this because it's essentially a way of learning how to investigate your own mind, how to investigate your thoughts and emotions, without becoming lost in them. And so the first stage in Mindfulness Therapy is this, of learning how to overcome the habit of Reactive Identification. This is the common process where we become lost in our thoughts, where we become overwhelmed by our emotional reactions and we basically lose perspective and lose the element of choice in how the emotional reactivity affects us.

So being able to overcome reactive identification is a very important stage in any kind of psychotherapy, and it is the central focus of Mindfulness Therapy.

I will teach you how to overcome reactive identification so that you can effectively be conscious of your emotions or thoughts or memories or trauma, or in the case of PTSD, without becoming identified. So you can sit as the Observer and look at your own emotions and thoughts.

When you can do this, when you can develop this level of conscious observation, then you can begin to exercise choice and begin to help change those patterns of emotional reactivity.

So anxiety and depression and addiction and OCD and also traumatic emotional reactivity are, at the end of the day, psychological habits, and these habits can be changed by bringing consciousness to bear on them.

So if you like to learn more about how to work with your emotions and reactive thought patterns using mindfulness then please email me and let's schedule a therapy session using Skype so you can see for yourself just how effective online therapy can be and for helping you overcome anxiety and depression or any other form of emotional suffering.

So please email me and let's get started. I see clients throughout North America and Western Europe and the UK and as far away as Australia. All you need is an internet connection and Skype and PayPal to make secure online payments for each session. So please contact me and let's get started. Thank you.


Sessions with an online therapist for anxiety and depression

Welcome. My name is Peter Strong and I'm a professional psychotherapist and I specialize in online therapy that I provide over Skype for the treatment of anxiety and depression and other emotional problems without the use of medications.

This is not a medical treatment. This is a form of psychotherapy called mindfulness therapy that I've developed over the years and found to be particularly effective for anxiety and depression. So I'm often asked is online therapy as effective as in person therapy? And the answer is yes it is, certainly.

For the vast majority of people online therapy is just as effective as therapy in person, especially if you use Skype or similar video platform so you can see each other. That's the key ingredient. You must be able to see each other to really have good communication which is so important for effective psychotherapy. So if you can see each other then in my opinion there is no appreciable difference between online therapy and therapy in the therapist's office.

Now online therapy does offer some advantages. Clearly it's more convenient for you the client, because it means you can conduct your therapy sessions from home or from work or even in your car. All you need is a quiet place and a good internet reception and then you can conduct online therapy.

So people like the convenience, and people living in remote areas or for people living abroad, if you're based in a foreign country, you may not have access to the right kind of psychotherapist. And so online therapy gives you greater options for getting the kind of help that you are looking for from managing emotional problems such as anxiety or depression or addiction.

A lot of people like the greater privacy offered by online therapy. You don't have to wait in a therapist's office or similar public environment like that. You can conduct your sessions in the privacy of your own home and that's a big factor especially if you are struggling with a difficult set of emotions that you might be experiencing such as with depression or with addiction. So that greater level of privacy from your point of view is often just what we're looking for.

The other advantage of online therapy is that it's more comfortable for you as well. It's much less intimidating than the more typical clinical based therapy that's offered in a psychotherapist's office setting. From my point of view, my philosophy, is that we want to make psychotherapy as comfortable as possible. It should not be clinical in nature.

I personally do not advocate a medical approach for treating anxiety or depression. Medications may have some value in controlling symptoms but medications will do very little indeed to change the underlying cause of your anxiety or depression or addiction. That requires the right kind of psychological help, working with the underlying habits that cause your anxiety or depression or other emotional problem.

So the style of psychotherapy that I specialize in and find works best for the vast majority of people online is mindfulness therapy. This is a particular system of psychotherapy that I've developed over the last ten years or more that really focuses on working with those underlying habits which are primarily based around habitual reactive thinking.

So anxiety and depression are habits. They are learned habits. We are not born with anxiety or depression. We acquire these habits through time and often through trying to cope with emotional trauma in childhood. It's very common as a common starting point for the anxiety habits of the depression habit. Addiction often flows from that underlying anxiety or depression.

So we work on these habits very, very systematically in a focused way. We learn to dis-identify from the reactive thoughts. We learn to establish a healing relationship with the emotions based on compassion, which is a very important part of mindfulness teaching in general.

So if you'd like to learn more about Skype counseling therapy for anxiety or depression. If you would like to start sessions with me, then reach out to me by email. Simply contact me through my website and we can schedule a Skype counseling session at a time that works for you.


Online Psychotherapy for Treating Anxiety and Depression

Learn practical mindfulness methods to help you more effectively control anxiety and depression. See a Therapist Online via Skype for effective online mindfulness therapy for Anxiety, Panic Attacks and Depression, Social Anxiety Disorder and Agoraphobia, OCD, Addictions, Post Traumatic Disorder (PTSD) and emotional trauma or any other emotional problems not requiring medical treatment. Email me to discover more about this online counseling therapy service and to organize a therapy session with me.

Psychotherapy over Skype is particularly suitable for helping you overcome anxiety or depression.

Welcome! My name is Peter Strong and I provide psychotherapy via Skype. Psychotherapy over Skype is a very good way of getting the help that you need to overcome patterns of anxiety, or to deal with ongoing depression, or even for help with recovery from an addiction.

Many people prefer taking a more self-help approach to working with psychological problems such as anxiety and depression, and that is a very good movement. Typically, you will gain much more benefit if you see yourself as being in charge of the process of change rather than going to a therapist and taking on the role of a patient, for example. That tends to put you in a weaker position and can actually get in the way of change.

I prefer encouraging a much more empowered approach in which you are directing your own process of transformation and healing.

The Mindfulness Therapy approach that I offer during these online Skype therapy sessions is particularly effective for working with anxiety and depression in this way.

The focus is really on teaching you two very essential skills. The first is learning how to change the nature of your relationship to your emotions; and the second approach we teach during these mindfulness therapy sessions is learning how to investigate and change the actual structure of the emotion, the actual process that operates habitually to create anxiety or depression.

So, in the first approach, the first part of mindfulness therapy, it is all about establishing the right kind of relationship with your emotions.

We have to break the habit of avoidance and resistance, or aversion. Avoidance and aversion are your worst enemies. These prevent anxiety or depression from changing and healing. We have to actually learn to do the opposite to avoidance and aversion.

We have to learn to embrace our emotions in full consciousness and with a quality of friendship. We need to learn to see our emotions as being parts of our self that are in pain and require our help; they require you to develop a relationship based on compassion with your anxiety or depression or other emotions.

This is what promotes change and with all of the clients that I have worked with over the years, I have found this to be most essential predictor of change; and that is when you can begin to establish a friendly relationship with your anxiety or depression or painful emotions, without becoming overwhelmed and without becoming reactive, then the emotions will change very substantially. They need this quality of relationship in order to heal.

So, you have to learn how to become a friend to your emotions. Learn to see the emotions as being like visitors, as being parts of you that are in pain and that need your conscious and compassionate help in order to change.

The second part of the mindfulness therapy approach that works so well for psychotherapy online, is learning how to change the structure of emotions.

All emotions have a structure, and that structure is based on imagery; how you see the emotion or the thoughts in the mind is what actually determines the intensity of the emotion. This is a vital factor that we investigate during the therapy sessions together. We start to actually investigate how your emotions work and what kind of imagery is creating those emotions.

The more you learn about the imagery of the emotion the more you can change that imagery, and when you change that imagery, you change the emotion. So, this is quite an essential part of the transformation and healing process is working with emotional imagery.

So, if you would like to learn more about psychotherapy via Skype, if you would like to learn more about Mindfulness Therapy and how it can help you, simply go to my website and contact me and we can schedule a Skype therapy session at a time that works for you.


Online Therapy Sites offering therapy via Skype

Learn how to break free from anxiety and depression. Talk to a Therapist Online via Skype for effective online therapy for Anxiety, Panic Attacks and Depression, Social Anxiety Disorder and Agoraphobia, OCD, Addictions, Post-traumatic stress or any other emotional problems not requiring treatment by a medical professional. Email me to discover more about this online therapy service and to book a Skype session with me.

Online Psychotherapy Service

Welcome! I offer psychotherapy via Skype. Therapy over Skype is a very effective way of getting the help that you might need for working with difficult emotional problems.

Generally, during these Skype therapy sessions I will help you work with anxiety and depression and also addictions and other difficult patterns of emotional reactivity.

The process of Skype therapy that I teach involves using the advanced techniques of Mindfulness Therapy, which help you actually change the way you relate to your emotions. The most important thing that we teach in the beginning of mindfulness therapy over Skype is how to form a stable and non-reactive relationship with your emotions and your thoughts.

The biggest problem that I come across in the clients that I work with online is that people do not have a relationship with their mind, at all. They simply become overwhelmed by the thoughts and the emotional reactions that get triggered out of habit. This is the biggest problem, because when you become identified with thoughts or emotions then you basically feed those thoughts and emotions, you feed the fire of anxiety or depression.

So, the most important first step in mindfulness-based therapy, that I teach online through Skype is to basically break this habit of identification. When you can do that, then everything begins to change and heal because you are no longer feeding the underlying anxiety or depression or other emotion.

If you would like to learn more about psychotherapy via Skype, if you would like to schedule a Skype therapy session with me, then please go to my website, learn more about psychotherapy over Skype and how it works and then send me an email. I will be happy to answer your questions and when you are ready we can schedule a Skype therapy session.


Online Therapy Sessions - Online Psychotherapy for Anxiety & Depression via Skype

Welcome. There are many online therapy sites to choose from these days. Most of them are useful for providing resources and information about different psychological conditions such as anxiety, depression, OCD and addictions, or marriage counseling, which is also quite common online. But very few of these online therapy websites actually provide a therapy service over Skype.

I chose to launch online therapy over Skype about 10 years ago, now and it has been doing extremely well. People really do like the choice of seeing a therapist online over Skype. It offers considerably greater privacy and anonymity for you, the client. It's much easier to talk to someone through the interface of Skype than it is in-person about difficult emotional problems. This is one reason why online addiction counseling has become so popular.

Also, people like the idea of being able to work at a time schedule that suits them and also without having to leave home, or organizing a session at the office. So, online therapy offers considerably greater flexibility, and this is useful, this is very important for many people. Life is complicated and it's much easier to be able to fit your therapy session into your schedule if you don't have to leave home.

The style of therapy that I teach and have developed over the years is called Mindfulness Therapy, and this works extremely well online. There are very few online therapy websites that offer Mindfulness Therapy, and this is a relatively new development.

Mindfulness Therapy is similar to CBT but with a much greater emphasis on changing emotions directly, actually looking at how to de-intensify emotions by working with their underlying structure.

So, emotions generally have a structure in the form of imagery. This may be a new concept for you, but there is now a great deal of research out there showing the importance of imagery and this internal visual language in the structure of emotions.

We certainly see visual language in our everyday speech. This is why we might say things like, "I feel overwhelmed", or 'Things are getting on top of me", and, of course, if we are feeling emotionally confident and strong, we may say, "I'm getting on top of my emotions."

This visual language is simply reflecting what is happening internally at the psychological level. The mind organizes emotion through imagery, through internal pictures. It's all about how you see things in the mind, this internal perspective that determines the intensity of your emotions, and the more intense your emotions, the more that will affect your thinking and your behaviors. So, working on emotions is the most important level in psychotherapy; more so than just working on thoughts, because those thoughts are powered by your emotions.

If you change your emotions then your thoughts will change also. So, that is part of Mindfulness Therapy, learning to look at this imagery and change the imagery so that we can essentially take the emotional power out of negative habitual emotions. And, this produces beneficial effects all the way through as I say.

An addiction is a classic example of a behavior that is based on a very intense emotion. The emotion may be one of depression, of feeling helpless, helplessness, of feeling guilt, a feeling of intense stress or emotional trauma, or self-hatred. There are many kinds of intense emotional structures that you will find at the center of an addiction. It is this emotional energy that drives the addiction, that creates the compulsive behaviors that form that addiction.

So, working with emotions is the most important thing. When you change the emotions you change your thinking and you change your behaviors directly. They are directly linked.

So, if you are interested in scheduling an online therapy session with me, please send me an email and tell me about yourself and I will be happy to answer your questions and schedule a Skype therapy session with you. Then we can explore this approach of working with your particular emotions and helping you overcome your emotions.

Online Therapist serving Los Angeles

Online Mindfulness Therapy for Anxiety, Depression, OCD, PTSD & Stress Management and Addiction Recovery is available via Skype in California, including:

Los Angeles, San Diego, San Jose, San Francisco, Fresno, Sacremento, Long Beach, Oakland, Bay Area, Santa Monica, Santa Barbara, Santa Cruz, Santa Clara

Online Mindfulness Therapy California

Main site:

Online Mindfulness Therapy

Skype Therapy


Online Therapist Los Angeles, LA

Online Therapist Los Angeles CA