Online Psychotherapy via Skype for Anxiety and Depression 

Online Psychotherapy via Skype for Anxiety and Depression

Online Counseling Service for Managing Anxiety & Depression

Please feel free to email me to schedule Skype Therapy with me. 

During these sessions of Mindfulness Therapy I will teach you how to apply mindfulness, including mindfulness meditation for healing all forms of anxiety, including Generalized Anxiety Disorder and Social Anxiety Disorder, Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, depression, and addiction, including alcohol addiction and other forms of emotional suffering, by applying the very effective methods of Mindfulness Meditation Therapy. 

This approach is extremely effective and most clients see significant improvements after 3-4 online sessions with me. 

Online Mindfulness Psychotherapy is highly effective for managing anxiety and depression without relying on drugs. It is far better to treat the cause of your anxiety or depression rather than just treating symptoms.

The principle healing factors developed during Mindfulness Meditation Therapy are Consciousness, which is essential for overcoming the reactive psychological habits that cause emotional pain, and Inner Compassion, which is what facilitates healing and resolution of psychological suffering.

"I had one Skype session with Peter Strong and it has helped me heaps in my recovery. I am now trying to apply mindfulness in my everyday, whether I go back to depressive or anxious states, or whether I am feeling normal, mindfulness helps you view life in an easier, more adventurous way."


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Best Online Therapy for Anxiety and Depression

Welcome. My name is Peter Strong and I'm a professional Online Therapist. I specialize in mindfulness therapy for treating anxiety, for help with panic attacks, for help with depression and OCD and many other emotional problems that cause distress. 

So if you're looking for the best online therapy sites available, you need to find those that are allowing you to talk to a therapist in person and also to be able to see them using a video conferencing technology like Skype or FaceTime. The best online therapy must include this visual component as well as being able to talk to each other in real time. This will greatly improve the quality of communication and of course that is essential for any form of psychotherapy. 

The next thing you should be looking for for the best online psychotherapy service is one which really focuses more on helping you change the underlying cause of your anxiety or depression rather than just talking about your emotions. 

There are many chat sites which allow you to simply vent your feelings to someone who is willing to listen and be receptive and that of course is very helpful. But it's important to understand that talking alone will not change the underlying habitual process that causes your emotional suffering. That needs more than just chat or talking. You need to work with a therapist who can help you change the underlying structure of your emotions. And this we do at two levels really the first level is working with thoughts, reactive thoughts. So CBT the cognitive behavioral therapy approach is very good for this. So the best online therapy a service is going to offer you some form of CBT. 

I teach mindfulness therapy, which incorporates cognitive behavioral therapy, but also works more at the level of emotions. It helps you change the structure of the emotions themselves. The most important thing you will learn from working with the best online therapy sites is how to stop this habit of becoming overwhelmed, becoming identified by thoughts and by the emotions themselves. This is a problem that we call "reactive identification" and it's really the main issue that we have to change, and mindfulness therapy is one of the best ways of doing this, of essentially learning how not to be overwhelmed by thoughts or emotional reactive habits. 

You can learn to see a thought or an emotion without becoming reactive, without becoming overwhelmed. That's the whole thrust behind mindfulness therapy. So whereas cognitive behavioral therapy focuses more on trying to challenge and prevent you having thoughts, it tries to teach you to change the thoughts directly, Mindfulness therapy tries to help you change your relationship to thoughts, so that they cease to have power over you, and that I have found to be the best approach, especially for anxiety. 

So if you're interested in learning more about online therapy for anxiety and for depression and you'd like to learn more about the best online therapy service for your particular needs, please do contact me and ask any questions you have about the online therapy process and also about mindfulness therapy and how it can help you. 

I look forward to hearing from you and working with you using the techniques of mindfulness therapy and CBT, and please email me and ask me any questions you might have, and when you feel ready we can schedule an online therapy session over Skype or FaceTime and then we can get started. 

Most of my clients see quite dramatic results when they start really working on that underlying process that causes anxiety or depression. And it doesn't take that long. So you can expect to see quite significant changes usually within three to four sessions once you start really addressing the underlying cause of your anxiety or depression. So I look forward to hearing from you. Thank you. 


Online Therapy Sessions - Psychotherapy without medications

Welcome. My name is Peter Strong and I'm a professional psychotherapist and I specialize in online therapy that I provide over Skype for the treatment of anxiety and depression and other emotional problems without the use of medications. 

This is not a medical treatment. This is a form of psychotherapy called mindfulness therapy that I've developed over the years and found to be particularly effective for anxiety and depression. So I'm often asked is online therapy as effective as in person therapy? And the answer is yes it is, certainly. 

For the vast majority of people online therapy is just as effective as therapy in person, especially if you use Skype or similar video platform so you can see each other. That's the key ingredient. You must be able to see each other to really have good communication which is so important for effective psychotherapy. So if you can see each other then in my opinion there is no appreciable difference between online therapy and therapy in the therapist's office. 

Now online therapy does offer some advantages. Clearly it's more convenient for you the client, because it means you can conduct your therapy sessions from home or from work or even in your car. All you need is a quiet place and a good internet reception and then you can conduct online therapy. 

So people like the convenience, and people living in remote areas or for people living abroad, if you're based in a foreign country, you may not have access to the right kind of psychotherapist. And so online therapy gives you greater options for getting the kind of help that you are looking for from managing emotional problems such as anxiety or depression or addiction. 

A lot of people like the greater privacy offered by online therapy. You don't have to wait in a therapist's office or similar public environment like that. You can conduct your sessions in the privacy of your own home and that's a big factor especially if you are struggling with a difficult set of emotions that you might be experiencing such as with depression or with addiction. So that greater level of privacy from your point of view is often just what we're looking for. 

The other advantage of online therapy is that it's more comfortable for you as well. It's much less intimidating than the more typical clinical based therapy that's offered in a psychotherapist's office setting. From my point of view, my philosophy, is that we want to make psychotherapy as comfortable as possible. It should not be clinical in nature. 

I personally do not advocate a medical approach for treating anxiety or depression. Medications may have some value in controlling symptoms but medications will do very little indeed to change the underlying cause of your anxiety or depression or addiction. That requires the right kind of psychological help, working with the underlying habits that cause your anxiety or depression or other emotional problem. 

So the style of psychotherapy that I specialize in and find works best for the vast majority of people online is mindfulness therapy. This is a particular system of psychotherapy that I've developed over the last ten years or more that really focuses on working with those underlying habits which are primarily based around habitual reactive thinking. 

So anxiety and depression are habits. They are learned habits. We are not born with anxiety or depression. We acquire these habits through time and often through trying to cope with emotional trauma in childhood. It's very common as a common starting point for the anxiety habits of the depression habit. Addiction often flows from that underlying anxiety or depression. 

So we work on these habits very, very systematically in a focused way. We learn to dis-identify from the reactive thoughts. We learn to establish a healing relationship with the emotions based on compassion, which is a very important part of mindfulness teaching in general. 

So if you'd like to learn more about Skype counseling therapy for anxiety or depression. If you would like to start sessions with me, then reach out to me by email. Simply contact me through my website and we can schedule a Skype counseling session at a time that works for you. 


How to Start Online Therapy - Skype Therapy for Anxiety, Depression & Addictions

Welcome. My name is Peter Strong. I'm a professional online therapist and I provide Skype counseling. I provide an online Skype counseling service for managing anxiety and depression. 

I use Mindfulness Therapy as my primary approach because I find this to be by far the most effective way of helping you manage anxiety and depression. 

So mindfulness therapy teaches you how to change the way that you relate to your emotions so that you do not become overwhelmed by them and you do not become lost and the proliferation of reactive thinking and rumination which feeds anxiety and depression if you like to learn more about this Skype counseling service do please go to my website and watch more of the videos posted there and read more about the mindfulness-based counseling that I offer so you can save yourself if this is going to be appropriate for you. 

Most people that I work with really enjoy the mindfulness counseling approach. It's quite different than conventional talk therapy. It's much more focused on changing the underlying process that creates anxiety and depression in the first place. It gives you the tools to do that. It teaches you how to manage your emotions more effectively and that's really what makes it so effective. 

It's not just what we do during sessions but what you do at home yourself between sessions, in which you apply the mindfulness techniques that I teach you. This is what produces the real change. This is the equivalent of having two to three sessions every day with a therapist. 

So most people who start Skype counseling with me see results within a matter of two to three weeks instead of months or years of conventional therapy. 

Also this Skype counseling service that I offer is available worldwide wherever you live. All you need is a suitable internet connection and Skype and also PayPal to make secure online payments for your sessions. 

So if you would like to learn more about this online counselling service for managing anxiety and depression then please go to my website and feel free to send me an email with any questions you may have about online counselling using Skype and the Mindfulness Therapy approach that I offer. 

So I look forward to hearing from you and I look forward to meeting you and teaching you the mindfulness-based approaches that I've developed over the years to help you manage your anxiety and depression more effectively.


Mindfulness Psychotherapy via Skype

Learn how to break free from anxiety and depression. Talk to a Therapist Online via Skype for effective online therapy for Anxiety, Panic Attacks and Depression, Social Anxiety Disorder and Agoraphobia, OCD, Addictions, Post-traumatic stress or any other emotional problems not requiring treatment by a medical professional. Email me to discover more about this online therapy service and to book a Skype session with me.

Welcome! I offer psychotherapy via Skype. Therapy over Skype is a very effective way of getting the help that you might need for working with difficult emotional problems. 

Generally, during these Skype therapy sessions I will help you work with anxiety and depression and also addictions and other difficult patterns of emotional reactivity.

The process of Skype therapy that I teach involves using the advanced techniques of Mindfulness Therapy, which help you actually change the way you relate to your emotions. The most important thing that we teach in the beginning of mindfulness therapy over Skype is how to form a stable and non-reactive relationship with your emotions and your thoughts.

The biggest problem that I come across in the clients that I work with online is that people do not have a relationship with their mind, at all. They simply become overwhelmed by the thoughts and the emotional reactions that get triggered out of habit. This is the biggest problem, because when you become identified with thoughts or emotions then you basically feed those thoughts and emotions, you feed the fire of anxiety or depression.

So, the most important first step in mindfulness-based therapy, that I teach online through Skype is to basically break this habit of identification. When you can do that, then everything begins to change and heal because you are no longer feeding the underlying anxiety or depression or other emotion.

If you would like to learn more about psychotherapy via Skype, if you would like to schedule a Skype therapy session with me, then please go to my website, learn more about psychotherapy over Skype and how it works and then send me an email. I will be happy to answer your questions and when you are ready we can schedule a Skype therapy session. 


Learn practical mindfulness methods to help you eliminate anxiety or depression

Get help from a Psychotherapist Online over Skype for highly effective online psychotherapy for Anxiety Disorders, Panic Attacks and Depression, Social Anxiety Disorder and Agoraphobia, OCD, Addictions, PTSD and Traumatic Stress or any other forms of emotional stress that do not require treatment by a medical professional. Contact me to find out more about this online counseling service and to schedule a online therapy session with me.

I use this technique called Mindfulness Therapy, which is a very good way of working with difficult emotions. It is really quite different than conventional talk therapy because it helps you change the underlying structure of the process itself that creates your emotional suffering, whether that is anxiety or depression or fear or compulsion.

Because it is such a direct approach, unlike talk therapy or counseling, you can expect to see quite significant changes in your emotions after, usually, 3 or 4 sessions of Mindfulness Therapy. We are working on the actual mechanism that creates that anxiety or depression or trauma, and that's why Mindfulness Therapy is so successful.

It's not just about trying to fix things, it's about actually growing and developing your full capacity. So, that's another extremely important part of online Mindfulness Therapy.

If you are interested in learning more about online therapy sessions do please go to my website and read more of the pages and watch more of the videos there to get a sense of this process. When you feel ready CONTACT ME. SEND ME AN EMAIL and then we can schedule an online therapy session.

All you need is an internet connection, Skype and PayPal to make secure online payments for your sessions and you are ready to go.

And, as I say, this is very different than conventional counseling; it's very much faster and very much more empowering, and I really do expect my clients to see significant improvements after the first 2 or 3 sessions. Even the first session will produce some significant changes for you. So please go to my website and email me to schedule an online therapy session.

The first session is a trial session, which means there is no upfront payment and if you feel that it is not right for you then there is no payment due. You only pay for that session if you like the work, that you experience improvements within that first session and that you want to continue sessions with me. Then you would pay for that trial session.

So, if this interests you, please contact me and we can schedule a Skype therapy session. Thank you.


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Online Psychotherapy via Skype for Anxiety and Depression

Online Psychotherapy via Skype for Anxiety and Depression